Murray Trial - Day 19 - October 27 2011 - Discussion

How does any of this excuse Murray? Having so many demerol shots proves that Dr Klein was an idiot who didn't care about Michael either. It still has no bearing on Murray does it?

In fact, this defense just makes things worse for Murray. If MJ was, as they're speculating, forming an addiction/dependency or whatever, why the hell was Murray giving him more drugs? Did he not recognise that Klein was also giving him stuff in the day? Why didn't he demand to have the medical records from Klein?

The saddest part is MJ was being mistreated during the day and during the night- two bad doctors not being ethical enough to STOP.

If you believe Klien, he gave those shots because Michael didn't like having a needle in his face and he had kind of a needle phobia. Since Klien was investigated and the DEA had the same medical records, they found no wrong-doing. Like I said, we don't get the entire story from these records.
The single most important admission this doctor made was that based on Klein's records he could NOT make the determination that Michael was addicted to demerol. He didn't want to say and tried to dance around it but Walgren got him to say NO. This is terrible for the defense becuz they're sole purpose for calling him to the stand was to mislead jurors into thinking Michael was addicted and that this alleged addiction may have had some bearing on this case or the treatment Murray was giving him. They have already failed on that point.

Second point is Walgren got him to admit that the symptons Michael may have been exhibiting, if someone wanted to relate them to withdrawal could have come from the benzos....that crapload of benzos Murray ordered and had shipped to Darling Nikki's house. The doctor tried to avoid saying the effects of opiod withdrawal could be similar or identical to withdrawal to benzos but he ultimately had to admit it. There is no one set of symptoms for everyone as each person is different, however, they are generally the same.

Now, taking into account that a majority of the ppl on this jury have had some kind of experience with addiction personally or with a family member, they will probably take this guy's professional opinion into account as well as rely on their own exposure. The idea that this doctor, an addiction expert, could not say MJ was an addict and was not willing to classify him as one based on Klein's records alone (when that's what the defense wanted him to say) is important, imo.
brazil just rolled her eyes big time. this dr is one arrogant feck
hes claiming his offices are confidential! now he says where they are! hes been very coy.
nice one walgren. how come you can answer chernoff questions so easily but not mine?!!

walgren ask the judge to make him answer the question.

this just makes the dr look like a shit. whats he got to hide. walgren is being polite and he just bites back. he aint helping the defence
This guy's doing my head in! Definitely grating on Walgren as well!
In fact, this defense just makes things worse for Murray. If MJ was, as they're speculating, forming an addiction/dependency or whatever, why the hell was Murray giving him more drugs? Did he not recognise that Klein was also giving him stuff in the day? Why didn't he demand to have the medical records from Klein?


Keeping in mind that at the very sametime, Murray was going around, to anybody who inquired about Michael's well-being, that "Michael was FINE, there were NO problems with Michael or with Michael's health."

Even getting in Kenny Ortega's face with his self-righteous: "Mind Your Own Business" comment.
i wonder how it will look to the jury that he is being so argumentive with the prosecution. To me it comes off as if he is trying to hide something and is being biased.
okay, ppl hold the phone...our expert may not be that good of an expert. He's being evasive with Walgren about his "experience". And now he doesn't keep track of how often he performs "dialysis"...doesn't keep record. Oh geez. Another Murray,perhaps?
he never casts doubt on fellow colleagues..No wonder defence went for this guy.

He really is a dick...

I like the way Walgren is saying thankyou every time the witness now answers his questions...sounds like as if he wants to add thank prick!
he cant remember how many hours he worked last week but he can remember how many hours he worked over his entire career????? I smell BS
This witness is very condescending and hostile. Not coming off well at all. Walgreen is doing well though.
This witness is very condescending and hostile. Not coming off well at all. Walgreen is doing well though.

i agree... he is coming off to argumentive in his cross examination. that may not sit well with the jury