Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Re: Psychic channels Michael

EDIT: If someone genuinely wants to know what happened i'll share...

love & peace
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Re: Psychic channels Michael

This was a post on another forum, a girl Imet on that forum. This wasn't any kind of psychic forum so she was very brave to post it. I don't know how to put it in the quote box so I'll just cut and paste. I resonated with it.



Im not the type of person who enjoys to post very much but I will do it again, just to share what my heart is feeling.

An experience I really enjoyed last night, and had my entire day full of a deep sensation of joy and peace.

For the haters and skepticals I will not bother to be mocked.Cause nothing they might say after read this will be strong or powerful enough, to debunk the pleasent peace Im tasting.


Im a deep spiritual person, a kind of true follower of Jesus, above any religion.I feel him we have a strong connection.I borned at a Holy Friday exactly at 3 p.m.So I always seeked for faith, without any doutrine, but a tie with God and Angels, and High Beings.

I m a sensitive also, I do not like to claim it ( I do not do predictions) , I do not own blogs or do search any kind of attention for it.But...I can sense, hear and sometimes see things, its natural since my 2 years old.

So since he left... I´ve been giving Michael a candle, and my deepest vows and prays of his happiness.Humbly asking even if it needed to take years for him to answer me a simple sign he is really calm and fine...

And last night...He attended.

I got a very very deep headache in the middle of my forehead, and I know what it means, no painkillers in the world even DEMEROL, DIPRIVAN,PROPOFOL mixed together are able to take it away...It just goes if...I see, hear, sense or dream.

So I went to sleep...

Did not took too long indeed, I was again with 17, with 17 here on Brazil most girls are hunting or being hunted by boys, I was and Im still very shy, childlike and fragile.

At that time my biggest and most loved hero was my grandfather, who is with God a few years already, and his home was a kind of safe place for me.So on my vivid dream, cause its more vivid than this reality, the colors have more brightness, the smells, and feelings are deeper. I was back to my grandparents home, I could hear my grandmother who is dead too, saying "Melissa welcome, we were waiting for you, we have a surprise".

So my granfather sitting on his favorite chair was listenning Will Be There, indeed when he was alive he used to love Michael from the bottom of his soul, it was him who gave me my Bad album.

Then he pointed to me to go till the kitchen...

And He Was There.
He was there sitting on a simple table, a cup of water near his right hand.A candle as same as I had gave him on the top.

Michael smiled to me.I noticed he was looking the way I love more, as on the clip of Will Be There as well.But this time improved, his hair was longer, on the middle of the back, his skin clear without any patches, the nose fixed, and his eyes were glowing more than ever.

Before I say anything he wishespered with his full voice, not the child tone, his manly one that is deeper.

"This is how you remember me, little one.So I came as you liked it."

I got stuck and he said also "Sorry I could not come prior, I´ve been busy.You should Know the things here are completly different of what we can ever conceive."

So I bowed, and he made me approach him, and putted my head on his knee, and with a such gentle and caring way started to touch my curlies.

Again I tried to talk, but I was unable he was reading my mind.

And said "You might know, Im better than never,believe me, I am.I am working hard, here I can do 1 million songs in one second, and finally I have kids everywhere, those who did not borned yet and those who just got the trip back to Home.Cause its what we call here , just trip to Home."

I looked to him, the light he was having so intense.
(Yes I can recover dreams in details)

Michael said, "I do not want tears.Please if you want to feed my soul, no more tears, no more.It hurts and pain is something we do not afford here, where I am.Hate or evilness, anger, despair , sorrow are also not allowed.So no more tears.Little girl, I wished I was able to attend everyone, but it´s not my own decision, so please, I humbly ask you to advise as much as you can, that Im ok, and I do not want more crying.It need to stop.I want happiness.

No one will ever be sure of what happened to me, some will say it was addiction, and will even try to prove was it, other will claim some suppositions, but the truth it was I got called.It was my time.I borned to never grow old.So I took the trip.Its not necessary to complain how I came here, the most important is,Im here.And Im very happy.


But cause its was not me with my true will.I was confused.

Now Im free, and I can recall all the good things I did and was really created for.With no ties, no regrets, and Im glad for this opportunity.I trully feel blessed.

So he standed, and holded, holded me in so sweet and tender way, I can still feel it, even the silk of his dress shirt.Kissed as an older brother my forehead, exactly where I was having the headache.And my grandfather came , he took Michael hand, and I finally said something.

“Will us see you again?”

He noded, “yes soon , soon.But do not ask yourself when it will be this soon”.

I woke.

A long time ago I learned how to recall dreams.So I turned the radio, and the most weird, was passing Will Be There.
I got back to dream, and I dreamed quick with him again, he was recording back in time We Are The World, and he gave me a smile and said “i told it will be soon, and Im working now”.

After that I took a bath, and got bed again, but had not dreams anymore.
As I said, its not to no one believe, its much more just to open my heart, and on it, I swear its true.

He is fine.

“Our Spirit Never Die”


WOW! Such a vivid dream.
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Re: Psychic channels Michael

Wow...that girl dream was just amazing ! I truly believe in all these spiritual experiences. And dreams are one of the plenty ways that people *in the other side* have to comunicate with us and let us know they are ok.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I asked my phychic friend to have a look at those videos and she thinks they are fake...she is 99% sure they are scripted and planned :(
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I asked my phychic friend to have a look at those videos and she thinks they are fake...she is 99% sure they are scripted and planned :(

yea its sad. her eyes look like she is reading from something. and the camera never zooms in and out.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I think ya'll are crazy to think that was scripted! lol. I've witnessed channeling like this in person many times. It is absolutely normal for the medium to go into a "stare"...whether looking down or elsewhere. Bonnie's eyes did not even move, like she was reading. :p I think some get too caught up in how it "looks" when they should be paying attention to how it felt.

We've got a lot of opinions in here from psychic and non psychic people taking both sides. Ultimately what matters is what you feel yourself though. None of us will really know whether it was genuine or not.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I definetly don't think that she was reading. Her eyes were really intensely focused in one spot, they didn't 'scan' like eyeballs do when they are reading either. The tone of her voice never changes, her body doesn't really move.

Keep in mind, I am no psychic or medium and I don't claim to be, but I get really intense feelings when I watch these videos. They brought tears to my eyes the first time because it really truly felt like Michael was talking.

I feel blessed and lucky to have gotten to hear and see the videos :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I think ya'll are crazy to think that was scripted! lol.

I think it is a perfectly valid possibility, just as valid as saying that she really was speaking to Michael ;)

I am not 100% sure either way.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

It is purely a gut feeling kind of thing. It irritates me sometimes that there is no 100% way of knowing whether it's true or
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Yeah I know... the only 100% possibility that we know for sure is if we experience it ourselves or when we cross over.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Yeah I know... the only 100% possibility that we know for sure is if we experience it ourselves or when we cross over.

I think that when I cross over, if I try to talk to my family they will ignore me and think they are crazy :fool: LOL I hope someone will listen to me though, when that day comes (in hopefully a long, long time)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I think that when I cross over, if I try to talk to my family they will ignore me and think they are crazy :fool: LOL I hope someone will listen to me though, when that day comes (in hopefully a long, long time)
Yeah, I'm sure this is a great frustration for the spirits. I'm sure they're trying their best. The only thing that may help is meditation and a still mind. Imagine a room full of people having a party and loud music; unless it is quiet a person trying to catch your attention from the other side of the room won't have many chances, no matter how much they shout! lol
Re: Psychic channels Michael

"You might know, Im better than never,believe me, I am.I am working hard, here I can do 1 million songs in one second, and finally I have kids everywhere, those who did not borned yet and those who just got the trip back to Home.Cause its what we call here, just trip to Home."

I looked to him, the light he was having so intense.

Thx for posting this vivid dream!
It is the most beautiful thing i have read since Michael passed away, honestly.

I especially love the piece i pasted above, because i am a musician and to hear michael say he can write so many songs in such a short time is amazing!
I hope to co-write songs with Michael when my time has come to leave this reality! That has been my dream, and i soo want that to come true one day!

Keep writin' them songs over there Mike, can't wait to hear them! :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

WOW! Such a vivid dream.

I wouldn’t say it was a dream it was just like traveling to another reality. I had a similar dream when I visited my grandparents. I even remember the smell of mountains and ocean and flowers in their new garden. After that I stopped crying because it was more real that my life.
I dreamed about Michael too but it was shorter than this girl experience. it was so real as well. I still remember a delicate hug he gave me and his cheek was so soft. It was the same kind of hug like relatives give to each other. I just didn’t see Heaven. I think because it was just 1 week after he passed away. In my dream he appeared in the middle of the light in darkness. His hair was long and straight and he was wearing a red shirt. I still remember this hug it was such a great experience. I remember his body, he was so slim and his shirt wasn’t silky. It was just soft material. He didn’t talk to me he just gave me a hug but somewhere in my mind I understand what this hug means. It feels the same like you do not need to speak, you can feel.The meaning of the hug was “Thank you and do not worry about me”

Thanks for sharing your experience. A lot of people have had these kinds of dreams.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

yea its sad. her eyes look like she is reading from something. and the camera never zooms in and out.

I don't think it means she was fake even if she was reading, it wouldn't make me think she was fake just because of that, I know that I write it down when I'm open to spirit, because I would not remember it if I didn't and people use different methods that work more effectively for them,although I don't think Bonnie does write it down having said that ,as I think she would say so if she was.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Now THAT...was beautiful. My spirit resonates with this story completely...I do believe it was genuine and real. What a wonderful experience to have. (sigh)... seriously guys, I'm not suicidal or, I am not afraid of death. I'm actually looking forward to when it is my time to "go back home". (I've always called it this too!)

What we should remember most about this girls story, is the part where Michael said he didn't want any more tears...because he's ok, he's happy, and he wants us to be happy. So...let's be happy guys! :D

Me too... I felt there was no doubt that she had communicated with MJ spirit. I thought it was so beautiful that she had lit a candle everyday since MJ passing and would have waited for ever for a message that he was ok
Re: Psychic channels Michael

The question is if we are going to meet Michael when we die or we still will be unable to do this? There are any criteria for spirits to meet other spirit? Anybody has an answer or any ideas?
Re: Psychic channels Michael

i dont kno ,great question .
but i would like for michael to meet up with other family memebrs , maybe marlons twin and um his grandmother etc ..and james brown people he knew so he wasnt alone ?
i dont kno im learning myself babe
Re: Psychic channels Michael

The question is if we are going to meet Michael when we die or we still will be unable to do this? There are any criteria for spirits to meet other spirit? Anybody has an answer or any ideas?

I'm wondering that myself. Are spirits even able to see each other?
Re: Psychic channels Michael

i dont kno ,great question .
but i would like for michael to meet up with other family memebrs , maybe marlons twin and um his grandmother etc ..and james brown people he knew so he wasnt alone ?

That is a lovely thought wendi :)

I don't know.........I want Michael to visit me SO BADLY... gosh, just anything, even for a minute......something concrete to prove to me that this kind of thing is real.........I believe it but I want to experience it for myself.......but deep down I think I would I have a kind of 'wall' that would most probably stop any contact...not just with Michael, with ANY spirit I mean...

And then sometimes I curse myself for even believing Michael would come to visit me lmao...I mean really why would he? :cry: I am just a fan and there are millions of us...

I sound like a loon, I know :rollin:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

When we die, we definitely meet all our loved ones. I don't know about people like MJ, Elvis etc... but why wouldn't we? Ok, I doubt we would be with MJ all the time but surely we would be able to have access to him at some point. I mean, even though there are millions of us, eternity is a long time! LOL And MJ really loved his fans, so I'm sure there will be many special occasions to meet him! :D
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Oh, forgot to say, some people asked asked how Michael appears to my psychic friend. She said he appears very similar to how he looked like in the O2 press conference. I wish I could see what she sees!!! So jealous! lol
Re: Psychic channels Michael

LOL I can see Michael's spirit hosting 'get togethers' to 'haunt' the awful journalists who wrote such nasty things about him... :throwingstones: hahahaha
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I have been following this thread and reading about everyones experiences.I have gone to type this post many times but have never done it for some reason.
As there are a lot of spiritual people on here I will now share mine.
This is going to be long but please bear with me as I may be able to answer some of your questions :)

I sadly lost my dad when I was 13 years old and since then I have been interested in the afterlife but it wasn't until my mum passed away in 1998 that I became very interested in the subject.
My mum passed so suddenly in her sleep.She wasn't ill and it was a complete shock :cry:
I was 3 months pregnant with my first child at the time too :(

A week after she passed I had a very vivid dream where we were in her house and she was saying goodbye to me and that she was so sorry to be leaving me but she had no choice in the matter.I hugged her and then I woke up.It was so real I cannot begin to tell you!
After this though I felt more at peace.

In 2006 I saw an ad in a local newspaper about a psychic fair being on at a pub in our local town. I decided to go along not expecting much.
I walked round and there were various mediums,tarot readers etc at tables doing readings.
I stopped at one guy and he said would you like a reading.I said ok.
He told me my dad was standing next to me holding out a white rose for me because I was always his little rose.
He described my dad down to a tee and he told me what he had died of and what time of year it was.
He also told me various things about my mum which he didn't just guess at.
He told me that my youngest son has the gift that my grandad had which is drawing.My son is a fantastic drawer!
What was the icing on the cake was that we had just installed a new fireplace.
The medium said to me "your mum says that the new fireplace looks great!"
Now unless he was behind us in the queue when we were ordering it in B&Q there was no way he would of known this!
I came away that day in tears. I couldn't believe I had just communicated through this man with my mum and dad who I had not seen in such a long time :cry:

I then became very interested in the subject and wanted to know more.
I read loads of books by Sylvia Browne,Gordon Smith,Betty Shine,John Edward.
These helped me to understand many things I recomend them.

Whether you believe what I am going to say next is up to you but it did happen.
I started to hear a banging in our house like someone was tapping the wall.
It was really loud and it sounded like it was coming from the inside of the wall in our kitchen.
It seemed to only happen at first when I was on my own which really freaked me out!
Then it started to happen when my husband was home and my children could also hear it.
We had our heating system checked thinking it could be the pipes banging.The trouble was it never happened when we had anybody else in the house.
The heating was fine plus it was summer and it wasn't even on.
To cut a long story short it continued to be more frequent and louder.
My dog would bark like mad at the noise but also when the noise wasn't happeneing he would bark at the doorway but nothing was there.He would also sit and it would look as if he was following something around the room with his eyes.
I started to keep a diary of events and how many knocks I would here and when.
It was happening for 5-10 mins up to 20 times a day!
One night my husband was at work and the knocking was so loud I was petrified!!
I was so glad when he got home.
We then started to think of the possibility that our house was haunted!
We did a bit of ringing around and I was told about a pyschic not far from me.
She again told me many things regarding my mum and dad.Including how my mum and gran passed.
She also said that my dad say's "hello to Charley" She asked me if Charley was a dog.I said yes.She said he is a terrier and you have been worried about him lately something to do with his size.I said yes he is a yorkshire terrier and he is quite small.She said you have no need to worry about him and that my dad loves dogs.I said yes he does.
She also told me that I have family in Australia (which is true) and that they had come over recently and we had a family reunion (which again was true) and that my mum was there with us all.
I asked her if she could help with the problems happening in our house but it wasn't her area.She had never dealt with anything like that before.She did give me the number of a psychic researcher who does deal with these things.
I contacted him and made an appointment for him to come out to the house.He brought a medium with him.
She went into a trance state and immediatly picked up on this woman.
It turns out that our house was built on top of a mine shaft years ago as the area was a mining area (we later checked this out at the mining museum and yes it was true)
Her husband and son had both fallen down the mine shaft and had died.
Somehow the woman had got stuck (which can happen if they can't except what has happend) in this time frame and she was banging at the top of the mine shaft hoping to get a response from her son and husband.
She would not accept what had happened and chose to return to that moment than go into the light when her time came.
I was told that because I had read so much about the spiritual side of life it can "open" you up to spiritual experiences like this.Like turning a light on and the woman saw this as her chance of communicating with me.
The medium went on to describe what the lady looked like, suddenly I remembered this face I kept seeing in my dream.It wasn't very pleasent and I continued my description and she was amazed.We had both seen the same face!!!
I was told to try to block out the noise of her knocking and to keep telling her to go towards the light.This wasn't working so they came out again to talk to her.
Unfortunately although the knocking did die down a bit I was still scared so we decided to sell up.
I can now say I am living in a nice house with no knocking noises at all.
I was asked if I wanted to go to mediumship classes but after what happened I decided not to go any further with it.Maybe one day I will as there is obviously something there.
The most important thing whenever you "open up" is that you must shut your mind off from it after, and this is what I wasn't doing so I was picking up negative spirits as well.

I asked a medium once who do we meet on the otherside? Is it just family or can we meet anyone?
I was told that whoever we had a connection with we will meet again,be it negative or positive.
That is why it is so important not to fall out with anyone long term because it really does all come back to us when we get there.

I truely believe that EVERYONE OF US WILL meet Michael one day however crazy that might sound to some people.If you had a connection to his soul and he effected your life you will get to meet him.To be honest this is the only thing which is getting me through this.I KNOW that there is life after death.We do live on!

I have had a few experiences with Michael and I am positive it was him.But I will leave them for another post as I'm sure you have read enough for now :)

The psychic researcher who came to my house is called Archibald Lawrie (I hadn't heard of him before I had met him) He has made some very good books about his call outs.I believe I am in book 3 but I havn't seen it or read it but he asked my permission if he could include me in it.
This is the link for book 2 of his
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I have been following this thread and reading about everyones experiences.I have gone to type this post many times but have never done it for some reason.
As there are a lot of spiritual people on here I will now share mine....

Wow, thank you for sharing your experiences! I have read countless stories like this, and have also experienced similar events. I also believe that we will all get to meet Michael one doubt. It's like...the concept of God, really. It's believed my many that we will all get to meet God when we die. So, that's ALL the people in the world...each getting to meet one man. :p I think the way it works is unexplainable in terms that we on Earth can understand. Just like the concept of being in many places at one time... or making a million songs in 1 second. We may not be able to understand or explain it, but that doesn't stop it from being so.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

The most important thing whenever you "open up" is that you must shut your mind off from it after, and this is what I wasn't doing so I was picking up negative spirits as well.
I have had a few experiences with Michael and I am positive it was him.But I will leave them for another post as I'm sure you have read enough for now :)
Can't wait to hear your MJ stories. That sounds creepy, about having to close your mind so you don't pick up negative spirits. I do believe in there being more out there in this world than what the average person sees.

I remember when my younger cousin passed. On a Tuesday afternoon I was alone at home by myself watching tv, it was December 19, 2007. All of a sudden I heard a loud whooshing sound outside my window, I thought it was a whole bunch of cats in my yard or something. I looked outside and I saw a whole bunch of crows, like 100. They just kept flying back and forth in my front yard for like 3 minutes. I was amazed by it, I thought they were migrating(winter time and all). I recorded them because I have never seen that many birds(especially crows) in my life except in "The Birds" movie. I showed my mom the same video that very night and she was freaked by it because of the saying-a murder(group) of crows means a death is coming. I was so fascinated by the video because they just flew back and forth and majority were walking on my front yard. I noticed not one of the birds ate or picked anything in the yard(I watched it several times) they were just walking on it. The next day my mom got a call telling us my younger cousin died in a car crash by hitting a tree. I later found out he died that very Tuesday night I saw the crows in my yard. I pray that I never see a bunch of black crows around me again, it still freaks me out. Crows are not common in my neighborhood, that was the 1st time I saw them in my neighborhood. I now see one crow in my neighborhood now ever since the month of May of this year, I'm not scared of it I just don't want to see its buddies. It could be a coincidence that the crows were in my yard the same day my cousin died, but I think they were messengers.