Murray trial Day 23, November 3rd - discussion

All together now: Pooooor Conrad Murray.....

Win or lose (win of course) Walgren should be elevated to TMez status... I wonder if he realizes the impact he has had on us? I'd swear I saw sparks shooting out of his eyes during that rebuttal. It was epic! And he did it all without a teleprompter, or hardly any notes and all whipped up while chernoff was droning on and on and on and on...
What a way great way to end the night!

Yes, it was EPIC. I agree. Elevated to Tmez status. He was on FIRE. It was so clear, that he really CARES, about Michael as a human-being. Right. No teleprompter. Totally amazing.

To repeat? All together now? POOOOOR Conrad Murray. . . . .
I read on KOP that the family kept their head down for most of the defense closing statement, but perked up when they heard AEG's name. Namely when the defense said that Randy P, would tell the truth about all the pressure they put on Michael on how they threaten to pull the plug on the shows. Nice to know even now the family knows where their priority lies. :smilerolleyes:

I also heard that fool Oxman was on HLN and they asked him what the thought. He said the DA did a good job showing that Murray was half responsibility. I swear, this family and their supporters have no shame.
I unfortunately wont be here with you guys tomorrow because im going to a funeral, but i will follow the media as good as i can and hopefully we will get what we all want. JUSTICE!!
To Those of you who has provited updates throughout the trial. Thank you so much. You've been amazing.
^ Did he now? I can't believe this moron is trying to promote the family's agenda at this critical point...shame
Walgren did an amazing job, for sure, there were times where you could see the anger, his anger, he didn't pretend to care or to be angry, he was angry.
So the other half of the responsibility lies with whom Oxman?:doh:
^ Did he now? I can't believe this moron is trying to promote the family's agenda at this critical point...shame

Of course this fool is. The family, even after hearing all the evident, still want to lie blame on AEG because of their precious lawsuit. They actually perked up when the defense blasted AEG for not telling the truth about putting pressure on Michael. You can't also forget that Toya, Jermaine, and even Tito to an extent has played the 'Poor Murray' card.

Toya- Murray is only the fall guy. I feel sorry for him because AEG forced him to give Michael drugs.

Joe- Murry is a fall guy and 'others' are behind Michael's deaths like Branca.

Jermaine- Murray is only being targeted because he's black. Their were others in the house.

Tito- Michael was an addict and his family couldn't reach him.

I know this isn't a family discussion, but they've been part of the 'Poooor Murray' cheering section, because his butt is broke. Someone needs to tell them to take their 'Poor Murray' card and stick it where the sun don't shine.
Didn't the judge rule that the jury can find murray guilty even if they decide Michael self administered?

I agree. When Chernoff was going on about how Michael self-injected and that Murray wasn't responsible, I was wondering the same thing.
We will see the Jacksons after the verdict still saying the same crap!

Bet money they will. They can't put their agenda on whole long enough for the trial to end.

I won't comment any further on the family here since it derails the topic. After such an important and good day, I don't want to bring other people down with the family's indifference.
I don't want to hear from the family anymore after the trial. They have done enough damage. I saw that too that they perked up to the AEG part.:no:
Another thing where were the other members of the 'loving and caring' family? was Rebbie and Tito still in London? and why didn't Janet come back for the closing arguments? I thought she cared so much and needed to be with the family last week
I don't want to hear from the family anymore after the trial. They have done enough damage. I saw that too that they perked up to the AEG part.:no:

yeah I am done with their asses.. I will keep tabs on PP&B to make sure they're safe and check in on the estate to see what they're doing for MJ's estate but other than that all the rest of the family members can kick rocks.. I am done with all the siblings and the mother and father.
on Anderson Cooper they talked about the case, according to their reporter from court , she believed the jurors will most likely return a verdict tomorrow , she said they were not taking notes, they seemed very attentive and want this to end. She said Walgren presentation was very powerful , talked about the fans cheering him when he left, on the other hand the "defense had some highlights" one of them was chernoff telling the jurors "this is reality not reality show" well that's the strongest statement she found.
it is easy in hindsight to say what should have been done.. its easy in hindsight to say he is a lousy doctor.. all those other doctors who said that have never walked in Murrays shoes.. its easy for them to say that when they did not have a patient/friend like MJ, you can judge Murray for what he did, but do NOT question murrays motives...

Murray thought he could help MJ; but he was wrong, he had no control.. murray was a little fish in a big dirty pond

I am sure Alan Metzger agreed with that statement, after all he never gave MJ Propofol.
I found Chernoff's summation to be strangely disjointed and disorganized, actually. There was no clear theory presented at the outset, and the "Michael is responsible for his own death" will probably not rest well with the jury, given everything? At the end, the defense lawyers seemed defeated, and at one point Chernoff had his head down, head in his hands. Compared to Walgren's obvious passion for "the people," and for Michael and his orphaned children, the defense was lackluster, and seemed to have no genuine feeling for Murray, at all.

Attacking Alvarez seemed pointless, to me. He was not a strong prosecution witness, but probably doing the best that he could. He "might" profit from this in the future? White has ALREADY profited from his "junk science," as Walgren put it. Oh, puh-lease? He had a VETERINARIAN do his research? (I'd think the defense team has a case for a civil suit, given that White did NONE of his own research, and didn't seem to know what he was talking about?)

Shafer was another shining star, and the fact that he took no payment, only adds credibility to his testimony.

The moment where Walgren did the "rap number" with White pulling the tubing out of his pocket, over and over again, was. . .priceless. OMG!

During the prosecution summation, Murray didn't seem to look at the jury, at all, and mostly looked at the ceiling or in the opposite direction from the jury.

At this point, a "not guilty" verdict is almost unthinkable. Yes, I agree with Walgren, that what Murray did to Michael was. . just BIZARRE!
it was hilarious to see chernoff ring up conspiracy, when defense has to as far allege conspiracy, u know they're screwed
yeah i am done with their asses.. I will keep tabs on pp&b to make sure they're safe and check in on the estate to see what they're doing for mj's estate but other than that all the rest of the family members can kick rocks.. I am done with all the siblings and the mother and father.

Ya where was Janet? Oh that's right back to her touring I read. She only came back for Randy Philips Testimony. O_O

Anywho a reporter on Insession said that one female Juror was at the edge of her sit and seem as though she was ready to fly in the arms of Walgren during his closing arguments. WOW! lol It seems so do some fans too by some of their comments about him. :shifty:
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it was hilarious to see chernoff ring up conspiracy, when defense has to as far allege conspiracy, u know they're screwed

They were throwing ideas at the wall like pasta, to see what would stick? And NOTHING stuck. Actually, I found their entire presentation of this case to be oddly disorganized, and quite frankly, barely competent? A "conspiracy?" Alvarez was responsible? Kai Chase was responsible? That was just, plain, sad. . . . . . In the end, it was clear that they didn't even believe in their client.

At this point, barring a major EARTHQUAKE in California tomorrow morning (and the resulting loss of all evidence), I see no way Murray will get out of this. I expect the jury deliberations to last about as long as it takes to sip one cup of Starbucks latte.

Murray will, of course, appeal. Not sure on what grounds? Utter incompetence of attorneys?
I know this isn't a family discussion, but they've been part of the 'Poooor Murray' cheering section, because his butt is broke. Someone needs to tell them to take their 'Poor Murray' card and stick it where the sun don't shine.

:clap: :clap:
I would add to the list doctor Shafer, doctor Rochelle Cooper and doctor Anderson.
I'd put Mrs. Lee too, but maybe that would divide the fans :D

I agree. We have a small list of people we should send as a group a small token of our appreciation to, because they did their job with love, integrity, and from the heart--the way Michael did his. We should find out their addresses and send them fruits or flowers.
You did it Mr Walgren you touched on all the points you touched on all our emotions you kept our attention and I'm sure the jury's too, a huge Thank You to you and Miss Brazil you two were the best.

I also clapped and shouted YES!! when Walgren finished and my dog almost hit the ceiling......some feat for a Bull Mastiff lol.
Please pray for the jury so that God will provide them with strength, guidance and wisdom for the correct verdict based on the evidence provided.

Guys how long has Walgren been a prosecutor and what was the expertise of the bald-headed lawyer next to Muarry?
I agree. We have a small list of people we should send as a group a small token of our appreciation to, because they did their job with love, integrity, and from the heart--the way Michael did his. We should find out their addresses and send them fruits or flowers.

I know I may get heat for this, but I also think Nurse Lee deserves a thank you too. After some fans call her a lying and other names, she still took the stand and stood by her story even though she didn't want to even breath the same air as Murray. She also nailed Murray on several points and her medical records were the best of all of Michael's doctors. It showed she didn't just make stuff up, she wrote it down.

But, this is just my opinion.
I know I may get heat for this, but I also think Nurse Lee deserves a thank you too. After some fans call her a lying and other names, she still took the stand and stood by her story even though she didn't want to even breath the same air as Murray. She also nailed Murray on several points and her medical records were the best of all of Michael's doctors. It showed she didn't just make stuff up, she wrote it down.

But, this is just my opinion.

Totally agree with all you say about Lee Ramona she really did a great job.
I found Chernoff's summation to be strangely disjointed and disorganized, actually. There was no clear theory presented at the outset, and the "Michael is responsible for his own death" will probably not rest well with the jury, given everything? At the end, the defense lawyers seemed defeated, and at one point Chernoff had his head down, head in his hands. Compared to Walgren's obvious passion for "the people," and for Michael and his orphaned children, the defense was lackluster, and seemed to have no genuine feeling for Murray, at all.

technically speaking they didn't need a theory they only needed doubt.

Attacking Alvarez seemed pointless, to me. He was not a strong prosecution witness, but probably doing the best that he could. He "might" profit from this in the future?

It might be difference of perception but I think he wasn't weak. He's a layman that didn't know any better. But in my opinion he looked sincere and believable.

Shafer was another shining star, and the fact that he took no payment, only adds credibility to his testimony.

Shafer was a blessing. With his dedication and research he looks a lot more credible.

he moment where Walgren did the "rap number" with White pulling the tubing out of his pocket, over and over again, was. . .priceless. OMG!

some say it was a mistake in powerpoint but man it was good

Anywho a reporter on Insession said that one female Juror was at the edge of her sit and seem as though she was ready to fly in the arms of Walgren during his closing arguments. WOW! lol It seems so do some fans too by some of their comments about him. :shifty:

someone tell her to get in line :p

Guys how long has Walgren been a prosecutor and what was the expertise of the bald-headed lawyer next to Muarry?

I don't know how long he has been a prosecutor but he's in major crimes unit. you don't get a seat in that unit without being good.