Update: Behind the Scenes on Jan 28th 8PM ET OWN Channel / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

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Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

It's not Lisa or Katherine the problem IT'S OPRAH!


Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

It's not Lisa or Katherine the problem IT'S OPRAH!



I do not agree with this staement. Lisa IS a problem, Katherine is NOT a problem. Oprah is just a TOOL, the media and Katherine uses her just like that.
There are no personal emotions should be involved.
Everybody does what they think the best for them.
I do not think that the guy like Larry King would want to deal with "Michael's case". We do not know the situation from inside.

I really pissed off with Lisa going to Oprah and talking about her ex husband again. She is the one who has NO POINT to go to the media and talk about "misunderstood marrige". Who cares? He is gone and there are some more important things fans I have deal with like ongoing investigations, his legacy etc.
She has to focus on her new marrige now and stop talking about Michael.
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Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I don't really care why Randy is doing what he is doing THIS TIME, because all I want right now is for people to know who Oprah is and what she did to Michael and how false this whole thing is from her. I want her to know that we know, that many people konw and really don't like her for it. Now I know she probably wont know and don't care, but as long as someone, even if it's Randy, puts it out there and some media gets hold of it, fine by me. Because right now, Oprah is geting away with all the stuff she did and people think that's just her being sweet and nice as always, without knowing who she really is.

OPRAH knows. Once TMZ ran it, OPRAH instantly knew. The associated press ran it too.The AP piece was in the NY papers.
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

OPRAH knows. Once TMZ ran it, OPRAH instantly knew. The associated press ran it too.The AP piece was in the NY papers.

yep she knows.. once TMZ gets a hold of something it's picked up everywhere. The AP had it too. I also heard Oprah got some nasty tweets so she knows
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Maybe we should just wait and see what Katherine and Lisa-Marie actually say before jumping to conclusions. They might actually be trying to do some good. There's no point bashing people and throwing accusations of what they MIGHT say, just wait and see what they do actually say. If it's negative then people have a right to be angry but until then just take into consideration that they might be trying to do some good. We can't judge something before it's actually happened surely?
There are plenty of other media outlets that Katherine and Lisa both could of went to if the just wanted to get "the truth"..out about Michael. WHY chose Oprah?? If it wasn't for Lisa already being a billionaire I would say it is for the money..so with that being said...I see no good reason for either of these two woman to use Oprah as there "positive" media outlet. Oprah wants dirt on Michael..thats all. She figures she will get it from Katherine and Lisa, a person doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out. Oprah will NEVER say anything positive about Michael.
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

There are plenty of other media outlets that Katherine and Lisa both could of went to if the just wanted to get "the truth"..out about Michael. WHY chose Oprah?? If it wasn't for Lisa already being a billionaire I would say it is for the money..so with that being said...I see no good reason for either of these two woman to use Oprah as there "positive" media outlet. Oprah wants dirt on Michael..thats all. She figures she will get it from Katherine and Lisa, a person doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out. Oprah will NEVER say anything positive about Michael.

As Taj says, "I personally don't care what Oprah thinks, but I do care what her millions of audience thinks about my uncle. Esp. when it's not true at all."
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

There are plenty of other media outlets that Katherine and Lisa both could of went to if the just wanted to get "the truth"..out about Michael. WHY chose Oprah?? If it wasn't for Lisa already being a billionaire I would say it is for the money..so with that being said...I see no good reason for either of these two woman to use Oprah as there "positive" media outlet. Oprah wants dirt on Michael..thats all. She figures she will get it from Katherine and Lisa, a person doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out. Oprah will NEVER say anything positive about Michael.

I totally agree.. I just hope those two didn't give Oprah what she was looking for. Unfortunately no comments have been leaked yet which is really surprising
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

As Taj says, "I personally don't care what Oprah thinks, but I do care what her millions of audience thinks about my uncle. Esp. when it's not true at all."

Isn't that statement a bit hypocritical?
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

In this case, yes, we CAN "judge something before it's actually happened." Primarily the objection isn't only about what they "might say," but that Oprah has disrespected Michael so terribly in the past. She's never apologized. She ran a show about "pedophilia" when the jury was in deliberations! She consistently said she thought Michael was guilty. Given her public forum, her potential for damage was very great. (It still is. . . )

Of all the possible interviewers, she should have been the very LAST choice. Or no choice at all, even better?

I completely agree with you.That's the main point. Even if Katherine wanted to confront Oprah openly, the interview would probably be edited or "manipulated" in some way to Oprah's convenience.
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Isn't that statement a bit hypocritical?

For some odd reason there is many people who watch her show..Way more so than a Larry King for example. I think it's simply using the enemy who has a form of power to create positivity. I don't like Oprah myself, but the sad reality is that people watch her show, and I suppose some of the Jacksons want to take a proactive way in contributing to the positive image of Michael, even if it meant talking to this vile woman. Although, I find it hard to say what will be the conclusion of it, there is a great website ( http://www.mj-777.com/ ) that says sums it up how I feel about it, in particular this quote

All credit of this quote goes to Seven who runs this fantastic site. - http://www.mj-777.com/

"Fans will not retreat
if this Woman destroys Michael Jacksons legacy further during a program that his family has agreed to do in order to clear the air and finally set the record straight about Michael. To say she will have 'egg on her face' is an understatement. What she'll have IN her face is a lot of Michael Jackson fan-mily. Fans are in no mood for any further denigration of Michael Jackson by this selfish woman."
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Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

well it's b/c of her audience and viewers that Mrs. jackson would want to get word out b/c i think it was stated oprah's show have an average of 20 million viewers tuning in a week and katherine would want to get to get the truth out to as many people as possible
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

yep she knows.. once TMZ gets a hold of something it's picked up everywhere. The AP had it too. I also heard Oprah got some nasty tweets so she knows

Glad she knows. I too am thinking about the EDITING. I know Michael's mom loves him and will be positive, but I do not know what EDITING Oprah will impose.
We need to inform the family and Taj that Opera's schedule for the week Lisa's interview will be aired deals with ABUSE/PEO. I do not tweet so I cannot tweet him myself.
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

well it's b/c of her audience and viewers that Mrs. jackson would want to get word out b/c i think it was stated oprah's show have an average of 20 million viewers tuning in a week and katherine would want to get to get the truth out to as many people as possible
I understand your point about the size of Oprah's audience...however where Ms Katherine may have good intentions...Oprah does NOT this we can be sure of..especially with a week of shows that she is running. We all know her editing department will do a job on that interview and take things Katherine says out of text. All I can say is that Oprah had better watch her step and give Michael Joseph Jackson the respect that he deserves. Otherwise..she is gonna have alot of pissed of fans up her ass...I doubt she wants that.
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Calm down now, people! Lisa is the least of the problems around. She's completely harmless and nice. She never made a deal with Michael not to talk about him so she's allowed to. She answers questions as long as people ask. I think she has never mentioned Michael first in an interview if not asked..
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

It's funny how people can't stand Oprah but LOVE Lisa.
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I know it's not acceptable, in this forum, to criticize Michael's family members but the truth can't be denied; what Randy did to Michael during the last 10 years is, in black and white, disgusting. Even the likes of Diane Dimond and Nancy (Dis)grace have been better to Michael than Randy. Starting in 2003 when the little brother wormed his way into Michael's good graces by faking sympathy, by acting as if he was a good, loving and caring sibling who just wanted to help. Michael, being naive, falled in his trap and believed Randy genuinely cared about his welfare....just to realize, 2 years later, that his brother had done exactly the contrary of what he thought he was doing. That must have been one of the biggest facades he may have ever faced. Your bother is very nice to you and acts as if your welfare was important to him. You believe him, you believe he just wants to help just to realize, years later, that he was, in your back, acting as your biggest enemy.

Yaazgurl; I suggest you stop living in your Jackson bubble. You are allowed to love Randy. However, you are NOT allowed to dismiss everything the man did to his own flesh and blood while claiming person X, Z or Y is lying in regards to him. I'm getting sick of it and, even though the staff will never protect the ones who criticize the family even if a thousand facts are presented, I'll start reporting you.

It's because of people like you that great posters like Shimar, Williamorange, Lol007, Oceangirl, Snowhite and so on aren't in this board anymore. They dared to destroy your delusion with the truth.

Frist of all randy love michael and he did not fake his sympathy for his brother, he brought T maz on randy was one of michael consultant at that time as well as business manager and supported michael throughout the trial and after, what you are saying about randy are lies that were said about him. michael loved randy and michael and randy remain close after the trial randy was working with michael in bahrain on new music. and randy is fighting now for justice for michael. and for your thousand of fake facts are things you read in the media, you should know better than to believe everything you hear/read. michael taught you that.
blueocean;3021037 said:
Frist of all randy love michael and he did not fake his sympathy for his brother, he brought T maz on randy was one of michael consultant at that time as well as business manager and supported michael throughout the trial and after, what you are saying about randy are lies that were said about him. michael loved randy and michael and randy remain close after the trial randy was working with michael in bahrain on new music. and randy is fighting now for justice for michael. and for your thousand of fake facts are things you read in the media, you should know better than to believe everything you hear/read. michael taught you that.

I was really hoping I wouldnt get in to this…

Sorry… I'll try to make it as negativeless as possible…

Randy loved MIchael? ofcourse as a brother he loved him… Maybe I should let you read a blog that was written by a fellow fan… You should know the truth… The Jackson family are like normal family, they love each other, argue, care for each other and Betray!

Randy Jackson, considered desperate to hold on to some kind of power in his brother’s organization after being relieved of all financial responsibilities this week, issued a statement on his Web site around 6 p.m. last night.
The statement, written by Randy’s girlfriend, Taunya Ziklie, read: “MJJ Productions regretfully announces the termination of Raymone Bain and Davis, Bain & Associates. We thank you for your services.”

Sources close to Bain say that she received the news when a reporter called and told her he’d seen it on the Web site.

According to insiders, her contract is with Jackson himself and not MJJ Productions. She is said to have last spoken with Michael around 2 p.m. on Friday after she faxed him drafts of some proposed statements she’d prepared for post-verdict release.
Where Is Jackson?
To make matters more complicated, this morning there is some confusion about Jackson’s exact location.
His phone
at Neverland is said to have a "do not disturb" block on it, and sources inside the ranch are said to fear being fired if they tell him what's really going on within his organization.
Sources tell me that he and his children and their nanny did not spend last night at Neverland. One source told me that Jackson expressed fears that the ranch was “bugged” with listening devices — ironic since during the trial, the prosecution claimed Jackson was capable of eavesdropping on all phone calls made into or out of the ranch.
If Jackson is not at the ranch and still within an hour’s driving distance of Neverland, the odds are at he’s at a local hotel. The choices are few, with the Santa Ynez Resort and Alisal Ranch the primary candidates. A woman who answered the phone at the former said she couldn’t comment on whether or not Jackson was in residence.
But certainly the sudden dismissal of Bain will cause an incredible amount of chaos as the jury deliberations drag on.
Bain, despite her vagueness during press conferences thanks to a lack of information, has managed nevertheless to keep the troops calm when rumors have run rampant about Jackson’shealth or status.
On the other hand, Randy Jackson is seen by Neverland insiders as trying to isolate his already fearful and nervous brother by cutting him off.
In recent weeks, Bain had established what was considered a better-than-average relationship with Jackson, speaking to him several times a day by phone and often visiting him at the ranch.
This has no doubt been frustrating for Randy, who has spent an equal amount of time spending what’s left of his brother’s money and trying to install his own staff — including the greatly disliked Ziklie — at Neverland.

Karen Fake, Randy Jackson, Taunya Zilkie (girlfriend of Randy Jackson at that time) were managing Michael's official site MJJSOURCE during the trial. These three people ended up scamming the fans. They charged 49,00USD and 89,00USD for a package of some goods. Myself and many other never received any package, nor did we get a refund. Neither did we get an apology. The fans told Michael about this and he immediately shut down the page and fired Karen Fake. Then Karen Fake blamed him for the mess. This is the post Karen Fake wrote about the incident with the site: “I understand all the anger with the fans, but we have done everything in our power to live up to all the promises Michael has made. If he does not fulfill his promises…there is nothing we can do. We were Michael’s voice, but if he doesn’t wish to speak or pay the bills for MJJsource, there is nothing we can do.”

Exactly what promises could MJ have made when he was fighting for his life? Epic fail ms Fake. Not to mention, they did not only scam the fans, but they were doing this when MJ was fighting for his life. Disgusting.


I've got more where that came from. If you think we heard this from the media, you are mistaken…its from People who were actually involved with this thing that most have learned about this. The media for once is not totally involved in this…! :) Sorry to make it quite long… I hope you save time to read the blog…

If this is out of line…Mods please delete… I'm just giving facts...

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earthlyme;3021043 said:

I was really hoping I wouldnt get in to this…

Sorry… I'll try to make it as negativeless as possible…

Randy loved MIchael? ofcourse as a brother he loved him… Maybe I should let you read a blog that was written by a fellow fan… You should know the truth… The Jackson family are like normal family, they love each other, argue, care for each other and Betray!

I've got more where that came from. If you think we heard this from the media, you are mistaken…its from People who were actually involved with this thing that most have learned about this. The media for once is not totally involved in this…! :) Sorry to make it quite long… I hope you save time to read the blog…

If this is out of line…Mods please delete… I'm just giving facts...

Like I said a lot of lies were said about randy back then, and your source I do not trust what they said, the only source I trusted back then was raymone bain statements that set the record straight and michael statements through bain about randy,like bain said about michael 98% of what you hear/read is false. same go's for what you hear/read about randy 98% of what hear/read would be false.
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Calm down now, people! Lisa is the least of the problems around. She's completely harmless and nice. She never made a deal with Michael not to talk about him so she's allowed to. She answers questions as long as people ask. I think she has never mentioned Michael first in an interview if not asked..


Agreement does not hold anyone's mouth. Fact. Only works on paper. In practice, it's another thing completely different. That's what I see. -_-
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Like I said a lot of lies were said about randy back then, and your source I do not trust what they said, the only source I trusted back then was raymone bain statements that set the record straight and michael statements through bain about randy,like bain said about michael 98% of what you hear/read is false. same go's for what you hear/read about randy 98% of what hear/read would be false.

Problem is, most of that stuff ended up being true, like the Bain firing, despite Michael never wanting her fired. And the refund situation that happened, which Michael was very upset about, because he had no idea Faye and Randy were even offering such a thing to fans.
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

This thread has seriously veered off topic. This is about Katherine's interview with Oprah, not Randy and what happened or did not happen with MJJSource. Keep it on topic please folks.
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

So the interview is not cancel?

Great, I can't wait to see Bashir, Diane Dimond and Nancy Grace at Hayvenhurst the next month.
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Swing and a miss!




Or maybe Topflux is being sarcastic?
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

LMP and OPRAH are nothing but waists of space. Mama J should not have gone on Oprah and she will learn why after the mistake has been made.
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Ahhh effing backstabbersss!!! Why??? WTF is wrong with all of them??!!!!! Katherine??? Seriouslyyyy??? Letting the kids get interviewed by Ogar?? Wowwww that's SICK!!! The whole Jackson family disgust me and I thought I had it bad with my family.

Their little excuse is so funny and invalid. Been there done that and it never works to try to convince the mind of those who hates mike!! They don't hate him because they think he's a pedophile, they call him a pedophile because they hate him.

I rather not care about Michael at all than deal with this BS. I hate the Jacksons. I sincerely madly deeply truly do. I'm done caring.