This is going to sound so stupid I know ; Michael "inspires" me to be a mother


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
Ok I know this is going to sound stupid but I'm going to say it anyway. I do not want kids. Period. One reason is because I don't think I would be a good mother and if I have children, I need to be ... 'perfect' in raising them. However after watching the home movies of Michael Jackson and his children (mostly Prince & Paris) I know that he was a better father than his dad and I know that he raised them with the utmost respect ; they have manners, they seem to have a good head on both their shoulders. Very respectable children and will remain that way forever.

So I'm thinking about it- I don't have great parents either. Thats why I don't want to have children because my mothers not all that great and I don't want my kids to suffer the same :censor: that I have. .... But, with all that said his kids are so well behaved that it makes me WANT children. I want to take parenting classes from Michael if I could.

So anyway I know that sounds dumb but I hope you know what I mean.
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NO no no you don't sound stupid at AT ALL! You sound wonderfully inspired. I admire your reasons for why you don't want to have children though, not because you don't love them but because you think you may not be good at it, I think more people should take that into consideration since there are so many bad parents who should never have been blessed with a child but Michael is inspiring me to be a better parent. I'm not one yet but like Michael I have wanted children since I was a baby myself and I have read so much off how he parented them and made them so respectful, happy and well adjusted without yelling or raising a hand to them. I compare that to other children who've been raised by either oppressive parenting or what I call "auto pilot" parenting which I detest almost as much as abuse. Sometimes they overcome it but it's rare. If he is inspiring you to be a mother, absolutely go ahead and if not there are other ways to care for children like being a foster parent or mentor. Instead of worrying about not being a good parent, try remembering what you wish a good parent would be to you like Michael did and be that. Think on the moments someone who wasn't your parent spoke to you in ways that taught you and made you feel loved. I know I do that too. My Dad has some similarities to Michael's Dad in terms of being emotionally abusive and oppressive but like Michael I have an adoring mother so I see what I would prefer to do. Do what inspires you fully. Of course every single parent makes mistakes but there is always time and room to make it better so let go of being perfect and as long as your children know you loved them no strings attached, that will be enough.
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I can tell you that I also thought that I will not be a good mother and I also said that I won"t have kids.
I have my daughter now and things are fine. Of course I am not a perfect parent ( who is..?! ) but you just can"t plann everything.
I also thought a lot about Michael during all that...actually my daughter and Prince are about the same age.:)
So....just go with the flow. You will know what to do when time comes.
That doesn't sound stupid at all. Michael inspires people in so many different ways and that's hard to say about very many people. This may sound stupid as well but, Michael inspired me to want to persue a career in law. He inspires people through his music, his charities, and simply by the way he lived and who he was. He was a loving, caring, humble man who had so much to give. He had a deep love for children and I think that is something everybody can admire him for. He was a fabulous father and I definitely hope I could be a parent like him and raise my children the way he raised his.
That doesn't sound stupid at all. Michael inspires people in so many different ways and that's hard to say about very many people. This may sound stupid as well but, Michael inspired me to want to persue a career in law. He inspires people through his music, his charities, and simply by the way he lived and who he was. He was a loving, caring, humble man who had so much to give. He had a deep love for children and I think that is something everybody can admire him for. He was a fabulous father and I definitely hope I could be a parent like him and raise my children the way he raised his.

Thats not stupid lol because another reason I'm going back to school for healthcare administration is all thanks to a man we all know and dislike, dr. conrad murray. Actually I just want to make sure that stupid neglegance like that doesn't happen again to people we all love & care about. I guess MJ had some motivation for that too.
I don't want kids either actually for personal reasons, but Michael has made me love kids more, at least it changed from how I used to view children. Whenever I see kids out playing or something, it makes me think of Michael and how much he loved them. I think it has increased my love for them. It really bothers me to hear of kids getting hurt or killed on the news. But even though I don't want children of my own, I'd love it if my younger brother decided to get married and have a child, so I could have a little niece or nephew. I know I'd really love being aunt and take good care of my brother's kids. :) But that's probably quite a ways off from now.
Nothing that is born out of a sincere inspiration is ever stupid. You will know if motherhood is your calling and act accordingly. Just remember that Michael devoted a lot of time and patience to raising his three children to be the great, intelligent children they are today. Once you become a parent (and I mean a parent, not a DNA provider), you can never return to what you were before. Your life will be for them from that moment forward. I think Michael found beauty in that concept and was able to devote himself so freely because he understood and was willing to make that sacrifice, but some are not prepared to take that path.

Some may not wish to take that path because another one is their true calling.

I think it is a beautiful thing that you are inspired by Michael to be a parent. I understand the reason for this inspiration, but remember that only part of it can come from him (and whoever else inspires you, if applicable). The rest must come from within.
thank you ever so much everyone! that makes me feel good. Of course, not all the 'inspiration' can come from MJ but I guess if it was at all possible, I would def. take parenting classes from him if it was at all possible lol.
all this reminds me of is that the press actually tried to stop MJ from raising his children. that is really the only reason he took twelve years off from touring. and the press made it seem like it was criminal for him to take time off. to think that he had to go through that... i can't forgive the media for that. they actually convinced others that it was criminal that he took that time to raise his kids.

yet..the kids turned out beautifully
I don't think this is any stupid at all.... and in fact... I guess at some point I have had the same feeling, but I am still not very much into it :lol:
I understand the reasons you feel like you wouldn't be a great mother, but I guess Michael can give you his very own point of view on this matter.
Just listen carefully to his speech at Oxford Univesity. The way he talks about his father and their relationships and how he wants to forgive him for he (Joe) was the only father he (MJ) had been given and because he wanted to understand Joe did what he did because he knew no better ways.
It's really one of the best speeches of Michael, in my opinion, and it makes me feel so proud of him. There are many, many lessons you can find in that speech, just pay closer attention to each minute and you will see.
So thing is this: MJ said his father made mistakes (terrible mistakes) because he didn't know better, but MJ understood this and he decided he wanted to MAKE A CHANGE and NOT following that bad example. So if you know what was wrong with you, you are in your path to make your change and with love and hard work, sure you can make it. Of course, you will never be the perfect father/mother, but you can be the best father/mater YOU can be. I guess we all have to try to give our best :)

I"ll def. have to look at that video on youtube! I've never seen that speech!! Thanks!
all this reminds me of is that the press actually tried to stop MJ from raising his children. that is really the only reason he took twelve years off from touring. and the press made it seem like it was criminal for him to take time off. to think that he had to go through that... i can't forgive the media for that. they actually convinced others that it was criminal that he took that time to raise his kids.

yet..the kids turned out beautifully

They criticized his parenting every chance they got, yet his kids are noticeably better behaved and more intelligent than the average American child. Michael knew that, in order to raise healthy children, one must devote time and attention to their development before anything else. He had the time and resources to achieve this and he made the right decision. Nowadays, parents do not spend enough time with their children, leaving them in front of the TV, PC, or video game console for hours a day. They basically spend their entire childhood in front of electronic devices and learn their behaviours from what they observe on their TV screen. Young children are becoming miniature teenagers instead of enjoying their childhood. It's downright terrifying...

I know not every kid is like that, but that is quickly becoming the "norm" in our society (just look at what the most popular shows, toys and games are for the 10 and under population.) With people like that becoming the average, Michael's parenting should be applauded as an example to be followed. PPB are great, intelligent children with good manners and good discipline.

The fact that the media criticized Michael for sensible actions such as keeping his kids' lives private just reflects how absolutely inane they are. They should be ashamed of themselves. Those kids (and their daddy) are way better than they could ever hope to be. Additionally, Michael didn't have to tour if he couldn't do it. I hate the stupid and selfish people who treat his lack of touring in the later years as some sort of crime. He didn't owe them anything. He made it clear that touring is downright exhausting--with three young children to take care of, he had neither time nor energy to tour. They should have understood that from the beginning, it's not rocket science...
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They criticized his parenting every chance they got, yet his kids are noticeably better behaved and more intelligent than the average American child. Michael knew that, in order to raise healthy children, one must devote time and attention to their development before anything else. He had the time and resources to achieve this and he made the right decision. Nowadays, parents do not spend enough time with their children, leaving them in front of the TV, PC, or video game console for hours a day. They basically spend their entire childhood in front of electronic devices and learn their behaviours from what they observe on their TV screen. Young children are becoming miniature teenagers instead of enjoying their childhood. It's downright terrifying...

I know not every kid is like that, but that is quickly becoming the "norm" in our society (just look at what the most popular shows, toys and games are for the 10 and under population.) With people like that becoming the average, Michael's parenting should be applauded as an example to be followed. PPB are great, intelligent children with good manners and good discipline.

The fact that the media criticized Michael for sensible actions such as keeping his kids' lives private just reflects how absolutely inane they are. They should be ashamed of themselves. Those kids (and their daddy) are way better than they could ever hope to be. Additionally, Michael didn't have to tour if he couldn't do it. I hate the stupid and selfish people who treat his lack of touring in the later years as some sort of crime. He didn't owe them anything. He made it clear that touring is downright exhausting--with three young children to take care of, he had neither time nor energy to tour. They should have understood that from the beginning, it's not rocket science...

I so totally agree with you. Especially the part that is in bold. It was like that for me back in the 80s when I was growing up. I had an almost horrible childhood because I never had anyone to play with almost most of the time. So I was always either watching tv and or playing video games on either the Atari 2600 or on Nintendo. Especially since I really did not like playing with my toys alone. But I did any way most of the time. And my brother never wanted to play with me most of the time because he always wanted to be outside riding his bicycle. Something I never learn how to do. Because no one ever bother to show me how to ride one. My parents were not that great of parents especially since they were divorced. And my mother was always working leaving me and my brother in the care of her mother who was in her 60s at that time. And she practically had to raised us. I have always wished and imagine myself what it will be like to have someone like Michael as my parent. Instead of the ones that I have now. I just envy Paris, Prince, and Blanket so much. Because they had know what it is like to have a good loving parent. I sure wish I did. Which is why now I just want to forget that I even had a childhood. But if I had Michael as my parent I would had have a really good childhood. And I would not want to forget it.
BillieJean84 that's no stupid. I agree with, I feel the same.

I didn't want children because I thinked that I wouldn't be a good mother. I love my mother but my relationship with her it's no good enough and for a selfish reason too. And I realized I'm look like with her so I don't want this for my children (a bad relationship). My father is so good as a zero to left.

But seeing Michael and the way he cared his babies I'm starting change this. Now I think that I can be a good mother if I want and devote me for this! I see how the children was so good for Michael, they just brought good things for him and changed his life to the best. So I think that my children will do the same for me(the parents always say that their children change their lifes) and I will be better and will not have these feeling anymore. :D
I know what you mean... I've always said I don't want children. Absolutely not, for a lot of reasons! Just look at this world... :( But now it's like...I'm thinking to think about it... Hope it makes sense! :lol:
no,it doesn't sound stupid:michael was a great father,a true inspiration for all of us:)
This isn't stupid at all :) Michael has inspired people in countless ways, and this is another manner where he's done just that.
thank you ever so much everyone! that makes me feel good. Of course, not all the 'inspiration' can come from MJ but I guess if it was at all possible, I would def. take parenting classes from him if it was at all possible lol.

beautiful thread.
i agree.:angel:
not stupid AT ALL! He inspires me in soooooooooooooooo many ways- as I'm sure he does 99.99999% of the members! lol