Are the Jacksons part Native American?


Proud Member
Nov 30, 2007
Okay, so I was reading something way back, and I don't know what the book was called, but it said that the Jacksons had some native american in their ancestory. I think it said something about the Cherokee tribe, but I'm not sure.

Can anyone confirm this?
^yes, exactly. Their great grand father is native american . His life story is amazing. He is a hero like michael.
The Jackson's have Native American heritage and also European heritage. As Joesph also say's that one of his greatgrand mother's was the the daughter of the platation owner, and she had an affair with a slave and was forced to sell her daughter from that affair a few years later.

quotes from Michael: "we've got these indian cheekbones" native american blood

"my father has blue eyes" white blood
Wow I did'nt know that he was part native amarican!
They must be very proud to have native amarican ancesters. I would be ^^

The native amaricans are the people that I respect the most of all human time.
I can't believe what happened to this great, whise nation back in the past. And that they are almost forgotten now!

There should be glorious stories about these people rather than about columbo and all these "heroes" of power.

Our children could learn so much from the lifetheories of indians and from their history!
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Here's a pic of my family...I'm furthermost on the left...


I felt bad for my brother's teeth back then....he got braces right after this
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Thanx for this thread Stephluvs. Never knew anything else besides Mike saying about his cheekbones.

Thank you man in the mirror. I'll take some time out and read what his father wrote about the family's Native American heritage. I'm sure Mike heard a lot about his great grandfather and studied a lot on Native Americans and the culture himself. We know he's proud of his African American heritage as well.
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I think Kathrine looks like she could have some native american relatives as well considering the shape of her eyes. It was her I thought MJ meant at first. But then I read that it was on Josephs side.
Most African Americans have Native American and European blood simply because of their history in America.I have both strong Native America and European links. My grandmother's grandfather was pure Native American and my biologicial grandfather was biracial I believe. Most Blacks have White blood because of the sensitive issues going on on the plantation. And most Blacks also have Native American blood because many escaping slaves were often housed and protected by Indians who took them into their owned land.
joes great grandfather was native american a shayman i think he said in the book he wrote. never read about katherine having N.A but white was mentiond
I good number of white Americans also have Native American ancestry, such as Justin Timberlake who recently discovered his.
joes great grandfather was native american a shayman i think he said in the book he wrote. never read about katherine having N.A but white was mentiond
Yes, he said his great grandfather, the ancestor "Jack" was an indian shaman. Also I think his son married a woman who was 3/4 indian.
Where are you getting all this info from? Jermaine said on TV there all 100% black, nothing else.
i wouldn't say people simply claim.. alot of african americans, latinos have native blood. theres a mixer.
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Well I'm Native American from the Hopi Tribe. And I heard this too. This is my Michael art along with some Hopi designs and artwork.

Most African Americans have Native American and European blood simply because of their history in America.I have both strong Native America and European links. My grandmother's grandfather was pure Native American and my biologicial grandfather was biracial I believe. Most Blacks have White blood because of the sensitive issues going on on the plantation. And most Blacks also have Native American blood because many escaping slaves were often housed and protected by Indians who took them into their owned land.

I agree. I think it's safe to say that the majority of blacks on this side of the planet have some kind of other race in their history.

It all boils down to slavery. Those men didn't just tie up the slaves and have them working. They were sleeping with them too.

I think black people also tend to be one of the more "mixing" you're bound to find a little something something here and there.