Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor"

Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Please post a transcript if you can.

I posted the interviews. I stopped doing the documentary as everyone was watching it.

I think Murray meant that 25mg propofol would help make the other benzos work. I have no idea if it's possible, but it's just not true . Dr Shafer explained in 2 different ways that there was a drip : first because of the blood concentration, the only way to have such a concentration would be that Michael was still receiving propofol after he stopped breathing , second with the urine theory originally brought up by the defense. The amount of propofol in the urine showed that Michael received around 2000mg propofol, more or less, it was an average, but nothing anywhere near Murray's 50mg .

science won

For those who watched, did you notice how Flanagan wanted to push the cardiac arrest theory and Chernoff did not ? That's what they were talking about when Flanny dropped the F bomb to Chernoff. I'll have to re watch that part, to check what Chernoff was reading on his computer in his hotel room, I'm wondering if in his horrible difficult to follow cross examination of Dr Shafer he was trying to get something from Shafer that would allow him to push that theory.

chernoff actually was a lot smarter than we thought. After steinberg sticking to his guns, Flanagan was wrong to believe that they can get Shafer to say what they want.

I was not surprised by Murray, he lies and lies and lies, he has a bad temper. Remember the day he got crazy in court about the IV set up demonstration ? I don't know if he would have phisically attacked Walgren on cross (that would have been funny with all the cops around ... Murray would have been handcuffed and on the floor before he could have reached Walgren ! ), but I'm certain he would have lost it ! Do you think he would have walked out of the courtroom , saying "Part 2" ?

After seeing the interviews especially the UK one, I'm pretty sure that Murray would be a disaster on stand and Walgren will actually make him look so bad.

And the way he talks about Flanagan's cross of Dr Steinberg..."he needs to wake up, he needs some Red Bull" ... OMG... He should be grateful to have lawyers willing to defend him, it was a lost case from the start. And he tells his own mother to shut up !

what was perhaps more interesting that he believed himself could have crossed Steinberg. Honestly I thought Steinbers was unshakable, he had made a determination and wouldn't have changed his mind for anything. Murray believing he would be able to outsmart him was unbelievable.

About the Randy Philips part, I don't believe anything that comes from Murray. He lies for no reason, just to be mean. Remember what he said in his police interview about security having to go to a gas station when they needed to use the bathroom ? He really lies for no reason.

Actually with the civil lawsuits and his lawyers working with Oxman, he has all the incentive to paint AEG was the responsible party here.

But Kenny's e mail do show there was some kind of pressure on Michael. The question would be how hard Michael took it, and Randy more or less said that it was a kind of misunderstanding on how to work , between Michael and Kenny. And that it was sorted out during one meeting, when according to Randy, Michael told Kenny "you build the house, I'll bring the doors and paint" or something like that.

If we believe that Michael didn't sleep at all and wanted Propofol to sleep for hours and miss the rehearsals I would think he wasn't that pressured.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Thanks, Ivy. I didnt realise the transcript for the Channel 4 interview had been posted. Will check on it. Need to step away from the negativity for a few days.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

I just finished watching the documentary last night...complete roller coaster of emotions here :wacko:

On the surface (at least during the first half), the documentary made Murray out to be a jerk as well as a money-miser and a person incapable of answering questions straightforward (he dodged & ducked a lot, trying to make his stories as "morally acceptable" as possible - but when he was asked those questions, the guilt that appeared on his face was unquestionable); his potty mouth mixed with his explosive temper kinda scared me and he just overall seemed like a weird/sketchy character. But when the whole package really came together, complete with the ending, I really got the vibe that Murray aside, it portrayed Michael as a weak, helpless individual, that wasn't sure of how he was going to get through day after day with so many people pulling at him from all different sides; it made it seem like his life was already in shambles, spiraling downwards, out of his control - and as it was repeatedly mentioned in the doc: his financial problems seemed to be the crux of all this. That pressure -- that if he didn't get sleep, he wouldn't be able to perform, the shows wouldn't happen, everything invested would go down the drain, AEG would be furious, no money, he would be over, homeless, ruined. That was Murray's point of view - if that conversation between him and Phillips actually took place.

So I guess this pressure on Michael transferred over onto Murray - he was the guy that was supposed to fix all of this. And here's where I can see Murray cracking under the heat -- if Michael was really "begging & pleading, maybe even demanding" Propofol & other medications to help him sleep, I can see Murray being hesitant because those medication were dangerous & potentially lethal (and because they were, I don't see why he ordered them in the masses). Either way, it looks like the pressure was on Murray too. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but he couldn't get out of the cycle, of the routine that he had gotten himself & Michael into - he was stuck & Michael wasn't the only one to blame - he was the doctor, he shouldn't have let it go that far. But he did let it go that far and that, I think, was his biggest mistake. But to be honest, I'm not sure what he could have done in a situation where it seemed like his patient had the authority & final say over him. Then again, I don't know, I wasn't there.

And I hate to say this, but the last quarter of the documentary really got me. I never thought I'd feel even once ounce of sympathy for this man, but I did - I didn't want to, but I did. I cried too, a lot - but I don't think those tears were for Murray; I think they were for the whole situation that had been presented as the documentary came to an end. I don't know if Murray's tears and remorse were genuine, but the end of this documentary was effective to some extent - probably with all of the heavy editing, sad music & that dreadful helicopter scene. But I really did get the feeling that Murray got in over his head, that he tried & failed at treating Michael & got stuck in a dangerous situation that was difficult to get out of. I guess he couldn't have just walked out the door either because he would be "abandoning" Michael. And if Murray wasn't insane before, I think he went insane under the pressure of trying to fix Michael's problems. When he was recounting all of what had happened near the end, his eyes were bulging out, he was sweaty everywhere & he looked borderline crazy, like he was in a frenzy. However, none of this takes away the fact that Murray is a narcissistic asshole who was found GUILTY AS SIN of killing Michael. The only sympathy that comes from me is towards the situation itself that he was in.

The documentary's projection of Murray was dynamic and somewhat contradictory - in the beginning it seemed to go against him by painting him as an insolent and arrogant person, but by the end it seemed to be in his favor because it tried to make the audience feel sorry for him.

The part where Murray says Michael experienced more pain in his life than anyone could in more than 100 years - I saw that in one of the snippets that were released before the documentary was aired, but I didn't see it in the actual documentary itself. Was the one that I watched missing some parts? I felt like it was complete because I watched one giant segment that was around 58 minutes long, complete with the rolling credits at the end. Where/when does Murray say that?
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Wow cant believe i see Chernoff in his pants. It desereves to watch it just for reviewing Chernoff's underwear and how he drinks beer. Disgusting. Brrrr .... :swoon:
To be serious on interview Murray was acting just like psychopath. Cant believe Michael could call such screwed-up man his the only one friend. And that part where he meditates in hotel room or smth like this. He so hamed up. He's so ridiculous. Flanagan, this stupid man, went on camera about MJ's weirdness! You're not capable to do good cross in the trial, but in private your tattle about Michael's personal life and judge him chewing your f***ing dinner - looks very idiotically for man who considers himself as a high-profile lower. Just look at your client, looser! What's wrong with this people?
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Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

But I really did get the feeling that Murray got in over his head, that he tried & failed at treating Michael & got stuck in a dangerous situation that was difficult to get out of. I guess he couldn't have just walked out the door either because he would be "abandoning" Michael. And if Murray wasn't insane before, I think he went insane under the pressure of trying to fix Michael's problems. When he was recounting all of what had happened near the end, his eyes were bulging out, he was sweaty everywhere & he looked borderline crazy, like he was in a frenzy. However, none of this takes away the fact that Murray is a narcissistic asshole who was found GUILTY AS SIN of killing Michael. The only sympathy that comes from me is towards the situation itself that he was in.
I can't believe someone really buy Conrad Murray's craps. Do you know Dr. Adam, the anaesthetist tried to reach Michael and wanted to work for him but turned down by Conrad Murray because of his greed ass. Conrad Murray told his lapdancer he wanted to milk the situation and got as much money as possible by just giving Michael a good night sleep. he told everyone how healthy Michael was, even in the morning of 6/25, he was typing Michael was healthy. Actions speak louder than words. Conrad Murray ordered tons and tons of propofol since April. On June 25, he was so busy flirting with his different girlfriends on the phone when he was supposed to watch Michael. "got stuck my ass" before 6/25, he saw it as the golden opportunity, after 6/25, poor me...poor me...poor me
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Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

The part where Murray says Michael experienced more pain in his life than anyone could in more than 100 years - I saw that in one of the snippets that were released before the documentary was aired, but I didn't see it in the actual documentary itself. Was the one that I watched missing some parts? I felt like it was complete because I watched one giant segment that was around 58 minutes long, complete with the rolling credits at the end. Where/when does Murray say that?

He says it near the beginning, in the Australia version, which can be found on YouTube.
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Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

But I really did get the feeling that Murray got in over his head, that he tried & failed at treating Michael & got stuck in a dangerous situation that was difficult to get out of.

Sounds like you've been watching a little too much Dr. Drew heh.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Wow cant believe i see Chernoff in his pants. It desereves to watch it just for reviewing Chernoff's underwear and how he drinks beer. Disgusting. Brrrr .... :swoon:
To be serious on interview Murray was acting just like psychopath. Cant believe Michael could call such screwed-up man his the only one friend. And that part where he meditates in hotel room or smth like this. He so hamed up. He's so ridiculous. Flanagan, this stupid man, went on camera about MJ's weirdness! You're not capable to do good cross in the trial, but in private your tattle about Michael's personal life and judge him chewing your f***ing dinner - looks very idiotically for man who considers himself as a high-profile lower. Just look at your client, looser! What's wrong with this people?

I wonder if Flanagan has a drinking problem. He strikes me as one. There he was in that documentary holding some kind of alcoholic drink in his hand. Then he messes people's names up. He messed up Murray's name in the doc and in court he called Michael Mr. Lorazepam lol (though that may have been on purpose).
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

I wonder if Flanagan has a drinking problem. He strikes me as one. There he was in that documentary holding some kind of alcoholic drink in his hand. Then he messes people's names. He messed up Murray's name in the doc and in court he called Michael Mr. Lorazapan lol (though that may have been on purpose).

Maybe. I don't think he called Michael Mr. Lorazepam on purpose--he also got Dr. White's name wrong that same day, and kept calling him Dr. Shafer. Then of course there's the fight with Chernoff...

The way I see it, there are two options: 1. The documentary was largely staged to make interesting Tee Vee (I'm leaning towards this because Chernoff's personality also underwent a massive makeover during the doc.), or 2. Flanazapam has been mixing too much vodka with his daily dose of Lorazepam...

EDIT: He was most definitely impaired during that fight scene with Chernoff. You can hear him speaking much slower than usual, and his tone of voice got lower. Then of course, there's the "F" word.
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Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

About the Muarry Oxman alliance, we all knew that the family felt that AEG was to blame and Muarry was a fall guy. Oxman seemes to think Muarry has some information that will help them win a case against AEG. They now want to use their son/brother's killer to go after AEG because Muarry has no money. Latoya claims Michael was murdered and blamed Branca. Jermaine and Randy said now they could focus on the other parties. Be prepared for 2012 when this case is tried, because based on what Oxman has been saying about Michael, I expect Michael will be thrown under the bus to gain money. We will all hear those addict stories again.

I'm afraid you are very right. The family has no regards for whatever degrading stuff that will come out about Michael. They just want money at this point. Any normal family would just had enough of what came out of this last trial. The naked photo and what not for all tabloids to make fun off and ridicule Michael more and more. They got their guilty verdict but still won't let it go.
They're not even thinking about MJ3 who will be heartbroken when the day come, and it will come, when they see or read about all that crap.

Brace yourself for 2012.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

It desereves to watch it just for reviewing Chernoff's underwear

Really? 0_0 ...ewwwwwwwww :puke:
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Exactly. After seeing this docu, and observing Murray's demeanor, I now believe he's an EXTREMELY dangerous person! And yes, far beyond insane. I'd expect that at least some, if not most, people who viewed this got the same impression. It was SO obvious. I was very afraid that this docu would trash Michael -- which it did, to some extent -- but not nearly as much as Murray put his own self in a gigantic toilet-bowl, and flushed!He literally feels no remorse, has no empathy for Michael, or anyone else. And THAT puts him in the category of Ted Bundy, or other sociopaths with no capacity for empathy, and who don't care who they hurt. . or kill. Outrageously, he said he didn't think Michael "wanted to hurt him." Hurt him HOW? By DYING! Michael DIED, to "hurt Murray?" That's beyond narcissism -- must be some entirely new and extreme category of mental illness!

I now think this man was a perfect storm of EVIL.

Oh, and that so-called defense strategy, that Michael "did it to himself?" That was not actually something Murray SAID in the docu. What he really said? That he did this same practice, night after night -- getting Michael to sleep, LEAVING him, and catching up on phone calls elsewhere, in some other room. There is NO way Michael could have survived this, and it's amazing he survived for as long as he did. So he said, basically, that it must have been the synergistic effect of the Ativan, Valium, and Versed. Right. There you go. Plus the propofol drip. And THEN, the abandonment. Michael was NEVER going to come out of this alive.

Murray's behavior was SO chilling, that I cannot completely rule it out that he simply "snapped," and killed Michael in a fit of anger. Sadly, we'll never know the answer to that.

Thanks for the laugh [Murray put his own self in a gigantic toilet-bowl, and flushed!] LOL

You should send your comment to judge Pastor for sentencing. This man IS truly dangerous and if the judge doesn't add to the sentence the non observance of the gag order, Murray could be out praticing again soon and it's a very scary thought.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

This has been going through my mind all weekend and I just wanted to post it here.

The whole thing about how the room smelled and how it needed to be clean reminded my very much of when Randy T claimed that Michael smelt like moss and dead people during the trial of 2005. It could be just me, however.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Frankly, if Michael wanted two rooms in his house in which he didn't have to give %^&* about ANYTHING, more power to him. I'd be sending him a year's worth a Hustler, a bottle of Scotch and and a carton of ciggies together which a selection of art books once he had enough of the Hustler. The guy was hounded and chased off his sanctuary. If he wanted to have his personal cave somewhere where he could just be and not worry about appearance and what ANYONE thinks- his right. Most of us don't have people standing in front of your house, waiting for you to emerge. My stress levels rise just imaging that.

He was watched, stalked and harassed, two rooms of 'who gives a cr**' sounds DESERVED.

But that's just me.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Frankly, if Michael wanted two rooms in his house in which he didn't have to give %^&* about ANYTHING, more power to him. I'd be sending him a year's worth a Hustler, a bottle of Scotch and and a carton of ciggies together which a selection of art books once he had enough of the Hustler. The guy was hounded and chased off his sanctuary. If he wanted to have his personal cave somewhere where he could just be and not worry about appearance and what ANYONE thinks- his right. Most of us don't have people standing in front of your house, waiting for you to emerge. My stress levels rise just imaging that.

He was watched, stalked and harassed, two rooms of 'who gives a cr**' sounds DESERVED.

But that's just me.

Yeah, Murray talked about that other room as if it was something creepy to have another room where he wanted his privacy.I can't believe Michael is criticized for just about ANYTHING. I guess Michael learnt from his experiences in Neverland where people went to his room and rummaged through his stuff whenever he wasn't there. He just didn't want that any more.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Either way, it looks like the pressure was on Murray too. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but he couldn't get out of the cycle, of the routine that he had gotten himself & Michael into - he was stuck & Michael wasn't the only one to blame - he was the doctor, he shouldn't have let it go that far. But he did let it go that far and that, I think, was his biggest mistake. But to be honest, I'm not sure what he could have done in a situation where it seemed like his patient had the authority & final say over him. Then again, I don't know, I wasn't there.

That's precisely what the whole doctor/patient relationship talk was about. Murray's job was actually very simple : he should have referred Michael to a sleep specialist. Dr Metzger, Cherilyn Lee and probably others were not able to help Michael. Murray could not have helped him either.
Honestly, isn't it just a little surprising that a patient comes up to a doctor and asks for propofol ?

Murray was trapped by Murray. He could not get out of it when he shut down his clinic. He was trapped because he needed or wanted the money.

I don't know what's in Murray's head, but seeing what he was prescribing, I'm talking about the benzos, I'm not sure he wanted to help Michael. Benzos are addictive, in the long term it would have made Michael's insomnia and anxiety worse. If it was not already the reason or part of the reason Michael was not sleeping. What was implied during the trial about the use of benzos by Murray (look at what he bought, the flumazenil, the estimations of what Michael received the last night) really scared me.

What you are saying could be understandable in a lot of situations, definitely not when someone's life is in the balance.

Yes, the situation is sad, but don't feel sorry for Murray, he knew perfectly well where he was going. I think he was confident he could do it, he failed. He never wanted to help Michael. He saw the situation as a great opportunity.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

In the long run, it seems this documentary is going to do more damage to Murray. I've heard it would likely be considered if an appeal is attempted. Way to screw, not only your patient, but yourself over too, Conrad.

Murray definitely could have (and should have) referred Michael to a sleep specialist, long before June 25. When others from TII were inquiring about Michael's well being, Murray was insisting to them that he was the doctor and was in charge of Michael's health. Murray's actions are a disgrace to the medical establishment. He failed his patient, and himself, with his recklessness.

On another note, it alarms me that a news organization would, essentially, financially reward a convicted felon. I know some media watch dogs are already on top of it, but I truly hope that this practice never becomes the norm. The media never fails to sink to a new low.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Does anyone know how long the interview Murray did with Samantha Guthrie was? I found a lil over 7 mins of it on Hulu but, wasn't sure if it was the whole interview? And on Youtube I can't seem to find it? If it is longer can someone give me a link? thx

But, from the what I saw Murray takes no respeonsibilty at all. Him sayng he did nothing wrong said it all. SMH He contradicts the hell out himslef in that interview too. The 2 interviews he did and the doc did not help him in no way. It just simply showed how guilty he is and that's it.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Frankly, if Michael wanted two rooms in his house in which he didn't have to give %^&* about ANYTHING, more power to him. I'd be sending him a year's worth a Hustler, a bottle of Scotch and and a carton of ciggies together which a selection of art books once he had enough of the Hustler. The guy was hounded and chased off his sanctuary. If he wanted to have his personal cave somewhere where he could just be and not worry about appearance and what ANYONE thinks- his right. Most of us don't have people standing in front of your house, waiting for you to emerge. My stress levels rise just imaging that.

He was watched, stalked and harassed, two rooms of 'who gives a cr**' sounds DESERVED.

But that's just me.

I too don't see anything strange with Michael wanting his own rooms (or chambers as they call it) where no one else is permitted access. This is a man whose privacy has been voilated countless times and by people he thought he could trust. This way it was ensured that he did not have to worry about that. I'm guessing that's just one other reason that room was off limits to others (except sometimes his children, according to Murray).
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Frankly, if Michael wanted two rooms in his house in which he didn't have to give %^&* about ANYTHING, more power to him. I'd be sending him a year's worth a Hustler, a bottle of Scotch and and a carton of ciggies together which a selection of art books once he had enough of the Hustler. The guy was hounded and chased off his sanctuary. If he wanted to have his personal cave somewhere where he could just be and not worry about appearance and what ANYONE thinks- his right. Most of us don't have people standing in front of your house, waiting for you to emerge. My stress levels rise just imaging that.

He was watched, stalked and harassed, two rooms of 'who gives a cr**' sounds DESERVED.

But that's just me.

Awww. That gave me an image of Michael in a velvet bathrobe, feet propped up, bottle of scotch at his side, full ashtray on the table, leafing through the latest copy of Hustler. I actually HOPE he had such moments. . . . .
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

I agree with what everyone's said re: the rooms and privacy. It isn't strange, especially considering to what degrees Michael's privacy has been violated in the past. Moreover, the bathroom Flanagan kept talking about was basically just full of clutter. It didn't look unsanitary in any way (at least from the pics I saw of it). So, a restroom full of clutter is not exactly shocking--I'm willing to bet there are people all over the world whose bathrooms are not perfectly organized.

They make such a huge deal of everything and anything, it's truly amazing and disturbing. You would have thought the restroom had feces smeared all over the place or something, or roaches crawling all over the place, from the way they talked about it.

But, no. It was just full of clutter. Talk about anti-climatic.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Yes, totally agree with Pace's post. MJ was just about hounded for every choice he made.

And i was also puzzled by flannagan's assertion that the public's view would be negative towards mj once the trial showed photos of mj's bathroom. Was he suggesting messy people deserve to die? A little harsh i feel.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Awww. That gave me an image of Michael in a velvet bathrobe, feet propped up, bottle of scotch at his side, full ashtray on the table, leafing through the latest copy of Hustler. I actually HOPE he had such moments. . . . .

Or 'Over 50s Plumpers' (sorry about that) :rollin: I couldn't help it 'Bless Him'
Michael wanted to sleep after his last rehearsals but he didn´t command Murray to give him propofol right away.
Murray gave him other drugs the whole night and propofol wasn´t given until the morning and I think murray said Michael was begging for it.
To me it shows Michael was willing to try other things than propofol even if both the doctor and propofol was there.
I think it had been natural if Michael had demanded propofol when he hadn´t slept for several hours but he didn´t or Murray didn´t do what Michael said.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Did Chernoff really file an emergency appeal, to get Murray out of jail until sentencing?
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

About the messy rooms, I'm extremely messy myself and didn't even _notice_ the so called mess in the pictures, until people started to point it out, lol. And even then I didn't get what the fuss is all about.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

Never has a man stressed me like CM. Ever since Michaels passing l have aged and now noticing grey hair. I dont understand why all this is happening. All l can say poor Michael and l will forever blame the family. They never got their acts together in the first place.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

I watched the doc and I have mixed feelings about Murray. He seemed to be someone who does not know the extent of his actions. He's just there making excuses for his actions and lying, just like a maid that breaks a statuette while cleaning your house and does not want to admit she did, saying it was already broken. Then he's seen crying. It's like he realizes the trouble he put himself in.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

I just saw a snippet of him ''crying'' on TMZ Live, and I swear to god he was wiping away DRY tears, there were NO TEARS. The entire scene was BEYOND FAKE AND CRINGEWORTHY
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Interview part 1 transcript @

He says it near the beginning, in the Australia version, which can be found on YouTube.

Waaaaait a second, how many different versions are there? We could all be talking about different things here...
Wasn't the company/guy who put all of this together British? So wouldn't there only be one version, the British version, that was released? Because I live in the USA & I don't have MSNBC, so I had to watch it online and the guy in the beginning who interviews Murray as well as the narrator later on (I think they're two different people) are both British. Does the USA have its own version too?
