Press release, and other actions for increased charges

Also, if some of you have your own forums it would be great if we could all band together at least this one time.
I soooooo agree with this!! I can't believe Murray's only been charged with Involuntary Manslaughter in light of the information that's coming out of the court room. This quack has tried to conceal evidence, shown total disregard for human life while he was busy chatting on the phone and told a pack of lies to the medical staff while they were frantically trying to save Michael! Murray deserves to have the book thrown at him!

Thank you so much to the MJAN team for doing this. I hope it gets the attention it deserves and the judge & DA take notice.
Great !! :clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:

Just a thought -

Would it be useful to have a list of the MJ sites where the link is put ? I'm asking this because I'm member of several and probably some of you too, so it could help to see clearly where the link is missing and so we could work accurately.

what do you think about this ?
This is the type of thing we as a fan base need to get together and rally behind! If there ever was a initative for us to support, its this right here!

What transpired on June 25th, 2009 to Michael Jackson needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law!
I've added this to my signature. Before I agreed with it being IM as murder2 is difficult to prove. But after hearing all this, no, IM is no where near enough. There was a blatant disregard for human life here on the grossest level and its time the judge ups the charges here. I fully support this.
Great !! :clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:

Just a thought -

Would it be useful to have a list of the MJ sites where the link is put ? I'm asking this because I'm member of several and probably some of you too, so it could help to see clearly where the link is missing and so we could work accurately.

what do you think about this ?

Thank you guys, keep up the good work.
I've added this to my signature. Before I agreed with it being IM as murder2 is difficult to prove. But after hearing all this, no, IM is no where near enough. There was a blatant disregard for human life here on the grossest level and its time the judge ups the charges here. I fully support this.

Thanks! Absolutely, this is Murder 2. Once the testimony started coming in, that became obvious in too many ways to even enumerate here -- everything from the delay in calling 911, to, he actually delayed the ambulance departure while hiding evidence in the room!

In addition to Murder 2, there are other charges (see opening post/press-release) that are very appropriate, and involve the hiding of evidence, and so much more.

The judge DOES have the authority to change the charges during the preliminary hearing, and I truly hope this all goes viral and makes a difference.
Please, everyone, let's do this for Michael.

Fans have been divided over the new music - let's join together again and do everything we can to honour the man we love, protect his legacy and do our bit, however small, to bring justice for the sake of his children...
I am already spreading the info in my FB and in the two different MJ fan clubs I am. Unfortunately this is not in Spanish yet, but I am confident this will be supported by any fan and non-fan with half a brain. Seriously... if this is not a crime, I can't tell what it would be!!
Guys we need to do more than spread this, I officially commit MJJC and its resourses to this effort

Well done guys.

I will be regularly tweeted/facebooked

Lets do what we can to get this out there for all fans.

Thank you, Gaz for your support and love of Michael Jackson.

We will honour him by putting that jerk behind bars.
Has anyone started a Facebook group specifically for this purpose? We can push it on the Michael Jackson fan page and all over the net - the more supporters, the more impact.
Just so you all will know, the press-release is being sent to all major news outlets as we speak, and minor ones, too. Keep going, posting on personal websites and spreading those links! Enough really IS enough. Involuntary Manslaughter for Murray, is an insult to Michael, and we know that now that we're hearing the testimony!
Has anyone started a Facebook group specifically for this purpose? We can push it on the Michael Jackson fan page and all over the net - the more supporters, the more impact.

Mods, please excuse the double-post, but I didn't see this one and wanted to respond! YES, MJAN has a Facebook to the MJAN blog-page.
PCR;3178699 said:
I am already spreading the info in my FB and in the two different MJ fan clubs I am. Unfortunately this is not in Spanish yet, but I am confident this will be supported by any fan and non-fan with half a brain. Seriously... if this is not a crime, I can't tell what it would be!!

Translated to Spanish:

Fans se Movilizan para un Incremento a los Cargos del Dr. Murray

Despues de solamente tres días de testimonio, ya se ha vuelto obvio que el cargo Homicidio Involuntario en contra de Conrad Murray es demasiado ligero dada la severidad del crimen; Murray es el doctor acusado de causar la muerte de Michael Jackson. Fans de Michael Jackson se han movilizado para solicitar al Fiscal de Distrito a cargo de la fiscalía que incremente el cargo a Asesinato en Segundo Grado. Los fans piden que Steve Cooley, Fiscal de Distrito de Los Angeles, David Walgren, Fiscal de Distrito de Los Angeles, y el juez Judge Michael Pastor a cargo de la Corte Superior de Los Angeles, eleven los cargos en contra de Murray a un más apropiado Asesinato en Segundo Grado. Considerando el testimonio al día de hoy, también se solicita que se agreguen los siguientes cargos: Ocultamiento de muerte accidental; Imprudencia temeraria; conducta imprudente; conspiración; obstrucción de la justicia, y cualquier cargo adicional que pueda resultar del tesimonio en la audiencia preliminar.

Asesinato en segundo grado, es ordinariamente definido como “1) asesinato intencional que no es premeditado o planificado, ni cometido en momento de 'calor de la pasion' o 2) asesinato causado por conducta peligrosa y por la obvia falta de preocupación o atencíon a la vida humana por el ofensor”.

El testomonio hasta ahora indica que Michael Jackson había estado muerto durante considerable tiempo antes que Murray finalmente llamara al 911. El testimonio revela que Murray, un cardiologo, no sabía como realizar RCP; no contaba con equipo de resucitación a su disposición, a pesar de haber dado a Jackson un peligroso anestécico, el cual está destinado para ser usado en salas de operaciones hospitalarias y clinicas. Es más, Murray omitió decirle a los paramedicos que drogas le habían sido suministradas a Jackson, y de acuerdo con el testimonio, su preocupación principal parecía ser el ocultar aparatos medicos y medicamentos, en lugar de ayudar a Michael Jackson. Estos y otros factores indican más a Asesinato en Segundo Grado, que a Homicidio Involuntario.

La Audiencia Preliminar apenas ha empezado, y se espera que continúe por dos semanas, sin embargo el testimonio ya indica que Murray mostró “obvia falta de preocupación o atencíon a la vida humana.” Los fans, y aquellos interesados, en el apropiado funcionamiento del Sistema Judicial Americano están organizandose para tomar acción, y que Murray sea plenamente responsabilizado por robarle al mundo a Michael Jackson, un padre de tres niños, y un icono cultural. Se han planeado peticiones, al igual de llamadas a acción por medio del internet, y avisos de prensa. El poder de estas voces unidas no debe ser menospreciado.
