MONSTER - The Official Discussion Thread

Re: Video for 'MONSTER' will include footage of Michael in the studio!!

Oh, what is this talk of HT being also released as a single after Monster? :bugeyed :wild: (and is the Monster-release official?)
Re: Video for 'MONSTER' will include footage of Michael in the studio!!

As i flipped through the pages,
and saw the Michael deniers, those who deny the cascio tracks,
get told that there might be a footage of him recording Monster
some people just did not think it is enough, some people want him
actually want to see with complete audio.
let me disappoint you, I do not think you gonna see him rehearse with full audio
cause it has to get released as a full music video,
and the timing have to be correct.
so you can always be like this
Re: Video for 'MONSTER' will include footage of Michael in the studio!!

When I heard Monster for the first time
it reminded me of my favorite MJ songs
such as Smooth Criminal, and They Dont Care About Us
I am 100% it will be a hit.
Re: Video for 'MONSTER' will include footage of Michael in the studio!!

I doubt he memorised the songs all the time, as half the time he doesn't even remember the words to songs his performed a million times, plus theres the fall again demo, he forgets the words, plus when he's don duets. I reckon he did record in the dark, but not ALL the time.

Such things happens to us all when we get older, you forget things.
Re: Video for 'MONSTER' will include footage of Michael in the studio!!

I doubt he memorised the songs all the time, as half the time he doesn't even remember the words to songs his performed a million times, plus theres the fall again demo, he forgets the words, plus when he's don duets. I reckon he did record in the dark, but not ALL the time.

Well, maybe not ALL the time...but certainly for studio recordings, I think he did it quite a bit...This was confirmed by Bruce Swedien in 'For the Record'
Re: Video for 'MONSTER' will include footage of Michael in the studio!!

Yes, I would buy the album with all 12 Cascio tracks. Because it is Michael Jackson! I don't care about Cascios, Sony, Jacksons... but I care about Michael's name and his legacy. If some fans don't aprove some tracks on MICHAEL, that is fine by me, but boycotting the whole album is crazy! MJ needs this record (number one album in 4 decades) so please buy MICHAEL!

And thats also my approach and should be the approach for everybody.

Because everything else is PREJUDICE & IGNORANCE.

It must be innocent till PROVEN gulity!

Not SPECULATING guilty until proven innocent, damaging posthumus sales & tarnishing the good musical reputation of the worlds greates musician!

Doubters shut up, till You can provide some PROOF! The CD is out & Michael Joseph Jackson is the Leadvocalist on Tracks 1 through 10!
That is the FACT and nothing else!

Please provide some proof!

This is completely irrelevant. If there were no doubters today you would have on your shelf among other albums the album 7even and pretend it is a real MJ's album.

Bumper I always loved your sarcastic humor. :hysterical:

Ok, let's for the argument sake say that it is 100% Michael Jackson.

The question is: "Do all fans want to hear MJ on all his coming albums and songs the way he sounds on Breaking News and Monster?" Would you buy a MJ album if all ten tracks had exactly the same voice as on Breaking News and Monster?

Yes I personally love the Cascio tracks. He was really on a comeback. Great stuff. I love Monster!!
Re: Video for 'MONSTER' will include footage of Michael in the studio!!

When I heard Monster for the first time
it reminded me of my favorite MJ songs
such as Smooth Criminal, and They Dont Care About Us
I am 100% it will be a hit.

I think it is great too! I think it has great potential to be a big hit.
Re: Video for 'MONSTER' will include footage of Michael in the studio!!

I think it is great too! I think it has great potential to be a big hit.

I danced to this song when I was out yesterday, it rocks!!!!!

"toooooooo baaad" so cool!! :punk:
Re: Video for 'MONSTER' will include footage of Michael in the studio!!

As i flipped through the pages,
and saw the Michael deniers, those who deny the cascio tracks,
get told that there might be a footage of him recording Monster
some people just did not think it is enough, some people want him
actually want to see with complete audio.
let me disappoint you, I do not think you gonna see him rehearse with full audio
cause it has to get released as a full music video,
and the timing have to be correct.
so you can always be like this

i wanna use this pic in my siggy ! i love it ...yes , they deny the magic , they deny Michael !

Edit: the pic is big and can't be a siggy ! but i looove it so much!
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Re: Video for 'MONSTER' will include footage of Michael in the studio!!

I was really hoping they would not release Monster as the second single. I hope they use Hollywood Tonight. And I doubt they have footage of him singing it, if they did they would have shown it already dont you think? And if they put it in the music video, wouldn't the song just be dubbed over the video anyway? That wouldn't really prove anything. They need to show the video as it is.

And please, someone show me this video because until I see it, I still say that is not Michael on that track.
Re: Video for 'MONSTER' will include footage of Michael in the studio!!

Monster is more complet than Hollywood tonight, less repetitive and 50 cent to back it up !

Lets bring this song to the radios!!!
Re: Video for 'MONSTER' will include footage of Michael in the studio!!

ok, so i have been on the side of, the vocals are michaels, for most of the time. But recently i've given it alot more thought and time, without coming to any of the forums so my opinion isn't swayed. And i'm starting to have doubts. I downloaded the Jason Malachi album(cringes) and listened to that followed by the 4 available Casico tracks, the vibrato is like, identical. This song in particular bugs me, cos i like it, but u can actually here the singers voice change to michaels during the ad-libs in the chorus after fidys rap. This whole thing is just really begining to **** me off. Never have i ever called my own fandom in to question, untill now.
Re: Video for 'MONSTER' will include footage of Michael in the studio!!

Words can't describe how annoying all of this is getting, the people who don't believe in these songs..CAUSE IT'S CLEARLY NOT MICHAEL JACKSON still seem to get clowned by the people who need a new set of EARS!!!! I gave Monster another chance this weekend and the other two songd as well. I was with my friend who's a hardcore MJ fan too, and eventually we simply started to clown around and singing Monster in a very ridiculing way, cause it's JUST THAT BAD! The way he pronounces words, the voice, more time ....HOW do you NOT hear it's someone else? Do tell me that.

I tried it...just remaining calm and respect the people who clearly ain't hearing right, but if they keep going against the people who shit on these tracks (for a good reason) , what are we to do?
Re: Video for 'MONSTER' will include footage of Michael in the studio!!

I assume it's because we're given no real reason to believe it's not him. I listen to the song constantly on headphones, and I can hear something, kinda like a "mist". It's obvious the quality of the recording is not as good as the other 7 songs, but I still say it's him. Plus, "Monster" is one of my favourite all-time MJ songs.
Re: Video for 'MONSTER' will include footage of Michael in the studio!!

Words can't describe how annoying all of this is getting, the people who don't believe in these songs..CAUSE IT'S CLEARLY NOT MICHAEL JACKSON still seem to get clowned by the people who need a new set of EARS!!!! I gave Monster another chance this weekend and the other two songd as well. I was with my friend who's a hardcore MJ fan too, and eventually we simply started to clown around and singing Monster in a very ridiculing way, cause it's JUST THAT BAD! The way he pronounces words, the voice, more time ....HOW do you NOT hear it's someone else? Do tell me that.

Easy on the "new set of EARS" remark. I'm sure we all have different ways of identifying Michael's voice. It's possibly another reason why some fans can't hear what you're hearing. Whether that justifies one person having a better judgement over another, cannot be said at this point in time because nothing has been proven either way. And even if something has, hearing is still very subjective.

Besides, I think they do feel that there's something... rather different about the vocals on "Monster". But whatever it is they find different, they probably just attributed it to whatever reason the Cascios or Teddy Riley gave. That is, over-production, singing through a PVC pipe, and possibly poor equipment to work with.
Re: Video for 'MONSTER' will include footage of Michael in the studio!!

Is it somehow bad that "Monster" is one of my all-time favourite songs by MJ? Me and my friends at school agree that it's the best song on the new album (well, it's a tie with "Behind the Mask" because of my love of Japanese video game music and it reminds me of one of my favourite franchises.) In fact, I was going to host an assembly where I would dance to the song in promotion of the new album (snow days really threw me off of that.)
Re: Video for 'MONSTER' will include footage of Michael in the studio!!

Is it somehow bad that "Monster" is one of my all-time favourite songs by MJ?

Considering he's not singing it, I'd say yes.
Re: Video for 'MONSTER' will include footage of Michael in the studio!!

i'm a big fan of monster too...and he's singing it 70 % of the time at problem for me.
Re: Video for 'MONSTER' will include footage of Michael in the studio!!

i'm a big fan of monster too...and he's singing it 70 % of the time at problem for me.

70%? You don't see any problem with that? You don't think there's something completely despicable about that? Hiring an imposter to fool fans? You think that's OK?

(Even though I believe it's 0% him)
Re: Video for 'MONSTER' will include footage of Michael in the studio!!

Considering he's not singing it, I'd say yes.

Because I prefer not to get into an argument and get myself banned, I'll leave with these parting words:

Your side has no proof that it's not him, simply what you hear will not hold up in a court of law. The Estate's statement would, and would make them liable should, by some low chance, the vocals do turn out to be false. Don't forget, there is a large portion of the fanbase that now thinks that it is him, so don't assume that there is a unanimous agreement that it's not him, because it's far from that. In fact, I think it's downright hurtful that I'm criticized for liking a song that is on an official Michael Jackson album, that's exactly what I wanted to get away from at school.

Also, it's clear the 70% is the lead vocals (just MJ) while the 30% is the background vocals (MJ and James Porte). That seems pretty proportionate to me.
Re: Video for 'MONSTER' will include footage of Michael in the studio!!

Considering he's not singing it, I'd say yes.

Is this really necessary?
I love monster too! To me it's obviously michael. But that's my opinion.
So if people love monster, let them be... There are alot of fans for monster, just look at itunes, facebook .... of all the songs, monster has the most fans even if you think it's not him...
So releasing it as a single is not bad at all!
Re: Video for 'MONSTER' will include footage of Michael in the studio!!

70%? You don't see any problem with that? You don't think there's something completely despicable about that? Hiring an imposter to fool fans? You think that's OK?

(Even though I believe it's 0% him)

i just watched "Rambo IV"...and guess what ? There are stunt doubles ! OMFG ! What a bunch of liars ! So there is no real death in this Movie...I'm really disappointed.

more seriously :

as long as they wanted the finish MJ's work, i can understand why and what they did...
Re: Video for 'MONSTER' will include footage of Michael in the studio!!

70%? You don't see any problem with that? You don't think there's something completely despicable about that? Hiring an imposter to fool fans? You think that's OK?

(Even though I believe it's 0% him)

Michael himself did it with his songs! How else would they finish them with michael not around? People have accepted michael's not here anymore. They accept he can't finish the songs, and they do know they have to use all they can (overproduction, other singers,...)
Re: Video for 'MONSTER' will include footage of Michael in the studio!!

nobody here ever sued MJ when he put an impersonator in the video "who is it" ?

did you ?
Re: Video for 'MONSTER' will include footage of Michael in the studio!!

Yeah, I sued him. Then became friends with E'casanova. We hang out once in a while.
Re: Video for 'MONSTER' will include footage of Michael in the studio!!

May I remind everyone that all destructive posts will be removed. Debate all you but posts that encourage the destruction of tone will not be tolerated. Also promoting of other websites is not allowed on here.
Re: Video for 'MONSTER' will include footage of Michael in the studio!!

^^lmao, E'casanova. he is in remember the time too ;) maybe we should sue for that, lol. Personally, i do love monster, its a great track, but BN is awful, if it is MJ or not, and there is something missing from it, like the break in the middle needs a rap, or some kinda solo. it just sounds empty as it is. As i said, i hate all this crap atm, so i'm gonna go with another fan on here's logic, ignorance is bliss. Untill i am shown ahrd factual proof for either side, i'm gonna just enjoy the songs and think what i like about them.