Myth - Girls are attracted to jerks


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I'm sure that everyone here as heard of the ''girls are attracted to jerks'' myth on here but how much of that myth is really true?

If it is true i think that these may be the reasons why

Some girls are attracted to jerks because that's a challenge to them. They think they can change him

Some girls have low self esteem and they think that's all that's good enough for them

Some girls just like the drama

Some guys who are jerks give off the bad boy vibe and that's more exciting than the ''boring'' nice guy

I don't think that all girls are attracted to jerks but i do think there is some truth to it. Every guy i know who is an ass seems to have a different girlfriend every week
I think most young and incredibly stupid girls seem to gravitate around the biggest idiots they can find, yes. Their rationale? I don't know. I'm not trained to delve into the minds of the incurably idiotic.

The kind of guys I like, when I like guys? Look for yourself. They all certainly fit a "type," that one being the incurably geeky.
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I have never understood this mentality of being attracted to jerks. I've always gone for the good, nice, wholesome type (which by the way, is very difficult to find). Three of my sisters almost always choose jerks (tough guys, abusers, etc) to date/marry/live with. I am always perplexed by this. Don't they want to live in peace? I would rather be alone than be with a jerk.
Hmm... well I remember at school a girl in my class was asked out by two different guys, one was nice the other was a complete a***hole. Her best friends advice "No don't go out with (nice guy) he's no fun, you should go out with (a***hole) definitely!" so maybe that does happen a lot.

Myself on the other hand.....

Some girls have low self esteem and they think that's all that's good enough for them

^Yeah that would be me. In the past I have ended up with the worst guys, and I'm talking serious b*****d's, two of which ended up doing time in prison for the things they did to me. I didn't believe in myself or believe I was worth anything more. And yes, I did say two, and no I didn't learn my lesson the first time around, what can I say?

Things have changed however, I am now in a relationship with somebody completely different, the kindest sweetest person you can ever imagine. At first it felt weird, I didn't feel I deserved to be treated so well, until he said to me he couldn't understand why I thought he was so amazing, to him he was just being "normal" (he doesn't have a big ego, and is quite humble anyway but I can kind of understand what he means; it's perfectly normal for someone to be nice, it shouldn't have to be so amazing and abnormal).

But you know what? Despite everything I went through with my exes, I don't think I would change it now. It was a learning curve for me and definitely made me appreciate someone good when he came along (and I probably gush about him waaaaay too much around here but hey ho lol)
I think that is true to a certain degree but not for all girls. Girls who are shy tend to gravitate to a "talker" and many times that talker talks mainly about himself, cares only about himself and is a jerk. For a girl who has ended up with a jerk, next time, she will truly and deeply appreciate a loving, kind and thoughtful man.

Is this Myth or Truth?? Men love Bitches
I think that is true to a certain degree but not for all girls. Girls who are shy tend to gravitate to a "talker" and many times that talker talks mainly about himself, cares only about himself and is a jerk. For a girl who has ended up with a jerk, next time, she will truly and deeply appreciate a loving, kind and thoughtful man.

I'm very shy and have never gravitated toward talkers. In fact, they annoy me, lol. But maybe that's just me.
Well im a bloke and straight but here's my take on this whole girls like bad boys, a bad boy isn't nessecarily someone who bullies and abuses people and takes drugs. It's someone who stands up for what they believe in, can protect their girlfriend, isn't shy, Isn't afraid of fighting for whats right. So in that sense i dont blame them i mean i wouldn't have thought most girls would wanna go outwith a mug who cant defend himself (not directing that at anyone here just saying)
Well im a bloke and straight but here's my take on this whole girls like bad boys, a bad boy isn't nessecarily someone who bullies and abuses people and takes drugs. It's someone who stands up for what they believe in, can protect their girlfriend, isn't shy, Isn't afraid of fighting for whats right. So in that sense i dont blame them i mean i wouldn't have thought most girls would wanna go outwith a mug who cant defend himself (not directing that at anyone here just saying)

People who stand up for what they believe in, when they know it's right, protect the ones they love, aren't overly shy or insecure, and fight for what's right are not bad people at all. You can be all that and well manner/kind/forgiving/smart...

Not disagreeing with you I know you were giving your analysis of the rationale of some girls. I am merely sharing my view.
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I guess some young girls do not understand the difference between being strong and firm when you're right/standing up for your loved ones/being adventurous etc and being a jerk. They confuse these things. They think a good man cannot possibly be adventurous and strong and must just be boring, weak and predictable. I am a guy and I know a lot of guys who are kind/fair/well mannered and at the same time valiant in defending their loved ones and stand up for what's right.

To be honest, REAL bad guys are the weak ones who will most likely bail on those who depend on them.
something about "bad boys" that its just more fun than a boring, nice man. BUT... at a certain age that gets old & you need a gentleman. Besides, it depends on how much of a a$$hole he is anyway. But it stops.
I guess some young girls do not understand the difference between being strong and firm when you're right/standing up for your loved ones/being adventurous etc and being a jerk. They confuse these things. They think a good man cannot possibly be adventurous and strong and must just be boring, weak and predictable. I am a guy and I know a lot of guys who are kind/fair/well mannered and at the same time valiant in defending their loved ones and stand up for what's right.

To be honest, REAL bad guys are the weak ones who will most likely bail on those who depend on them.


It's like what Will Smith said ''Sometimes ya'll mistake nice for soft''
The guy I fancy atm is a nice guy. :wub: xDD

I usually go for the nice guys...because I like to be the BAD one :naughty:

To me a "jerk" is a guy who is full of himself, abuses the girl physically and/or emotionally, uses her, never helps her, etc. etc. And even though I'm not the most confident person in the world, I won't take crap from anyone. If a guy isn't sweet and caring (not only towards me but to others as well), doesn't have good manners, tries to use and/or abuse me....I'm gone. I won't tolerate that kind of behaviour for one second.

I don't know why anyone would wanna be with a guy who doesn't treat you well...I wouldn't. SUCH a turn off.
I have no idea why girls go for jerks... it never made sense to me.
I've knew of this one girl who loyally trailed after this one guy who clearly wasn't interested in her (he liked someone else) but he went out with her, making it clear that if as soon as he could hook up with the one he liked, he'd dump her. AND SHE STILL WENT OUT WITH HIM! (I think he ended up liking her after awhile, but c'mon, that is besides the point). She did everything for the jerk...give him money, buy him stuff, etc... Sorry, but I found that pathetic.
I have no idea why girls go for jerks... it never made sense to me.
I've knew of this one girl who loyally trailed after this one guy who clearly wasn't interested in her (he liked someone else) but he went out with her, making it clear that if as soon as he could hook up with the one he liked, he'd dump her. AND SHE STILL WENT OUT WITH HIM! (I think he ended up liking her after awhile, but c'mon, that is besides the point). She did everything for the jerk...give him money, buy him stuff, etc... Sorry, but I found that pathetic.

She clearly had an issue whatever that was. No one should accept what she accepted.
I don't think that all girls are attracted to jerks but i do think there is some truth to it. Every guy i know who is an ass seems to have a different girlfriend every week

The thing you said here should make you think. Would you like to have a different girl every week?! Wouldn't it be better to have just one nice girlfriend at a time...(I said 'at a time' because we all know that 'forever' isn't always possible)
So...I guess there is a certain type of girls who go for a certain type of guys. I, for one, wouldn't stand a jerk. I like the nice (sometimes geeky) guys, who are caring and have respect for the things I enjoy. As someone else has mentioned - better alone than with a jerk around.
To me a "jerk" is a guy who is full of himself, abuses the girl physically and/or emotionally, uses her, never helps her, etc. etc. And even though I'm not the most confident person in the world, I won't take crap from anyone. If a guy isn't sweet and caring (not only towards me but to others as well), doesn't have good manners, tries to use and/or abuse me....I'm gone. I won't tolerate that kind of behaviour for one second.

I don't know why anyone would wanna be with a guy who doesn't treat you well...I wouldn't. SUCH a turn off.

I agree with you.

I want a gentleman and nothing less than a gentleman. I'll never settle for anything less.
I don't know why but those girls honestly think they can change him and their love will conquer all. :/ Me, I prefer the simple life with a nice cute guy who I can joke and have fun with.

But then again, I admit I tend to fall for those who might seem tough on the outside but all gooey and sweet once you get to know them... HAHA! :blush: I like the feeling that I'm the only one who he's showing this side too and I feel all special.. LOLS!

It also works if he's shy and he's more confident with me. Makes me all warm and happy.. :3
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That is true! They need those jerks to fulfill their love for an eventful and adventurouslife. :)
How misled they are...
^ Hocus are you calling the people 'attracted to jerks' losers and stupid? Because as a woman who has been abused I find that highly offensive! If that is not what you meant then I apologise but it seems you are being little harsh here tbh
Hmm, yeah I guess it's a bit harsh... True. I wasn't even thinking about that... More those jerks that are players, you know... I'm sorry if I offended you, didn't mean to do that... And I'm really glad for you that you got out of that relationship! :huggy:
^Aaah ok sorry for snapping like that Hocus, it's a bit of a sensitive subject so guess that was why but I am sorry and thankyou hun xx
i am a guy :lol: so i dont know :)but i think it depends what lies do they do and how many of them :yes: