Update: NOW STREAMING / Hold My Hand - the video (discussion)

OMG, I'm crying. So beautiful! The director and everyone did a great job!
Ohh the beginning when the fans say "we love you Michael, thank you Michael... come back Michael" *sigh* and then releases the balloons...

I like the photos of him that they have chosen to be in this video

I thought the video was beautiful for this song..
I love it, very emotional. I had tears in my eyes. Great job!
Good video. I just think there are waaaayyyyyy too many clips of Michael Jackson actually holding people's hands for there to not be atleast one clip of MJ actually holding somebody's hand in the video. Pretty sure he holds Siedah's hand on the Dangerous tour...even that is better than nothing.

But still great video. Great concept. Great song. Great album. Greatest of All-Time!
Ohh the beginning when the fans say "we love you Michael, thank you Michael... come back Michael" and then releases the balloons...

I thought the video was beautiful for this song..

*criesandcriesandcries* I wasn't kidding when I said Michael was with us on that last scene. That was shot last, about 5 minutes before the sun went down. And Mark Pellington was literally jumping on that scene, he was so into it.
It's blocked in Germany!!! Grrrrrrr! :cry: I can't see it.

(Update: Trying to watch via a free proxy. It will be a low quality stream then, though. Hope someone can upload it somehow in decent quality.)
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Well, that made me emotional. Very beautiful; so nicely done. They did good! :clapping:
Very nice tribute of people showing love for Michael, and holding hands. Made me tear up. :cry: I liked the imagery, but I'll probably have to watch it again to catch it all. Only thing I didn't like is that there was too much of Akon. I rather wish he wasn't in the video, and there were more images of Michael instead. It kinda ruined the atmosphere a bit IMO.