Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor"

One of the experts said propofol could cause a patient stop breathing even if it´s given in a small amount, like 25 mg.
The patient have to be monitored carefully and if the patient doesn´t wake up when the effect should be gone -in less than 10 minutes-the doctor should be really worried and do everything get the patient to wake up.
It doesn´t matter if the doctor had spent the whole night to try to get the patient to sleep.

I know Michael got much more propofol than that, but even if Murray had only given 25 he abandoned his patient and Michael died because of it.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

After watching the documentary it's plain to see that there is no chance of any appeal because he Murray has condemned himself already in his own words!!
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

If recordnng mj is illegal why wasnt he charged. there could have been so many xtra charges if cooley actually cared
It's already been rumored that Cooley doesn't care, I even found his speech at the press conference rather half assed, with his monotonous voice. He was eager though to take credit for this high profile conviction.
Another thing that made me wonder is, when Walgren gave his closing statements, he told the jury to find Murray guilty, emphasizing that there was only one charge of IVM. Makes me wonder if he thinks Murray should have been charged with a higher charge or additional charges.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Yeah according to reports walgren wanted murder two but cooley refused. i was put off by his p.c what sort of lawyer he is i dunno but he acted half arsed and seemed more bothered about the druggie angle
News Release: Coalition Urges Public To Spurn MSNBC Documentary

No tolerance, no excuses for ‘white-coat crimes’ of rogue prescribing.
A national alliance of families, medical professionals, law enforcement, and drug abuse prevention advocates has urged the public to turn off their TVs this Friday at 10 p.m. Eastern Time. The call for action comes in response to MSNBC’s plan to air a documentary featuring the doctor found guilty for the homicide death of Michael Jackson.

A California jury convicted Dr. Conrad Murray of involuntary manslaughter this week for his role in the 2009 death of the King of Pop. Sentencing is scheduled to take place Nov. 29.

“Criminal prescribing of powerful medications cannot be justified or otherwise explained away,” stated Michael Barnes, a Washington, DC, attorney and board member for the not-for-profit Center for Lawful Access and Abuse Deterrence (CLAAD).

“It is imperative to remember that Conrad Murray killed another human being with criminal negligence,” reminded Mary Abbas, President of MJJJustice Project Inc., an organization dedicated to improving public awareness of Michael Jackson’s life and legacy.

Murray committed 17 egregious violations of the medical standard of care during the hours before Jackson’s death, an expert witness testified to the jury. Primary among the deviations was the prescribing of propofol, a powerful anesthetic, to mimic the effects of sleep. A coroner’s investigation identified an overdose of propofol and other controlled substances prescribed by Murray as the cause of Jackson’s death.

During the trial, Murray’s defense team attempted to blame Jackson for causing his own death.

“As a practicing physician, I find Conrad Murray's behavior abhorrent and an embarrassment,” said Lauren Trainor, D.O., of Huntington Beach, California. “Neither my family nor I will devote one second to Murray's documentary.”

CLAAD is urging the public to shut off their televisions, turn on their favorite Michael Jackson songs, and clean out their medicine cabinets this Friday night.
Information on proper medication disposal is available on the Food and Drug Administration’s website at

Removing unused medications from homes can help prevent overdose deaths.

The U.S. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) last week reported that more than 40 people die every day from overdoses involving pain relievers alone.

CLAAD’s National Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Strategy details recommendations aimed preventing “white-coat crimes” involving the illicit prescribing of medications.

The National Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Strategy has been endorsed by 30 non-profit organizations and may be accessed online at

“I will turn my TV off,” vowed Abby Megginson of Los Angeles.

About the Center for Lawful Access and Abuse Deterrence

The primary objective of the Center for Lawful Access and Abuse Deterrence (CLAAD) is to coordinate a comprehensive national effort to prevent the diversion, misuse, and abuse of prescription medications while ensuring adequate medical care for patients in need. CLAAD enables health professionals, law enforcement, businesses, and government, among many other entities, to share resources and work together to reduce prescription drug abuse, addiction, and overdoses.

Reporters: CLAAD can connect you with health care professionals as well as families that have suffered from prescription drug abuse.
For more information, please contact:
Marina Hench, Program Manager This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

I'm only now able to watch the documentary and this is what I made out of it:

Murray saying that Michael had lived a painfull life, that he experienced more pain in his life then anyone could in more then a 100 years of life. He says that this was mostly caused by his childhood and upbringing and it seems honest when he says this (there's no reason too lie about this either). That hurt me, it made me cry that Michael had so much pain in his life.

Then another surprise to me was that they were sitting at a table in Flanagans house and Flanagan says Michael was weird and then Chernoff responds that the media made him look weird. And I rewind, cos I was like 'what??!!', did he really just say that.

And who speaks the truth Randy Philips or Murray? Did they have that conversation that Michael would be financially ruined if he didn't do the show or didnt they? I'm leaning towards they did. Because we all now what a lying piece of &^* Randy Philips is. And I believe that Murray has no reason to lie about this. It's not going to help him in his case, he still is the doctor that shouldn't have given propofol under any circumstances.

Then he stands there saying he didn't have a phone? He was outside the room calling all these people, he was in the room able to call Michael Amir. How was he not able to call 911 immediately. He's clearly lying on the facts where he knows he was wrong. If he had gotten him back he would have left as a doctor. He should have done that if he couldn't persuade Michael not to use propofol. He's so completely wrong and trying to cover his own ass by saying he was betrayed and emptrapped. It was the other way around Murray, you're the doctor.

Then Flanagan and Chernoff get into an argument about strategy, which was basicly just a row between 2 people who both think they are the best and have the biggest ego's. And Chernoff by then knows he has a losing case on his hands. I think he was right though to say that you don't fight an expert witness on his own expertise, cos you'll lose.

And then he end he says, I hope I will never experience this again. No you won't, because you already killed the greatest human being ever to live on this planet. And there's no one to fill his footsteps.

Overal, I thought it was going to be worse, they didn't make Murray look like a victim. Actually they made him look guilty, like he is. His crying in the end might have been real. Maybe he realized what he had done was wrong. But that doesn't make him less guilty and that certainly doesn't make him to have to be sentenced for what he did.
Still I am disgusted by thefact that he has been able to make money off of this documentary. Another person (who not only killed Michael) but also made big bucks from his death.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Yeah according to reports walgren wanted murder two but cooley refused. i was put off by his p.c what sort of lawyer he is i dunno but he acted half arsed and seemed more bothered about the druggie angle

Basically Cooley was working as a politician and wanted a guaranteed verdict. This wasn't just a case for Walgren, you could tell how impassioned he was about it.
Sunflowers;3536891 said:
And who speaks the truth Randy Philips or Murray? Did they have that conversation that Michael would be financially ruined if he didn't do the show or didnt they? I'm leaning towards they did. Because we all now what a lying piece of &^* Randy Philips is. And I believe that Murray has no reason to lie about this.
To me it seems like Murray lied about most things.
Michael wasn´t worried to be financially ruined, he wanted to build a hospital for children for the money he would get.
MIST;3536954 said:
To me it seems like Murray lied about most things.
Michael wasn´t worried to be financially ruined, he wanted to build a hospital for children for the money he would get.

That sure is what makes it hard to believe anything coming from his mouth. Too many lies, but it's not like I trust Randy P. one bit either.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

U believe murray had no reason to lie about that? he lied about everything else but because hes saying what u want him to hear inrelation to philips suddenly murray is telling the truth ! some are so selective depending on whether someone says what they want to hear regardless of the facts
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

I'm not selective in what I want to hear and what I want to be the truth. I know Michael also did a lot of things which weren't good for him. And Murray lied all along. No need for you to assume that this is what I would want to hear him say. I'm merely making my OWN observation on that part of the documentary. No one has to agree with me, we can have a normal discussion about it, but there's no need to respond like that.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

U believe murray had no reason to lie about that? he lied about everything else but because hes saying what u want him to hear inrelation to philips suddenly murray is telling the truth ! some are so selective depending on whether someone says what they want to hear regardless of the facts
I think that's a general issue here.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

I think that's a general issue here.

Justify or not, some fans hate Randy P and AEG more than Murray.

Of course he has reason to lie about AEG. What he's saying is that AEG put pressure on Michael to perform which caused Michael to pressure him to put him so sleep. So, he's excusing his actions by saying it was AEG's fault for pushing Michael, who was already an unstable addict who needed money. Remember, it's all about Poor Murray, everyone else is to blame for his actions.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

He said he left Michael alone other times? Is that right?

It's really incredible that he would admit that but yeah Murray said it was "not unusual" for him to leave Michael alone other times. How correct Walgren was when he said in court that it was a miracle Michael lived as long as he did under Murray's care. If Michael had known that Murray was not monitoring him as HE HIMSELF knew was required for safety I'm sure he would have dismissed him. But how could he know such a thing. Michael should've installed a secret webcam in that bedroom and recorded Murray on the job lol.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Walgren was spot on about many things, Murray', I'm sure hates his guts for figuring him out (him leaving b4 June 25, ''poor conrad murray''), it's a real miracle that Michael lasted as long as he did, under Murray's care.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

No offense twinklEE, but Murray wasn't that hard to figure out. We figured him out when we read parts of his police interview. Namely, he admitted to given all these drugs, but then have the nerve to say he gave nothing that should had killed him. You gave propofol in a home, that could kill someone. We also saw this in his youtube video which was all about him. He didn't even mention Michael or give any kind of comfort to Michael's family or children. Not to mention him given propofol to begin with.

The trial just solidified it was never about Michael, it was always about him.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

I know that it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure dumbo out, I figured him out two years ago myself.
What I meant was that despite of us figuring him out a long time ago, he doesn't know us, he doesn't know we exist, he couldn't care less about us figuring him out, it was Walgren who unmasked him in a court of law, who made the jury see Murray for what he really is, a despicable low life scum.
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Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Answer to my mail from swedish tv
"Hello, and thank you for your email.

This is broadcast on Tuesday, 15/11 22:00 on SVT1
Michael Jackson and Dr. Murray - a dangerous relationship
The doctor who was convicted against his denial to king of pops death has refused to talk to other journalists and not given evidence in court. Reputable British documentary producer October Films has followed Dr. Conrad Murray for over two years before and during the trial. This documentary tells the doctor his version of what happened. The film gives an insight into the very close relationship he had with Michael Jackson.

"SVT choose to send this as it gives an exclusive insight into something that many want to know more about.
The doctor has not talked with anyone else over the past 2.3 years. Refused to testify or give any other interviews for one year.
This is exclusive - of course SVT shows.
The doctor has not affected the final editing."
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

I'm only now able to watch the documentary and this is what I made out of it:

Murray saying that Michael had lived a painfull life, that he experienced more pain in his life then anyone could in more then a 100 years of life. He says that this was mostly caused by his childhood and upbringing and it seems honest when he says this (there's no reason too lie about this either). That hurt me, it made me cry that Michael had so much pain in his life.
well, even when talking about that i saw NO emotion. and everyone who have spend a little time studying MJ knows how much pain he sufferd. so murray just repeated what's common knowledge really.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

I thought I would share with you all once again the formal diagnostic designation of the term "Sociopath"; because in his documentary Conrad Murray with his actions and words matches all the criteria for a lying, murdering, pycho-sociopath.

DSM-IV Definition

Antisocial personality disorder is characterized by a lack of regard for the moral or legal standards in the local culture. There is a marked inability to get along with others or abide by societal rules. Individuals with this disorder are sometimes called psychopaths or sociopaths.

Profile of the Sociopath

This website summarizes some of the common features of descriptions of the behavior of sociopaths.

  • Glibness and Superficial Charm

  • Manipulative and Conning
    They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.

  • Grandiose Sense of Self
    Feels entitled to certain things as "their right."

  • Pathological Lying
    Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.

  • Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
    A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.

  • Shallow Emotions
    When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would upset a normal person. Since they are not genuine, neither are their promises.

  • Incapacity for Love

  • Need for Stimulation
    Living on the edge. Verbal outbursts and physical punishments are normal. Promiscuity and gambling are common.

  • Callousness/Lack of Empathy
    Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others' feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them.

  • Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature
    Rage and abuse, alternating with small expressions of love and approval produce an addictive cycle for abuser and abused, as well as creating hopelessness in the victim. Believe they are all-powerful, all-knowing, entitled to every wish, no sense of personal boundaries, no concern for their impact on others.

  • Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency
    Usually has a history of behavioral and academic difficulties, yet "gets by" by conning others. Problems in making and keeping friends; aberrant behaviors such as cruelty to people or animals, stealing, etc.

  • Irresponsibility/Unreliability
    Not concerned about wrecking others' lives and dreams. Oblivious or indifferent to the devastation they cause. Does not accept blame themselves, but blames others, even for acts they obviously committed.

  • Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity
    Promiscuity, child sexual abuse, rape and sexual acting out of all sorts.

  • Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle
    Tends to move around a lot or makes all encompassing promises for the future, poor work ethic but exploits others effectively.
  • Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility
    Changes their image as needed to avoid prosecution. Changes life story readily.
Diagnostic Criteria (DSM-IV)

Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

I saw an article "Michael Jackson Wet His Bed" :sad::sad::sad:
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

I tried asking this earlier but no one is answering my question granted no one may know...but I'll try one more time:
I'm just confused as hell right would the 25mg of propofol he claims he gave him have worked enough to "tip" him over as he says and finally put him to sleep along with the other meds he gave beforehand? Cause the anesthesiologist in trial said 25mg alone would do nothing she usually would have given 60mg but would all the other meds plus propofol finally put Michael to sleep?Murray claims it would have left his system quickly because the amount was so little so then enters his theory that it was the other meds that essentially caused his death in the end. Is that even possible? I'm curious and I'm awful with medical info so I pose the questions to those who have more knowledge then I do.

I think Murray meant that 25mg propofol would help make the other benzos work. I have no idea if it's possible, but it's just not true . Dr Shafer explained in 2 different ways that there was a drip : first because of the blood concentration, the only way to have such a concentration would be that Michael was still receiving propofol after he stopped breathing , second with the urine theory originally brought up by the defense. The amount of propofol in the urine showed that Michael received around 2000mg propofol, more or less, it was an average, but nothing anywhere near Murray's 50mg .

For those who watched, did you notice how Flanagan wanted to push the cardiac arrest theory and Chernoff did not ? That's what they were talking about when Flanny dropped the F bomb to Chernoff. I'll have to re watch that part, to check what Chernoff was reading on his computer in his hotel room, I'm wondering if in his horrible difficult to follow cross examination of Dr Shafer he was trying to get something from Shafer that would allow him to push that theory.

And yes, for those who asked, there are 2 versions of the doc , the one I watched is the UK one, they edited out parts where Murray and Flanagan keep insulting Michael (wetted his bed for example, the doll on the bed, etc..).

I was not surprised by Murray, he lies and lies and lies, he has a bad temper. Remember the day he got crazy in court about the IV set up demonstration ? I don't know if he would have phisically attacked Walgren on cross (that would have been funny with all the cops around ... Murray would have been handcuffed and on the floor before he could have reached Walgren ! ), but I'm certain he would have lost it ! Do you think he would have walked out of the courtroom , saying "Part 2" ?

Ad by the way, the interview with the Channel 4 journalist was good. I wish there had been a part 2.

And the way he talks about Flanagan's cross of Dr Steinberg..."he needs to wake up, he needs some Red Bull" ... OMG... He should be grateful to have lawyers willing to defend him, it was a lost case from the start. And he tells his own mother to shut up !

The only thing that surprised me, and actually made me laugh is the part when he explained he had been visited by some kind of spirit at 3 am one night .... I mean :bugeyed Someone should tell him not to self medicate.

About the Randy Philips part, I don't believe anything that comes from Murray. He lies for no reason, just to be mean. Remember what he said in his police interview about security having to go to a gas station when they needed to use the bathroom ? He really lies for no reason.

But Kenny's e mail do show there was some kind of pressure on Michael. The question would be how hard Michael took it, and Randy more or less said that it was a kind of misunderstanding on how to work , between Michael and Kenny. And that it was sorted out during one meeting, when according to Randy, Michael told Kenny "you build the house, I'll bring the doors and paint" or something like that.

I was surprised by Chernoff defending Michael, I didn't expect that from him.

I still don't understand why a TV channel would want to show such a doc. But the timing couldn't be worse for Murray. I hope Judge Pastor has seen it, and that the family adresses that if they speak at sentencing.

About the gag order, anyone knows if Murray has not respected it ? The interview with Channel 4 was done during the trial, when the gag order was in place, but shown after it was lifted. Same thing with Flanagan and Chernoff. So, can the judge do anything about that ?

About the recording, illegally recording Michael, was it erased on Murray's I Phone ? I don't remember that. And is it illegal if he didn't try to use that recording ?
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

@Cherubim, scary. And a very accurate definition of CM from what I've seen. I believe this guy is much more dangerous than what he looks like.

@Claudia, you know, whatever is written about Michael, the media will always twist it so it looks bad. If they can turn someone creating a entire park to welcome sick and poor children into a preying child molester, there's nothing to expect from them.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

As I see it the only one Murray is shedding tears for is himself.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Stay Brave, and take Courage in knowing
Michael Jackson now prays for us from Heaven.

@Cherubim, scary. And a very accurate definition of CM from what I've seen. I believe this guy is much more dangerous than what he looks like.
(Aside from Cherubim: Ben, it makes me wonder if Murray is some kind of
"Manchurian Candidate", meaning a brainwashed programmed killer).

@Claudia, you know, whatever is written about Michael, the media will always twist it so it looks bad. If they can turn someone creating a entire park to welcome sick and poor children into a preying child molester, there's nothing to expect from them.
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Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

All this led me to read parts of latoya's book on jetzi and i'm depressed as hell right now. I'm almost consoled by the fact that Michael is gone and cannot experience any more pain. The things he had to go through in life! The loneliness, the ugliness he endured! and the people he was surrounded by - all entirely unworthy of him.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

wow....never heard of jetzi before. It's amazing...

i didn't get to watch much of the trial live and didn't see murray freak out, will have to look that one up on youtube.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

In regards to Randy Philips I don't trust him one bit but I do not believe Murray in regards to that conversation. Michael was never broke, not with the Sony catalogue and his own catalogue. What Murray said was BS.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Basically Cooley was working as a politician and wanted a guaranteed verdict. This wasn't just a case for Walgren, you could tell how impassioned he was about it.

As to my knowledge election-2012 are coming and he and Lacey are looking forward to have a good press. So they didnt want to lose this trial and it's the same reason why on the briefing they focused the whole media attention on themselves and not on Walgren and Brazil. They played "The high-profile trial winners" card but i'm sure their hypocrisy just pushed potential voters away. Everybody knows who won this case and every rational man could draw the conclusion about Cooley-Lacey back door games. Can't believe they could allow the second degree and there was many reasons to do it but they refused.
Sorry for offtopic
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Well let's hope Cooley and Lacey loose.