Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

:wild: EDIT: I have just seen how long it turned out to be and I have no time to edit now please forgive me everyone :praying:angel:

its amazing that your post reflected so much of what went through my mind today as I was out and about. Maybe I'll get a chance to come back and expound that conversation. For now, I will stop and address this post and I believe its all I'll have time for tonight. I love your username too btw!

That probably could be what he is saying and is communicating there, SoS.

I had thought I had heard "And I tell ya that you’ve seen my face before," but you know, for we have discussed this before in PMs, that I am not that good at hearing MJ's lyrics or catching their meaning. I haven't been listening to his music that long or closely listening to the lyrics in order to figure anything out. I've also never been one, as we have talked about before too, to view or be able to see or support that his lyrics might be speaking to me or about me, although I know fans seem to do that a lot, and that's cool, I guess...probably MJ was fine with that because he wanted others to relate to the lyrics and his songs.
I don't feel the difference in what we're hearing changes the principle there tho so I guess that's the main thing. :)

um :unsure: not sure why you're mentioning PMs like this but, could u knock it off?! :scratch:
:lol: Thanks!!!!! :flowers: (u know i love u, yes even in 'your violence' :cheeky: and of course I'm laughing my head off so you know what that calls for ... but only one, ok here goes now don't shoot me .. :giggle: (ah I needed that!)

He so wanted people to enjoy his music, I think.
Oyeh, that's definitely what its all about, I agree completely.

I have heard a few accounts of fans where they have met, or had an encounter with MJ in their past, and because of their experience, they believe that they are the one he has loved all along. And when I hear their stories they convince me...I'm just like that, they truly do. Their stories are not that far-fetched, some quite beautiful, and when listening, I get caught up and feel for them and think it would be so nice for it to work out that way for them. And even though I am not good at seeing me in lyrics, in many of his songs, and specifically in this song, This Is It, I can see each of their stories within the words...I can make it work for them all. But I realize they can't all be the girl MJ is talking to.
MJ is all of his fans' "Mr. Right" :yes: (at least I never met a fan who didn't feel that way, I guess its a "language" we all speak! lol) and so hence, his fans are his "wife". He's been married to his fans a long, long, loooooooong time. :wub: :wub:

But Justus, I remember, had said in that post (that sadly disappeared), that

"[MJ] knows how to get a message across to a specific person and he knows how to get a message out to the masses."
I remember that post being among the many I had to scan quickly due to time and don't remember that point but it reminds me of what Moddie777 and those had been saying about the notes MJ gave to fans, I guess knowing they would make their way around the fan community - the "double message" idea. At first, I was thinking, 'no his fans are "the one" he's talking to, and I also had that thought when I first heard This Is It, figuring, "it seems as though I've seen your face a thousand times" could have been meant literally to acknowledge his fans, until listening more carefully and more times, so yes, MJ is really good at making his songs sound as if they could have a double meaning.

So I guess she, that specific person, is one who is very good at hearing the lyrics clearly and knowing just what he is saying. And she probably has that kind of confidence to help her do it too. I can't relate...but it must be very nice.
I feel sometimes MJ makes some sounds undetectable to the objective listener where the person he's talking or referring to can perhaps understand what others cannot, so at a certain point I figure what I don't make out, maybe I'm not supposed to make out.

That kind of love must be really nice. :wub: It seems to help make things easier. Makes one strong and determined and successful. Who wants struggle or perserverence? Although, Shabuya has reminded us in her(?) post

Nothing good ever comes easy.
I'm reminded here of much earlier in the thread when MP and those were talking about 'struggle' resulting in a beautiful butterfly and sometimes struggle is as much a result of love, as those other results can also be. I'm also however, reminded of a bible verse in Proverbs that says, and I paraphrase, "two are better than one for if the one falls down who will be there to pick the other one up?" I pointed this scripture out because it seems that whenever MJ "fell down" there was not that one to lift him up. I know it also seems in a way a sort of travesty for two people to somehow know they care about eachother, need to be there for eachother, want to be there for eachother, and just, either can't for whatever reasons, or don't have an inkling as to how, as MP hit on.

I don't know if This Is It was a prelude to addressing that matter between MJ and "her", but it would seem it would be important to he and "she" at some point, to be there for one another, and MP brought up an interesting (and funny lol) point about who would help them. Especially "her" I'd think. There are a lot of people I know who would not have the first clue how to contact a celebrity in a meaningful way, nor be inclined to add to a plethora of probably a hundred to a thousand letters a day. Where I come from, (meaning immediate environment etc.) seeking out celebrities is a completely foreign concept and would strike anyone who knows me as very strange, random and rather absurd, as its understood that celebs are simply humans who do jobs just like everyone else and when we see them on TV or whatever, we're just watching them work and we know after that, they go home, to their REAL and very PRIVATE lives.

Perhaps its the same with "her". Or maybe she didn't want to take a chance on touching a hand outside a car window only to have it wisk off - or whatever have u. Maybe "she" figured that if it was "real", then he'd somehow show up in her face and say, 'hi, I'm ..." - y'know what I mean', or that maybe God would make it happen or something and if he ever did that and she still shoooood him off well, she's got issues MJ would be better off without! LOL but I can't imagine that for a second.

I know many fans who love MJ and wanted to be there for him through all of his trials but couldn't, so maybe "she" was in the same predicament there too, not meaning she "loves" him any less from afar as she would person-to-person.

Sometimes Love's expression has to go beyond the ordinary. Sometimes it takes leaving the Love with the Source and letting the Love be guided by the Source. I guess I'm saying that when things are out of one's hands, it sometimes takes "surrender".

I certainly feel that so much of what we've seen MJ go through, was, it seems to me, among other things, completely unnecessary and perhaps "she" went through a bunch of unnecessary changes in her life too, changes that MJ might would look at and make that face he made at Oprah when she asked him whether he was a vir**n lol. Maybe he wished he could have changed everything for "her" in certain ways and had no clue how, afterall, it can't be that much easier, just because he's a celebrity, to just ring someone's door bell, not having a real clue what to expect and without feeling a great sense of "risk", but again, that doesn't mean it wasn't true love there for her or her for him.

I'm reminded now (sorry this is getting so long again *sigh* just thought of an example) of a little kid I saw one day on the city train, no more than about three (my next favorite age for kiddies) and was standing in the seat in front of me, facing me, just having a good time talking to me in "baby speak" about random things like pointing at everything he saw on me and doing the baby drill, pointing at me and asking questions like, "your nose?" I'd say, yes this is my nose! He'd go, (pointing) "your hat?", I'd say, "yes this is my hat!" - y'know, that sort of thing - and after each thing he identified I'd say to him, "you're so smart!!" with a big validating smile so he'd know that "smart" was a wonderful thing and would soon enough in his life, hopefully remember to associate it with himself (at least subconsciously) once he learned it by vocabulary, then the train was about to stop and the kid's mother randomly whacks the kid on the rear end (several times!) and shouts, "turn around! sit your butt down!!!" and she roughly grabbed his hand and grunted, "let's go!!!!" as she yanked him up and took him off with one hand, with her bags of groceries in the other.

I wanted to get off the train with them (with a little sweetness and humor try and teach a little thing or two) because what that little boy was going through was COMPLETELY unnecessary and I felt I needed to do something to help the situation. Plus he was my new friend and I was his, although I was a complete stranger.

None-the-less, I could not be there for that little boy that day and that broke my heart in that moment. My love for him was not in any way diminished by the mere fact that I couldn't be there for him and I did hope and pray that he had been imprinted in that moment with enough of a positive experience that he would keep himself in a proper context no matter what his mother ever did, but I know that's a LOT to hope for. Nonetheless - my point is,

Love in itself - is what it is... then there's the ideal expression of it, the ability, as Ashtanga (I think) was pointing out, to share it. An inability to share it, to spread it, to make a person experience it moment to moment, does not diminish its value. That's all I was trying to point out.

It isn't that love is nothing if it can't be shared, it just means that sometimes it has to be completely dependent upon the Source of Love to be communicated, and shared, because God, Who is Love can make that communication happen if nothing else is destined to happen.

I guess this is a long way of saying that it seems that type of communication is what this thread's story has been basically all about and it seems MJ is saying as much....that he got the 'message' that is. That's why I said, that's really the only important thing at the end of the day, he knew someone had a special love for him that may not have a definition anywhere except on planet Theta :yes: :giggle: and if that's where "they" are from, then he understood its "language" loud and clear which may also be why he felt that "everything he was looking for he seemed to find". :yes: :) :wub:

OK, enough "romance" for one night!!!!!!!! :wild:

:lol: and to think I was one of the main nay sayers of the direction of this ADDICTIVE thread the first time it got started!!

Well done AllforMJ! :) Well done. :flowers:
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Wow! Excellent post SoS!!!

Perhaps its the same with "her". Or maybe she didn't want to take a chance on touching a hand outside a car window only to have it wisk off - or whatever have u.
Maybe "she" figured that if it was "real", then he'd somehow show up in her face and say, 'hi, I'm ..." - y'know what I mean', or that maybe God would make it happen or something and if he ever did that and she still shoooood him off well, she's got issues MJ would be better off without! LOL but I can't imagine that for a second.

That's an excellent point! That kind of rejection would have been devastating! Could you just imagine something like that? Wow! But of course, if he "recognized" her I think it would've been a different story, but why take the chance. Like you said, if it's "real," let God make it happen.

I know many fans who love MJ and wanted to be there for him through all of his trials but couldn't, so maybe "she" was in the same predicament there too, not meaning she "loves" him any less from afar as she would person-to-person.

Another excellent point!
Maybe Michael put a candle in his window for her to find her way home. Or is it he is the candle in the window burning brightly, blindingly? Hmmm
....Once upon a time there was a boy who dreamed of someone very special, his soul mate who, though she felt very real, he wondered if she was only in his imagination. In all his years growing up, he never heard a single word about her. Sometimes he thought he'd met her, only to be disappointed later on when he realized it couldn't be his ideal woman from the dreams.....

Great story Ape (had to edit because quoting the whole thing would have made my post too long). And it would be wonderful, with such a happy ending. Except for one thing..."And then he died". :(

I just had another thought. What if "she" is his "match" (meaning in some ways they are exactly alike) or "soul mate" meaning in the context that maybe they have some same soul sourcing, some same "place" they both are coming from (and that could be literally be "from" as in 'planet' too who knows lol right?) and what if the whole problem has been that it just so happens that "she" thinks exactly the way he does lol, -

I'm referring to what he told Schmutly about not approaching women, I mean, I guess it could make sense that if she's truly his soul mate they may have the same type of thought pattens and values and such, and maybe she's the type person who just "would never" approach a man, any man, at all - of course I mean in general, not cast in stone
- I mean, what if "she" really doesn't even know HOW? (I know Ash is enjoying a whole lot of popcorn right about now LOL!!)

The thing that brought that to mind was I'm listening to the song now and at the very end it sounds like he says, "come on here please understand"

Well, all I can say is, if that is what he's saying and if its for that reason, I can see what is meant by him "explaining" different things throughout this song and I can suddenly see why possibly he chose this song, to release at this time. If the time it was written was during the era of SITD and updated to reflect the things he specifically wanted to say to "her" NOW and that's because well, this is it.

aw, I'll bet its just her 'way'.

Michael DID ask Lisa Marie to marry him...and HE asked Joanna for her phone number...so I do think he did "make a move" if he was interested and it wasn't THAT hopeless. :yes: Besides there are a lot of girls who do ask guys out (not me though! :lol:), so I do think there was hope for him. :yes: I don't think it was the "getting in contact" part that would have been a problem for him...I think it was more the "who to trust?"...you know, the "gold digger syndrome" that was the problem.

I am actually more and more convinced MJ had nothing to do with the TII song after the 90's. Why? Because if he was working on it and intending to release it during the tour...don't you think he woul have made sure everything is cleared with Paul Anka and he gets a green light from Anka to go ahead and release it, since Anka co-wrote it? The whole mess with Anka makes me think it really just is a song Branca, etc. happened to find in the vault after MJ died. Sorry if I'm being a "party pooper". :( :lol:

I have heard a few accounts of fans where they have met, or had an encounter with MJ in their past, and because of their experience, they believe that they are the one he has loved all along. And when I hear their stories they convince me...I'm just like that, they truly do. Their stories are not that far-fetched, some quite beautiful, and when listening, I get caught up and feel for them and think it would be so nice for it to work out that way for them. And even though I am not good at seeing me in lyrics, in many of his songs, and specifically in this song, This Is It, I can see each of their stories within the words...I can make it work for them all. But I realize they can't all be the girl MJ is talking to.

But Justus, I remember, had said in that post (that sadly disappeared), that

"[MJ] knows how to get a message across to a specific person and he knows how to get a message out to the masses."

About relating to lyrics etc....Like you said, I am sure there's a possibility a lot of girls identify themselves in some song and all that...but don't you think if one is SANE....one will know better? :scratch::lol: :lol: I mean, wasn't there just this one woman asking for 50 million dollars from the estate because she thought MJ was communicating to her through his music? :bugeyed:doh: :lol: :lol: :lol: I'm just saying...:lol: :lol: So you know, I'm just wondering how anyone "sane" could think he is sending some messages to her through music or some fan messages....? Unless of course there was some "code word" or some *cough(insert girls name)cough* hidden somewhere in the song that only she could recognize? :lol: Other wise, I can't see how any sensible person could really take it seriously? I mean, I DO think that one CAN relate to some lyrics. I mean, OF COURSE, if they remind you of something! And I think ANYONE would be like "Gosh, this reminds me of that and that...when I was there and then this happened..." etc. Often that's why we love certain songs because they sort of "re-create a time and a place" through the music, the lyrics, or just even the mood of the song...or just because we heard the song somewhere while with someone, or while something happened, etc. I do think THAT is possible. But to go "He is singing about me! He's in love with ME!"...how could any sane person think it's about THEMSELVES...especially if they were not close to MJ...? :scratch:Just trying to understand that side....that's all. :scratch:

Could that be about LMP???

I think like maybe when mj was trying to get lmp to be his girl, i think she tried to like brush him off.

I don't know if TII is about Lisa Marie...but I really do think that she was THE love of his life. :scratch:And he was hers. I really do think that.



Aaaawwwww!! :wub: Gosh, I miss him SO MUCH!! :boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo:

I confess: NEVER the idea of being a lollipop, pleased me so much... :rolleyes2::wild::ph34r:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

...So I decided to change it one day to something a lot more low key...

I like your name actually! :yes: I think it's brilliant! Very original, and isn't a Phoenix sort of a symbol of strength? Because it rose from the ashes...or something? Nothing wrong with your name, I like it! :yes:

Tha, do you want my nicname in here? You are welcome to it..lol

Go ahead and ask ME what I was thinking when I named myself.. sheesh. Mysterious Phoenix I might rather have yours. :)

:lol: :lol: Hi Miss Monkey! :p *imitates monkey sounds* "uh uh uh uh uh".....:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: You could always change your name to "AnJEL"....:hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: (remember that? M....and J....because he spelt your name wrong! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:)

MJ is all of his fans' "Mr. Right" :yes: (at least I never met a fan who didn't feel that way, I guess its a "language" we all speak! lol) and so hence, his fans are his "wife". He's been married to his fans a long, long, loooooooong time. :wub: :wub:

I remember that post being among the many I had to scan quickly due to time and don't remember that point but it reminds me of what Moddie777 and those had been saying about the notes MJ gave to fans, I guess knowing they would make their way around the fan community - the "double message" idea. At first, I was thinking, 'no his fans are "the one" he's talking to, and I also had that thought when I first heard This Is It, figuring, "it seems as though I've seen your face a thousand times" could have been meant literally to acknowledge his fans, until listening more carefully and more times, so yes, MJ is really good at making his songs sound as if they could have a double meaning.

I feel sometimes MJ makes some sounds undetectable to the objective listener where the person he's talking or referring to can perhaps understand what others cannot, so at a certain point I figure what I don't make out, maybe I'm not supposed to make out.

I'm reminded here of much earlier in the thread when MP and those were talking about 'struggle' resulting in a beautiful butterfly and sometimes allowing one to struggle is as much an act of love, as preventing unnecessary struggle can also be. I'm also however, reminded of a bible verse in Proverbs that says, and I paraphrase, "two are better than one for if the one falls down who will be there to pick the other one up?" I pointed this scripture out because it seems that whenever MJ "fell down" there was not that one to lift him up. I know it also seems in a way a sort of travesty for two people to somehow know they care about eachother, need to be there for eachother, want to be there for eachother, and just, either can't for whatever reasons, or don't have an inkling as to how, as MP hit on.

I don't know if This Is It was a prelude to addressing that matter between MJ and "her", but it would seem it would be important to he and "she" at some point, to be there for one another, and MP brought up an interesting (and funny lol) point about who would help them. Especially "her" I'd think. There are a lot of people I know who would not have the first clue how to contact a celebrity in a meaningful way, nor be inclined to add to a plethora of probably a hundred to a thousand letters a day. Where I come from, (meaning immediate environment etc.) seeking out celebrities is a completely foreign concept and would strike anyone who knows me as very strange, random and rather absurd, as its understood that celebs are simply humans who do jobs just like everyone else and when we see them on TV or whatever, we're just watching them work and we know after that, they go home, to their REAL and very PRIVATE lives.

Perhaps its the same with "her". Or maybe she didn't want to take a chance on touching a hand outside a car window only to have it wisk off - or whatever have u. Maybe "she" figured that if it was "real", then he'd somehow show up in her face and say, 'hi, I'm ..." - y'know what I mean', or that maybe God would make it happen or something and if he ever did that and she still shoooood him off well, she's got issues MJ would be better off without! LOL but I can't imagine that for a second.

I know many fans who love MJ and wanted to be there for him through all of his trials but couldn't, so maybe "she" was in the same predicament there too, not meaning she "loves" him any less from afar as she would person-to-person.

Sometimes Love's expression has to go beyond the ordinary. Sometimes it takes leaving the Love with the Source and letting the Love be guided by the Source. I guess I'm saying that when things are out of one's hands, it sometimes takes "surrender".

I certainly feel that so much of what we've seen MJ go through, was, it seems to me, among other things, completely unnecessary and perhaps "she" went through a bunch of unnecessary changes in her life too, changes that MJ might would look at and make that face he made at Oprah when she asked him whether he was a vir**n lol. Maybe he wished he could have changed everything for "her" in certain ways and had no clue how, afterall, it can't be that much easier, just because he's a celebrity, to just ring someone's door bell, not having a real clue what to expect and without feeling a great sense of "risk", but again, that doesn't mean it wasn't true love there for her or her for him.

I'm reminded now (sorry this is getting so long again *sigh* just thought of an example) of a little kid I saw one day on the city train, no more than about three (my next favorite age for kiddies) and was standing in the seat in front of me, facing me, just having a good time talking to me in "baby speak" about random things like pointing at everything he saw on me and doing the baby drill, pointing at me and asking questions like, "your nose?" I'd say, yes this is my nose! He'd go, (pointing) "your hat?", I'd say, "yes this is my hat!" - y'know, that sort of thing - and after each thing he identified I'd say to him, "you're so smart!!" with a big validating smile so he'd know that "smart" was a wonderful thing and would soon enough in his life, hopefully remember to associate it with himself (at least subconsciously) once he learned it by vocabulary, then the train was about to stop and the kid's mother randomly whacks the kid on the rear end (several times!) and shouts, "turn around! sit your butt down!!!" and she roughly grabbed his hand and grunted, "let's go!!!!" as she yanked him up and took him off with one hand, with her bags of groceries in the other.

I wanted to get off the train with them (with a little sweetness and humor try and teach a little thing or two) because what that little boy was going through was COMPLETELY unnecessary and I felt I needed to do something to help the situation. Plus he was my new friend and I was his, although I was a complete stranger.

None-the-less, I could not be there for that little boy that day and that broke my heart in that moment. My love for him was not in any way diminished by the mere fact that I couldn't be there for him and I did hope and pray that he had been imprinted in that moment with enough of a positive experience that he would keep himself in a proper context no matter what his mother ever did, but I know that's a LOT to hope for. Nonetheless - my point is,

Love in itself - is what it is... then there's the ideal expression of it, the ability, as Ashtanga (I think) was pointing out, to share it. An inability to share it, to spread it, to make a person experience it moment to moment, does not diminish its value. That's all I was trying to point out.

It isn't that love is nothing if it can't be shared, it just means that sometimes it has to be completely dependent upon the Source of Love to be communicated, and shared, because God, Who is Love can make that communication happen if nothing else is destined to happen.

I guess this is a long way of saying that it seems that type of communication is what this thread's story has been basically all about and it seems MJ is saying as much....that he got the 'message' that is. That's why I said, that's really the only important thing at the end of the day, he knew someone had a special love for him that may not have a definition anywhere except on planet Theta :yes: :giggle: and if that's where "they" are from, then he understood its "language" loud and clear which may also be why he felt that "everything he was looking for he seemed to find". :yes: :)

Great post! And I hope I remember to comment on everything I was intending to...:lol:

I do think a lot of things can (and will) happen if you let God handle it. WHEN they are meant to be, I guess. I know I've thought "Stop worrying, let God handle it...if it's meant to be...it will happen"...and sometimes it did, and sometimes it didn't. So I really do believe in that.

About her being everything he was looking for and more...didn't he already mention in YRMW that he "finally found a love that's awesomely so right"? :scratch:And that was in 2001. :scratch:8 years ago. But then in LWMJ he said he had not found anyone...which was in 2003? :scratch: :lol: :lol: I can't figure it all out. :scratch::lol: :lol:

And aaawww at the story about the little boy. So sweet (but sad too with the mother being so rough with him :cry:). Actually it reminded me of what just happened at work....We have this one 6 year old boy who has been sick a lot and the doctors know that he will be sick a lot for teh rest of his life. And they had to tell that to the parents yesterday, and the boy was sitting on his bed while the doctors talked to the parents, and I was watching the boy during all that and it absolutely broke my heart how he changed while they talked. I am sure he understood what they were talking about and he heard his parents tell how difficult it is for them because he is always in the hospital and all that. He just looked SO SAD and had tears in his eyes and it looked like he was trying to disappear because he just kept becoming smaller and smaller in his body language...he just kept slouching more and more the longer they talked and I had to turn away because I was about to start crying when I saw that. I just wanted to hug him and go "It is NOT your fault that you are sick and don't ever forget that you are being loved!!". I just felt so bad for him because it was like you could read straight from his face what he was thinking. :cry: That's the part in my job I hate...when we can't really give good news. :( Like once we had this little girl who was just diagnosed with a brain tumor. Her mom had died all of the sudden just about a month earlier...and then the girl got sick, so they came to the hospital...and the doctors found out she had a brain tumor that was not curable and she didn't have much time left. :cry: We were all crying our eyes out in the staff room because we all felt so bad and none of us knew how to tell them that. It just felt so cruel! Especially so soon after the mother had died. :cry:

Anyways...just some thoughts, and sorry if this was such a long post. And sorry if I was being a "party pooper" too. :mello:
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Sorry I had to edit all of your posts in the above reply, but I wouldn't have been able to post it if I left the posts I was quoting as whole posts. I hope the post still makes sense! :lol:
Summer you're so funny! :lol: I love you, I really do, you have to know that

:better: I do mean it quite sincerely

um... :scratch: I'll have to skip around randomly in posting quotes myself right now so ... it may seem rather ... well..random..

LOL!! Well, too, some women don't approach men because its just not in their "programming" - its just not there - like why some people don't eat anchovies - so many people have never tried it.

LOL!! @ YRMW reference. Personally, I feel there is no way all MJ's songs are about the same person, if any are, that is of course.

Its interesting about YRMW. Even though that line says, "finally found a love that's awesomely so right", throughout the song he also keeps repeating "come on, girl" over and over (as in future), and he also says the words, "you rocked my world you know you did" (past) so who knows, maybe he was in a state of dreaming in the present time of performing the song. Maybe its one of those subtle nuances MP and I were speaking of.

I am actually more and more convinced MJ had nothing to do with the TII song after the 90's. Why? Because if he was working on it and intending to release it during the tour...don't you think he woul have made sure everything is cleared with Paul Anka and he gets a green light from Anka to go ahead and release it, since Anka co-wrote it? The whole mess with Anka makes me think it really just is a song Branca, etc. happened to find in the vault after MJ died. Sorry if I'm being a "party pooper". :sad: :lol:
This I haven't read about yet, but I can imagine that since MJ is said to have written the song with Anka a thousand years ago, there is something going on that is probably either not right, or not accurately reported because it would seem that if Anka wanted to sue MJ for the song, it would seem to me that it would have been when it was recorded and marketed over 15 years ago by Safira. Why wait til now? It was an MJ penned song (along with Anka?) when Safira recorded it. I don't know the business like that, and won't presume to the point of assuming anything but on its face, that's not really making any sense.

I haven't heard anyone claiming "its them" yet, (except that one woman who's suing him but I don't think u mean her) and its downright impossible to know the complexities of any relationship with any two people, how 'close' they were or whatnot but now, - I wish you'd try and help me understand something because I am suddenly perplexed as well. If an artist like Seal can do a song about Heidi Clume (is that the right name of his wife?) or any other artist can sing about anyone else, why not MJ doing the same kind of thing his way for his own reasons?

I realize I may have thrown us on a Concord headed straight to Fantasy Island to visit MP, LOL!! and I realize this thread topic could be too strange for most to conceive (I for one, COMPLETELY understand that), but now, some of us *cough* have been posting in this thread long enough to *cough* have made some pretty startling contributions up to now and have seemed to enjoy *cough* the positive value dreaming has to offer but I guess we should issue a reminder every once in a while that the thread TOPIC is a QUESTION that is actually making reference to a SONG lol!! But I thought you knew that :unsure:

Michael DID ask Lisa Marie to marry him...and HE asked Joanna for her phone number...so I do think he does "make a move" if he's interested and it wasn't THAT hopeless
Girl, read back several pages! LOL!! We're not talking about someone who was in his face for him to talk to like that or someone who was following him around. That's the whole point. :sigh: what's up with you today Girl? Pay attention! :lol:

I agree, MJ and LM seemed quite good together and it seems sad that they couldn't make it completely - from their pics it seems they had some really good times while those good times lasted. Its hard to let go of because it seems that when it was good it was very good and sadly the shadow side is just the equal opposite in intensity a lot of times - when its bad it gets very bad. That's a hard thing to come to terms with sometimes. It really is.

It is really sad about those babies in the hospital and really sad that you have to be exposed to it HOURS upon HOURS the numerous days that you work. Too sad. I really can't think about it very much and feel great. I can only imagine being there. Even a street sign that directs traffic to Children's Hospital is a bit much for me to bear sometimes. We have to pray more and more. Life is very painful and difficult sometimes, it really is.

Back to analyzing the music!! :lol:

MP, i enjoyed your previous post too. Especially this:

I'm beginning to think that maybe the whole thing was just one big misunderstanding.

Just as Justus said, that MJ never knew that "she"" was his true soulmate, perhaps "she" never knew that he was hers. Like MJ sings in "This Is It," "... I never heard a single word about you, falling in love was not my plan, I never thought that I would be your lover, please just understand ..."

Maybe she felt that way too. I mean, to himself and his family, MJ may have been just a regular guy, but to her, maybe he seemed untouchable, unreachable, you know, out of her league. "She" probably never dreamed that she would be his lover for sure!
I can certainly imagine her having a fair share of doubts of her own perceptions, (and I just realized what's been missing from all our posts for some time so I'll add it now and that is, if there is a "her" LOL!! YEAH been a while since anyone's said that!) even if God Himself did make something very unique and spontaneous occur where they "recognized" eachother (from planet "Theta" lol) particularly when seeing him dating and seeming pretty enthused about certain ones and all, or just seeing them being such a credit to him career-wise (by virtue of celebrity names alone) and whatnot but that was his world just as I'm sure "she" had some "world" too, that she was living day to day. Perhaps it was like being "together" worlds apart.

And, look at their situation. Who was there in either of their lives who would've been able to help them sort our their feelings? Would anyone in MJ's family or camp have said to him, "Hey, those visions you've been having are actually glimpses of your soulmate that God has been giving you. You ought to pray that He will help you find her."?
This one really made me laugh. I can imagine it was probably just the opposite. Whatever MJ did to "give his money" and "give his time", it would seem to me he might have had to "run by" a plethora of people, or at least managers and/or security (the time part) and if the fool I mean dear woman just "uppd and ran away" my heart is cringing over what in the world that could have made MJ feel like, not to mention putthing himself (and whatever "supporters") through that again as far as why he might have given up on the idea (eg., I Never Thought That I Would Be Your Lover, c'mon please dear understand)

Also, on her side, who would've said, "Hey, those intense feelings you have for Michael Jackson means that he is your soulmate and we're gonna help unite the two of you."?
In some worlds I guess some families could think that way though, just not any that you and I know, apparently LOL!! I don't know about you all but in the world I come from Hollywood is clear on the other side of the known universe, plus there's a fairly keen sensitivity in my family to anything that could seem remotely like "idol worship" ("celebrities are just people" - "folks need to leave those people alone" - y' heard that sort of thing all the time) on top of the fact that they wouldn't support something they themselves can see no evidence of... like "soul mate". If "she" is from a similar type of world, "she" may have been rather perplexed herself at whatever it was, that undoubtedly had to have made it at least as meaningful and/or memorable to her as it seems to have been to him.

Well, if one is living on Fantasy Island (where I'm currently living, heh, heh:)) then that may have happened, but in "real" life, most people are pretty skeptical and cynical. Of course, in their defense, it is a pretty unique situation and perhaps they just wouldn't have been able to comprehend exactly what was going on or how to help.
That's why I say that somehow MJ and "this girl" did experience eachother in some rather profoundly unique way - something out of the ordinary, otherwise it could not (from the cumulative glimpses provided through the music) have had such a profound sense of "reality" that expresses itself through song, seemingly spanning over a couple of decades, nor imho could have let this thread last this long! :lol: and with such poignant "meaning" to so many even if apparently not all. There's no telling what's going on with the multitude of anonymous "lurkers"! LOL!!.

Ha! Ha! Yeah, a female "Michael Jackson," as ashtanga says.:)
:scratch: :lol: :sigh:

I'd like to think that if that's the case, it would be in the sense that she, like MJ, is her own person, unique unto herself and isn't too centered around what people in the world think, because as MJ so aptly put it, "people are crazy" and I don't especially want to see some (probably middle aged by now) woman trying to moonwalk wearing a white glittery glove :lol:.
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Summer you're so funny! :lol: I love you, I really do, you have to know that

:better: I do mean it quite sincerely

um... :scratch: I'll have to skip around randomly in posting quotes myself right now so ... it may seem rather ... well..random..

LOL!! Well, too, some women don't approach men because its just not in their "programming" - its just not there - like why some people don't eat anchovies - so many people have never tried it.

LOL!! @ YRMW reference. Personally, I feel there is no way all MJ's songs are about the same person, if any are, that is of course.

Its interesting about YRMW. Even though that line says, "finally found a love that's awesomely so right", throughout the song he also keeps repeating "come on, girl" over and over (as in future), and he also says the words, "you rocked my world you know you did" (past) so who knows, maybe he was in a state of dreaming in the present time of performing the song. Maybe its one of those subtle nuances MP and I were speaking of.

This I haven't read about yet, but I can imagine that since MJ is said to have written the song with Anka a thousand years ago, there is something going on that is probably either not right, or not accurately reported because it would seem that if Anka wanted to sue MJ for the song, it would seem to me that it would have been when it was recorded and marketed over 15 years ago by Safira. Why wait til now? It was an MJ penned song (along with Anka?) when Safira recorded it. I don't know the business like that, and won't presume to the point of assuming anything but on its face, that's not really making any sense.

I haven't heard anyone claiming "its them", and its downright impossible to know the complexities of any relationship with any two people, how 'close' they were or whatnot but now, - I wish you'd try and help me understand something because I am suddenly perplexed as well.

Now, I realize I may have thrown us on a Concord headed straight to Fantasy Island to visit MP, LOL!! and I realize this thread topic could be too strange for most to conceive (I for one, COMPLETELY understand that), but now, some of us *cough* have been posting in this thread long enough to *cough* have made some pretty startling contributions up to now and have seemed to enjoy *cough* the positive value dreaming has to offer but I guess we should issue a reminder every once in a while that the thread TOPIC is a QUESTION that is actually making reference to a SONG lol!! But I thought you knew that :unsure:

Girl, read back several pages! LOL!! We're not talking about someone who was in his face for him to talk to like that or someone who was following him around. That's the whole point. :sigh: what's up with you today Girl? Pay attention! :lol:

I agree, MJ and LM seemed quite good together and it seems sad that they couldn't make it completely - from their pics it seems they had some really good times while those good times lasted. Its hard to let go of because it seems that when it was good it was very good and sadly the shadow side is just the equal opposite in intensity a lot of times - when its bad it gets very bad. That's a hard thing to come to terms with sometimes. It really is.

It is really sad about those babies in the hospital and really sad that you have to be exposed to it HOURS upon HOURS the numerous days that you work. Too sad. I really can't think about it very much and feel great. I can only imagine being there. Even a street sign that directs traffic to Children's Hospital is a bit much for me to bear sometimes. We have to pray more and more. Life is very painful and difficult sometimes, it really is.

Back to analyzing the music!! :lol:

MP, i enjoyed your previous post too. Especially this:

I can certainly imagine her having a fair share of doubts of her own perceptions, (and I just realized what's been missing from all our posts for some time so I'll add it now and that is, if there is a "her" LOL!! YEAH been a while since anyone's said that!) even if God Himself did make something very unique and spontaneous occur where they "recognized" eachother (from planet "Theta" lol) particularly when seeing him dating and seeming pretty enthused about certain ones and all, or just seeing them being such a credit to him career-wise (by virtue of celebrity names alone) and whatnot but that was his world just as I'm sure "she" had some "world" too, that she was living day to day. Perhaps it was like being "together" worlds apart.

This one really made me laugh. I can imagine it was probably just the opposite. Whatever MJ did to "give his money" and "give his time", it would seem to me he might have had to "run by" a plethora of people, or at least managers and/or security (the time part) and if the fool I mean dear woman just "uppd and ran away" my heart is cringing over what in the world that could have made MJ feel like, not to mention putthing himself (and whatever "supporters") through that again as far as why he might have given up on the idea (eg., I Never Thought That I Would Be Your Lover, c'mon please dear understand)

In some worlds I guess some families could think that way though, just not any that you and I know, apparently LOL!! I don't know about you all but in the world I come from Hollywood is clear on the other side of the known universe, plus there's a fairly keen sensitivity in my family to anything that could seem remotely like "idol worship" ("celebrities are just people" - "folks need to leave those people alone" - y' heard that sort of thing all the time) on top of the fact that they wouldn't support something they themselves can see no evidence of... like "soul mate". If "she" is from a similar type of world, "she" may have been rather perplexed herself at whatever it was, that undoubtedly had to have made it at least as meaningful and/or memorable to her as it seems to have been to him.

That's why I say that somehow MJ and "this girl" did experience eachother in some rather profoundly unique way - something out of the ordinary, otherwise it could not (from the cumulative glimpses provided through the music) have had such a profound sense of "reality" that expresses itself through song, seemingly spanning over a couple of decades, nor imho could have let this thread last this long! :lol: and with such poignant "meaning" to so many even if apparently not all. There's no telling what's going on with the multitude of anonymous "lurkers"! LOL!!.

:scratch: :lol: :sigh:

I'd like to think that if that's the case, it would be in the sense that she, like MJ, is her own person, unique unto herself and isn't too centered around what people in the world think, because as MJ so aptly put it, "people are crazy" and I don't especially want to see some (probably middle aged by now) woman trying to moonwalk wearing a white glittery glove :lol:.

:lol: I love ya more! :p :lol: (Or should I say..."from the bottom of my heart". :lol:)

(I deleted part of my post because I was just ranting and I think it could get misunderstood...I think you misunderstood it already. :scratch:Sorry for the rant(s). I babble on too much..." blah blah blah blah blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah"...like that violin rant. I should delete that one too actually...it's off topic. :scratch:)

I think you misunderstood what I meant with the "themselves" part. :scratch::lol: I know this thread is about a question and finding the answer in a SONG...and I didn't mean any of us here would think it's about any of us. :doh: :lol: What I meant was that wouldn't it be hard for any "sane, sensible" person (as in IF there was a she...and she was a somewhat sane person..who ever she was...where ever she was...if she even ever was...:lol:) to think some song had a "secret message" to them from MJ or think the song was about them (unless, like I said, they were friends or other wise close to MJ (don't mean fan meetings and encounters...but friends hanging out with him or talking on the phone with him or dating him))? Or maybe I have just completely misunderstood what some of you were trying to say about the songs? :scratch::lol: And like I said...IF there even is(/was) a "her" (...especially the "someone in the dark" way :scratch: :lol: ). I mean, for all we know...he could have been in a relationship with Grace for all these years without any of us knowing, until something happened and she was "fired" last year. :scratch::lol: They sure did seem close enough, don't you think? :scratch:

Oh and I didn't mean this thread would be about Lisa....I just meant I think she was the love of his life. Seems that way. (Unless there was a "someone in the dark"...or some other "secret woman" (Grace/Shana/Joanna/Tatiana/Kai/who knows) the world is yet to discover....:scratch::lol:.)

Anyways...I was gonna comment on the children at the hospital thing, but I think I have babbled on enough in this thread, so I won't. *zips her mouth* :lol:
I don't know if TII is about Lisa Marie...but I really do think that she was THE love of his life. :scratch:And he was hers. I really do think that.

Even though i dont really like her, i do agree with what u said though. I think mike felt lisa marie understood him. It was almost as if she somewhat went through the same things she did even she wasnt ''the big star" like he was. And also think it was that being the fact that lmp went through pretty much her whole entire life without her father, i think mike felt the same way bout his relationship with joe- like he wasnt really there in a way ( hope u guys get what i mean)
Even though i dont really like her, i do agree with what u said though. I think mike felt lisa marie understood him. It was almost as if she somewhat went through the same things she did even she wasnt ''the big star" like he was. And also think it was that being the fact that lmp went through pretty much her whole entire life without her father, i think mike felt the same way bout his relationship with joe- like he wasnt really there in a way ( hope u guys get what i mean)

And Lisa also had loads of her own money, so he knew she wans't a "gold digger". It seems that was one of his (if not THE) biggest fears that women were just after his money. Seems like he thought all women, except those who were rich and famous were just a bunch of gold diggers. :mello: :scratch: :unsure:
Tha, do you want my nicname in here? You are welcome to it..lol

Go ahead and ask ME what I was thinking when I named myself.. sheesh. Mysterious Phoenix I might rather have yours. :)

What were you thinking? :lol:

SOS: I love your posts!!! I never cease to read! ;)
:clapping: :yes:

And aaawww at the story about the little boy. So sweet (but sad too with the mother being so rough with him :cry:). Actually it reminded me of what just happened at work....We have this one 6 year old boy who has been sick a lot and the doctors know that he will be sick a lot for teh rest of his life. And they had to tell that to the parents yesterday, and the boy was sitting on his bed while the doctors talked to the parents, and I was watching the boy during all that and it absolutely broke my heart how he changed while they talked. I am sure he understood what they were talking about and he heard his parents tell how difficult it is for them because he is always in the hospital and all that. He just looked SO SAD and had tears in his eyes and it looked like he was trying to disappear because he just kept becoming smaller and smaller in his body language...he just kept slouching more and more the longer they talked and I had to turn away because I was about to start crying when I saw that. I just wanted to hug him and go "It is NOT your fault that you are sick and don't ever forget that you are being loved!!". I just felt so bad for him because it was like you could read straight from his face what he was thinking. :cry: That's the part in my job I hate...when we can't really give good news. :( Like once we had this little girl who was just diagnosed with a brain tumor. Her mom had died all of the sudden just about a month earlier...and then the girl got sick, so they came to the hospital...and the doctors found out she had a brain tumor that was not curable and she didn't have much time left. :cry: We were all crying our eyes out in the staff room because we all felt so bad and none of us knew how to tell them that. It just felt so cruel! Especially so soon after the mother had died. :cry:

Anyways...just some thoughts, and sorry if this was such a long post. And sorry if I was being a "party pooper" too. :mello:

Oh, honey....I need to confess that I cried readind this! :( I'll never serve to be a doctor or social worker, because my heart is too soft. I'll never can tell a notice so sad for someone so, I'll couldn't be strong, I'll couldn't give comfort to someone! :(
Now....I need to stop crying! :closedeyes: :angel:

And just a observation: I don't like Lisa, I never liked her! :zformation:
:wild: EDIT: I have just seen how long it turned out to be and I have no time to edit now please forgive me everyone :praying:angel:

MP, its amazing that your post reflected so much of what went through my mind today as I was out and about. Maybe I'll get a chance to come back and expound that conversation. For now, I will stop and address this post and I believe its all I'll have time for tonight. I love your username too btw!

I don't feel the difference in what we're hearing changes the principle there tho so I guess that's the main thing. :)

um :unsure: not sure why you're mentioning PMs like this but, could u knock it off?! :scratch:
:lol: Thanks!!!!! :flowers: (u know i love u, yes even in 'your violence' :cheeky: and of course I'm laughing my head off so you know what that calls for ... but only one, ok here goes now don't shoot me .. :giggle: (ah I needed that!)

Oyeh, that's definitely what its all about, I agree completely.

MJ is all of his fans' "Mr. Right" :yes: (at least I never met a fan who didn't feel that way, I guess its a "language" we all speak! lol) and so hence, his fans are his "wife". He's been married to his fans a long, long, loooooooong time. :wub: :wub:

I remember that post being among the many I had to scan quickly due to time and don't remember that point but it reminds me of what Moddie777 and those had been saying about the notes MJ gave to fans, I guess knowing they would make their way around the fan community - the "double message" idea. At first, I was thinking, 'no his fans are "the one" he's talking to, and I also had that thought when I first heard This Is It, figuring, "it seems as though I've seen your face a thousand times" could have been meant literally to acknowledge his fans, until listening more carefully and more times, so yes, MJ is really good at making his songs sound as if they could have a double meaning.

I feel sometimes MJ makes some sounds undetectable to the objective listener where the person he's talking or referring to can perhaps understand what others cannot, so at a certain point I figure what I don't make out, maybe I'm not supposed to make out.

I'm reminded here of much earlier in the thread when MP and those were talking about 'struggle' resulting in a beautiful butterfly and sometimes struggle is as much a result of love, as those other results can also be. I'm also however, reminded of a bible verse in Proverbs that says, and I paraphrase, "two are better than one for if the one falls down who will be there to pick the other one up?" I pointed this scripture out because it seems that whenever MJ "fell down" there was not that one to lift him up. I know it also seems in a way a sort of travesty for two people to somehow know they care about eachother, need to be there for eachother, want to be there for eachother, and just, either can't for whatever reasons, or don't have an inkling as to how, as MP hit on.

I don't know if This Is It was a prelude to addressing that matter between MJ and "her", but it would seem it would be important to he and "she" at some point, to be there for one another, and MP brought up an interesting (and funny lol) point about who would help them. Especially "her" I'd think. There are a lot of people I know who would not have the first clue how to contact a celebrity in a meaningful way, nor be inclined to add to a plethora of probably a hundred to a thousand letters a day. Where I come from, (meaning immediate environment etc.) seeking out celebrities is a completely foreign concept and would strike anyone who knows me as very strange, random and rather absurd, as its understood that celebs are simply humans who do jobs just like everyone else and when we see them on TV or whatever, we're just watching them work and we know after that,
they go home, to their REAL and very PRIVATE lives.
Perhaps its the same with "her". Or maybe she didn't want to take a chance on touching a hand outside a car window only to have it wisk off - or whatever have u. Maybe
"she" figured that if it was "real"
then he'd somehow show up
in her face and say, 'hi, I'm ..." - y'know what I mean', or that maybe
God would make it happen
or something and if he ever did that and she still shoooood him off well, she's got issues MJ would be better off without! LOL but I can't imagine that for a second.

I know many fans who love MJ and wanted to be there for him through all of his trials but couldn't, so maybe "she" was in the same predicament there too, not meaning
she "loves" him
any less from afar as she would person-to-person.

Sometimes Love's expression has to go beyond the ordinary. Sometimes it takes leaving the Love with the Source and letting the Love be guided by the Source. I guess I'm saying that when things are out of one's hands, it sometimes takes "surrender".

I certainly feel that so much of what we've seen MJ go through, was, it seems to me, among other things, completely unnecessary and perhaps "she" went through a bunch of unnecessary changes in her life too, changes that MJ might would look at and make that face he made at Oprah when she asked him whether he was a vir**n lol. Maybe he wished he could have changed everything for "her" in certain ways and had no clue how, afterall, it can't be that much easier, just because he's a celebrity, to just ring someone's door bell, not having a real clue what to expect and without feeling a great sense of "risk", but again, that doesn't mean it wasn't true love there for her or her for him.

I'm reminded now (sorry this is getting so long again *sigh* just thought of an example) of a little kid I saw one day on the city train, no more than about three (my next favorite age for kiddies) and was standing in the seat in front of me, facing me, just having a good time talking to me in "baby speak" about random things like pointing at everything he saw on me and doing the baby drill, pointing at me and asking questions like, "your nose?" I'd say, yes this is my nose! He'd go, (pointing) "your hat?", I'd say, "yes this is my hat!" - y'know, that sort of thing - and after each thing he identified I'd say to him, "you're so smart!!" with a big validating smile so he'd know that "smart" was a wonderful thing and would soon enough in his life, hopefully remember to associate it with himself (at least subconsciously) once he learned it by vocabulary, then the train was about to stop and the kid's mother randomly whacks the kid on the rear end (several times!) and shouts, "turn around! sit your butt down!!!" and she roughly grabbed his hand and grunted, "let's go!!!!" as she yanked him up and took him off with one hand, with her bags of groceries in the other.

I wanted to get off the train with them (with a little sweetness and humor try and teach a little thing or two) because what that little boy was going through was COMPLETELY unnecessary and I felt I needed to do something to help the situation. Plus he was my new friend and I was his, although I was a complete stranger.

None-the-less, I could not be there for that little boy that day and that broke my heart in that moment. My love for him was not in any way diminished by the mere fact that I couldn't be there for him and I did hope and pray that he had been imprinted in that moment with enough of a positive experience that he would keep himself in a proper context no matter what his mother ever did, but I know that's a LOT to hope for. Nonetheless - my point is,

Love in itself - is what it is... then there's the ideal expression of it, the ability, as Ashtanga (I think) was pointing out, to share it. An inability to share it, to spread it, to make a person experience it moment to moment, does not diminish its value. That's all I was trying to point out.

It isn't that love is nothing if it can't be shared, it just means that sometimes it has to be completely dependent upon the Source of Love to be communicated, and shared, because God, Who is Love can make that communication happen if nothing else is destined to happen.

I guess this is a long way of saying that it seems that type of communication is what this thread's story has been basically all about and it
seems MJ is saying as much....that he got the 'message' that is.
That's why I said,
that's really the only important thing
at the end of the day,
he knew someone had a special love for him
that may not have a definition anywhere except on planet Theta :yes: :giggle: and if that's where "they" are from, then he understood its "language" loud and clear which
may also be why he felt that "everything he was looking for he seemed to find"
. :yes: :) :wub:

OK, enough "romance" for one night!!!!!!!! :wild:

:lol: and to think I was one of the main nay sayers of the direction of this ADDICTIVE thread the first time it got started!!

Well done AllforMJ! :) Well done. :flowers:


:angel:Our Children Are The Future...Heal The World...WE Are The World...Education IS The Key~~~
Summer you're so funny! :lol: I love you, I really do, you have to know that

:better: I do mean it quite sincerely

um... :scratch: I'll have to skip around randomly in posting quotes myself right now so ... it may seem rather ... well..random..

LOL!! Well, too,
some women don't approach men
because its just not in their "programming" - its just not there - like why some people don't eat anchovies - so many people have never tried it.

LOL!! @ YRMW reference. Personally, I feel
there is no way all MJ's songs are about the same person
, if any are, that is of course.

Its interesting about YRMW. Even though that line says,
"finally found a love that's awesomely so right",
throughout the song he also keeps repeating "come on, girl" over and over (as in future), and he also says the words,
"you rocked my world you know you did"
(past) so who knows, maybe he was in a state of dreaming in the present time of performing the song. Maybe its one of those subtle nuances MP and I were speaking of.

This I haven't read about yet, but I can imagine that since MJ is said to have written the song with Anka a thousand years ago, there is something going on that is probably either not right, or
not accurately reported
because it would seem that if Anka wanted to sue MJ for the song, it would seem to me that it would have been when it was recorded and marketed over 15 years ago by Safira. Why wait til now? It was an MJ penned song (along with Anka?) when Safira recorded it. I don't know the business like that, and
won't presume to the point of assuming
anything but on its face, that's not really making any sense.

I haven't heard anyone claiming "its them" yet, (except that one woman who's suing him but I don't think u mean her) and its downright impossible to know the complexities of any relationship with any two people, how 'close' they were or whatnot but now, - I wish you'd try and help me understand something because I am suddenly perplexed as well. If an artist like Seal can do a song about Heidi Clume (is that the right name of his wife?) or any other artist can sing about anyone else, why not MJ doing the same kind of thing his way for his own reasons?

I realize I may have thrown us on a Concord headed straight to
Fantasy Island
to visit MP, LOL!! and I realize this thread topic could be too strange for most to conceive (I for one, COMPLETELY understand that), but now, some of us *cough* have been posting in this thread long enough to *cough* have made some pretty startling contributions up to now and have seemed to enjoy *cough*
the positive value
dreaming has to offer but I guess we should issue a reminder every once in a while that the thread TOPIC is a QUESTION that is actually making reference to a SONG lol!! But I thought you knew that :unsure:

Girl, read back several pages! LOL!! We're not talking about someone who was in his face for him to talk to like that or someone who was following him around. That's the whole point. :sigh: what's up with you today Girl? Pay attention! :lol:

I agree, MJ and LM seemed quite good together and it seems sad that they couldn't make it completely - from their pics it seems they had some really good times while those good times lasted. Its hard to let go of because it seems that when it was good it was very good and sadly the shadow side is just the equal opposite in intensity a lot of times - when its bad it gets very bad. That's a hard thing to come to terms with sometimes. It really is.

It is really sad about those babies in the hospital and really sad that you have to be exposed to it HOURS upon HOURS the numerous days that you work. Too sad. I really can't think about it very much and feel great. I can only imagine being there. Even a street sign that directs traffic to Children's Hospital is a bit much for me to bear sometimes. We have to pray more and more. Life is very painful and difficult sometimes, it really is.

Back to analyzing the music!! :lol:

MP, i enjoyed your previous post too. Especially this:

I can certainly imagine
her having a fair share of doubts of her own perceptions
, (and I just realized what's been missing from all our posts for some time so I'll add it now and that is, if there is a "her" LOL!! YEAH been a while since anyone's said that!) even if
God Himself did make something very unique and spontaneous occur where they "recognized" eachother
(from planet "Theta" lol) particularly when seeing him dating and seeming pretty enthused about certain ones and all, or just seeing them being such a credit to him career-wise (by virtue of celebrity names alone) and whatnot but that was his world just as I'm sure "she" had some "world" too, that she was living day to day. Perhaps
it was like being "together" worlds apart.

This one really made me laugh. I can imagine it was probably just the opposite. Whatever MJ did to "give his money" and "give his time", it would seem to me he might have had to "run by" a plethora of people, or at least managers and/or security (the time part) and if the fool I mean dear woman just "uppd and ran away" my heart is cringing over what in the world that could have made MJ feel like, not to mention putthing himself (and whatever "supporters") through that again as far as why he might have given up on the idea (eg., I Never Thought That I Would Be Your Lover, c'mon please dear understand)

In some worlds I guess some families could think that way though, just not any that you and I know, apparently LOL!! I don't know about you all but in the world I come from Hollywood is clear on the other side of the known universe, plus there's a fairly keen sensitivity in my family to anything that could seem remotely like "idol worship" ("
celebrities are just people"
- "folks need to leave those people alone" - y' heard that sort of thing all the time) on top of the fact that they wouldn't support something they themselves can see no evidence of... like "soul mate". If "she" is from a similar type of world, "she" may have been rather perplexed herself at whatever it was, that undoubtedly had to have made it at least as meaningful and/or memorable to her as it seems to have been to him.

That's why I say that
somehow MJ and "this girl" did experience eachother in some rather profoundly unique way - something out of the ordinary, otherwise it could not
(from the
cumulative glimpses provided through the music) have had such a profound sense of "reality" that expresses itself through song, seemingly spanning over a couple of decades
, nor imho could have let this thread last this long! :lol: and with such poignant "meaning" to so many even if apparently not all. There's no telling what's going on with the multitude of anonymous "lurkers"! LOL!!.

:scratch: :lol: :sigh:

I'd like to think that if that's the case, it would be in the sense that
she, like MJ, is her own person, unique unto herself and isn't too centered around what people in the world think
, because as MJ so aptly put it, "people are crazy" and I don't especially want to see some (probably middle aged by now) woman trying to moonwalk wearing a white glittery glove :lol:.


I whole heartedly agree...

With regards to your thought about approaching men...

With no disrepect intended...In todays day and age many of the younger generation see no issue (s) with approaching the opposite gender...

However, the older generation... woman (like myself) were raised the old fashion way...it would be/still is considered improper conduct to approach or to ever chase after a man no matter who he was...

For me...totally not my style..!

Remember that show..? Fantasy Island..."the plane...the plane"...Giggles~~~

In business, the music industry, specially contractual law..."never" assume..!

:angel:Our Children Are The Future...WE Are The World...Heal The World...Education IS The Key~~~
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And just a observation: I don't like Lisa, I never liked her! :zformation:
:smilerolleyes: This is a very controversial issue... :scratch:

Wow! I do not know Lisa, but I do not like her for the behavior she had after the divorce. It was not pleasant. But as someone touched on LMP I'll give my opinion. Michael has always been a sensitive person and Lisa appeared in his life at the right time when he was going through a difficult time. During this time Lisa was beside him and Michael by this gesture was very touched and from there came a feeling. Love??? For me, there was no passion, nothing else. This feeling can be that has not been the same intensity on both sides. Perhaps a feeling one way and one felt another way, it was not the same intensity of feeling and probably many other things that should have happened between them because we know that marriage is not easy.

In this case, Lisa and Michael are COMPLETELY different from each other. Michael had a very difficult life and Lisa was born rich and had everything in life so much easier. Michael earlier worked very hard to get what he wanted and to get where he still over the years he was still working very hard. I can not see it on Lisa. She NEVER had to fight for anything because everything has always been easy for her. She had a life of great battles like Michael had. The big difference between the two starts there.

If really A GREAT TRUE LOVE they would be together today and they were not together. When there is a real love between two people can not help but succeed. A relationship can only succeed if there is TRUE LOVE between the two. If not, never and never will work. I just know and say with absolute certainty that Michael did very mature at this wedding and learned many things. Not only in marriage but also marriage to Debbie, with everyone now in his life, about love between two people, in short with everything around him, that everything in life (both good and bad) we learn a great lesson that life is a great learning. For this and with so much learning that Michael became a human being with an incredible inner strength.

I hate when people say he was weak, naive and was manipulated by others. No, he is not and NEVER has anything like that. What I saw when I was a very intelligent man enlightened by God with a great inner strength. He NEVER was naive, those qualities that to me sound like weakness, are far from it. I believe he had trouble saying no to people, but when he was faced with a difficult time or problem, somehow he always ended up handling all around you and having the situation under control. He was always a very strong human being with an incredible inner strength. This is Michael Jackson. :punk:

This was only my thoughts on this subject... :)

Sorry for the size of the post. :cheeky:
Wow alot of reading. Nice posts everyone. :) Just a few thoughts before I leave to sort myself out internally. Blahhhhh :girl_sigh: :cry:

But Justus, I remember, had said in that post (that sadly disappeared), that

"[MJ] knows how to get a message across to a specific person and he knows how to get a message out to the masses."

So I guess she, that specific person, is one who is very good at hearing the lyrics clearly and knowing just what he is saying.

I think there are more ways to send messages to "someone", and I don't believe it happens only through song lyrics. Could be notes/signs/codes/actions and/or lyrics. I think when something specific is intended for someone, it's done so that that particular person will recognize or observe it, and just KNOW. It's called being creatively sneaky, but in a good loving way. LOL

Oh and I didn't mean this thread would be about Lisa....I just meant I think she was the love of his life. Seems that way. (Unless there was a "someone in the dark"...or some other "secret woman" (Grace/Shana/Joanna/Tatiana/Kai/who knows) the world is yet to discover....:scratch::lol:.)

"Betrayal" is not part of the meaning of LOVE, especially TRUE LOVE, never has been and never will be imo.

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If really A GREAT TRUE LOVE they would be together today and they were not together. When there is a real love between two people can not help but succeed. A relationship can only succeed if there is TRUE LOVE between the two. If not, never and never will work. I just know and say with absolute certainty that Michael did very mature at this wedding and learned many things. Not only in marriage but also marriage to Debbie, with everyone now in his life, about love between two people, in short with everything around him, that everything in life (both good and bad) we learn a great lesson that life is a great learning. For this and with so much learning that Michael became a human being with an incredible inner strength.

I also think that if you truly love someone, that relationship can be "eternal" (as the poet would say: "eternal so long as that lasts forever"), but it isn't only of love that is a relationship! Fellowship, complicity and, among other things, respect! Much respect and admiration for each other! If there isn't this, only love alone will not survive!

I hate when people say he was weak, naive and was manipulated by others. No, he is not and NEVER has anything like that. What I saw when I was a very intelligent man enlightened by God with a great inner strength. He NEVER was naive, those qualities that to me sound like weakness, are far from it. I believe he had trouble saying no to people, but when he was faced with a difficult time or problem, somehow he always ended up handling all around you and having the situation under control. He was always a very strong human being with an incredible inner strength. This is Michael Jackson. :punk:

It also makes me angry! The people make a image of Michael totally wrong! I'm not question his sensibility cause I know how sensitive he is, but that doesn't make him a naive, helpless! He is not a perfect man, but he is smarter than anyone in this world, he has all about control and always knows what to do! Label Michael Jackson as a "poor man" is to underestimate his intelligence!

I also think that if you truly love someone, that relationship can be "eternal" (as the poet would say: "eternal so long as that lasts forever"), but it isn't only of love that is a relationship! Fellowship, complicity and, among other things, respect! Much respect and admiration for each other! If there isn't this, only love alone will not survive!

I know. :cheeky:

What I meant to say that TRUE LOVE is the main ingredient in a relationship. :)

It also makes me angry! The people make a image of Michael totally wrong! I'm not question his sensibility cause I know how sensitive he is, but that doesn't make him a naive, helpless! He is not a perfect man, but he is smarter than anyone in this world, he has all about control and always knows what to do! Label Michael Jackson as a "poor man" is to underestimate his intelligence!


Look at this picture:


These curls, that mouth, those eyes, the skin and many other things...

Makes me want to take home! :wild::wild::wild:

Michael is a beautiful man. Inner beauty is even greater than all that beauty outside. :wub::wub::wub:
What I meant to say that TRUE LOVE is the main ingredient in a relationship. :)

The indispensable ingredient! :)

[/COLOR] Look at this picture:

These curls, that mouth, those eyes, the skin and many other things...

Makes me want to take home! :wild::wild::wild:

Michael is a beautiful man. Inner beauty is even greater than all that beauty outside. :wub::wub::wub:

Holy Mother!!!!! What a beautiful man! :wub:

Take him to MY home! :rolleyes2:

The song is very pretty, isn't it? Especially the more you listen to it.[/COLOR]

:wild: I'm so happy for find nice things to read!

Originally Posted by STATEofSHOCK
MJ is all of his fans' "Mr. Right" :yes: (at least I never met a fan who didn't feel that way, I guess its a "language" we all speak! lol) and so hence, his fans are his "wife". He's been married to his fans a long, long, loooooooong time. :wub: :wub:

I remember that post being among the many I had to scan quickly due to time and don't remember that point but it reminds me of what Moddie777 and those had been saying about the notes MJ gave to fans, I guess knowing they would make their way around the fan community - the "double message" idea. At first, I was thinking, 'no his fans are "the one" he's talking to, and I also had that thought when I first heard This Is It, figuring, "it seems as though I've seen your face a thousand times" could have been meant literally to acknowledge his fans, until listening more carefully and more times, so yes, MJ is really good at making his songs sound as if they could have a double meaning.

I know many fans who love MJ and wanted to be there for him through all of his trials but couldn't, so maybe "she" was in the same predicament there too, not meaning she "loves" him any less from afar as she would person-to-person.

Sometimes Love's expression has to go beyond the ordinary. Sometimes it takes leaving the Love with the Source and letting the Love be guided by the Source. I guess I'm saying that when things are out of one's hands, it sometimes takes "surrender".
SOS I really love your posts! :blush: :yes:

Summer you didn't been a "party pooper", on the contrary, I think you have been realistic, being right or not, is your opinion and thanks for sharing it with us! ;D

Originally Posted by Summer
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh :gugeyed You don't know how much I'm ashamed to have said that!:doh: But I said... :smilerolleyes: and it is true lol! :D :ph34r:
I'm moved the excitement! -_- :wild: :yes:

I am sure he understood what they were talking about and he heard his parents tell how difficult it is for them because he is always in the hospital and all that. He just looked SO SAD and had tears in his eyes and it looked like he was trying to disappear because he just kept becoming smaller and smaller in his body language...he just kept slouching more and more the longer they talked and I had to turn away because I was
about to start crying when I saw that. I just wanted to hug him and go "It is NOT your fault that you are sick and don't ever forget that you are being loved!!". I just felt so bad for him because it was like you could read straight from his face what he was thinking. That's the part in my job I hate...when we can't really give good
news. Like once we had this little girl who was just diagnosed with a brain tumor. Her mom had died all of the sudden just about a month earlier...and then the girl got sick, so they came to the hospital...and the doctors found out she had a brain tumor that was not curable and she didn't have much time left. We were all crying our eyes out in the staff room because we all felt so bad and none of us knew how to tell them that. It just felt so cruel! Especially so soon after the mother had died.


It was so sad, but their work is beautiful and I am sure that God manifests for these children through you! Congratulations! :hug:

Originally Posted by ashtanga
I hate when people say he was weak, naive and was manipulated by others. No, he is not and NEVER has anything like that. What I saw when I was a very intelligent man enlightened by God with a great inner strength. He NEVER was naive, those qualities that to me sound like weakness, are far from it. I believe he had trouble saying no to people, but when he was faced with a difficult time or problem, somehow he always ended up
handling all around you and having the situation under control. He was always a very strong human being with an incredible inner strength. This is Michael Jackson.

Originally Posted by Tha
It also makes me angry! The people make a image of Michael totally wrong! I'm not question his sensibility cause I know how sensitive he is, but that doesn't make him a naive, helpless! He is not a perfect man, but he is smarter than anyone in this world, he has all about control and always knows what to do! Label Michael Jackson as a "poor man" is to underestimate his intelligence!

:clapping: :yes:

Ash and Tha, I totally agree and this is nothing new, since we have practically the same thoughts and opinions... dare: "To say the latter is not possible is to sorely underestimate the genius that IS Michael Jackson." :D:smilerolleyes:

:wild::wild: Ash my heart can't stand! :wub::wub:

Lily the song you posted above is beautiful! :blush:
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What is love? Here are some famous quotations on the subject:
From: http://honeymoons.about.com/cs/wordsofwisdom/a/whatislovequote.htm

"One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is love." - Sophocles

"Attention is the most basic form of love; through it we bless and are blessed." - John Tarrant

"We love because it's the only true adventure." - Nikki Giovanni

"Love is like quicksilver in the hand. Leave the fingers open and it stays. Clutch it, and it darts away." - Dorothy Parker

"Love is friendship set on fire." - unknown

"Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing." - Goethe

"To be in love is merely to be in a state of perceptual anesthesia." - H.L. Mencken

"Love is everything it's cracked up to be. That's why people are so cynical about it...It really is worth fighting for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don't risk everything, you risk even more." - Erica Jong

"Sometimes love is stronger than a man's convictions." - Isaac Bashevis Singer

"Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness." - Oliver Wendell Holmes

"Maybe love is like luck. You have to go all the way to find it." - Robert Mitchum

"Love stretches your heart and makes you big inside." - Margaret Walker

"Love has no awareness of merit or demerit; it has no scale... Love loves; this is its nature." - Howard Thurman

"Love is like war: Easy to begin but hard to end." - Anonymous

"Love consists in this, that two solitudes protect and touch and greet each other." - Rainer Maria Rilke

"Where love is, no room is too small." - Talmud

"Loves makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place." - Zora Neale Hurston

"Love is the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired." - Mark Twain

"Love is more than three words mumbled before bedtime. Love is sustained by action, a pattern of devotion in the things we do for each other every day." - Nicholas Sparks

"To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven." - Karen Sunde

"A love song is just a caress set to music." - Sigmund Romberg

"Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit." - Peter Ustinov

"Love is like a violin. The music may stop now and then, but the strings remain forever." - unknown

"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence." - Erich Fromm

"In the final analysis, love is the only reflection of man's worth." - Bill Wundram, Iowa Quad Cities Times

"Love doesn't make the world go round, love is what makes the ride worthwhile." - Elizabeth Browning

"Oh, life is a glorious cycle of song,
A medley of extemporanea;
And love is a thing that can never go wrong;
And I am Marie of Roumania."
- Dorothy Parker

"To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering one must not love. But then one suffers from not loving. Therefore to love is to suffer, not to love is to suffer. To suffer is to suffer. To be happy is to love. To be happy then is to suffer. But suffering makes one unhappy. Therefore, to be unhappy one must love, or love to suffer, or suffer from too much happiness. I hope you're getting this down."
- Woody Allen,
Also, Time Magazine did a spread on "love" in 1993....here's what they had to say about it...

From http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,977763,00.html

Monday, Feb. 15, 1993
What Is LOVE?

By Paul Gray;Hannah Bloch/New York and Sally B. Donnelly/Los Angeles

What is this thing called love? What? Is this thing called love? What is this thing called? Love.
HOWEVER PUNCTUATED, COLE Porter's simple question begs an answer. Love's symptoms are familiar enough: a drifting mooniness in thought and behavior, the mad conceit that the entire universe has rolled itself up into the person of the beloved, a conviction that no one on earth has ever felt so torrentially about a fellow creature before. Love is ecstasy and torment, freedom and slavery. Poets and songwriters would be in a fine mess without it. Plus, it makes the world go round.
Until recently, scientists wanted no part of it.
The reason for this avoidance, this reluctance to study what is probably life's most intense emotion, is not difficult to track down. Love is mushy; science is hard. Anger and fear, feelings that have been considerably researched in the field and the lab, can be quantified through measurements: pulse and breathing rates, muscle contractions, a whole spider web of involuntary responses. Love does not register as definitively on the instruments; it leaves a blurred fingerprint that could be mistaken for anything from indigestion to a manic attack. Anger and fear have direct roles -- fighting or running -- in the survival of the species. Since it is possible (a cynic would say commonplace) for humans to mate and reproduce without ) love, all the attendant sighing and swooning and sonnet writing have struck many pragmatic investigators as beside the evolutionary point.
So biologists and anthropologists assumed that it would be fruitless, even frivolous, to study love's evolutionary origins, the way it was encoded in our genes or imprinted in our brains. Serious scientists simply assumed that love -- and especially Romantic Love -- was really all in the head, put there five or six centuries ago when civilized societies first found enough spare time to indulge in flowery prose. The task of writing the book of love was ceded to playwrights, poets and pulp novelists.
But during the past decade, scientists across a broad range of disciplines have had a change of heart about love. The amount of research expended on the tender passion has never been more intense. Explanations for this rise in interest vary. Some cite the spreading threat of AIDS; with casual sex carrying mortal risks, it seems important to know more about a force that binds couples faithfully together. Others point to the growing number of women scientists and suggest that they may be more willing than their male colleagues to take love seriously. Says Elaine Hatfield, the author of Love, Sex, and Intimacy: Their Psychology, Biology, and History: "When I was back at Stanford in the 1960s, they said studying love and human relationships was a quick way to ruin my career. Why not go where the real work was being done: on how fast rats could run?" Whatever the reasons, science seems to have come around to a view that nearly everyone else has always taken for granted: romance is real. It is not merely a conceit; it is bred into our biology.
Getting to this point logically is harder than it sounds. The love-as- cultural-delusion argument has long seemed unassailable. What actually accounts for the emotion, according to this scenario, is that people long ago made the mistake of taking fanciful literary tropes seriously. Ovid's Ars Amatoria is often cited as a major source of misreadings, its instructions followed, its ironies ignored. Other prime suspects include the 12th century troubadours in Provence who more or less invented the Art of Courtly Love, an elaborate, etiolated ritual for idle noblewomen and aspiring swains that would have been broken to bits by any hint of physical consummation.
Ever since then, the injunction to love and to be loved has hummed nonstop through popular culture; it is a dominant theme in music, films, novels, magazines and nearly everything shown on TV. Love is a formidable and thoroughly proved commercial engine; people will buy and do almost anything that promises them a chance at the bliss of romance.
But does all this mean that love is merely a phony emotion that we picked up because our culture celebrates it? Psychologist Lawrence Casler, author of Is Marriage Necessary?, forcefully thinks so, at least at first: "I don't believe love is part of human nature, not for a minute. There are social pressures at work." Then falls a shadow over this certainty. "Even if it is a part of human nature, like crime or violence, it's not necessarily desirable."
Well, love either is or is not intrinsic to our species; having it both ways leads nowhere. And the contention that romance is an entirely acquired trait -- overly imaginative troubadours' revenge on muddled literalists -- has always rested on some teetery premises.
For one thing, there is the chicken/egg dilemma. Which came first, sex or love? If the reproductive imperative was as dominant as Darwinians maintain, sex probably led the way. But why was love hatched in the process, since it was presumably unnecessary to get things started in the first place? Furthermore, what has sustained romance -- that odd collection of tics and impulses -- over the centuries? Most mass hallucinations, such as the 17th century tulip mania in Holland, flame out fairly rapidly when people realize the absurdity of what they have been doing and, as the common saying goes, come to their senses. When people in love come to their senses, they tend to orbit with added energy around each other and look more helplessly loopy and self-besotted. If romance were purely a figment, unsupported by any rational or sensible evidence, then surely most folks would be immune to it by now. Look around. It hasn't happened. Love is still in the air.
And it may be far more widespread than even romantics imagined. Those who argue that love is a cultural fantasy have tended to do so from a Eurocentric and class-driven point of view. Romance, they say, arose thanks to amenities peculiar to the West: leisure time, a modicum of creature comforts, a certain level of refinement in the arts and letters. When these trappings are absent, so is romance. Peasants mated; aristocrats fell in love.
But last year a study conducted by anthropologists William Jankowiak of the University of Nevada-Las Vegas and Edward Fischer of Tulane University found evidence of romantic love in at least 147 of the 166 cultures they studied. This discovery, if borne out, should pretty well wipe out the idea that love is an invention of the Western mind rather than a biological fact. Says Jankowiak: "It is, instead, a universal phenomenon, a panhuman characteristic that stretches across cultures. Societies like ours have the resources to show love through candy and flowers, but that does not mean that the lack of resources in other cultures indicates the absence of love."
Some scientists are not startled by this contention. One of them is anthropologist Helen Fisher, a research associate at the American Museum of Natural History and the author of Anatomy of Love: The Natural History of Monogamy, Adultery and Divorce, a recent book that is making waves among scientists and the general reading public. Says Fisher: "I've never not thought that love was a very primitive, basic human emotion, as basic as fear, anger or joy. It is so evident. I guess anthropologists have just been busy doing other things."
Among the things anthropologists -- often knobby-kneed gents in safari shorts -- tended to do in the past was ask questions about courtship and marriage rituals. This now seems a classic example, as the old song has it, of looking for love in all the wrong places. In many cultures, love and marriage do not go together. Weddings can have all the romance of corporate mergers, signed and sealed for family or territorial interests. This does not mean, Jankowiak insists, that love does not exist in such cultures; it erupts in clandestine forms, "a phenomenon to be dealt with."
Somewhere about this point, the specter of determinism begins once again to flap and cackle. If science is going to probe and prod and then announce that we are all scientifically fated to love -- and to love preprogrammed types -- by our genes and chemicals, then a lot of people would just as soon not know. If there truly is a biological predisposition to love, as more and more scientists are coming to believe, what follows is a recognition of the amazing diversity in the ways humans have chosen to express the feeling. The cartoon images of cavemen bopping cavewomen over the head and dragging them home by their hair? Love. Helen of Troy, subjecting her adopted city to 10 years of ruinous siege? Love. Romeo and Juliet? Ditto. Joe in Accounting making a fool of himself around the water cooler over Susan in Sales? Love. Like the , universe, the more we learn about love, the more preposterous and mysterious it is likely to appear.
Ash and Tha, I totally agree and this is nothing new, since we have practically the same thoughts and opinions... dare: "To say the latter is not possible is to sorely underestimate the genius that IS Michael Jackson." :D:smilerolleues:

:wild::wild: Ash my heart can't stand! :wub::wub:
Thanks! :D

*Linda thanks for your precious two posts about love! :wub: :)
And Lisa also had loads of her own money, so he knew she wans't a "gold digger". It seems that was one of his (if not THE) biggest fears that women were just after his money. Seems like he thought all women, except those who were rich and famous were just a bunch of gold diggers. :mello: :scratch: :unsure:

True. Im sure mike had 2 deal with plenty of gold diggers in his life!
ok there is absolutely no way I'm going to be able to catch up in here. but, I wanted to acknowledge Ape's long, reflective post from Wednesday...FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!
Another verse or two I was trying to make sense of were the following:

This is it, I can feel
I’m the light of the world, this is real
And this song we can save(The song will be "theirs, just for them, expressing parts of their story.)

And I tell you the thing (meaning the song)… let it play (let the song play and play ad play...) Okay...this is weak...*laughs* probably not hearing that right. :no:

And I feel as though I’ve known you for a thousand years
And you said you were some of it yourself (she's somehow acknowledged to him that she knows/realizes that she has been a part of his life somehow during a duration of it.)
And you said wanted to go with me all a while (he thought she never did but somehow she has gotten across to him that in fact she always would have wanted to be with him, if she could have had her say in the matter)
And I know that it’s really true myself oh, yeah (he believes that now)

The song is very pretty, isn't it? Especially the more you listen to it.

queen g
, this was a really good breakdown. You saw some things that I didn't see in there! And yes, it is a pretty song. The lyrics and the way he sings them are really sweet, aren't they?:)

And ...

, thanks so much for those quotes on love! That was really enjoyable to read!:punk:
The lyrics and the way he sings them are really sweet, aren't they?:)
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm :smilerolleyes:



"Love Never Felt So Good" (by Paul Anka :smilerolleyes:) was released commercially in the voice of Johnny Mathis in 1984.

Original version by Johnny Mathis:


Love Never Felt So Good

(Paul Anka, Michael Jackson & Kathy Wakefield)

One, two, three
Baby, love never felt so good
And i doubt if it ever could
Not like you hold me, hold me
Oh baby
Love never felt so fine
And I doubt if it's ever mine
Not like you hold me, hold me
And the night's gonna be just fine
Gotta fly, Gotta sing, Got the way
I can't take it cause
Every time I love you
In and out my life
In and out baby
Show me
If you really love me
It's in and out my life
In and out baby
So baby
Love never felt so good
Oh baby
Love never felt so fine (so fine)
And I doubt if it's ever mine
Not like you hold me, hold me
Oh baby
Love never felt so good
And I doubt if it ever could
Not like you hold me, hold me
And the night through the
Gotta fly, gotta sing, can't believe
I can't take it cause
Every time I love you
It's in and out my life
In and out baby
Tell me
if you really love
It's in and out my life
Driving me crazy
Love never felt so good
Oh baby
Love never felt so fine
And I doubt if it's mine all mine
Not like you hold me, hold me
Oh baby
Love never felt so good (so good)
An I doubt if it ever could
Not like you hold me, hold me
And the nights, that feels good (feel so good)
Gotta fly, gotta sing, can't believe
I can't take it cause
Everytime I love you
It's in and out my life
In and out baby
Tell me
If you really love me
It's in and out my life
Driving me crazy
Cause baby
Love never felt so good
Never felt so good (oh)
It never felt so good
Never felt so good
It never felt so good (Never felt so good)
It never felt so good
Never felt so good
Alright that's fine


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