MJJC Member Pictures !

Thats a nice pic :)
LOVE the MJ shirts :lol:

Thank you :)
Hehe...we're both MJ-ed out :lol: We later put MJ badges all over our legs :lol:

You are very cute. Dunno if i am right but you look arabic and kinda latina at the same time. :)

I do not have the right to give you orders or anything like that but please, stay away from cigarettes. :)

Thanks...I'm the one on the left...I don't smoke :) and I'm Greek. My friend on the right is Romanian :)

Um...ok? :lol:
Me again.Picture from today, sorry for the quality.I like the black and white effect on my phone.
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Still think I'm cute after that twittersession? LMAO :lol:
LOLOL...just like Michael, you can be cute and dirty at the same time :lol: ;)

TarinJade said:
Um...ok? :lol:
Wtf... *edits post*...LOL. I inserted a smiley from another site...so I guess they don't like people hijackin' their bandwidth that way, and thus it inserts a "don't steal" graphic. Oops.

Enjoyin' the pics, everyone!

LordMichael - love the faux-hawk. Cute cute.
Cool pics y'all!

@Sils: Hahaha, aww my Sillybilly! Luvin' the nails! :cheeky:
@pandakatt: You got such a cute style, great pics! :punk:

Here's one of me, trying out a new lens for my Nikon D5000!

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Ohh so many beautiful people on here:yes:

I'm in a crazy mood today and I don't think I ever showed pics of me here so here they are. Don't have any recent decent pics so those are from last year during my trip to China:


Cool pics y'all!

@Sils: Hahaha, aww my Sillybilly! Luvin' the nails! :cheeky:
@pandakatt: You got such a cute style, great pics! :punk:

Here's one of me, trying out a new lens for my Nikon D5000!

Pwetty girl! :heart:

@Pandakatt: I love your pics! very cute!
@JMie: Very nice picture!
@Pac: Nope.. hahaha I was just in the mood for a silly picture and I wanted to show off my nails! :lol:

Nice pics yall! :yes: