Pet Peeves

too much talk about iron man 2 and too much protection and praise from hollywood for the very troubled robert downey jr.
Cashiers who don't pay attention to what they are doing or don't make eye contact with you and act like you are not standing before them while they chit chat with their co-workers...then you hand them your money and they drop it. Hello? Pay attention to your paying customer.
I have many pet peeves, especially since I work with the general public. Just a few off the top of my head:

- People who talk on their mobile phones whilst you are serving them and won't even acknowledge you're there
- People who block whole paths and doorways with their slow walking
- Smoking
- Rude people

Can't think of anymore right now but I could write a book on pet peeves.
Slow drivers

It says 35 not 25! :smilerolleyes:

And the fact that I can't reverse in my car. So when I have to go run errands and run in to get something I have to either park far away so I can get out easily or park in a bad spot that might possibly block people in. -_- stupid car problems. Usually no one will be coming either way but right when I park they suddenly start coming and need to get by so I have to keep moving around till people are done. Grrrr
I have many pet peeves, especially since I work with the general public. Just a few off the top of my head:

- People who talk on their mobile phones whilst you are serving them and won't even acknowledge you're there
- People who block whole paths and doorways with their slow walking
- Smoking
- Rude people

Can't think of anymore right now but I could write a book on pet peeves.

I have one to add to that after working in retail for a few years!

When you hold your hand out to accept the money and they plonk it down on the counter! Just plain rude!
I hate it and, I mean I H A T E it with all my heart, when people leave the door to my room wide open (my mother does it a lot). The door closes as easily as it opens so close the damn door!!!
When you're in a shop or something, and people don't say excuse me when they're trying to get past you, and just push past. So rude!
In Australia, alot of shops and cafes wont serve you if your talking on you mobile/ cell phone.
I have one to add to that after working in retail for a few years!

When you hold your hand out to accept the money and they plonk it down on the counter! Just plain rude!

Or they push it towards you.
I have one to add to that after working in retail for a few years!

When you hold your hand out to accept the money and they plonk it down on the counter! Just plain rude!

Yeah but I've had that happen in reverse. I hold out my hand to receive change from a cashier and they just plunk it down on the counter. Either way, it's very rude...and infuriating.
when people DON"T understand why I still cry for Michael.....they dont understand how hard it is..:boohoo:
Why do people act like being an introvert is a bad thing? Not everyone needs to be in the company of crowds of people. I see alot of people who are introvert and are treated like there is something wrong with them. Some people like their own company
Why do people act like being an introvert is a bad thing? Not everyone needs to be in the company of crowds of people. I see alot of people who are introvert and are treated like there is something wrong with them. Some people like their own company

Absolutely agree. I know I enjoy my own company and don't need people around me all the time. I love living alone! Well, most days...