Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor"

The biggest channel in my country, (public service and highly respected & trustworthy) will air the documentary tomorrow Tuesday. The channel is known for the amazing documentaries the show from worldwide (war, history, politics, domestic issues, investigative journalism, wildlife, human rights). Ive sent them an e-mail and simply asked them why they have decided to give Murray a platform. I basically told them he had his chance at court but now he can avoid cross-examination and just claim stuff without being confronted about it. I also told them he was PAID for this interview/documentary and also sent them the Estates letter regarding this documentary. They answered me today. I translated it for you if some of u are interested.

Thank you for your email.

Michael Jackson's death was tragic and a great loss to millions of fans worldwide. He was an outstanding artist, considered by many to be the greatest artist. His death has also created great outcry when the circumstances surrounding his death are not fully clarified. His doctor,Dr. Conrad Murray, who have declared not guilty, was convicted of causing his death.

What the doctor has to say if of considerable public interest. Dr. Conrad Murray has not spoken with reporters and not testified in court. We will for the first time hear his side of the story in this documentary.

The doctor and his defense team have commissioned a renowned documentary filmmaker to follow the defense work for over two years. The end result - a high quality documentary and an interview - is produced under editorial independence. The doctor or the defense lawyers did neither influence nor affect the end result.

Dr. Murray says he is a friend of Michael Jackson and do not speak ill of him. We will see the relationship between a doctor and his patient, a patient who the doctor believes was a close friend. We will for the first time hear some details that were previously unknown.

We have decided to broadcast the documentary because it offers new angels on a topic many find interesting. We also feel the documentary is produced by a journalistic relationship we can accept.

Whataver. I know I wont make them to re-concider their decision but they cant, as a public service channel, say the documentary is independent/onbjective when Murray was paid for it. Im gonna write them back too about Murray does in fact speak ill about MJ (mj urinated and he betrayed him).Plus how Murray clearly violated the doctor-patient relationsship by talking all this shitt. Im also gonna show how in this interview he says he talked on the phone outside the room, while he told the police he went to the bathroom- and by having said that, Murray admitted he lied but he cant be confronted about it and this is why Im upset they have decided to broadcast the interview...

Oh well…
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

This has been going through my mind all weekend and I just wanted to post it here.

The whole thing about how the room smelled and how it needed to be clean reminded my very much of when Randy T claimed that Michael smelt like moss and dead people during the trial of 2005. It could be just me, however.

Must have been an early batch of Rouas organic perfume.

I expect RT would say anything to get attention....I have never seen this kind of comment from anyone else. In any case, I imagine MJ's skin creams would have a particular 'fragrance'...most medical skin creams do. Or maybe it was a combination of cologne and skin cream. Not all fragrances combine well.

I'm so, so, so, so tired of random people (like RT) randomly trashing MJ for random reasons.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Murray is a pathetic liar if he was frustrated by the smelly room and asked MJ to allow a maid to clean it and if indeed mj urinated at 7 am that morning why did not he empty it and why was it still in MJ's room late that noon?
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

I agree Soundmind.. Nothing Murray says is the truth. Obviously the jury believes he's a liar too and that's why he was convicted. He has told blatant lie after lie for 2 1/2 years now.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

The smelly room really is just lies, Murray said previously that Michaels put so much perfume on that the room reeked of it apparently to cover the smell of smoke lol.
Nurse Lee spent the night in his bedroom and never said anything. Michael was spotless and we all know that so I wouldn't pay it any attention.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Must have been an early batch of Rouas organic perfume.

I expect RT would say anything to get attention....I have never seen this kind of comment from anyone else. In any case, I imagine MJ's skin creams would have a particular 'fragrance'...most medical skin creams do. Or maybe it was a combination of cologne and skin cream. Not all fragrances combine well.

I'm so, so, so, so tired of random people (like RT) randomly trashing MJ for random reasons.

The point I was going for is that Murray seems to be using already established tab bait to make his story seem more real and make Michael look like a nut. He called Michael smelly and messy. So did Randy T, who is supposedly the know-it-all on anything Michael. He called propofol his pet name of milk. Just like he called alcohol Jesus Juice. Michael suffered childhood drama, equals he wets the bed because of them. He was lonely, I was his only friend, ect.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

I agree with what everyone's said re: the rooms and privacy. It isn't strange, especially considering to what degrees Michael's privacy has been violated in the past. Moreover, the bathroom Flanagan kept talking about was basically just full of clutter. It didn't look unsanitary in any way (at least from the pics I saw of it). So, a restroom full of clutter is not exactly shocking--I'm willing to bet there are people all over the world whose bathrooms are not perfectly organized.

They make such a huge deal of everything and anything, it's truly amazing and disturbing. You would have thought the restroom had feces smeared all over the place or something, or roaches crawling all over the place, from the way they talked about it.

But, no. It was just full of clutter. Talk about anti-climatic.

Considering that 90% of bachelors have very messy and cluttered bedrooms and bathrooms and whole houses for that matter, it makes Michael a normal guy.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Considering that 90% of bachelors have very messy and cluttered bedrooms and bathrooms and whole houses for that matter, it makes Michael a normal guy.

I know, right. Most guys are really messy. I'd like to see Flanagan's place when his wife or the maids (if he has them) aren't around...
Judging by how messy/cluttered and disorganized the table was during the trial, I'd say there's little chance that the place would be absolutely spotless.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Sounds like you've been watching a little too much Dr. Drew heh.

Yeap. ^^Good point. Anyone who feels sorry for Muarry should look at the trial from beginning to end again. Also most of Michael's pain did not come from his childhood, but i think from the treatment he received when he was an adult by the media, family, and so-called friends who used, sucked, and leeched off him without showing true love and understanding. To me even with Joe's abuse, if adults in his last 35 years treated him as they do most artists, his life would not have had so much pain and grief.

I blame Joe for his children problems, but those who met him after Off The Wall including those evil children (sorry to call them that) share a lot of the blame.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Awww. That gave me an image of Michael in a velvet bathrobe, feet propped up, bottle of scotch at his side, full ashtray on the table, leafing through the latest copy of Hustler. I actually HOPE he had such moments. . . . .

Me, too, me too...

This is totally off topic, but why not. Today I pulled this out of the fridge. Not scotch, but beer. :hysterical::rofl: Very random for a weird strange import that hung around in my fridge for 3 months.

Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Ramona I know what you are talking about. I remember when Michael's house was raided and the media went in. They said his house had too many things in it. Of course they used more negative words, and a psychologist was on the news analyzing what the clutter and objects said about Michael. You are right. muarry is using known ideas/statements about Michael in the doc. It is the same with Michael having no money. This was all over the news in 09. notice Muarry and Flanny stress Michael was broke and they both bring in Randy to back it up. Good observation!!!

Pace if I knew how to post photos, I would show you one of the bottles I drank on 11/7/11 to celebrate the verdict. I kept one as a remembrance. Hopefully when Michael comes by in spirit form he could look at the bottle of spirits.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

i am dumbfounded at the stupidity of this guy.........he said in hindsight if he had known michael was addicted he would not have left him in the room alone......but isn't that his defence, that he was trying to wean jackson off propofol and that he thought he had weaned him in the last 3 days.....

so how can he say in the same paragraph that he didn't know.

and why did he tell the police he was out of the room for 2 minutes, and since then has completely changed his story but i haven't heard an explanation.

and has he ever been asked when wasthe first time that he administered this to jackson, where did he learn how to do it etc. was it on the net or did someone show him?

and i will not refer to him as a doctor anymore, surely he has lost that priviledge
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Shame Murray didn't pour away the urine from 7am that morning, no wonder the room wasn't smelling too fresh!! $150,000 a month and he can't even do the basics. Sad excuse for a human being.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Read on f.b that the docu only got 500k viewers in the usa.lowest figures so far.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Considering that 90% of bachelors have very messy and cluttered bedrooms and bathrooms and whole houses for that matter, it makes Michael a normal guy.

And also, many creative types tend to be disorganized, messy.

The controversial Conrad Murray documentary was not exactly a blockbuster for MNSBC. But it did give the network a win in 25-54 demographic among its cable news competitors.

Michael Jackson and the Doctor: A Fatal Friendship averaged 240,000 viewers in the demo last Friday at 10 p.m., the time slot where MSNBC traditionally airs documentaries. That was enough to best top-rated news Fox News in the demo. But the documentary was third in the hour among total viewers with 525,000.

MSNBC licensed the documentary, which was produced by October Films and U.K.-based what’s it all about? productions. The deal included a pre-verdict “promotional” interview with Murray, which NBC gave prime placement on Today the morning after Murray was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the death of Michael Jackson.
Representatives for Jackson implored MSNBC not to air the documentary and questioned whether money made on the film was somehow being funneled to Murray. The documentary also raised new questions about checkbook journalism, since the license fee did include an interview with Murray.

In the wake of the Casey Anthony trial, news divisions publicly disavowed the practice of licensing photos and videos as a way of paying interview subjects.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

I've just watched the documentary on youtube - Murray said, that it was normal for him to make phone calls while Michael was sleeping. But according to his own words he gave Michael Propofol infusions to help him sleep nearly every night for two month. Did he regularly make phone calls while Michael had a Propofol infusion?!?
It also seems he thinks the proper monitoring of a patient is being right in the next room so he would hear it if the patient called for him... :no:

It seems to me that the whole documentary was quite damaging for Murray.

And what was it about with the lawyers in their underwear? :D
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

LOL. At least we could peek at Chernoff's legs. :rollin:
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

I just saw a snippet of him ''crying'' on TMZ Live, and I swear to god he was wiping away DRY tears, there were NO TEARS. The entire scene was BEYOND FAKE AND CRINGEWORTHY

He is a very bad actor. There were no tears.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Re the messy rooms - can't remember the timeline but mj would be about to move out of carolwood and leave for london in the next week, so that would explain all the boxes and stuff.

Those us viewing figures were low - almost the same as the uk which has 20%of the population. I was thinking why murray got his documentary sold to all those countries who was an unknown and uninteresting doctor, and the jacksons never got their reality show based on the 05 trial off the ground. I'm sure mj and tmez wouldn't have been in the show but i'm guessing brian oxman and the other family members would have featured! A horror we were spared, i suppose.

Let's not forget that there is apparently another documentary about all this in the works, latoya's, presumably taking the conspiracy angle, perhaps to coincide with the aeg lawsuit.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Ugh. they are airing the documentary now here... ughhh...
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Airing in Norway and Sweden today. Damn damn.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Murray is a pathetic POS. The things he said about MJ were uncalled for, but more than that, how dare he try to portray himself as the victim here?! He was the one giving MJ these drugs and HE'S the reason MJ is dead. Murray is a greedy, lying son of a $@$&#. I have no respect for him.

So glad he is in jail and that his career is ruined.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

the sentencing is only on the 29th, almost two weeks from now, but I'm so scared already.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Guys, any one going to LA for sentencing?

Twinkle what are you scared about? Pastor is going to give him the max. Aslo, Pastor looks at TV and knows about the document and that Muarry is not showing remorse. Judges want to see the guilty person show remorse, because they take that into account. Don't let the talking heads who say Muarry will only spend a few days in prison make you feel scared or doubtful about the outcome. Since 09 I have never doubted the outcome of this case and I have not been disappointed yet.

Remember Pastor was watching TV when he heard pompous White talking about the case!!
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

the sentencing is only on the 29th, almost two weeks from now, but I'm so scared already.

I am very cautious.

Guys, any one going to LA for sentencing?

Twinkle what are you scared about? Pastor is going to give him the max. Aslo, Pastor looks at TV and knows about the document and that Muarry is not showing remorse. Judges want to see the guilty person show remorse, because they take that into account. Don't let the talking heads who say Muarry will only spend a few days in prison make you feel scared or doubtful about the outcome. Since 09 I have never doubted the outcome of this case and I have not been disappointed yet.

Remember Pastor was watching TV when he heard pompous White talking about the case!!

Petrarose, remember we have to take into consideration the new California law that came into effect in October. It has been said that the judge can give him the full 4 years but due to over crowding his sentence may end up just pissing us all the hell off.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Exotic I am still not even letting that law affect me. I expect him to be in prison for an appropriate time.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

I wish he could get transferred to a prison in another state. But I don't care much about the sentencing. I'm just satisfied he was found guilty because the alternative was just unfathomable. On the other hand, Murray roaming free after a few years is still a scary thought because he is a dangerous man. :( At least hopefully he will no longer be able to practice medicine.