Murray Trial - Day 19 - October 27 2011 - Discussion

cross by walgren

Walgren: asking if he wrote report, that could be handed to people in discovery

Dr W : no
Walgren wants water Bless him go! Butcher the hella out of Waldman
asking him which doctors besides kleins record..reviewd autopsoy and 3 witnesses.

understands no demerol in toxicology.

never read Murrays statement.

asking if he asked for it if he could evaluate his care as relates to his area of speciality..didn't think it was necesarry
asking if he new had loraz and medaz shipped to gf home and administering to MJ

was aware of being used on MJ...but not of amount and it being shipped to gf house..didn't think was relative

asking symptons of medaz..describes them..asking him if similar to demerol...says no...walgren going through list of symptons he mentioned...saying is tremendous cross-over, some patients are going to have a mixture..says can be similar not identical
I am getting the feeling this dr will be biased so as not to show himself as not having the knowledge.
@ramona, ofcourse im not saying that. Im in pain everyday,. there other options. I just had klein, but he has a lawsued hanging on him.. so he is a baddoc!
Walgreen is on his game!
this addiction specialist did not want to know anything about Murray's actions surrounding his interview and drug purchases/delivery and what he gave MJ!!!
asking if his opinion is based on kleins record solely, or witness statement or whats out there in the public..saying based on record for dependence...for addiction based on record and what's known out there...asking if he would be comfortable to diagnose MJ addicted based solely on these records...would diagnose him being physically dependent.

Walgren asking for yes or no...said probably no
yes!!!!!! The doctor admitted he would not characterize MJ as addicted to demerol based on Klein's records. WOOSH!
but some painkillers arent addictive, like asprine, or paracetamol

Asprines and paracetamol may not work on people with sever pain or high tolerates. Which is why doctors give the stronger medicines to begin with.

Also, Klien's lawsuit had nothing to do with Michael.
Probably NOT not an addict based on the records in Walgren 's hand!
That dr i a creep, biased as hell you can see it on his face.
Walgren is KILLING it! Murray was not qualified to be treating addicting; no standard of care was adhered to in determining if there was any addiction if Murray suspected anything.

The witness is a little hostile with Walgren but Walgren is on the case!
this witness is being as ass...he says he asks the patient that's the best result...if he believe he's being disingenious will speak to family, other doctors and do drug test if has permission doesn't do urine testing on every one.

Dr is being a bit of an ass

15 min break
They are taking a break now.

So it seems this doctor basically was asked by the defense to come in and talk about addiction and give his interpretation on whether MJ was addicted to demerol. He hadn't even evaluated what Murray was doing (the police interview) to determine if, in fact, Murray was treating an addiction or someone who may have had an addiction problem. This guy has NO information about the rest of this case and didn't inquire, YET he based some of his opinion on "public information" (i.e. probably tabloid reports and probably FAMILY interviews about interventions and ish). How lame!
Walgren is one hell of a prosecutor..THIS is the type of representation Michael is very sad that it had to come at the end of his life...but to me it is helping get Justice for Michael. Micheal was LONG over due for this type of respect to be shown to him.
I am sorry I gotta go to an appt. I wll be back. Everyone hang in and take care.
How does any of this excuse Murray? Having so many demerol shots proves that Dr Klein was an idiot who didn't care about Michael either. It still has no bearing on Murray does it?

In fact, this defense just makes things worse for Murray. If MJ was, as they're speculating, forming an addiction/dependency or whatever, why the hell was Murray giving him more drugs? Did he not recognise that Klein was also giving him stuff in the day? Why didn't he demand to have the medical records from Klein?

The saddest part is MJ was being mistreated during the day and during the night- two bad doctors not being ethical enough to STOP.
Walgren's doing a brilliant job on cross, as usual! Not an easy witness to cross examine but he knows exactly what questions to ask. Major respect for him.