Murray Trial - 28 September - Day 2 - Discussion Thread

It took Michael Amir 3 times to stop Chernoff from saying he and Faheem made that lie together :p lol
chernoff numptie asking pointless questions again. if i were flannagan id leave now

like amir would make something up about cream and its conitations! all chernoff can do is call him a liar over the cream
He's trying to put emphasis on the word detail. Is that all they have to run with? I can see this going to Prosecution 5 - 0 Defense
For those who can't see the livestream atm... here's the pictures that were shown as evidence during Michael Amirs' testimony...

The only strategie of Chernoff is to confuse the jurors by putting them to sleep with useless questions... and then giving this attitude of "did you just say this? That's interesting..." making it look like the witness is lying... it's absolutely ridiculous!!
I find the witnesses have a confused look on their faces when the defense aske them questions.
This is hilarious. Sustained after Sustained after Sustained. Defense aren't getting anywhere.
bloody stream just stopped and went to an advert for 90secs. urghhh
was chernoff trying to bring the nation of islam up there just b4 my stream went?
Michael Williams seems like a wonderful guy! :happy: He's a real fan. :heart:

He's doing a fantastic job, especially considering the incompetence of Chernoffs' questions!
why is Chernoff repeating the same thing over and over and over and over again?
chernoff trying to have a go at amir for not calling 911. errr what about murray. amirs doing great in answering his B.S
I like how chernoff is giving attitude to the judge... who does he think he is?!! ...Chernoff looks like a serial killer!!
Sustained...aaaannd we have a that's 9:30 our time they are back right?
Who freaking knew that Edward Chernoff is such a BAD attorney!

I don't know if Murray paid him a retainer, but if he did, he should ask for a refund. This guy is a total joke!

I figured they had no viable defense, but this guy is just making matters WORSE in my opinion.

Oh crap, Chernoff just asked about Joe and Randy coming to Michael's gate. LOL!
HLN's live stream is ridiculous. There are commercials every few minutes. CNN's livestream through the ios app keeps dropping. Bah.