If you could be any given animal


^ a cute little bug, between a butterfly and a lady bug.. It smiles as well!

that's a pretty funny cross between a ladybug and a butterfly but its suuuuuure cute!

If I was picking based on cuteness, I would choose something else, but I think I might pick an eagle....to be able to fly like that, so majestically. Pretty awesome. (And I would have A LOT better vision than I do now!)
A dolphin...they are sweet, kind, smart animals that are known to help humans and other creatures too...
Still a Dolphin :p I never wish to be anything else :unsure: Hmm maybe a bird sometimes to to fly :D
I would be a lion, and even if I wasn't a male I'd have my own pride.

Watch me, hahaha!

Or a horse... I'd love to run and feel free.
usagi, I have to admit, I want to lick your avatar so very badly. :wild:

Right now I'd like to be... a dragon!
I'm tired too. ._. *Huddles close* I propose we revolt against the person who invented sleep and tickle his toes until he can sort out our problem. What say you!?

Right now I'd really like to be an eagle.
I would be a Butterfly, because they're free, they have no predators and evertime people see me, they'd gasped because of my beauty.
crocodile... when any MJ's hater cross my way...