The Estate of Michael Jackson enters partnership with Sony Mobile

Beyonce didn't.

I can promise you that if the Estate pulled that move (releasing the album without any promotion), it will fail. Beyonce was lucky that her album was even remotely successful.
I can promise you that if the Estate pulled that move (releasing the album without any promotion), it will fail. Beyonce was lucky that her album was even remotely successful.

I was saying just about streaming it for free. Not the whole thing.
Pentum;3966566 said:
Putting it up on is stupid - putting it up on Youtube is 100 times better.

Can just put the YT link on the page of course.

I agree that they should upload the video to Youtube first rather than Youtube video views count for the Billboard Hot 100 chart, so people listening an audio of a song on YouTube will improve its position on the chart, whereas some other stream on won’t.

I also hope that the single will be available on iTunes and Amazon as soon as people can stream it online. IIRC it was a week or so before Hold My Hand was available for purchase after it had been available for streaming on They probably wanted the song to gain momentum before releasing it to iTunes, but I don’t think it worked well at all. There was some hype around the song when people first heard it, but a lot of it was already gone by the time people could actually buy it.
Beyoncé was/is a complete different position than Michael.. First of all, she was in the middle of a tour (performing songs from her new album) while her album was being released.. She released her CD out of 'nowhere' for the shock factor which brought a lot of attention to it, and she released it with 17 videos that she's in. She is promoting her music in a big way!! her videos are movie quality..

Michael is not with us to promote the album, he wont be showing up making appearances, and doing controversial moves to bring hype and attention.. Plus it worked for Beyoncé cuz no one does it.. I bet you she will never do it again, it would not work the same.
I do think this Xperia Z2 is just the beginning of the promotional campaign that the estate have lined up.. they seem, to be putting a lot of work into this project and i hope it pays off for them.. everything will be fine & dandy when we get the announcement/tracklisting.. i just hope too much time doesn't pass before they say anything
I was saying just about streaming it for free. Not the whole thing.

I don't think Beyonce streamed her album for free. To my knowledge, she just randomly put the whole thing up on iTunes and let iTunes Radio stream it, but of course you need the latter program to be able to hear it.
I don't think Beyonce streamed her album for free. To my knowledge, she just randomly put the whole thing up on iTunes and let iTunes Radio stream it, but of course you need the latter program to be able to hear it.

That's what I said. I said it is the most stupidest thing to stream album for free. Then someone said that everyone is doing it. Then I said Beyonce didn't (streamed it for free).
Seems like we will not get an announcement today. :(
they should stream it, but not in full-length!
maybe ~1:30min of each song, not more.

i hate streams anyway, cause of the bad quality.

also they should announce it, do some promo on fb,twitter, social networks, with snippets and video footage.

beyonces album did quite ok, cause shes still present and doing live performances lately. MJ cant do that anymore... so an unexpected release would be a big fail in this case.
Here's my idea of how Sony should release the track(s).

#1 Release a teaser on YouTube ASAP!
#2 24hrs later release the track on iTunes + iTunes radio.
#3 Partner up with Pepsi-Cola, release cans with MJ on them with a QR code to download an exclusive remix of the song "Slave To The Rhythm"
#4 Make an official announcement on all Sony Music websites (the obvious).
#5 Release one new single ever 2 weeks until the album releases this Summer.

Just somethings that came up while thinking of this new album, what do you think?
Here's my idea of how Sony should release the track(s).

#1 Release a teaser on YouTube ASAP!
#2 24hrs later release the track on iTunes + iTunes radio.
#3 Partner up with Pepsi-Cola, release cans with MJ on them with a QR code to download an exclusive remix of the song "Slave To The Rhythm"
#4 Make an official announcement on all Sony Music websites (the obvious).
#5 Release one new single ever 2 weeks until the album releases this Summer.

Just somethings that came up while thinking of this new album, what do you think?

shouldn't do another pepsi can if i'm honest.. it was only done for bad 25 as the tour surrounded it as well as Michael's pepsi commercial from 1987.. they're putting slave to the rhythm on sony z2 anyway. I don't think there should be so many single's also.. one single before the album's release and promote everything as much as possible
There should be at LEAST two singles before the album comes out. Nowadays that's the norm.
There should be at LEAST two singles before the album comes out. Nowadays that's the norm.

I really doubt that's gonna happen. They'll release Slave To The Rhythm and then the album. Then the second single. Like they did for MICHAEL. Although I would like 2 singles being released prior to the release of the album (maybe Chicago 1945 as a second single).
I Think they should release a video conjoined with the single. Try something new

If they did, I'd hope they make one outside of the run-of-the-mill club scene clip. Use dance (of course), but lean more towards a mixture of street style and ballet in random settings with talented, but unknown dancers. I just want them to let the MUSIC be the focus for this next album and not rely on cheap tricks like tossing in guest appearances and "duets" by who they think can help sell more copies. We're talking about MICHAEL JACKSON; he didn't need anyone to help him sell albums. I'm positive that what he left unfinished doesn't need a lot of tinkering to complete.
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I don't think we really need music videos. Nowadays videos don't have as much of an impact as they did back in the '80s. Besides, making a video is just taking a risk for fans not to like it. Just release the best radio-friendly singles, promote the hell out of this album and release it.

I really doubt that's gonna happen. They'll release Slave To The Rhythm and then the album. Then the second single. Like they did for MICHAEL. Although I would like 2 singles being released prior to the release of the album (maybe Chicago 1945 as a second single).

Ya never know! I definitely prefer two singles.
Then only reason why I deel the need for videos is very simple.. its true that it doesn't gold weight like it used to but I do know that just by click and play on YouTube there will be people that wud learn the music on accident by stumbling on the video... also its something we can post just to get it out there...facebook etc
^^ Yeah. A video will always be more interesting than a black screen with the song title.
I don't think we really need music videos. Nowadays videos don't have as much of an impact as they did back in the '80s. Besides, making a video is just taking a risk for fans not to like it. Just release the best radio-friendly singles, promote the hell out of this album and release it.

Maybe artists do not make as spectacular videos any more as in the 80s-90s, but videos are still important. Especially if someone wants chart success. Billboard does not only count the sales while determining chart positions but also the streaming of a song on certain websites, like YouTube. People will not return to stream a song again and again if it does not have an interesting video. Because of Billboard's new rules you cannot really have chart success without a very popular video on YT.
Lyric videos are common these days. Personally I prefer the traditional music videos more but it could be a great way to expose the first single and not lose views count on youtube. Some artists have both for the same song... First lyric video and then something more 'creative' I guess.
bluesky;3966678 said:

Why is he trending all of a sudden? - Just because of the STTR SONY commercial?? - But most be good news I guess!! :lol:

Themidwestcowboy;3966748 said:
^^ Yeah. A video will always be more interesting than a black screen with the song title.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Pentum;3967036 said:
^ Yes, it leaked, no, it's not from the new album

WHAT - did it leak!! - I spend 1 day away from my PC and a song leaks! - I am going on vacation tomorrow with no PC or anything, so won't be able to check MJJC before late sunday! - Guess the album announcement has dropped by then!! :lol:


ALSO - most of the stuff discussed in this thread really belongs in the "News and discussion about upcoming MJ album [Update Pg15]" thread!

Maybe we should now close this thread, merge them or keep this thread about the Estate and SONY partnership and NOT talk ablout the new album here! - A little confusing with two threads talking about the same - the new album!! :)

A new song has leaked and it is now discussed in the "The Estate of Michael Jackson enters partnership with Sony Mobile" thread! - Makes NO sense!!

This thread shoul be closed or merged with the new album thread! - OR this thread should only be about STTR - and the Estate and SONY's partnership....
Sony z2 has 4k video recording! noise cancelling for audio. full HD, snapdragon processor. Sony will defo take over samsung this year!
Re the ad --it is really sensational in terms of blending the song, dance, the amazing visuals,and I like the story line of a choreographer learning from a street dancer and translating his moves into ballet. The story line is about creativity and inspiration, and reminds us of MJ's creativity.

It makes me really want to see the entire song given the same attention and artistry. I sent the link of the ad to some people and they emailed back that they are blown away by it, even if they are not hard core MJ fans.

The ad wets your appetite for more--I am going crazy about this song--am I a Slave to the Rhythm? Yes!!
I am going to my summerhouse tomorrow until sunday. - So I will not be able to read news for some days, nor will I be able to enter MJJC.

So sunday when I get home I hope to read an announcement and some news about the new album!!

I will go to bed.

See you all sunday.

Keep Michaeling.

I would say don't get your hopes up. It's obvious that an announcement is coming, but the more you dwell on it, the longer it's going to take.