If you are a devoted Michael Jackson fan, The Oprah Show wants to hear from you

Oh Gawd...I hope they don't pick some outrageous, crazy, Springer-ish fan that's going to blabber nonsense (emotions vs. fact) and make us all look bad and lose our credibility. =/
OOH someone in the US should sooo go on with a sweet story about MJ.. talking about his true kind nature.

They can't air a non-outragous person if no down to earth fans apply. .. (does that even make sense? lol) What I mean is.. the crazier ones are more likely to apply and be enthusiastic to get on. If you don't want that to happen and you have a great story that will show Michael in a positive light then you should apply and be enthusiastic about it.

Whoever goes on better give her what for and put her right about a few things!
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where were they all when they dragged him to courts ?Screw them all !
Why Oprah? why? This woman who loves controversy. Even in her 'Remembers Michael' she talked about the allegations..Why would Sony choose that wicked, ratings hungry woman? Of course, she wants action in her boring show., She wants Crazy fans, who would talk rubbish and make Michael's fans look like lunatics..
Oh oh oh... she is calling for devoted fans??? Dosent she know what a lot of us think about her???? Hahaha I would love this if were live and someone set the record streight with her! hahahah That would be worth watching :lol:
I filled out the e-form just to let her know that Michael fans are powerful and dedicated and that we will not tolerate her negative talk and opinions about Michael.

It is her show and I am sure she is not going to let a fan tell her off, but I wish one would tell her to keep her negative and nasty opinions to herself, especially when she has no basis for accusing him of anything. People are swayed by her opinions even though we should all think for ourselves.
I have so many stories, not just fan stories, but there is no way i would speak about michael on the opera show or any other tv show, and it makes me angry when i see other people who 'knew' michael doing it. How people who 'claim' to have been his friend can cash in on a friendship that should be treasured and not exploited is beyond me.
Why does Ortega doing a promo tour ? Isn't the movie sold out? So why promote it more? Maybe Sony has already decided to extend it. I sure hope so. I want to see it more than once.
This movie will take MJ's fame totally over the top. Hee! Hee!
Oprah really drives me up the wall, she is fake I am sorry i cannot stand her. ( but on a side note some of than fans spelling of her name really cracks me up.)
This is hilarious. I told my mother about this and she said, "You should reply to it and if you get on set her right on some things." And I was like, "That would be hilarious." So got on and wrote out this EXCELLENT message and went to send, and it was WAY too long. Well, I cut and pasted it, printed it out (for when the time calls for it), and HEAVILY edited my original message. I sent it in, and I will laugh if I get a call. :)
She must be talking about Michael Jackson, the beer guy, because I hear Oprah likes to drink. :p
I have signed up for fan segments (of my other favorite stars) for talk shows, try not to be outrageous and I never get picked, but instead an OTT type does. I still haven't meet a celeb yet! :cry: I still enjoy segments though, be happy for the fans though. I wonder what they are going to do for the fan?

And DuranDuran I have heard of the guy, and it is probably him. :lol:
Why does Ortega doing a promo tour ? Isn't the movie sold out? So why promote it more? Maybe Sony has already decided to extend it. I sure hope so. I want to see it more than once.
This movie will take MJ's fame totally over the top. Hee! Hee!

The movie is NOT SOLD OUT.

A few shows are, but most tickets are still available.

Why do people think the movie is sold out...? a movie cannot really sold out. They will keep adding shows to match demand. It is not like a concert...
As fort Oprah, my tak is she is gonna do a show where she has a special viewing witht he audience, made up of MJ fans and then discuss the movie, the whole saga with guests and fans.

In any case, for any fan who decides to go, please be intelligent.
I voted and participated, after all, i am in Miami.... Chicago is not far.... who knows... give it a shot, nothing to loose, right :)? If chosen, I'll be a good source of "positive michael" lol... we should all do that !
Sometimes she does a pre-screening of the movie and then has reaction. Maybe that is what she is going to do with This is it?
Oprah is going to do a segment on her show dedicated to This Is It which will air tomorrow. MJ's "biggest fan" will be invited onstage. It won't be that long, about 10-15 minutes.
Oprah is going to do a segment on her show dedicated to This Is It. MJ's "biggest fan" will be invited onstage. Much more details will be revealed next week. Expect this to go down between the 26th and 28th of October.

Come on lads, if it is a show discussing Michael then some of you on here should do your best to be on it and tell the truth about him. There is no point coming on this forum the day after the show complaining coz somebody on the show lied about him or worse still lied about the allegations which still seem to come up in the media.
Hmm...I might enter a submission, even though I am not a fan of Oprah the person, her show is viewed by alot of people and for fans to have a chance at speaking about how Michael made us feel and tell others why we LOVE him would be a great opportunity. There are many people who still dont "get us" they dont understand why and how Michael had so many loyal fans. I truely believe no other artist in history has had the type of connection with fans the way Michael has.