King of Pop's Secret Lover? 'I Was Michael Jackson's Boyfriend' Update Post 72 Joe's Reply* (Merged)


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Jul 25, 2011

King of Pop's Secret Lover? 'I Was Michael Jackson's Boyfriend'
April 29, 2010 | Michael Jackson

Jason Pfieffer, a dermatologist's assistant, is going public in an explosive new interview, claiming he was Michael Jackson's boyfriend right up until the King of Pop died.

Pfieffer tells "Extra" in a new interview airing Thursday, April 29, that he had a very "passionate and sexual" relationship with the King of Pop. He also plays a voicemail message which he claims Michael Jackson left for him. The interview was conducted by special correspondent Alicia Jacobs.

"We definitely hit it off the first time we met," Pfieffer says, claiming he and Jackson met in 2008 at the office of Jackson's famed dermatologist, Dr. Arnold Klein, a longtime friend of Jackson's and rumored to be the biological father of the singer's two older children, Prince and Paris.

Dr. Klein tells "Extra" he personally witnessed Jackson and Pfeiffer together when he once walked in on them, Jackson allegedly shirtless. "When you see two people looking at each other you know what's happening. I was just very happy for both of them."

Pfieffer says he and Jackson instantly connected because of their childhoods. Pfieffer was smitten. He tells "Extra," "We were just sitting there and we both started to cry and I got up and went over to him and said it's going to be okay Michael... We hugged. And it was kind of then that the hug was a little bit more." He goes on to say, "It wasn't until a few months later that it was obvious that Michael had feelings for me as well." Their friendship soon blossomed into something more, according to Pfieffer.

Jackson emphatically denied throughout his life that he was gay. "I just assumed that he was probably bisexual," Pfieffer says, claiming their relationship lasted until the day Jackson died. "I know we loved each other, I know he told me that all the time. I believe that he was probably my soulmate."

So why come forward now?

"Setting the record straight and telling the truth, as opposed to hiding in some house in the middle of nowhere... I think he would have approved of that, yes."
Re: King of Pop's Secret Lover? 'I Was Michael Jackson's Boyfriend'

morel like one of a kliens play things. pathetic peice of shit
Re: King of Pop's Secret Lover? 'I Was Michael Jackson's Boyfriend'

guess he didnt get paid enough the first time he sold his story. in his wet dreams
Re: King of Pop's Secret Lover? 'I Was Michael Jackson's Boyfriend'

EM I am totally with you on this one. UGGHHH!!!!!!!
Re: King of Pop's Secret Lover? 'I Was Michael Jackson's Boyfriend'

Dude, this was first published like in July in The Sun. It was quickly forgotten about as its a pile of BS.
Re: King of Pop's Secret Lover? 'I Was Michael Jackson's Boyfriend'

ughh they just aired this on TV, needless to say it was disgusting. They will continue with it tomorrow.
Re: King of Pop's Secret Lover? 'I Was Michael Jackson's Boyfriend'

Isn't he Kleins gay lover? Isn't that what he told Entertainment Tonight months ago? Amazing what people would do for attention and MONEY! This is a new LOW for Klein and his "friend!"
Re: King of Pop's Secret Lover? 'I Was Michael Jackson's Boyfriend'

That Extra interviewer said she believes this guy because he's a CEO of a corporation or something. Yep, that's a good enough reason to believe whatever he says. LOL

What's the story on this guy? Did he already write a book or is he going to (I can't remember what I've read)?

Also, that portion of the voice message they played didn't sound like Michael to me.
Re: King of Pop's Secret Lover? 'I Was Michael Jackson's Boyfriend'

First of all this guy is a piece of shit,,second.... Kline better watch what he is saying...He has to leave that medical building at some point..I am sure that people are not gonna like what it is he is saying about Michael. And really now...look at that fat piece of garbage.....he probably fantasized about Michael. This guy is disgusting.
Re: King of Pop's Secret Lover? 'I Was Michael Jackson's Boyfriend'

What a bunch of bullcrap. With today's technology, a so-called phone message can easily be chopped up from other things and edited together to say exactly what someone wants. So that's no proof. And the guy owning some big company does not take away from the fact that he's looking for a hand-out for his next wad of cash. He must not be drumming up business like he wants to. This is more low down than a snake in the grass.
Re: King of Pop's Secret Lover? 'I Was Michael Jackson's Boyfriend'

Re: King of Pop's Secret Lover? 'I Was Michael Jackson's Boyfriend'

omg lol what a load of BS! That guy is a discusting fat piece of garbage who no one seems to believe and certainly wasnt paid enough to tell his "story". for starters Michael always told people he loved them guys and girls and NOT in a sexual way eather. Michael was of course sexual but not this guys wet dreams he wasnt! lol If Michael was gay he could have gotten a WAY HOTTER gay guy then that fat pig! omg lol
Re: King of Pop's Secret Lover? 'I Was Michael Jackson's Boyfriend'

Yeah this isnt the first time this fat fuck went to the tabloids with this story. And yes we all know he was Kleins butt-buddy!

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Re: King of Pop's Secret Lover? 'I Was Michael Jackson's Boyfriend'

Yeah this isnt the first time this fat fuck went to the tabloids with this story. And yes we all know he was Kleins butt-buddy!

Not that there's anything wrong with that.


Thank You DI...PERFECT!!....and GO MICHAEL..:love:
Re: King of Pop's Secret Lover? 'I Was Michael Jackson's Boyfriend'

That Extra interviewer said she believes this guy because he's a CEO of a corporation or something. Yep, that's a good enough reason to believe whatever he says. LOL
LOL ken lay and all the other bankers anyone?
Re: King of Pop's Secret Lover? 'I Was Michael Jackson's Boyfriend'

In the interview, she also says she is a good friend og klein. So of course she would believe Jason. Stupid is as stupid does. Won't they ever learn?
Re: King of Pop's Secret Lover? 'I Was Michael Jackson's Boyfriend'

I wouldn't care if MJ was gay, but he wasn't... A gay man couldn't write songs like The Way You Make Me Feel and Dirty Diana...
This fool can just go to hell, he wishes MJ would have glanced at him for a momment, never mind be his "Boyfriend" please...
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Re: King of Pop's Secret Lover? 'I Was Michael Jackson's Boyfriend'

This is not an attck on Gays
but is about the truth - there is no evidence of
Michael ever being gay and he infactically and publically
denied that rumour several times in a very agitated way.

I will also say MJ was VERY private about his sexual life
and didnt feel it was proper to speak about those things in
public _ So even if it was true (which I dont believe for a second)
Jason would be a betrayer by coming forward with these personal details.
It would also be wrong of him to bring MJ out of the closet if in fact he
didnt want that info revealed to the public, Anyway this goes down Jason
is a piece of crap .. and so is Dr Klein for his part in this

Dr Klein is a personal friend of Alicia (the journalist) she gets him to colaborate
and they all make a handsome sum $$$$$ _ they make $$$$ for lying and she
makes money for the story-

I have also called her out on the Extra site and on her twitter for lying and saying
this was her exclusive story and the first time Jason has revealed that story _
We all know he spouted the same lies in the SUN Tabloid last August and no one
believed him then .. Its OLD news not an exclusive

MJ may have very well befriended Jason and told him he loved or cared about him
but I dont believe for one second there was any more than that going on. Michael tells many of his friends and aquantances that he cares about them and loves them openly wether it be a man or woman and its NOT sexual. He even told Marc sheifeild that in a phone converstation he loved him and he hugged and told Kenny and all his male and female co-workers that he loved them and cared for them _ that doesnt mean it was a love affair or they were his soul mates (SHEESH) cant even invision MJ with this fat sweaty slob and betrayer.

MJ has never showed any evidence of being gay and no one that ever knew him
ever suggested it in the slightest way_ If that was true it would have came out a
long time ago.

All the 100's of comments on the Extra site
were against this story _ and reemed them for it
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Re: King of Pop's Secret Lover? 'I Was Michael Jackson's Boyfriend'

Klein called into TMZ live saying he sticks to his story. However, that TMZ live is missing from the site (it is usually up right after for people to see) and Harvey said Klein told him this when they interviewed before. Klein said MJ was very open about this and Harvey said, "No he wasn't. He was very private." If Harvey has been told this for so long, i am thinking he does not believe this or he would have had that up on his sight a long time ago.
Re: King of Pop's Secret Lover? 'I Was Michael Jackson's Boyfriend'

I watched TMZ live as well. and when they asked what he was thinking about that story Harvey Levin rolled his eyes going "eeh". It was very obvious that he didn't believe it at all. They guy next to him said "now what does that mean?".

Harvey said he questioned Klein's motives saying why now? and that MJ wouldn't discuss (or want it to be known) this type of stuff at all if he was alive.

Klein later called the show and Klein was being ridiculous that "MJ was open with his sexuality" comment. It was a total lie and Harvey also pointed that out saying "no he wasn't and you know it". then Klein probably said something they are being in love or soul mates etc , Harvey again debunked that saying that " You told me it lasted 2 months" (apparently months before when TMZ was doing the story/ interview with Klein, they told Harvey this story saying that Jason and Mj had a thing for 2 months - which once again Harvey doesn't seem to believe). Then Klein said something about homophobia in some races which Harvey again shut down saying "how this is relevant to MJ".

Well Harvey Levin is not the most positive and loving person towards MJ, but when he starts defending MJ you know that the story is utterly and completely BS and nothing but lies.

ginvid: sometimes it takes them several hours to post the videos.
Re: King of Pop's Secret Lover? 'I Was Michael Jackson's Boyfriend'

ginvid: sometimes it takes them several hours to post the videos.

I cannot even find the topic that showed it even took place. And the page with all of the questions. Don't they usually leave those up?

Anywho, thanks much!
Re: King of Pop's Secret Lover? 'I Was Michael Jackson's Boyfriend'

LOL they didn't even mention the story on Extra. What happened to the second part? I hope they figured out it was crap and pulled the story. I guess the voicemail wasn't as salacious as they thought. Who knows. Anywho, it never aired.
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Re: King of Pop's Secret Lover? 'I Was Michael Jackson's Boyfriend'

Extra did not air pt.2
Re: King of Pop's Secret Lover? 'I Was Michael Jackson's Boyfriend'

L I guess the voicemail wasn't as salscious as they thought.

yesterday they aired the start of it

"hello Jason this is Michael I'm returning your call"

do you talk to your boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband/partner like that?

I personally never have to introduce myself to my boyfriend and I'm never that serious and professional in a phone call with my bf. Neither he is.

remember that guy was the office manager of Klein. It is probable that he called MJ related to his visits to Klein and Michael returned that call. It just sounded like he was calling to confirm his appointment.

Probably there wasn't anything on the rest of it as well as you stated.
Re: King of Pop's Secret Lover? 'I Was Michael Jackson's Boyfriend'

Extra did not air pt.2

Hilarious! :D I hope it stays that way!

The public just doesn't care anymore this isn't the 90's anymore where it was easy to trash MJ like they did back then and had the whole world it seemed believe it! People are tired and know that the trash the media say about MJ is 99.9% made the F*ck up! They know his name is being FINALLY Cleared of those allegations slowly but surly and their trying desperately to keep the ***** J.acko shit still alive for money and ratings that work so well in the past!! It's PATHETIC!
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Re: King of Pop's Secret Lover? 'I Was Michael Jackson's Boyfriend'

King of Pop's Secret Lover? 'I Was Michael Jackson's Boyfriend'
April 29, 2010 | Michael Jackson

Jason Pfieffer, a dermatologist's assistant, is going public in an explosive new interview, claiming he was Michael Jackson's boyfriend right up until the King of Pop died.

Pfieffer tells "Extra" in a new interview airing Thursday, April 29, that he had a very "passionate and sexual" relationship with the King of Pop. He also plays a voicemail message which he claims Michael Jackson left for him. The interview was conducted by special correspondent Alicia Jacobs.

"We definitely hit it off the first time we met," Pfieffer says, claiming he and Jackson met in 2008 at the office of Jackson's famed dermatologist, Dr. Arnold Klein, a longtime friend of Jackson's and rumored to be the biological father of the singer's two older children, Prince and Paris.

Dr. Klein tells "Extra" he personally witnessed Jackson and Pfeiffer together when he once walked in on them, Jackson allegedly shirtless. "When you see two people looking at each other you know what's happening. I was just very happy for both of them."

Pfieffer says he and Jackson instantly connected because of their childhoods. Pfieffer was smitten. He tells "Extra," "We were just sitting there and we both started to cry and I got up and went over to him and said it's going to be okay Michael... We hugged. And it was kind of then that the hug was a little bit more." He goes on to say, "It wasn't until a few months later that it was obvious that Michael had feelings for me as well." Their friendship soon blossomed into something more, according to Pfieffer.

Jackson emphatically denied throughout his life that he was gay. "I just assumed that he was probably bisexual," Pfieffer says, claiming their relationship lasted until the day Jackson died. "I know we loved each other, I know he told me that all the time. I believe that he was probably my soulmate."

So why come forward now?

"Setting the record straight and telling the truth, as opposed to hiding in some house in the middle of nowhere... I think he would have approved of that, yes."

Michael took his shirt off at the dermatologist office. Shocking! Guess that proves he was gay. :brow: This guy is pathetic. He and Klein are pitiful, really.
Re: King of Pop's Secret Lover? 'I Was Michael Jackson's Boyfriend'

Michael took his shirt off at the dermatologist office. Shocking! Guess that proves he was gay. :brow: This guy is pathetic. He and Klein are pitiful, really.

I agree...I am sure Michael may have taken his shirt off at Kleins office....after all HE IS a dermatologist....he deals with the skin....and YES Michael has skin.....that is why he went to see him....Kiein is stupid and he needs to sit down and STFU,,,,,he only makes himself look more stupid by saying things like this....Blah blah. ..:mad:
Re: King of Pop's Secret Lover? 'I Was Michael Jackson's Boyfriend'

Tabloid S&¨$%!!!
How I hate them...