What Michael Means to each of us...

Momma Shannon

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Michael Jackson has the most unique fans in the world. There isn't another entertainer that has the intense base that is attracted to Michael's side. I see threads all the time trying to define Michael Jackson's fans into categories and I've decided I'm not a A, B, C or D fan. I have my own reasons for loving Michael and his talents. We all do.

Some of us are fans of Michael's music, others love his dance, others love the man that is Michael Jackson and others still love his gold fashion sense :lol:. What kind of fan we are isn't truely as important as our support and love for Michael. We all share that love differently but regardless wether it's the posters, late nights online, hanging out in front of hotels or buying all of his albums we all support Michael Jackson.

So my question is what is it that makes Michael Jackson special to you? How has he influenced your way of thinking and how does he positively effect you personally?

Let's hear your story...
I have a blog about it...cause it is too large to post here....there, you can read MY thoughts about being an MJ fan..
Like a lot of people, I grew up listening to his music. I have been listening his music since I was little girl and I have followed his career my whole life. Michael Jackson was, is, and will always be my favourite artist.

He is a mega talent & a charismatic sweet guy, my heart and blessing go out to him. If I could give Michael a hug and say "thank you" I would. :girl_sigh:

I love that even after those horrible lies were said about him that he's still willing to give everyone another chance and perform for us. What protects Michael from this assault, besides his own tremendous strength, faith and intelligence, are his FANS. They cannot print a negative story on the web or in the news about him that is not responded to by hundreds of people who come to his defence.

The man has a sheild of love around from millions of people on this earth who have benefited, loved and evolved because of his art. I am proud to be one of those who defends him whenever and however I can.

So, he means a lot to me.:girl_aww:
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Like a lot of people, I grew up listening to his music. I have been listening his music since I was little girl and I have followed his career my whole life. Michael Jackson was, is, and will always be my favourite artist.

He is a mega talent & a charismatic sweet guy, my heart and blessing go out to him. If I could give Michael a hug and say "thank you" I would. :girl_sigh:

I love that even after those horrible lies were said about him that he's still willing to give everyone another chance and perform for us. What protects Michael from this assault, besides his own tremendous strength, faith and intelligence, are his FANS. They cannot print a negative story on the web or in the news about him that is not responded to by hundreds of people who come to his defence.

The man has a sheild of love around from millions of people on this earth who have benefited, loved and evolved because of his art. I am proud to be one of those who defends him whenever and however I can.

So, he means a lot to me.:girl_aww:
This is so true. His fans are his army of love. I love the way MJ invited them to his trial. They did protect him there. Sneddon et al did not know what hit them there, even the media had to take cover.
I believe what MJ does now, he does it mainly for the fans.:)
When I was younger my father would always play Michael Jackson and its what I grew up listening to. Last year I started to listen to a few songs and it really brought me back to when I was younger and I continued to learn about him and listen to all his music. Now I love his music, dancing, and him as a person. I love everything about him! :)
Michael somewhat means alot to me i can relate to him in different ways his Music means alot to me and its like an escape ( so is comming on MJJC :p) i'm not obsessed with him in anyway what so ever but he is one of my Idols and i wouldnt be the same without his Music
Its a long story.

But long story short :lol:....when I was little (as MJ would say, 'like nine yeeers oallldd') I could really relate to Michael. my family life was not pleasant. I was going through that awkward phase EARLY lol...so i felt really lonely, abandoned, misunderstood. And Michael and his music pretty much helped me through that. So I guess i can relate to MJ on so many levels and stages in my life. he's been a role model for me to work hard, stick to your ideals, and DARE TO BE DIFFERENT.

tHat was back then. Now MJ's my inspiration for a different reason. Perseverance. the trial (if it had to happen) couldn't have come at a better time. At that time I've grown up, become a lot more mature, struggling to find myself, and then MJ is forced into the worst time of his life. But seeing him go through it, I supported him like and old childhood friend. Cuz that is what he was to me...I when i was 9, I was reallllly crazy for him, and obsessed, and unrealistic in my view about him :lol: I got over it in high school and when MJ was going through the trial, I had a totally different view of him. It's almost as if me and Michael/Michael's music went WAYYYY BACK or something :lol: I'm not obsessed with the guy (like I was), but I hold an appreciation for what he's done with his music, and his life in general to inspire people...so pretty much, I'm pretty much gonna support the man for life...I'm along for the ride. I deeply care and love him because of WHO HE IS, what he's BEEN through, what he'd DONE with his life....I love the man. I really do. So yep I'm stuck like Velcro to him and when ever he needs support i'm there, no matter what he decides to do from now on.

Plus the guy continues to surprise me. After the trial, I was really down because I thought MJ would totally change afterwards and give up everything. Damn did he surprise the hell out of me. He hasnt changed a bit, and that right there is inspiring. He's still sweet, gracious, kind...it's amazing. It's a lesson MJ has SHOWN me, and I'm going to keep that lesson close to my heart for the rest of my days.
I am only 16 years so I am a pretty new fan. I became a fan of Michael during the trial era. I had heard lots of negative thoughts about Michael Jackson. One night I was very bored and I was on the internet so for some strange reason I typed the word thriller in the search bar for google. I was eventually led to a link which played the song. I found myself loving it. I decided to check out more of his songs after and I couldn't believe myself. After listening to his music I knew right then and there that this man ccouldn't have been a criminal. I did my research and on verdict day I was as nervous as anyone. After It was announced I literally jumped for joy and hugged my family. Ever since then I have become a huge Michael fan. The man is very strong and intelligent and a kind hearted and beautiful human being.
I've said everything in my thread "Fever '08, how Michael helps me heal the world".

It's in fan zone section.
Its a long story.

But long story short :lol:....when I was little (as MJ would say, 'like nine yeeers oallldd') I could really relate to Michael. my family life was not pleasant. I was going through that awkward phase EARLY lol...so i felt really lonely, abandoned, misunderstood. And Michael and his music pretty much helped me through that. So I guess i can relate to MJ on so many levels and stages in my life. he's been a role model for me to work hard, stick to your ideals, and DARE TO BE DIFFERENT.

tHat was back then. Now MJ's my inspiration for a different reason. Perseverance. the trial (if it had to happen) couldn't have come at a better time. At that time I've grown up, become a lot more mature, struggling to find myself, and then MJ is forced into the worst time of his life. But seeing him go through it, I supported him like and old childhood friend. Cuz that is what he was to me...I when i was 9, I was reallllly crazy for him, and obsessed, and unrealistic in my view about him :lol: I got over it in high school and when MJ was going through the trial, I had a totally different view of him. It's almost as if me and Michael/Michael's music went WAYYYY BACK or something :lol: I'm not obsessed with the guy (like I was), but I hold an appreciation for what he's done with his music, and his life in general to inspire people...so pretty much, I'm pretty much gonna support the man for life...I'm along for the ride. I deeply care and love him because of WHO HE IS, what he's BEEN through, what he'd DONE with his life....I love the man. I really do. So yep I'm stuck like Velcro to him and when ever he needs support i'm there, no matter what he decides to do from now on.

Plus the guy continues to surprise me. After the trial, I was really down because I thought MJ would totally change afterwards and give up everything. Damn did he surprise the hell out of me. He hasnt changed a bit, and that right there is inspiring. He's still sweet, gracious, kind...it's amazing. It's a lesson MJ has SHOWN me, and I'm going to keep that lesson close to my heart for the rest of my days.

I sooo get what you are saying J5master. Great topic Shannon.:yes:

For me like J5master and I am sure others :D I grew up listening to J5 and MJ (a bunch of other 'solid' artists) coz of my folks. I didn't really become a fan of MJ until later on. When I was a kid I use to marvel at little MJ's talent. I couldn't get enough of this tiny person blowing peeps mind (including my dad who by the way is a proper 'critic' in music) with such composure, dignity and purity.

I started to realize that it wasn't just his talent that inspired me but also the so-called 'contradiction' in his manners/beliefs etc. What I mean is simply that for some time most peeps believe that it took a certain 'type' of person to be 'successful' so things like been 'extrovert' 'macho for men' etc were associated with success etc. I have always wanted to me successful in areas that i am interested in (I don't mean 'celebrity success' by the way) but I or rather my personality doesn't 'fit' into these values. I don't hold much respect for 'successful artist' for example who have 10000 kids by 1000 women they whose names they don't even remember or say 'successful women' who are more like 'sophisticated w*ores' than anything else.

So I never believed or understood why these values were synonymous with 'success' etc which in turn made me feel very odd. MJ taught or rather showed me that you do not have to sacrifice your values/dignity to get to where you want to be. This lesson was very important to me especially when I was younger and kept hearing how the dreams/goals I had were 'unrealistic' 'not-me' wtf etc. The other thing I experienced as I started journey of making my dreams come true or at least die trying :lol: was the 'hate/dislike/falsehood/lies' that seems to pour out of some folks who can't stand seeing anyone even daring to try to be better/best he/she can be. It makes me laugh now at times but (thank God I am not a celebrity coz some ish peeps do/say would have made headlines)! :lol:

So again I understand the 'haters' so well when it comes to MJ coz those folks exist in real life! MJ continues to teach me how to handle things like this (albeit my experiences are very minor in comparison). I have achieved many of my childhood dreams thank God and have many more to go. But through it all its like whenever the ish hits the fan (and I know that my ish will never be as big as what MJ has put up with so far) I can always look at the way MJ dealt with it and know that it will be OK. :lol:

Funny thing is that for years I stayed away from forums etc didn't really think they were for me. Anyway I used to read stuff as a guest and that's it. When the trial hit I was sooooo pleasantly surprised by the way fans investigated, shared, question etc all aspect of the accusations. It was one time that I was blown away not just by MJ's dignity, courage, strength etc but also by the fans. Just like I got a deeper understanding of MJ and a whole new level of respect and love for him, I saw a whole new aspect of MJ fans. I remember watching the verdict and seeing the fans and also one banner which I will never forget that read 'MJ on behalf of manking.. We are sorry' and wished I was there to hug each and everyone of them. I felt like they were all connected to me, to the joy I felt etc.

It was also amazing how this man even at his hardest/darkest times still brought love out of people from across the globe. I don't mean to write a whole book on this topic but I am so glad to be alive in this era coz before MJ all my other 'heroes' are dead and the only way I could learn about them was through books, videos etc

MJ means a whole lot to me! He taught that its Ok to dream, that your dream can be as big or small as you want, you are in control, that anything is possible, that just because many peeps believe in something it anit Gospel, that aim to be the best you can be and be prepared to work hard and sacrifice, that talk is cheap, that its Ok to be care for others even tho' you don't know them personally, that you can make a difference no matter how big or small, that good people do win!:punk:
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Even though lately ive been back and forth alot ill say that ill always like Michael Jackson cause no matter how much i get frustrated with him at times if i hear a song of his or see a video i get the same feelings i always have. I start tapping my foot and a smile comes across my face and i become a fan all over again.
And on the other side of that i think im attracted to his sense of being bruised by life. He has the personna of taking alot of hits in his life and still staying strong throughout whatever happens and i really admire that about him. I think it fulfills a need of mine to watch someone go through it and come out on top after each and every tribulation. Ive never seen a celebrity that ive wanted to hug as much as i do him. I could be totally wrong, but somehow i think he needs it more than alot of people do.
Even though lately ive been back and forth alot ill say that ill always like Michael Jackson cause no matter how much i get frustrated with him at times if i hear a song of his or see a video i get the same feelings i always have. I start tapping my foot and a smile comes across my face and i become a fan all over again.
And on the other side of that i think im attracted to his sense of being bruised by life. He has the personna of taking alot of hits in his life and still staying strong throughout whatever happens and i really admire that about him. I think it fulfills a need of mine to watch someone go through it and come out on top after each and every tribulation. Ive never seen a celebrity that ive wanted to hug as much as i do him. I could be totally wrong, but somehow i think he needs it more than alot of people do.
That is really touching and honest of you thank you for that.:)
Michael's music has gotten me through many tough times in my life. If I had anything going on I could always turn on one of his albums and "get away" even for a moment.
I forgot to mention. Back in the 90's, when MJ had that innoculation initiative in Atlanta GA...here is a link to the article: http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9F0CEED6133BF930A25750C0A965958260

That got me thinking about wanting to become a nurse again. I am almost there...maybe by the time I get my RN, I can help out giving vaccinations...just like he did back in 1993...only THIS time I could actually help give them!
When I became a fan of course at first it was his music that totally got me.. It was just a short clip of Beat It and the next day I went to buy HIStory album. After 12 years Im still on that same road and to be honest, I wouldn't change this to anything else.

I have had my up's and down's in my fanhood, but when something is really deep in your heart it just never fades away completely. I can honestly say Michael and his music has changed me a lot as a person, so in a way I have taken a look at the man in the mirror. As well as I have learned so much from him. Many times I have wondered where would I be and most of all, what kind of person would I be if there wasn't for him? He has been so big part of my life for so long I can't even imagine what my life would be without him.

His music has a healing touch. A couple of years ago there was a time in my life when I was ready to let go of everything. That's the time when I lost my precious daddy and it was Michael's 'Smile' that helped me to go throught all that grief and pain I had at the time. Dad was (and still is!) the most important person in my life, so when I lost him my whole world collapsed. I'll be forever grateful to Michael for saving my life, literally.

And of course without him I wouldn't have had the change to meet all the wonderful people I have met throught these years. Some of them have became so important and dear to me that I don't know what would I do without them. They are there for me as well as I am here for them.
That was very moving Reeta! Thanx for sharing. :flowers: Sorry about your dad. :smile:
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MJ doesn't have to be explained. you hear naysayers wishing that the fans would feel the need to explain him, and the naysayers get frustrated. that's just one of the many reasons why i love Michael. His magic is always there, and even the meek fans keep their positive feelings toward him intensified inside, as opposed to other artists. i don't think there are any meek fans when it comes to other artists. and i think the meek fans are powerful, cus they have to keep things inside...

now i think all MJ fans are a powerful force..but right now, i'm just giving props to the meek ones, cus i can relate.. i'm not saying that any one type of fan is better than the other, cus they're all equal. i'm just talking from a place that i recognize..and that's really all i can do.
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I have to say Michael is no longer just a musician for me.
I think that's the reality for most of the fans, we've been able to see the man and there's no way back after that.

I grew up listening to him and became absolutely obsessed at 9. Though through the years things have come and gone in my life, the one thing that has remained constant is my love for MJ.

It's a very hard to explain feeling, I feel as if he's a friend of mine, a dear dear friend of mine, that's cause his music has helped me through my hard times and it's always comforting to listen to him when I'm crying, it brings a smile to my face unlike any other and I feel as if my friend is telling me that everything will be ok.

His amazing talent is undeniable, I personally believe he's THE most talented man to ever walk this earth; and he's had a direc influence on almost every single performer out there.
As a man, there are no words to describe that golden heart of his, his undying love for children and his huge generosity even in the hardest of times is like no other; people who bash him without knowing a single thing of his kind heart should be ashamed.

As for his 'gold fashion sense', let's just say I'm among those who just can't get enough.
He was my birth father, my mother told me 12 years ago now. I didn't believe it at first, but it all started to make more sense as I grew.
To me, Michael Jackson is proof that the world isn't completely doomed.

I owe the man a lot. For his music, for his life, everything. I honestly didn't believe in anything most of my adulthood. I thought people all sucked, and any concept of 'love' or 'devotion' was a complete lie. I had a LOT of anger towards the world. But listening to Michael Jackson's music and reading some of the beautiful words he's written has really opened my eyes to how wrong I was and how many years I wasted being stubborn and selfish. I've never seen a human being like him before. Sometimes I really do think that he and music are one and the same, because he has given me so much joy and helped me learn what being human really should be. I haven't been a fan for very long, but I've come to admire him more than any other person in my life. Michael Jackson is the strongest person I've ever known of. Every time he gets stepped on or knocked down, he keeps getting back up and moving foreward.And he keeps loving. That's why he's so amazing. I love Michael Jackson. I really do.
well after 15 years of "living in Michael's world" I could say I love his art(music, songs,films, short films, concerts and so on) that is truth... I could say I admire his strengh and respect his humanitarian efforts and many other things
but I just say

I love him and I care
I do
I have to say Michael is no longer just a musician for me.
I think that's the reality for most of the fans, we've been able to see the man and there's no way back after that.

I grew up listening to him and became absolutely obsessed at 9. Though through the years things have come and gone in my life, the one thing that has remained constant is my love for MJ.

It's a very hard to explain feeling, I feel as if he's a friend of mine, a dear dear friend of mine, that's cause his music has helped me through my hard times and it's always comforting to listen to him when I'm crying, it brings a smile to my face unlike any other and I feel as if my friend is telling me that everything will be ok.

His amazing talent is undeniable, I personally believe he's THE most talented man to ever walk this earth; and he's had a direc influence on almost every single performer out there.
As a man, there are no words to describe that golden heart of his, his undying love for children and his huge generosity even in the hardest of times is like no other; people who bash him without knowing a single thing of his kind heart should be ashamed.

As for his 'gold fashion sense', let's just say I'm among those who just can't get enough.
Thanks for sharing.:D
Always a pleasure, it's hard to get me to stop gushing over how much I love him anyway.
writting what he means to me is a project in itself.. I'll write it up later.. Good topic though.. I'll love to share..
Michael represents everything that is good in this world to me! Joy, fun, excitement, INNOCENCE, beauty, entertainment, love & magic. It feels like Michael is a part of my family to me! I will love & support him forever :wub: :wub: He's taught me so much through his music & way of living. He insires me more & more with everything he does! He's just magnificent in every way! :D
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I became an MJ fan at 3 years old.. (1988) I was drawn to the moonwalker cover in the store.0 (it started it all) At the age of 5 I moved to another country, taken away from everyone and everything I knew. MICHAEL JACKSON was the onlything I could take with me, (Aside from my mother and brother).. He was my connection to the life I knew, the family I missed, the things I become to love. Within that time I grew to love the family I met and lived with there, created new memories. Many of which surrounded Michael jackson. 2.5 years later, I moved back to the U.S. 1993. Leaving family in that country that I grew to love once again. What could I bring with me as a piece of memory? MICHAEL.. When I came back, not too much longer after the 1993 allegations hit. I was 8, I understood the claimes, but I just KNEW he could not do that. From then on, I moved several times, around the states. To this date I am 22 years old and have lived in over 25 homes. Aside from my imediate family, Michael Jackson was the onlything that stayed with me my whole life.

Because of my love for Michael and my love for art (inspired from Michael) I spent a lot of time by myself.. Instead of going out and partying, I stayed home and practiced my dance.. Instead of getting into what others around me were (DRUGS and SEX) I danced..

To sum it up shortly, I feel that God gave me Michael Jackson in a way to stay away from the temptations of the world.. living in the world of art instead of the sad world as we know it..

that was just a fast type up..