The verdict thread .. GUILTY.. Murray remanded without bail

  • Thread starter elusive moonwalker
  • Start date
Oh her... I remember her! She became Diane's Dimond pet! Boy, did Savannah Guthrie turned in the end she is whack. So no surprise she would give Murray any time to defend what just can't be. -_-

To this day can't stand her. she still takes jabs at MJ.
As happy as I initially was now I'm kinda scared about how long they'll sentence him and how long he'll actually serve and I pray to god he doesn't get away with just house arrest.
I hope there are cameras in the court on the 29th it would be a shame if we couldn't follow it through. Twinkle the fish pic is something else I loved it.
hey I was watching the verdict again on TMZ and I noticed that after the bailiff put the cuffs on Murray he turned and asked him to loosen them. Damn I would of made them tighter.

Really murray asked them that?..HAH! i hope the cop that put those handcuffs on him did tightned them
To this day can't stand her. she still takes jabs at MJ.

She sure does!

@Ivy, I have a question, now that we know Murray gave an interview during the trial (while awaiting the verdict), didn't he directly violate the courts order? Didn't Judge Pastor put a gag order on this case? Won't Murray giving an interview with the trial still ongoing have any kind of consequences for him? Regardless of when it's aired?

I would think he definetly has broken the judges order, what effect it could have may be up in the air as right now many are guessing he won't even spend anytime in prison.
Guys I am drunk!!! I have been drinking since 1 hour after the verdict and I hope I could get up tomorrow morning. Congratulations to those who from the beginning believed Muarry would be found guilty.
May something or someone somewhere guide those believers, for they are so far from what's important today...

May those who realise can celebrate the importance of this day and truly rejoice their heart that JUSTICE has been done today.
May the love from the fans who understands the turning point of this day and what it represents for Michael's legacy shines on the whole humanity.

May those who deserves to celebrate, do so.
For the past two years Conrad was living free and carefree with his girlfriend and son acting as if he did absolutely nothing wrong.. During his preliminary hearing he wasn't even handcuffed and they allowed him to enter the backdoor. Well good that they handcuffed his ass and sent him to jail. Hopefully this will teach his cocky butt a lesson.
Oh Oh Baby Face said that he thinks others are involved like AEG and Oxman agrees. Oxman is talking about the civil case where he said more information will come out. We just finished with one case and now we have to deal with that Oxman one. It never ends.
I think we are gonna hear jurors no doubt say they too think he was an addict.

Dr. Drew thinks that the auptospy doesn't show a healthy MJ because of MJ lungs. He said it shows someone that wasn't getting proper air into his lungs from using long term propofol and it caused damaged to his lungs? And he says the insomnia came from withdrawl from the demoral and that's why Murray used Benzos and Propofol to counter the insomnia...He is claiming things that wasn't even brought up in trial? o_O

But, I will say Klein was wrong to give MJ a drug he was addicted to once or twice no matter how low the dose. It was stupid and could have led to whatever Drew keep talking about? Even though lack of medical records makes it hard to say? But, that's all the more make Murray guilty for given MJ even more shit he did not need IMO. But, I don't like that the media acts like the insomnia isn't real. When Mj had this problem since he was a kid/teenager. It did not come after demerol.
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@Ivy, I have a question, now that we know Murray gave an interview during the trial (while awaiting the verdict), didn't he directly violate the courts order? Didn't Judge Pastor put a gag order on this case? Won't Murray giving an interview with the trial still ongoing have any kind of consequences for him? Regardless of when it's aired?

I just saw a brief snippet of the interview with some women and she asked him, what was going on? CM goes, well, he was begging me and pleading with me "to give his milk". That was extent of it. It was on TV. I didn't catch the channel coz my husband was flipping through and stopped when we saw Murray. I'm sure it will come on again. Sorry, it may have been MSCNBC according to my husband. It's suppose to air tomorrow on all the channels he says.
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There's another case coming up? oh lord will the headache ever end?! ugh HLN did mention was it yesterday can't member that even though MJ has been described as an addict many people who knew him very well have said they never ever saw him out of it. And from what I remember the people who did know about his "problem" have said it wasn't a continuous thing it went in stages and that it depended on what was going in his life aka how stressful that point in time in his life was. I think he was obv very stressed when he had performances which I don't blame him since we can pretty much say MJ was a perfectionist which is totally normal. Other examples that could be used are during the 2 accusations but I think when he was home with his kids doing his thing being a dad he was fine. Ya sorry didn't want to bring up the whole addict debate just wanted to clarify a bit since it seems people in the media still want to paint the picture that he was a full blown addict like day in and day out which from what I've heard/read he wasn't
The DA did tackle the addict charge. You heard the DA specially said that Michael wasn't reckless since he knew he needed to be watch to use this drug. Which is why he hired Murray to begin with. If he was an out and out addict, why would he even bother? He also got on the defense's addiction 'expert' when he called Michael an addict and got him to degrade to depended. They also planned to have their own addiction expert testify if needed for the rebuttal, but didn't do it because they wanted to keep everything on Murray and not Michael.

At this point, some people believe what the want. I can't really blame the doctors who testified against Murray to say they didn't think Michael was an addict when we have family members, some friends, and their supporters talking about interventions and Michael being on hard drugs. The doctors themselves probably only paid attention to the blood levels of the drugs that were find, not the autopsy.
Re: Jury Deliberations - Discussion thread as we wait

Klien ran to the news stating that many people gave Michael prof and he was addicted to it and that many times he had to intervene. Now Drew and others are talking about Klien saying he should not be treating addiction and are questioning the amounts Michael was given. They claim that Michael could not sleep because he was withdrawing from Demerol, so I guess the defense have found some advocates after all.

Although Michael suffered from insomnia for decades, we are now told that the demerol he was given early in 09 cased his insomnia. By tomorrow every one will be stating these things as facts, so be prepared.
Oh Oh Baby Face said that he thinks others are involved like AEG and Oxman agrees. Oxman is talking about the civil case where he said more information will come out. We just finished with one case and now we have to deal with that Oxman one. It never ends.

civil cases are never about justice - it's about money.

I just saw a brief snippet of the interview with some women and she asked him, what was going on? CM goes, well, he was begging me and pleading with me to give his milk". That was extent of it.

have a link?

I've seen reports that it was Kathy Hilton.

it's reported that it's latoya and kathy hilton
Thank you MJJC, for your excellent coverage of the trial, and for your support.

Thank you, Alon Shafer, for telling the truth, and thank you to all the other prosecution expert witnesses. THANK YOU, David Walgren, for your passion for justice, and for your caring. THANK YOU, to Judge Pastor, for remanding Murray to JAIL, without possibility for parole.

Thank you, God, for justice.,
Can someone tell me who were those men standing dressed in suits, (3) to the left of Flanangan while the judge read the verdict. They stood there until CM was handcuffed and cleared the coutroom?

I asked this question before but I don't remember getting an answer...who was the guy sitting behind Chernoff through out the trail?

Can someone tell me who were those men standing dressed in suits, (3) to the left of Flanangan while the judge read the verdict. They stood there until CM was handcuffed and cleared the coutroom?

don't know

I asked this question before but I don't remember getting an answer...who was the guy sitting behind Chernoff through out the trail?


michael pena , murray's other lawyer

It's really special for me that the verdict came today. My dad died unexpectedly exactly 2 years ago today, at 10.30 pm CET. When I got the call, I was in a movie theater watching This is it, it was 10.40 pm.
That's about the time it was today when Judge Pastor explained his decision to send Murray to jail. that was just one very special moment, I felt a big big wink from upthere ..:)

big big hugs to you all, I'll never thank you enough for being here, I really hope that this has brought a little peace to you, as it has for me.

RIP Michael, we love you more

Sorry for the loss of your dad. But how sweet you got that awesome hug from up there! :)
Has anybody cried like I have? Just hit me. I was so elated when they announced guilty, but then I broke down and cried hours later, and now I am just numb. =/
Has anybody cried like I have? Just hit me. I was so elated when they announced guilty, but then I broke down and cried hours later, and now I am just numb. =/

That's because today's is a bittersweet day.

Murray has been convicted and will pay for what he did, but nothing done to Murray will ever bring back Michael. As the DA said, this trial will go on forever and ever to Michael's kids because their father is lost.
About the media saying Muarry may not get jail time, don't forget most of what they said did not happen. They said the jury will take long because they are hung up on causation. We have not found out if that was the case yet and the jury did not take long. They said fans would hear things about Michael that would permanently destroy his legacy, and that did not happen. They said the defense will engage in extensive character assassination of Michael and when that did not happen the same people on truetv said "I thought the media expected major character assassination." Here they are pretending they are now not part of that media group.

Drew who claimed Michael did not have that skin condition because he had some black patches, is now running his mouth claiming that we should not be too happy because 2 lives were lost. I am sure he is only saying that because Michael's killer was found guilty. When he was making disparaging remarks about Michael did he not think about the life that was lost?

I notice that now that the verdict is over the 2nd phase of Michael the addict will now be the main event.