Update: NOW STREAMING / Hold My Hand - the video (discussion)

I like it.

Thank you to all who participated in it.

Thank you, Michael.
It's blocked in Germany!!! Grrrrrrr! :cry: I can't see it.

(Update: Trying to watch via a free proxy. It will be a low quality stream then, though. Hope someone can upload it somehow in decent quality.)
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Re: Update: Debuts at 12:01am Thursday Dec 9th ET/ Hold My Hand - the video (discussion)

OMG! OMG!.. This Video gave me goosebumps and tears in my eyes. How does this effect happen to me again..lol I don't know what to say!

:cry: I know, it was a beautiful video, well made. Why did he have to go and why does it still hurt so much?? :cry:
I do have one question. What the point of someone walking over Michael's star at the end in the rain? Then I thought something was shown but I couldn't picture what it was. A flower or light? Maybe I am seeing things since I need to go to sleep soon.
I do have one question. What the point of someone walking over Michael's star at the end in the rain? Then I thought something was shown but I couldn't picture what it was. A flower or light? Maybe I am seeing things since I need to go to sleep soon.

could it be reverse reflection of a palm tree on the puddle of water? not sure really
I do have one question. What the point of someone walking over Michael's star at the end in the rain? Then I thought something was shown but I couldn't picture what it was. A flower or light? Maybe I am seeing things since I need to go to sleep soon.
I noticed that, too. I kept trying to see exactly what it was but it gets too dark and done too fast.

Its outline reminded me of a dandelion, after all the fluffy florets are blown away. Curious.
I do have one question. What the point of someone walking over Michael's star at the end in the rain? Then I thought something was shown but I couldn't picture what it was. A flower or light? Maybe I am seeing things since I need to go to sleep soon.
Could be a reflection?
At first glance it looked like a dandelion in the water to me, but it could just be a reflection of something.
That was quite good. I wasn't sure what to expect really but i thought that was fairly well done.
Could be a reflection?
At first glance it looked like a dandelion in the water to me, but it could just be a reflection of something.
It seems like something that is dropped into the water and causes a little splash. Like the weight of a See's candy sucker on a stick. You see the reflection of the splash in the water, I think. I suppose something light like a dandelion wouldn't cause much of a splash. Hmm. Not easy to tell at all.

I love the way someone says "Come back!" with such emphasis.

What do you think the symbolism is, behind the repeated closing of and exiting through, the orange door?
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It seems like something that is dropped into the water and causes a little splash. Like the weight of a See's candy sucker on a stick. You see the reflection of the splash in the water, I think. I suppose something light like a dandelion wouldn't cause much of a splash. Hmm. Not easy to tell at all.

I love the way someone says "Come back!" with such emphasis.

What do you think the symbolism is, behind the repeated entering, of the orange door?
Since you're mentioning symbolism... I gotta tell you there is A LOT of symbolism in this video. It's really something, and would be interesting it point out each one. One of the things I like about this video, not just because of the warm and love you feel from it, but the little scenes and objects in there that have significance. Don't know about the opening and closing of the orange door... can mean new beginnings? Doors of opportunity, one door closes, another opens for you when times seem to get tough? And... another symbol...like example, the light Michael supposedly looks at 0:54... the angel that hugs him (concert in Bucharest) seconds later. The lively and dead flowers play a part too... regrowth. That's only some.

Woah, I wrote a lot, but yeah, there's just so much it's interesting.
It seems like something that is dropped into the water and causes a little splash. Like the weight of a See's candy sucker on a stick. You see the reflection of the splash in the water, I think. I suppose something light like a dandelion wouldn't cause much of a splash. Hmm. Not easy to tell at all.

I love the way someone says "Come back!" with such emphasis.

What do you think the symbolism is, behind the repeated closing of and exiting through, the orange door?

It opens in the beginning (0:18?) and it closes at the end.

When the extras filmed through that door, it was "the journey". The light of the outside was falling just through the just barely opened door, it was like walking in the light and then into it.
And Mark Pellington told us exactly that, "imagine yourself walking home. ", his exact words.

They played with the light falling through that door all the time, there's also a "shadow" of MJ at least ones in the door.

('course many more shadows on the building, too)

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Since you're mentioning symbolism... I gotta tell you there is A LOT of symbolism in this video. It's really something, and would be interesting it point out each one. One of the things I like about this video, not just because of the warm and love you feel from it, but the little scenes and objects in there that have significance. Don't know about the opening and closing of the orange door... can mean new beginnings? Doors of opportunity, one door closes, another opens for you when times seem to get tough? And... another symbol...like example, the light Michael supposedly looks at 0:54... the angel that hugs him (concert in Bucharest) seconds later. The lively and dead flowers play a part too... regrowth. That's only some.

Woah, I wrote a lot, but yeah, there's just so much it's interesting.
Glad you did. Interesting. :)

At 0.54, isn't that all he sees after Siedah disapears abruptly (her spot suddenly goes black) while singing I Just Can't Stop Loving You, and he is left standing there with her being "out of his life?"
I do have one question. What the point of someone walking over Michael's star at the end in the rain? Then I thought something was shown but I couldn't picture what it was. A flower or light? Maybe I am seeing things since I need to go to sleep soon.
I think it might represent how people stepped on MJ while he was alive, ie treated him badly. I think it was a flower that fell in the water, maybe a daisy?

Lots of stars and crowns in the vid.
Sorry to say this - but worst video ever...

The clips are so fast I got dizzy and nausea.

If you have epilepsy this video would be very very bad for you.

If the clips had not been so D#¤" fast it would have been soo much better.
I LOVE it .................. just love it!!
The emphasis on LOVE & UNITY is heart-warming & the clips of Michael are magical.
Thank you with all my heart.​

I think it might represent how people stepped on MJ while he was alive, ie treated him badly. I think it was a flower that fell in the water, maybe a daisy?

Lots of stars and crowns in the vid.
That's an interesting possibility.

It also made me think of how many individuals, while the rain is coming down, are moving along their way on that sidewalk not necessarily paying a bit of attention on whose star they've come to, or even if they are stepping on any part of a star. They are hurrying on their way with other thoughts in their head. It gave me that feel for some reason.

And just last week, I was there, in Hollywood, and when I first walked along, I was reading every name on each star...but on the way back, I had a time restraint, and I was hurrying... and didn't look down at all, as I passed over and among the many stars on the sidewalk.
That's an interesting possibility.

It also made me think of how many individuals, while the rain is coming down, are moving along their way on that sidewalk not necessarily paying a bit of attention on whose star they've come to, or even if they are stepping on any part of a star. They are hurrying on their way with other thoughts in their head. It gave me that feel for some reason.

And just last week, I was there, in Hollywood, and when I first walked along, I was reading every name on each star...but on the way back, I had a time restraint, and I was hurrying... and didn't look down at all, as I passed over and among the many stars on the sidewalk.
And this makes me think it might be representing that peeps had forgotten what a brilliant star he was, and the flower might represent that people are now remembering..
The walking over Michael's star at the end after the pause .... made me feel he was still here and that was him walking over it.
Wishful thinking.
I felt Michael's presence SO much in this video ... as if he was still here.
The walking over Michael's star at the end after the pause .... made me feel he was still here and that was him walking over it.
Wishful thinking.
I felt Michael's presence SO much in this video ... as if he was still here.
I thought about that too... it was like symbolizing him walking over his star.
Because at the end, you see a star, and of course you recognize it's Michael's star and then someone passes by... it's like... yeap.

I actually like discussing these little things in the video, it really opens up new meanings to the term Hold My Hand. :lol: