Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Re: Psychic channels Michael

Thank you amygrace. This is a lovely thread :)

Remember that ultimately we are all the same.

You are so right! I guess that may be one reason why I feel so much more drawn to Michael now that he is in spirit than I was before... he feels closer somehow. His death hit me SO hard, much harder than I'd ever have imagined. But his passing means that many of us can now be with him on a different kind of level. That in itself is a comfort. I don't know if Michael is a guide of mine, time will tell. But I will welcome my new guide whoever he is :)

I would like to make it into chat some time, although since I'm in the UK the timing might be an issue :-/
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Re: Psychic channels Michael

Thank you. It means that Michael visited me. It was such a great feeling of peace and love! I am thinking of posting another story here but I am still not ready….:)

I would love to hear your other story, but only when you are ready to post it. I don't doubt that Michael has visited you, and many others too. He will not be bound by time and physical constraints anymore!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

So I am getting ready to go to work, but I really can't wait to come home and catch up on this thread! Maybe chat tonight since I missed it last night :(

Oh, and it's #thrillerthursday on twitter...FYI. LOL So I feel like I need to go buy the Thriller album after work tonight, I am so embarassed I don't own it...or Bad...or Dangerous...or Invincible yet :( I might be on a mass MJ buying spree tonight. It's about time!

Can't wait to read about everything when I get home guyss. :D
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Thank you amygrace. This is a lovely thread :)

You are so right! I guess that may be one reason why I feel so much more drawn to Michael now that he is in spirit than I was before... he feels closer somehow. His death hit me SO hard, much harder than I'd ever have imagined. But his passing means that many of us can now be with him on a different kind of level. That in itself is a comfort. I don't know if Michael is a guide of mine, time will tell. But I will welcome my new guide whoever he is :)

I would like to make it into chat some time, although since I'm in the UK the timing might be an issue :-/

I think I feel closer to him in spirit too. Actually it feels like the afterlife seems really close somehow. Like I could reach out and touch it. But at the same time it feels kind of far away.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

So I am getting ready to go to work, but I really can't wait to come home and catch up on this thread! Maybe chat tonight since I missed it last night :(

Oh, and it's #thrillerthursday on twitter...FYI. LOL So I feel like I need to go buy the Thriller album after work tonight, I am so embarassed I don't own it...or Bad...or Dangerous...or Invincible yet :( I might be on a mass MJ buying spree tonight. It's about time!

Can't wait to read about everything when I get home guyss. :D

Sorry for the multiple posts lol. Heh, you're not alone there about the albums. All I have is his Essential collection, and I just got that one recently. I'm ashamed to admit it.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

that may be one reason why I feel so much more drawn to Michael now that he is in spirit than I was before... he feels closer somehow. His death hit me SO hard, much harder than I'd ever have imagined. But his passing means that many of us can now be with him on a different kind of level. That in itself is a comfort.
I would like to make it into chat some time, although since I'm in the UK the timing might be an issue :-/

I quite agree. With his physical body here...he wasn't someone that just anyone could go to or talk to. Nor was it something he would have been able to even handle. And he had his own earthly life/troubles to think about. Now that he has returned to spirit, it's different. We are all able to connect with him in a different way, on a truly deeper/spiritual level.

We can still try coordinating a chat even though you are in the UK. I know a lot of people here are in the UK. About what time is it there right now? We will probably just have to schedule a day when some people can be online in the morning while some can be at night.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I think I feel closer to him in spirit too. Actually it feels like the afterlife seems really close somehow. Like I could reach out and touch it. But at the same time it feels kind of far away.

I have the same feeling.He is closer to me than EVER. The same I feel about my grandparents.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I would love to hear your other story, but only when you are ready to post it. I don't doubt that Michael has visited you, and many others too. He will not be bound by time and physical constraints anymore!

I promise I will as soon I'll be ready.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Thank you amygrace. This is a lovely thread :)

You are so right! I guess that may be one reason why I feel so much more drawn to Michael now that he is in spirit than I was before... he feels closer somehow. His death hit me SO hard, much harder than I'd ever have imagined. But his passing means that many of us can now be with him on a different kind of level. That in itself is a comfort. I don't know if Michael is a guide of mine, time will tell. But I will welcome my new guide whoever he is :)

I would like to make it into chat some time, although since I'm in the UK the timing might be an issue :-/

I feel this too; yes I still wish he was here physically but my comfort is that I do feel closer to him now, like I can talk to him whenever I want and that he really hears it :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Yea I feel a bit more comfortable spiritually..

I think he can hear all of us and is closer to us now. I hope to see him again in another dream soon! Maybe he'll have that gathering or night school maybe..:angel:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I've been reading through this and I'm smiling at all your stories.
I completely agree about Michael being closer spiritually. Even though I haven't experienced it yet, there's apart of me that feels he's still here and that he's close.

Also, Amy, I tried to do what you told me and I totally could not focus. lol. I found myself thinking about other random things. I was kind of nervous too...? Don't know why but I was super tired and I ended up falling asleep on myself. haha. Then I ended up having a dream about spiders instead? Anyway, I think I'll try again tonight. I'm trying to clear my thoughts more during the day today. We'll see how it goes...
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Also, Amy, I tried to do what you told me and I totally could not focus. lol. I found myself thinking about other random things. I was kind of nervous too...?

What we talked about doesn't need to be any long process or anything :) Just as you would ask anyone a's a matter of taking a few seconds before bedtime to ask your guides/Michael if you can dream of Michael or visit him while you sleep. And then of course asking that you can remember the experience consciously upon waking...if it's in the "highest good". You don't even have to ask them really...just intend to dream/visit Michael when you go to sleep. This all doesn't guarantee anything of course, but it opens the doors for it to be made possible. :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

What we talked about doesn't need to be any long process or anything :) Just as you would ask anyone a's a matter of taking a few seconds before bedtime to ask your guides/Michael if you can dream of Michael or visit him while you sleep. And then of course asking that you can remember the experience consciously upon waking...if it's in the "highest good". You don't even have to ask them really...just intend to dream/visit Michael when you go to sleep. This all doesn't guarantee anything of course, but it opens the doors for it to be made possible. :)

Thanks. :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I know this isn't exactly a "spiritual" thing but I kind of feel like I need to let it out. A few weeks ago, I can't remember if I was listening to a tribute song for Michael or watching a video, but I started to really cry hard. I had a fortune cookie with me and I decided to open it and read my fortune. Now, I know fortune cookies aren't supposed to be "accurate" or anything but I found this interesting. The fortune read:

Today brings out the performer and humanitarian in you.

I have no idea if this is sign or symbolizes something or not but it's been in my mind and I've come back to thinking about it a couple times. "Humanitarian" and "performer" are two of many of Michael's qualities. Michael also has inspired me with his humanitarian ways, in which I hope I can bring out more for myself. I didn't tell anybody because I know they probably wouldn't understand where I was coming from with this. Thought I'd share here. Do you think it's a sign of some sort? Unless it's just me being crazy, I don't know. lol.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I know this isn't exactly a "spiritual" thing but I kind of feel like I need to let it out. A few weeks ago, I can't remember if I was listening to a tribute song for Michael or watching a video, but I started to really cry hard. I had a fortune cookie with me and I decided to open it and read my fortune. Now, I know fortune cookies aren't supposed to be "accurate" or anything but I found this interesting. The fortune read:

Today brings out the performer and humanitarian in you.

I have no idea if this is sign or symbolizes something or not but it's been in my mind and I've come back to thinking about it a couple times. "Humanitarian" and "performer" are two of many of Michael's qualities. Michael also has inspired me with his humanitarian ways, in which I hope I can bring out more for myself. I didn't tell anybody because I know they probably wouldn't understand where I was coming from with this. Thought I'd share here. Do you think it's a sign of some sort? Unless it's just me being crazy, I don't know. lol.

Definitely a sign! :) - It's too random 'Performer' and 'humanitarian' being in a sentence together inside a fortune cookie and found by an MJ fan. He seems to be communicating with more and more fans everyday and it's often when we're upset to try and cheer us up, he's amazing :D
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I also had an angel card reading (I used Doreen Virtue's cards). The first time I used it I asked a sign that Michael is ok... Two random cards fell while I was shuffling, they said "Archangel Michael" and "Music"! :D

Just wondering now, does anyone know of any good crystals for meditation/dreams purposes? What's the best you think? I have a few myself which I have cleansed with salt water but I can't decide... Also a weird things happens if I have then close to my bed or under my pillow, I have a very light sleep and then I wake up tired in the morning... lol That's particularly true for amethyst!!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

The fortune read:

Today brings out the performer and humanitarian in you.

Wow that's amazing - fortune cookie predictions usually say cheesy messages that will apply to anyone but this is definitely not the type of things they say - it has to be a sign! :D
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Hey, sorry I haven't posted here for a while, been busy? but tomorrow I'm planning on doing a tarot or angel Reading and see if I get anything, I'll keep you posted :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I also had an angel card reading (I used Doreen Virtue's cards). The first time I used it I asked a sign that Michael is ok... Two random cards fell while I was shuffling, they said "Archangel Michael" and "Music"! :D

Just wondering now, does anyone know of any good crystals for meditation/dreams purposes? What's the best you think? I have a few myself which I have cleansed with salt water but I can't decide... Also a weird things happens if I have then close to my bed or under my pillow, I have a very light sleep and then I wake up tired in the morning... lol That's particularly true for amethyst!!

Aw, I had the same thing happen while pulling some of Doreen Virtue's oracle cards. I pulled "Make Music" when I asked to receive a message from Michael.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I also had an angel card reading (I used Doreen Virtue's cards). The first time I used it I asked a sign that Michael is ok... Two random cards fell while I was shuffling, they said "Archangel Michael" and "Music"! :D

Just wondering now, does anyone know of any good crystals for meditation/dreams purposes? What's the best you think? I have a few myself which I have cleansed with salt water but I can't decide... Also a weird things happens if I have then close to my bed or under my pillow, I have a very light sleep and then I wake up tired in the morning... lol That's particularly true for amethyst!!

clear quartz is my favorite.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

The fortune read:

Today brings out the performer and humanitarian in you.

I have no idea if this is sign or symbolizes something or not but it's been in my mind and I've come back to thinking about it a couple times. "Humanitarian" and "performer" are two of many of Michael's qualities. Michael also has inspired me with his humanitarian ways, in which I hope I can bring out more for myself. I didn't tell anybody because I know they probably wouldn't understand where I was coming from with this. Thought I'd share here. Do you think it's a sign of some sort? Unless it's just me being crazy, I don't know. lol.

Wow, yeah I'd say that definitely is a sign, the random thig and the fact that you needed an answer at that moment. Nice when this sort of thing happens and it is amazing too.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

oh I had a dream last night.. I dreamed Michael was in heaven and I asked if he is ok.. He answered yes dont worry. Then I asked him if he met Charlie Chaplin yet.. He answered this place is so big.. I responded Michael Michael you there? His voice grew more distant. Then I woke up.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

So last night before I fell asleep I asked through my thoughts to hear from Michael or my spirit guides and to please let me remember it. I asked several times and then I fell asleep. I DO remember dreaming about Michael, and I was so surprised and happy in the morning. Unfortunately, I can't remember what happened in my dream.

I am going to try it again tonight though, and ask that they let me remember what happens in my dream!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

So last night before I fell asleep I asked through my thoughts to hear from Michael or my spirit guides and to please let me remember it. I asked several times and then I fell asleep. I DO remember dreaming about Michael, and I was so surprised and happy in the morning. Unfortunately, I can't remember what happened in my dream.

I am going to try it again tonight though, and ask that they let me remember what happens in my dream!

me too I want to keep having MJ dreams :yes:
Just hopefully no nightmares. but I feel a spiritual connection having these dreams. The only tough part is the waking up part.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

me too I want to keep having MJ dreams :yes:
Just hopefully no nightmares. but I feel a spiritual connection having these dreams. The only tough part is the waking up part.

I just wanna have a nice dream. Most of mine have been weird and left me feeling puzzled. Which I don't like =[
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I just wanna have a nice dream. Most of mine have been weird and left me feeling puzzled. Which I don't like =[

Same. I had my first MJ dream after his passing and it wasn't very calming. It had alot of pictures flashing by but I only remember two, some numbers, words spoken and a feeling of numbness and I couldn't take the dream anymore and woke up. :(
Re: Psychic channels Michael

oh I had a dream last night.. I dreamed Michael was in heaven and I asked if he is ok.. He answered yes dont worry. Then I asked him if he met Charlie Chaplin yet.. He answered this place is so big.. I responded Michael Michael you there? His voice grew more distant. Then I woke up.

Girl I think you definitely were connecting with him. I just got that feeling when I read question about it. I have heard of spirits saying it's very big over there as well. :p I wouldn't be surprised if he hasn't met Charlie Chaplin yet because over there is kinda the same as here...there's a LOT of souls, and everyone has got their own thing going on. But heck, Charlie could be reincarnated by now too for all we know. hah. ;)

I agree that having such spiritual dreams are wonderful until you wake up. (sigh) I've had such beautiful and vivid dreams before, that weren't just my subconscious reeling but were genuine spiritual experiences...and then when I woke up and realized where I was again I just wanted to cry!

strawberrypie999 said:
I was so surprised and happy in the morning. Unfortunately, I can't remember what happened in my dream.

If you woke up feeling that way, my guess is you got what you asked for in connecting/speaking with Michael during your just wasn't necessary that you remembered it. ;)