Michael Jackson feat. 50 cent - MONSTER - its the real deal says 50 -READ!

sadly, disgustingly, and sickeningly, this could all very well be true :no:

As I said before, I really don't feel it's the same thing. Those instances are indeed all about making money. Those things are well known money makers but all is well because they slap warning labels on the product and consumers are then to blame. However, Sony and The Estate would be LOSING millions if such allegations were indeed true. They'd lose far much more than they ever gained and they don't have a warning label to hide behind. There is no scape goat. Logically, they aren't going to do such a thing and I completely understand why they would investigate the songs because certain Jackson members have been throwing grenades at the project since wind first broke. They did so to shut the Jacksons up (fat chance) and to cover their own asses. I don't understand how anyone can believe that they would would really release fake material. It's silly.
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I hope Monster and KYHU are Michael. I love those songs.
As I said before, I really don't feel it's the same thing. Those instances are indeed all about making money. Those things are well known money makers but all is well because they slap warning labels on the product and consumers are then to blame. However, Sony and The Estate would be LOSING millions if such allegations were indeed true. They'd lost far much more than they ever gained. Logically, they aren't going to do such a thing and I completely understand why they would investigate the songs because certain Jackson members have been throwing grenades at the project since wind first broke.

Again, I completely agree with you...It doesn't make any sense that they'd do this.....It could be what they are doing...who knows? But WHY do I have a feeling it's NOT MJ on those tracks...I do believe, as I said before that it sounds like Mike on BN..with someone else, but I can hear him, definitely...But lead vocals on KYHU or Monster? no effing way...So, I'd never sit here and conclude that he's NOT on any of those tracks....Hell, even in Hollywood Tonight, just a tiny little part, I think might have been filled in with someone else...But this doesn't bother me because almost 100% sounds absolutely Michael Jackson..without a doubt in my mind....the song sounded almost vocally complete, so I really don't mind if they needed a bit of a touch up vocally...but there is a point where, for the Cascio songs, they should have been..'ok, these songs are vocally not even close to completion to the point where we need someone to actually SING the song, to make it finished...'..They should have used this logic when looking at the Cascio tracks, and leave them in the vault...These tracks, to me, sound like all Mike did was some bass line, and a few words sung here and there....If they are NOT vocally finished...DON'T use them..It's stupidity, really...
Here's the thing though, those people behind those companies and products you mentioned knew the risks involved and chose to do it anyway. Same with the consumers. Whose to blame? I don't really feel it has much to do with our current situation. The problem isn't about earning money, it's about losing it and to do such a monstrous thing would absolutely cost everyone involved so many millions even Bill Gates would shed a tear.

Questions were raised by Jackson members who weren't going to earn a dime, they were investigated, and found to be baseless. What more can Sony do? I know people want to see the forensic tests, but who knows, maybe they will release them sometime. I think, if people REALLY felt they were being duped or that their son, brother, or uncle was being spat on... they would do that rightful thing and sue. Sony is obviously not part of some big MJ "FU" campaign. They have far too much invested, and I don't believe MJ's closest friends would send him down the river for money. Maybe I'm foolish, but I do have faith in MJ's circle of friends. I have to believe he knew what he was doing when he chose the people who would be not only his life but also taker care of business after he was gone.

Okay, the tobacco companies are bad example. But, many times, patients have no idea the drugs that they took are harmful to them. There are actual case that pharmaceutical companies intentionally deceived the consuers. Also, many people who lost money becasue of the collapse of Lehman Brothers have absolutely no idea the risk of the securities. Many investment bankers misled their clients into faulty transactions. I certainly won't blame the consumers.

Back to this topic, we keep saying bringing litigation against Sony. But, Sony won't have huge liability if it can prove Michael was in the songs. Actually, it's not difficult for Sony to prove. I have no doubt Michael was in the songs, just not enough. These songs are all developed from Michael's demos.
Again, I completely agree with you...It doesn't make any sense that they'd do this.....It could be what they are doing...who knows? But WHY do I have a feeling it's NOT MJ on those tracks...I do believe, as I said before that it sounds like Mike on BN..with someone else, but I can hear him, definitely...But lead vocals on KYHU or Monster? no effing way...So, I'd never sit here and conclude that he's NOT on any of those tracks....Hell, even in Hollywood Tonight, just a tiny little part, I think might have been filled in with someone else...But this doesn't bother me because almost 100% sounds absolutely Michael Jackson..without a doubt in my mind....the song sounded almost vocally complete, so I really don't mind if they needed a bit of a touch up vocally...but there is a point where, for the Cascio songs, they should have been..'ok, these songs are vocally not even close to completion to the point where we need someone to actually SING the song, to make it finished...'..They should have used this logic when looking at the Cascio tracks, and leave them in the vault...These tracks, to me, sound like all Mike did was some bass line, and a few words sung here and there....If they are NOT vocally finished...DON'T use them..It's stupidity, really...

Exactly. I'm never against releasing songs from the vault, as I know there are many hidden gems. Demos like The Way You Love Me, Scared of the Moon, Beautiful Girl, Fall Again are closed to completion and totally releasable. On the other end, there are also sketchy demos in which Michael just laid out the idea and sang some notes here and there. I still believe the Cascio tracks were just some rough demos to begin with.
As I said before, I really don't feel it's the same thing. Those instances are indeed all about making money. Those things are well known money makers but all is well because they slap warning labels on the product and consumers are then to blame. However, Sony and The Estate would be LOSING millions if such allegations were indeed true. They'd lose far much more than they ever gained and they don't have a warning label to hide behind. There is no scape goat. Logically, they aren't going to do such a thing and I completely understand why they would investigate the songs because certain Jackson members have been throwing grenades at the project since wind first broke. They did so to shut the Jacksons up (fat chance) and to cover their own asses. I don't understand how anyone can believe that they would would really release fake material. It's silly.

Heh, well all these things you say are true and that is still why I am buying this album and supporting it...and will do so unless something comes out about all this..I really enjoy all three songs very much..but I just feel like I have to force myself to to think its Michael at times, which is pretty weird..
AnnieRUOkay89;3127181 said:
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/y1ILXOePB9U?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/y1ILXOePB9U?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

1:44 and on, The falsetto is very similar to the one used on the Cascio tracks. As we know, Michael sang this without any warm up, and in a different circumstance, other than the studio. He's sang live plenty of times, but this was after years of being inactive, in terms of live performance. This is from November of 2006, 9 months before Michael allegedly showed up at the Cascio's door step. Make what you want of it.

Lol I remember at the time his sleeve that he threw into the crowd was on eBay UK for £500,000. I remember watching this performance clearly. It was since this performance that it was revealed Michael was recording again for a new album. Access Hollywood showed video of Michael with will.i.am in a studio in Ireland. Will said that the only person who could put the jolt back into the music business, was the jolt itself - Michael Jackson. He said that himself, Justin Timberlake and Usher were all products of Michael. Sorry for the off-topic post, but that all came back to me after watching that. Thank you for posting that video!
1:44 and on, The falsetto is very similar to the one used on the Cascio tracks. As we know, Michael sang this without any warm up, and in a different circumstance, other than the studio. He's sang live plenty of times, but this was after years of being inactive, in terms of live performance. This is from November of 2006, 9 months before Michael allegedly showed up at the Cascio's door step. Make what you want of it.

Hmmm, thank you for this. Very similar, I must say.

It's actually pretty simple. People who don't believe Sony really had the songs tested, you need to understand that they would do it just to protect themselves. Not to help Michael or anyone else. So I believe they did do it, and they obviously were happy with the results or wouldn't have put out this album and risked getting sued.
As I said before, I really don't feel it's the same thing. Those instances are indeed all about making money. Those things are well known money makers but all is well because they slap warning labels on the product and consumers are then to blame. However, Sony and The Estate would be LOSING millions if such allegations were indeed true. They'd lose far much more than they ever gained and they don't have a warning label to hide behind. There is no scape goat. Logically, they aren't going to do such a thing and I completely understand why they would investigate the songs because certain Jackson members have been throwing grenades at the project since wind first broke. They did so to shut the Jacksons up (fat chance) and to cover their own asses. I don't understand how anyone can believe that they would would really release fake material. It's silly.

THIS!! :yes:
Even though I LOVE Behind the Mask more than any other song of MJ at the moment, I think Monster would be the perfect next single. It's so damn catchy and 50 is here to represent and promote the song. I envision a really cool video with this. Michael dancing and showing everybody who's the king. HA! HA! It would become a HUGE hit. The king has risen :)
I think monster will be a hit. Without a shadow of a doubt to me, the vocals are Michael.
KingMikeJ;3127226 said:
Lol I remember at the time his sleeve that he threw into the crowd was on eBay UK for £500,000. I remember watching this performance clearly. It was since this performance that it was revealed Michael was recording again for a new album. Access Hollywood showed video of Michael with will.i.am in a studio in Ireland. Will said that the only person who could put the jolt back into the music business, was the jolt itself - Michael Jackson. He said that himself, Justin Timberlake and Usher were all products of Michael. Sorry for the off-topic post, but that all came back to me after watching that. Thank you for posting that video!

No problem, I completely understand. I watch and still think to myself about how awesome he looked, considering what he had been through in the previous year.
Here we go again! Another thread that turned into It's him, It's not him.

For all of you doubters SURELY you can put your money where your mouth is. You say you didn't see the forensic experts reports?

Well here's a site where you can hire your own. And there's many like this on the web.

Expert in Speech and Language, Audio Forensics, Recordings, Intelligibility Enhancement, Voice Morphing

Split the expense and just DO IT already!

Send them the CD and ask them to make you a percentage chart of Michael's voice for each song.

If you don't even have the guts to do this and just rather keep talking BS then you all need to turn in your balls and shut up.
^^ the funny thing is, we, well, me at least, have NOT said it's NOT him....I'm saying, it sounds NOTHING like him.....We were all actually talking/debating in quite a civilized manner...both believers AND doubters...so, please, enough with the attacks, and a little respect, is all I ask for....
^^The discussion in the last few pages has been very calm and respectful, no one is yelling "fake songs", "don't buy it", "it's not him". We, both the "doubters" and the "believers", express our opinions in a civilized manner. I enjoy it a lot. I feel the positive and comfortable atmosphere is back. Yet, some just have very low tolerance of different opinions. It seems they just can't accept the fact that some people don't agree with them.

I don't understand why this kind of debate is not encouraged. No, I don't think we need to shut up. No, I don't want to sue any one. No, I don't care what the so-called audiologists have to say.

Like what Arkove said, all I ask is just a little tolerance and respect.
Here we go again! Another thread that turned into It's him, It's not him.

For all of you doubters SURELY you can put your money where your mouth is. You say you didn't see the forensic experts reports?

Well here's a site where you can hire your own. And there's many like this on the web.

Expert in Speech and Language, Audio Forensics, Recordings, Intelligibility Enhancement, Voice Morphing

Split the expense and just DO IT already!

Send them the CD and ask them to make you a percentage chart of Michael's voice for each song.

If you don't even have the guts to do this and just rather keep talking BS then you all need to turn in your balls and shut up.

Yeah, yours has been the first really negative comment in quite a while.....things were just becoming civilized.
I honestly think this whole "Vibrato" thing has been blown out of proportion. If you listen to all the "verses" you don't even have to listen to the vibrato at the end to know it's MJ on the songs except for BN. BN has God knows how much multilayering that it's almost impossible to determine the original tone of the voice. But even then, there are a few peculiarities in there which should be close to impossible to copy by anyone.
If it turns out ultimately that Monster and KYHU were fake i'd be the first one to hang my head in shame and concede that i was duped(Please note that i haven't been duped before by any of the previous fakes such as let me let go, mamacita, get out of my mind etc). For the time being though, i have "Michael" with me and i am gonna play it to bits.
i don't understand why some people think this song is so great... IDK... maybe something wrong with me?
I do like the song. One thing I love in a song is attitude. This song has attitude.

I just think MJ would have done it a lot more justice.
I do like the song. One thing I love in a song is attitude. This song has attitude.

I just think MJ would have done it a lot more justice.

Yup...couldn't agree more :(...I can maybe hear some backing vocals on the chorus, and that's about it..
Again, I completely agree with you...It doesn't make any sense that they'd do this.....It could be what they are doing...who knows? But WHY do I have a feeling it's NOT MJ on those tracks...I do believe, as I said before that it sounds like Mike on BN..with someone else, but I can hear him, definitely...But lead vocals on KYHU or Monster? no effing way...So, I'd never sit here and conclude that he's NOT on any of those tracks....Hell, even in Hollywood Tonight, just a tiny little part, I think might have been filled in with someone else...But this doesn't bother me because almost 100% sounds absolutely Michael Jackson..without a doubt in my mind....the song sounded almost vocally complete, so I really don't mind if they needed a bit of a touch up vocally...but there is a point where, for the Cascio songs, they should have been..'ok, these songs are vocally not even close to completion to the point where we need someone to actually SING the song, to make it finished...'..They should have used this logic when looking at the Cascio tracks, and leave them in the vault...These tracks, to me, sound like all Mike did was some bass line, and a few words sung here and there....If they are NOT vocally finished...DON'T use them..It's stupidity, really...

its pretty simple actually, clearly the cascio tracks used, sony actually had rights to and had potential to be hits. from a business standpoint, youre not gonna fill an album with demo's and incomplete songs. they did what any other major company would do. sony isnt here to please fans. like it or not, thats how it is.
its pretty simple actually, clearly the cascio tracks used, sony actually had rights to and had potential to be hits. from a business standpoint, youre not gonna fill an album with demo's and incomplete songs. they did what any other major company would do. sony isnt here to please fans. like it or not, thats how it is.

Yes, I agree...Except I want a MICHAEL JACKSON album...find another song that he sings 100%, and use that.....little touch ups here and there...ok, i understand...but someone else (imo) singing the entire lead vocal? gimme a break...
Yes, I agree...Except I want a MICHAEL JACKSON album...find another song that he sings 100%, and use that.....little touch ups here and there...ok, i understand...but someone else (imo) singing the entire lead vocal? gimme a break...

yea i hear what youre saying. unfortunately, that wont happen unless it's funded by the jackson estate.