Murray Trial - 28 September - Day 2 - Discussion Thread

why all these questions about alberto alvarez??
I'm surprised that the defense thinks that implying that Amir should have called 911 is going to go over well. I don't know how the jury is seeing this, but it looks desperate and sort of mean to me. Amir wasn't even there, and he certainly didn't know what was happening.
Thanks but all I get when I try that one (on my phone and computer) is an image of the California state seal and a high pitched signal like I'm having a hearing test. Oh well, back to HLN.

Oh, never mind. I guess they were still on break. I see/hear the stream! Now I'm going home so I can watch this in comfort on TV.
michael amir talks about other securit personell there which names he dont know/remember...

TINI has also said that the security increased..

who were these guys??
chernoff being sarcastic.. got told by the judge!!
chernoffs now trying to imply amir faheem alberto created stories together.amir not to good on that imo.
chernoff is an asshole. trying to make it sound like alberto, amir and fahim lied
michael amir talks about other securit personell there which names he dont know/remember...

TINI has also said that the security increased..

who were these guys??

I wonder the same thing, but I highly doubt that we'rre going to get any answers.
It's not shocking that they would talk. Imagine if something like this happened to you boss. Would you talk to your coworkers about it? If he wants to show that they came up with some sort of story together, I think he's going to need more evidence than just the fact that they talked.
hahahaa klein being mentioned again... poor fella :p
i want them to move on the the next witness too, i dont like where it's heading
the judge fecked up with this klien crap ruling. either its on or out

david adams name mentioned did amir ring him? the he leaves the adama question and goes off back to being at carolwood. chernoff flips from one thing to another. makes no sense
good their done

OMFG They mentioned Jason Pfiffer is this a sick joke or what?!
cherilyn lee being mentioned.. faheem called her cuz mj was not feeling well
haha.. do you know a man named jason pfeiffer? SUSTAINED...