MJJC Announcement


Owner And Founder
Staff member
Dec 2, 2002
Dear members,

It is with a heavy heart that I have decided to indefinitely shelve all future projects of MJJC, these include but are not limited to (more maybe be added)

Club MJJC Newsletter
MJJC Party Friday
The Legacy Project
(I will be adding more once my full review has been exhausted)

I also announce ClubMJJC will be disbanded in which all forums will be reverted back to the general membership.

My reasonings for such changes is it is clear there is no audience or want by the wider community for these projects to be worthy of all the effort needed to put them together organise and implement them.

The platforms and pages across MJJC will stay for the fans to use should you ever feel the need to, forum chat room etc.

Clearly post Michael is tightening its grip with fans not only leaving or visiting less but having little no interest in using any of the other programs services and events that MJJC organises.

In effect this is the winding down of activities in MJJC that we're being planned or that are happening on a daily weekly monthly basis.

I am of course hugely thankful for everything each of and every one of the MJJC team have done to try and make MJJC a place of interest for the fans to use and enjoy, however it is more than clear our efforts for the wider community have continually drawn a blank from the Q&A's in which we struggled to get questions to the Club MJJC which has clearly been of no interest and of course the MJJC Friday party which was to me the spark in the fire of realising there simply is not the requirement anymore for Michael related activities.

All I have to say is continue to enjoy the space's MJJC offers we are not going anywhere just see this as a tweaking to suit the needs of the masses.

It's sad. Unfortunately with Michael not being here any more it's difficult to keep up the interest and excitement as there are few things to look forward to, so people are slowly dropping away.

I have to say I wasn't a big user of any of those features, but I consider MJJC the best MJ forum on the Internet, so I hope it will stay for long. Thanks for this great forum, Gaz, it's truly appreciated.
Thank you - the forum is going no where, its far to iconic in the MJ community ;)
Thank you Gaz. Much appreciation for all you do.
It's sad. Unfortunately with Michael not being here any more it's difficult to keep up the interest and excitement as there are few things to look forward to, so people are slowly dropping away.

I have to say I wasn't a big user of any of those features, but I consider MJJC the best MJ forum on the Internet, so I hope it will stay for long. Thanks for this great forum, Gaz, it's truly appreciated.
I agree with this 100%. Thank you Gaz (and all the Staff) for all your hard work.
I really appreciate it too. I do love the radio and I enjoyed being in the chat room last week for the Steve Barron interview. There's obviously a lot of hard work by the community staff, and I hope going back to general membership doesn't hinder donations, because I would really hate for it to go away entirely. It's been invaluable to me.

It's sad. I have gone back and read the archives and you can really sense the excitement that people had talking about appearances Michael made, or discussion of Thriller 25, or discussing their itineraries for TII. I was never a member of a fan club when I was a kid, so I kinda enjoyed reading these vicariously. It's very sad.
I appreciate all that you've done for us Gaz, and am sorry to hear of the struggles you've faced and the closures because of it. I for one have been around MJ forums since the early 2000's, so I've seen the difference when he was alive and in the time that has passed since he died. I'm glad to see however that the forum will stay open, as I don't think any of us are planning on leaving and rely on it to get our MJ fix. I've met some really great people on here, and that's because of you. I think this place also got a lot of people through a really hard time (and continues to do so) when MJ passed, and that's also because of you. I hope that you know that despite how silent we all may seem sometimes, we really do appreciate all the work and l.o.v.e that has gone into this site and us as a fandom :bow:
Re why people may not spend as much time on the forum and site, I can only speak for myself, and I must say some truly nasty comments that I seemed to get every time I made a comment was a big factor in my deciding to stay away and spend my time elsewhere. I realize this is not the fault of the mjjc team--not at all. But who needs to be trashed--I mean trashed-- when you come to share your love and appreciation for MJ and your point of view? I have generally avoided commenting here for many months now for this reason. The moderators do a great job and I noticed a real effort to block this kind of thing and try and get the members to be respectful to each other.
Re why people may not spend as much time on the forum and site, I can only speak for myself, and I must say some truly nasty comments that I seemed to get every time I made a comment was a big factor in my deciding to stay away and spend my time elsewhere. I realize this is not the fault of the mjjc team--not at all. But who needs to be trashed--I mean trashed-- when you come to share your love and appreciation for MJ and your point of view? I have generally avoided commenting here for many months now for this reason. The moderators do a great job and I noticed a real effort to block this kind of thing and try and get the members to be respectful to each other.

Jamba, don't take it too personally ;) I bet everyone one of us has received bad comments at one point or another, but just think it's not about you. People are entitled to their own opinions (as you are as well).
Thank you Gaz and all the mods for all your hard work.

I'm sorry that it's not possible for me to commit to being here at specific times, or specific events. Everything on here is appreciated, but life is so busy these days, it is hard to find time for the things that you want to do as well as the things you have to do. I'm very glad that the Forum will stay. It's great to be able to 'pop in' for 5 minutes or so whenever time allows.
Well, I've obviously missed a LOT, then again I've been too busy to visit the site. Like others have mentioned, I didn't use or wasn't interested in using the extra bells and whistles (the video chat, to name one), but understood others enjoyed it. I don't mind donating to the site and will continue to do so, whether I'll have time to visit or not.

Making time to incorporate Mike in my life has never been a problem (I listen to his music every day as I have for decades), but finding time to come here to converse with other Mike fans is becoming difficult. It's nice to know (whenever I get the time) it'll be here when I do find time.
How I love this mystery called We! Where does it come from, out of thin air? I thought about this mystery, and I realized something : We must be love's favorite child, because until I reach out for you, We is not even there. It arrives on the wings of tenderness : it speaks through our silent understanding. When I laugh at myself, it smiles. When I forgive you, it dances in jubilation.

So We is not a choice anymore, not if you and I want to grow with one another. We unites us, increases our strength; it picks up our burden when you and I are ready to let it fall. The truth is that you and I would have given up long ago, but We won't let us. It is too wise. "Look into your hearts," it says. "What do you see? Not you and I, but only We."MJ
It´s nice that the forum will remain, it´s so nice to don´t be alone..but to be we
thank you for all your effort, we really appreaciate your hard work and dedication!
Thank you for keeping the forum going Gaz..appreciate everything you do
Not only does it have to do with Michael no longer being here, but the internet is a changing place. Forums and chat rooms are becoming less and less of a staple, and people instead are turning to social media. So it's not necessarily that there is no audience for activities, because there is, you just have to know where to find them. I think if we could take something like Michael Friday to Facebook, we might see a little more success. I mean, people are already on Facebook and Twitter, so why not bring the party to them? It would take a little more research into how to work out all the kinks, but why not have a tab on the Facebook page with the radio embedded, and then have a dedicated FB chat going on? Sure, it might get a bit hectic, but would it be any more hectic than a chat room?

I dunno. Just a thought :)
Exactly that's what I'm thinking too. Or perhaps to create an app for MJJC to make it easier accessible for mobile phones? Just a thought... ;)
Aww! This is such a shame. I just joined. :'( I was trying to drum up more people for the Friday night party as I said I would but the one person I was able to get to join me was unable to log into the chatroom from her phone. So I would suggest making the site more accessible by phone as someone else said and also creating a bridge whereby you don't have to log into each function individually. That is very time consuming and I myself have missed the bulk of the chats for the last 2 nights because of the time it took me to log in. I'm happy to hear the forum isn't going anywhere. There still is a great need for it. The Michael Jackson fans are still out there and he's still making more new fans everyday. Perhaps like you said the site just needs tweeking a bit to meet todays needs. Maybe we can all get our heads together and brainstorm and come up with some solutions to these problems. As I said last night I may have just joined but I've been around for a while now. I am and always have been a proud Michael Jackson fan and that will never change. It was a pleasure meeting and talking with you last night Gaz and I truly appreciate this forum and you and all that you do. (((HUG)))