IRAN fighting for freedom... more than 150 ppl r killed ... LORD HAVE MERCY.

Jul 25, 2011
lost, lonely & scared... wanna live with Michael i
The presidental election day;

It was wilddddddd; the numbers of people who voted is like never before. Many who had never voted since iran's revolution, today for the first time did. (my parents and my grandma are three of them!)


many united not to let it happen for Iran's sake and for the World's sake, but he has lots of supporters; such ignorant people. yuck!

it is over and the counting will begin shortly. Oh, till the result come out...

if this monster wins, iran is ruined.

Lord please have mercy on Iran :angel::angel:
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Re: ~ * OH, what a day in IRAN!!!! * ~

The presidental election day;

It was wilddddddd; the numbers of people who voted is like never before. Many who had never voted since iran's revolution, today for the first time did. (my parents and my grandma are three of them!)


many united not to let it happen for Iran's sake and for the World's sake, but he has lots of supporters; such ignorant people. yuck!

it is over and the counting will begin shortly. Oh, till the result come out...

if this monster wins, iran is ruined.

Lord please have mercy on Iran :angel::angel:

i will pray with u. Hate should not prevail
Re: ~ * OH, what a day in IRAN!!!! * ~

My prayers will go out for ppl in Iran today also!
May those years to come be good for you guys and that's why also for the world!
Re: ~ * OH, what a day in IRAN!!!! * ~

It seems the "monster" has just won the elections.
Re: ~ * OH, what a day in IRAN!!!! * ~

Ahmadenijad got 66% of the vote.

That racist shouldn't be allowed to run.
Re: ~ * OH, what a day in IRAN!!!! * ~

yeah this kind of sucks. I was really rooting for Mousavi. But the President doesn't have the real power anyways. The supreme leader does.
Re: ~ * OH, what a day in IRAN!!!! * ~


This is nothing but blatant CHEATING!

Since 11 pm till 9 am = 10 hours = 6,000 seconds, 30,000,000 votes were counted. >>>>>>>>> 30,000,000/6,000 = 5,000 per second.

5,000 votes were counted per seconds,

HOW ON EARTH IT IS POSSIBLE? Hand counting takes a loooooooooooot more.

and somethign too interesting is that since morning, 12 am, the sms system of the whoel country is off to prevent any demostration.

it seems everything was planned.


Lord do have mercy....... :praying
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Re: ~ * OH, what a day in IRAN!!!! * ~

It definitely seems like there's been some foul play in this election.

The polls taken in the final days before the election indicated that Mousavi was going to win. 54%-57% to 23% in one poll. But then the election results come in and Ahmadinejad supposedly got 66% of the vote. That doesn't seem right.

Also, a big voter turnout usually means that a lot of people have turned out to vote against the incumbent. So judging by the turn out you'd expect big support for Mousavi. So I definitely suspect foul play.

Apparently Mousavi has come out claiming that he won the election and that his name was replaced with Ahmadinjad's or something. I hope it all works out for the Iranian people and that if Mousavi challenges the election results it will come out the Ahmadinejad cheated. Can any Iranian's on this forum give us an update on whether or not Mousavi is going to challenge the election results?
Re: ~ * OH, what a day in IRAN!!!! * ~

This is definitely not right! I sure hope the UN does something! AND FAST!!!
Re: ~ * OH, what a day in IRAN!!!! * ~

The polls taken in the final days before the election indicated that Mousavi was going to win. 54%-57% to 23% in one poll. But then the election results come in and Ahmadinejad supposedly got 66% of the vote. That doesn't seem right.

it is so obvious that they have cheated once again....

oh, i am depressed to death and no one can do a thing.
the monster is elected

Re: ~ * OH, what a day in IRAN!!!! - WE r officially DOOMED!

I am sorry to hear that, because it seemed that so many people wanted a change. And as it was said here, a big turnout indicates that people want something different.:(

Its not that i don`t think one should respect the result- that is what democracy is about. But it seems that this result will add to the conflicts in the world.
Re: ~ * OH, what a day in IRAN!!!! - WE r officially DOOMED!

democracy? there ain't such thing in iran

all those who has voted for that monster are such close-minded people, living in small towns and many r even illiterat, someone else writes for them.

such ignorant people that believe this person does not lie while he is the biggest liar.
if only u could see his supporters ....

im so so so sorry for iran and for me as an iranian :no: SHAME ON IT ALL.

i do not want to be called an iranian any more.
Re: ~ * OH, what a day in IRAN!!!! - WE r officially DOOMED!

I hope ppl in Iran will not give up. Sometimes it needs time but in the end it's all worth it. Non violent resistance was always the most successfull weapon!
I mean... hey it happend in the USA with Bush... now it happens in Iran... but in the end the change for good can't be stoped. Do not give up hope!
Re: ~ * OH, what a day in IRAN!!!! - WE r officially DOOMED!

I hear you, but its very difficult to do something about things like this:(
International intevention will propably not happen because it could be the spark that makes everything blow up. Too high risk.
I can only hope for the best. I saw some of the reports from Iran, and so many people were out on the street promoting Mousavi, so I actually hoped that he would win because a change in climate is so needed when it comes to international relations.

But I also suspected that Ahmadinejad, and the people supporting him would never let that happen.:no:
Re: ~ * OH, Iran is officially DOOMED! * ~

Yeah but I hope Mousavi is really an oponent and will not give up work because it all only starts.
I honestly do suspect him being only a doll from Ahmadinejad to fool ppl in Iran the world this was a real election while it was all fake.
But the truth will come out soon I suppose.
Re: ~ * OH, Iran is officially DOOMED! * ~

Ahmadenijad won. Everyone knows that elections in Iran are always rigged. Now I hope the Iranians can survive this monster.
Re: ~ * OH, Iran is officially DOOMED! * ~

OMG! Have an Mercy on my Family :praying

:boohoo: :cry: :boohoo: :cry:
Re: ~ * OH, Iran is officially DOOMED! * ~


this must be so difficult , my prayers too .
Re: ~ * OH, Iran is officially DOOMED! * ~

I can't believe he won.
Re: ~ * OH, what a day in IRAN!!!! - WE r officially DOOMED!

democracy? there ain't such thing in iran

all those who has voted for that monster are such close-minded people, living in small towns and many r even illiterat, someone else writes for them.

such ignorant people that believe this person does not lie while he is the biggest liar.
if only u could see his supporters ....

im so so so sorry for iran and for me as an iranian :no: SHAME ON IT ALL.

i do not want to be called an iranian any more.
Now you know how I felt as an American in 2004.

but honestly I think that election was rigged. Everybody was expecting a close race and somehow Ahmadinijad wins with twicw as many votes as Mousavi? while communications were jammed all across the country on election day?
Re: ~ * OH, Iran is officially DOOMED! * ~

I'm not meaning this in a bad way but do the middle east ever get anything right? as i recall its always been in turmoil and most countrys never listen to the voters when it comes to things like this and its always the "bad guy" that gets elected not just in Iran but in other middle eastern countrys aswell
Re: ~ * OH, Iran is officially DOOMED! * ~

I'm not meaning this in a bad way but do the middle east ever get anything right? as i recall its always been in turmoil and most countrys never listen to the voters when it comes to things like this and its always the "bad guy" that gets elected not just in Iran but in other middle eastern countrys aswell

Meh. That's not always true.