Murray Trial - 28 September - Day 2 - Discussion Thread

The Taxi's and Bus's comment made me laugh, such stupid questions.
where is chernoff going at by showing all these cctv's???

He has nothing against him... so he's trying to make him look like he lied, by confusing him on the time he left the hospital... it's ridiculous!
Chernoff is getting annoyed with Faheems "I dont recall" comments
He worked for Michael not Murray. He didn't have to do anything for him. I feel dumb because I don't get what the defense is doing. They are all over the place.
Now he's asking him to describe the entire hospital and when he answers that he dosen't remember seeing a kitchen in the hospital chernoff is making it look like you have no memory left, do you have a problem... I'm actually being serious here!
Chernoff wanted to know where he met Michael amir williams the first time... im sure chernoff wanted to go into NATION OF ISLAM.. but it was sustained
Klein being mentioned again... how many times MJ would visist there and if he appeared intoxicated/tipsy or not... faheem said MJ seemed to be that sometimes...

MJ told Faheem he goes to Klein because he has a skin-disease...
See that look chernoff gave the jury on the don't recall answers.
Apperantly Michael said to Mohammed "You think I'm crazy for going to Klein all the time... it's because I have a skin disease."
I think using Kleins name is a sneaky way for the defense to put reasonable doubt in the minds of the jury. Day 2 and they are hearing his name over and over again.
Cherilyn Lee... says she was hired for his kids... they met professionally (she treated faheem)

June 21th 2009- he called Cherilyn Lee because MJ wasnt feeling well... MJ was having weird symptoms.. one hand was cold etc
I don't understand where Michael was when Faheem walked in. I'm reading several tweets & they all say something that's a little different -

"Amir: Upon 1st entering the room I saw Alberto standing up pacing. MJ's feet were sticking out from the foot of the bed. MJ was on floor."
"Muhammad walked in & saw Michael's body on the bed."
"Faheem Muhammad is talking about seeing Michael Jackson laying on the floor of his bedroom the day he died."

So was Michael on the bed or on the floor? And where were his feet? I'm confused.
I don't understand where Michael was when Faheem walked in. I'm reading several tweets & they all say something that's a little different -

"Amir: Upon 1st entering the room I saw Alberto standing up pacing. MJ's feet were sticking out from the foot of the bed. MJ was on floor."
"Muhammad walked in & saw Michael's body on the bed."
"Faheem Muhammad is talking about seeing Michael Jackson laying on the floor of his bedroom the day he died."

So was Michael on the bed or on the floor? And where were his feet? I'm confused.

Faheem saw MJ on the floor next to the bed.
So what do you think of Faheems testimony so far? New things he revealed today apparantly.. Faheem saying he never said it before because it wasnt relevant,,,
showing the footage again asking random pointless questions. chernoff asks did u see murray talk to cops. chernoff says u dont know if murray left the hospital. faheem says yes i saw him leave
Where is Chernoff getting these stupid questions? Lol He's getting mixed up...again!
dont like the dont recall comments by faheem. to me that reply implies hes lieing. the whole cream thing and the meeting in the lawyers office

and the dont recall comments inregards to lee. dont like that either much. last part of his testimony aint impressing me

poor chernoff though gets shot down when faheem said mj told him once why he sees klien. mj said you prob think im crazy seeing klien so much but its cause of my skin disease etc.
Apparantly Faheem never told detectives about Cherilyn Lee
just to make it clear guys , MJ went to Klien's office on May 6 , and the next ppointment was on May 15 , the voicerecording was made on May 10 . So Murray was solely responsible for what we observed on that recording.