Original Pic Used To Fake MJ Ambulance Pic

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
  • Start date
True, so you're saying they reduced the gap between sideburn and ear as well? Also the ear looks a different shape as well. Someone posted (forgot who, sorry) that the ear looks like it had an earpiece on it due to the shape-this is a good observation, but I don't get why they would need to use a different ear to the one in the dangerous photo.

I played a bit and put both "heads" together. In the first you see that the strand of hair alongside the ear would look unnatural so this area would have needed to get retouched. The ear in the first photo is too blurry so we cannot see all details. The upper part of the ear in the second pic is covered with "hair" so this may lead to the illusion of a different shape. But with a close look and a sharper version of the first pic plus adjusted color they would look identical.

Yes, I got the impresion that you might have omitted some parts of the discussion here.

For example, a possibility was mentioned for example, that there are different pictures of the ambulance, though Michael's head is always the same ankle.

nope not the same angle at all, did anyone actually take the pics into photoshop and look? Or did they just assume by naked eye cuz I can tell you they change

There is only supposed to be 1 pic according to Ben and this ^^. I believe they altered the fake pic to sell it to other tabloids and get more money.
Mmmmmm Wonder why no credible media source has printed or put up a story about this picture being fake??? I mean how many people do you think have analysed that pic, before Buying it or the rights to use it? Look at the bigger picture, this is so low even the tabloid wont print it?

Here is a breakdown for people

Blurred face pic planted on EMT site, After and this is important the fact that its after the MJ pic is published. And its put on the site by a user who only ever posted 3 messages and only in that thread. Picture is 100% fake, proven by the yellow triangle used to mask some of the face which was copy and pasted from another section of the Original Michael photo. And its funny how they didn't just dress 2 guys up as paramedics and get a look-a-like or photoshop MJ on, They use 2 pre-existing pics lol

Really Really people, This photo has been checked over by EXPERTS probably tons of them, calling this picture a fake would be a big story for the press now and alot of press companies would get alot of money back!

Do you know the story when a long-established, renowned and still existing German news magazine bought the diaries of Hitler in 1983 for 9,3 million Deutsch Marks (the currency at that time)? The magazine even started publishing the diary. They also had checked them thoroughly - and it took them quite a while until they had to admit that they had been taken in by a forger. It became one of the biggest media scandals in Germany.

Just a thought.

There is only supposed to be 1 pic according to Ben and this ^^. I believe they altered the fake pic to sell it to other tabloids and get more money.

Come on, now you say they faked the fake pic? he had that shutter speed thing on where it takes as many pics as it can one after another, you can clearly see a progression of movement in all 3 pictures, and Michaels head angle changes, the shape of his nose, the distance between his ears and eyes. These are 3 completely different pictures! Of course they are gonna say their is only one, they are the ones cashing in from this.

case and point, there are 3 picures, everything moves in the, how can they fake these pics from the 1 you posted? it wqould be so hard, they might aswell of set the thing up
Come on, now you say they faked the fake pic? he had that shutter speed thing on where it takes as many pics as it can one after another, you can clearly see a progression of movement in all 3 pictures, and Michaels head angle changes, the shape of his nose, the distance between his ears and eyes. These are 3 completely different pictures! Of course they are gonna say their is only one, they are the ones cashing in from this.

case and point, there are 3 picures, everything moves in the, how can they fake these pics from the 1 you posted? it wqould be so hard, they might aswell of set the thing up

This is eaxctly what I've been trying to explain for the last few days. Nobody can grasp the fact there are three different photo's taken at different interval's due to the shutter speed. The photo's are 100% real.
Oh god :cry: I can't read this thread anymore....

What sick and twisted person would think to even do this in the first place!! That photo was released so soon after...and that someone thought to do that, while we were all mourning. It's sick. Sick. Sick. Sick.

I remember the first time I saw that photo. It was the next morning in the newspaper. I opened up to page 3...and it was the first thing I saw. I was gutted. I actually threw the paper on the floor, hurt that a) they would even print that and b) that was the last photo taken of our Michael.

Now that it's pretty clear it's a fake - I am shocked. I know I should be glad that it's not Michael, that he got some sort of privacy in the end in some ways, no one deserves to have their final moments invaded like that - but I am just disgusted that someone would do this in the first place. How could someone do that?? Why would you make such a photo??

It's just sick. I really am just....I don't know, it's sick :cry:
Whether the photo is fake or real (I believe fake) makes no difference on my opinion that Michael was murdered.
Sure, I would rather believe the photo was faked for Michael’s sake. Otherwise, there is just another scum-bag (Ben) in the world that chose money over the human dignity of a man who he claimed was his friend.
Either way, it is irrelevant to my theory of murder.
Explain the timing...otherwise it is still a fake.

I've explained the timimg in many of my post's on this thread, I'm not going to go through all of it again, just look back over the many pages. Plus can you explain to me your personal reasons why you think it's fake, give me some hard facts / evidence. And not just some random image of Michael Jackson that you think has been used to fake it.
I've explained the timimg in many of my post's on this thread, I'm not going to go through all of it again, just look back over the many pages. Plus can you explain to me your personal reasons why you think it's fake, give me some hard facts / evidence. And not just some random image of Michael Jackson that you think has been used to fake it.
Ok, I saw your post about the timing. Everything seems ok until we get to the daylight savings time issue, which could have set the timing one hour behind. and we could go back and forth forever on this. I just think that it would be quite rare for a Paparazzi's Digital camera, which automatically changes the settings for daylight savings time, to be left an hour behind. You could be right about it though. but there is no way to verify that as of now.
Come on, now you say they faked the fake pic? he had that shutter speed thing on where it takes as many pics as it can one after another, you can clearly see a progression of movement in all 3 pictures, and Michaels head angle changes, the shape of his nose, the distance between his ears and eyes. These are 3 completely different pictures! Of course they are gonna say their is only one, they are the ones cashing in from this.

case and point, there are 3 picures, everything moves in the, how can they fake these pics from the 1 you posted? it wqould be so hard, they might aswell of set the thing up

Ok apart from the fact that you are NOT going to get a clear pic like that throught those dark windows from that distance allowed should have triggered in your mind. Thats just common sense right there.

Let alone all the inconsistancies with light plus the red car was behind the ambulance when reversing not when it took off when the alledged pic was taken. Look at the video I posted above.

And Im not saying all 3 pics were faked from the one pic I posted. Never said that at all. One of those pics were faked using the one image I posted though.
This is eaxctly what I've been trying to explain for the last few days. Nobody can grasp the fact there are three different photo's taken at different interval's due to the shutter speed. The photo's are 100% real.

We've addressed this issue many times over now and are just going around in circles. There are TOO many reasons to show that this pic is fake.
I've explained the timimg in many of my post's on this thread, I'm not going to go through all of it again, just look back over the many pages. Plus can you explain to me your personal reasons why you think it's fake, give me some hard facts / evidence. And not just some random image of Michael Jackson that you think has been used to fake it.

The explanation is most obvious one and not satisfactory.

We have considered it for several times here.

Last but not least - there are too many things.

For me this is important, because if the pic is fake maybe someone wanted to hide the way Michael really looked. Which, in turn, could reveal what was going on directly before his death. This is not only about finding and comparing things and getting excited about it :(
Mmmmmm Wonder why no credible media source has printed or put up a story about this picture being fake???

Credible media? Like CNN that get their news from TMZ too? I bet they do know its fake. Just like the media knew MJ wasnt guilty and that the family have a history of extortion but no they ignored it.

Fact is, a fake pic of MJ dead is better than no picture of him dead. Having that pic to show everytime they do a story about him on TV is something they need. Its sensationalism. Telling the story of a fake pic is one story and it will go away, they have nothing to show on ET, Insider, Inside Edition, E! etc etc and theyve lost out on thousands of dollars they spent to get that pic.

The media dont usually air stories that puts egg on their face!
BTW are there any fans that are on the boards that were there that day? Are there any fan accounts of that day at all? I know we knew about it here on the board when someone twittered that an ambulance had "entered Michael Jackson's compound".
I thought that the EMT's hand was moving, not the ambulance. Also, these pictures/video stills must have been taken very, very quickly, so I didn't think that the very slow movement of the ambulance affected the angle of their shots much.

If you look closely at the EMTs hand, you can see that it does not move (look at the fingers closest to Michael's face). It is the angle that is changing.
Yes, this is a very important question, I have also asked it -
Cris123, Were they there even BEFORE the ambulance was even called???

Is that the time taking the pic with the screen???

Yes, they were there before
Why did the fire engine arrive there for a man who isnt breathing? And at what time was that do we know?
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But for a man who isnt breathing? Plus fire engines are heavier than an ambulance therefore slower. Too many questions and not enough answers.:timer:

From yahoo answers, my understanding is that this is standard procedure, as there are paramedics also on fire trucks. Also, fire trucks are not slower, due to their location and maybe there are more of them? In my country, they are trying to implement the same system.

Some of the answers on yahoo :

"It's procedure in case an ambulance cannot make it in time and fire fighters happen to get there first, they're certified paramedics they can help out."

"Firemen today are trained to handle all kinds of emergencies, and especially those where seconds count. If you have a heart attack, or your kid drowns in the bathtub, or someone's gotten an electric shock and isn't breathing, a fire truck can usually get to you faster than an ambulance. In many places, fire departments have taken over the 'emergency lifesaving' function, ambulances are just to pick you up and take you to the hospital.

I've seen lists somewhere on the Internet of what cities are the safest to have a heart attack. Seattle was no. 1. And those safest cities are the ones that have put the fire dept. in charge of heart attacks."
Well the firetruck had to be on the road already for it to arrive before the ambulance because the pic was supposedly taken @ 12:22. 1 min after the 911 call. But that is if that pic of the screen from Engine 71 is true as that pic was taken also by Ben.
Yes, they were there before

Thank you Cris123,

All right, so the paps normally wouldn't come to the house
Yet they apeared on the 25th - It's incredibly weared.

I'm thinking that they must have had a source inside the house.
the exif data of a pic can be changed or can be incorrect if the time settings of the camera are altered(when you travel),or the program they used to download them added wrong info,it happened to me many times to find photos with exif data tot wrong,not only the date/day but also the settings...i mean there are plenty of reasons to have wrong data in photos....just saying...
the exif data of a pic can be changed or can be incorrect if the time settings of the camera are altered(when you travel),or the program they used to download them added wrong info,it happened to me many times to find photos with exif data tot wrong,not only the date/day but also the settings...i mean there are plenty of reasons to have wrong data in photos....just saying...

We know that ;)

Only that you're not a profesional photographer or pap selling pics for thousands $
If your professional, you should have all the settings correct.
YOU guys have NO clue what is really going on, you go ahead and keep waiting for them
to arrest murray, believe everything you hear, keep waiting it aint never going happen
because "conrad murray" doesnt exist. He only exists in the media.
You should be ashamed believeing this garbage please this stuff stems from tmz
whose sources are a magic 8 ball and a crystal ball.
That picture is staged, Michael staged it, he isnt dead. if they didnt call the damn 911 until 1221 you cant have a photo of him until after that time on a strectcher.
Its all staged and you guys fell for it.
How many freaking times does michael have to say doent believe it its garbage
you keep waiting for an arrest.