Something That Bugs Me: New Generation Not Appreciate....

Im going to see the movie with my 2 kids from 6 and 3 ands the kid nextdoor who is 9.
I can assure you they like and appreciate most of his work from the 80's and 90's!
Age doesnt mean a thing.
Hey, I'm 16 and I was born in the early 90s. I know I couldn't experience the Thriller days but it doesn't make me a less important fan.
I think you should say that "teenage fans" who has become mj fans AFTER his... death bug you.
Now THAT is pissin' me of - these "recent fans".
From the way you posted this article - you did not clarify that you meant 'the youth around you' you simply stated all youth. I agree with the all the above posters - thats something you should look at and examine - because its not true. I'm 21 and I only discovered who MJ was when I was 15. I ONLY knew invincible, I had no idea who he was!!!! Yet I am a huge fan to this day.
Another Bad baby =) I was in the womb when the album was released. =)

I think I'm gonna start a thread to see how many fans have parents/older siblings/family that are also fans. 'Cause what I've noticed is interesting.

I wish I could say that I grew up listening to his music, that my mom had all his albums, that I went to his concert when I was 8, etc. However, I had a very atypical upbringing. I was raised by a single hippie mother, I wasn't allowed to watch t.v., and I grew up in the theatre world. I spent my childhood listening to The Beatles, The Sound of Music, My Fair Lady, Evita, and Into the Woods (...and then, of course, the 90s pop explosion of Spice Girls and boybands). I just simply was not exposed to him. I really wish I had that history with him, dating back to when I was a kid, but that doesn't make me any less of a fan, it certainly doesn't mean I love him any less.
Something that bugs me I guess it shouldn't but it does is: as I was watching the movie tonight, I've seen alot of teenagers there. I can guarentee you that they only know MJ from 2005-now. From the unfortunate happenings to now. I feel like they do not appreciate the whole picture, everything else- starting from his solo record, to 90s stuff to his last record, Invincible. They are just simply too young to appreciate him

I have been a "Fan" of MJ, following him, collecting MJ stuff, basically appreciating MJ since I was in 3rd grade ; I would sing "Leave Me Alone" to the teacher lol. When I was little, I would ask my mother if I could go to MJ's house.

This new generation of kids today don't know what 'Thriller' is if you asked them, what 'Billie Jean' is even what Black or White is ....So what the are you doing here watching this movie tonight??? Go back home & watch Spongebob but don't come to a MJ movie and not know who he was!

That really does bug me. I don't know about anyone else though....

but doesn't it kind of intrigue you that from 2005 on, the media was nothing but negative about Michael, and yet all those teens are there to see this movie? if they didn't know something magical and positive about him, then they should be too scared to be in that theatre from everything the media has said, from that time on, and even before that time.

i'll give you that food for thought. lol
Im 17 and consider myself to be just as big a fan as someone in their forties. I think its unfair of you to generalise. I have been a fan of Michael since the nineties and have done a lot of research and collected lots of merchandise from before i was born, and equally i am sure there are lots of older people who dont have a clue. I agree there are some people my age who don't know the whole story but you can't say that about all young people. I'd always hoped that older MJ fans would be accepting of younger people and pleased that MJ still appeals to people of all ages.
ok this is the last time I'm going to say this: I wasn't talking about "ALL TEENAGERS IN THE U.S." why not just go back & read and read it very slow -- what I put.
I think this is great for everyone to see the movie. Now I have a friend who is young about 17 and she went to the movie and saw Michael and when she came out she said Wow Julia I had no idea. She has spent the last week researching Michael on you tube (watching interviews of him, performances ) listening to his music and learning all aspects of his life including reading information about the trial and she said to me that she didn't truly understand what he had been through and she was sorry. Now I said to her tell me which picture of Michael you like best (as she wonders through my scrapbook of Michael) and she said it doesn't matter becuase he was beautiful inside, I actually cried. So I am sorry but if more young people go to this movie and want to learn more about Michael than this is great. This sort of thing helps keep Michaels' legacy alive and in all our hearts. I hope more young people see this I would rather they discover Michael and his message of love rather than fall into the trap of being a hater without even knowing the truth about him.

my daughter is only 10 and is sooooo into MJ. i admit she doesnt know anything about his troubled past. one day i will explain it to her but for now i am just so happy that she loves his music, his dance, his whole being. i embrace anyone of any age thats loves him because with out these young people finding MJ his memory will fade, we need the this generation and the next generation to carry his legacy. to disregard these younger fans is to kill any legacy.
I am 16 and have been a fan for two years, I know two years is a very short time and Michael wasn't doing much musically in that space but I still do think that I'm as much of a fan as someone that has gone to loads of concerts and born in the height of his career. What really bugs me are teenagers who became fans after he died that wouldn't give MJ the time of day a couple of years ago and thought he was a pedo. I also hate that some people on here look at your join date and because you joined after he died think your a dumb new fan and look down on you, but that's a whole other ball game.
ok this is the last time I'm going to say this: I wasn't talking about "ALL TEENAGERS IN THE U.S." why not just go back & read and read it very slow -- what I put.

I can guarentee you that they only know MJ from 2005-now. From the unfortunate happenings to now. I feel like they do not appreciate the whole picture, everything else- starting from his solo record, to 90s stuff to his last record, Invincible. They are just simply too young to appreciate him


sorry if we missunderstood but your first post wasnt clear.
my daughter is only 10 and is sooooo into MJ. i admit she doesnt know anything about his troubled past. one day i will explain it to her but for now i am just so happy that she loves his music, his dance, his whole being.

Aww, that is SO sweet. Wish we could keep her that way forever. =( That innocence is priceless. And it just goes to show the power the media has.
Well, I honestly don't think that's a fair thing to say at all. I mean just because they're young doesnt mean they can't apprecite his music and performances? I mean I'm not a teen but I'm 20..and I "discovered" Michael when I was like 14..right after Invincible. Before that I didnt know ANYTHING about him..not even thriller or billie jean (which amazes me to this day)..but now..I consider myself an expert on all things And I appreciate his music and work completely. I didnt have to live during the height of Thriller or wait in line to purchase Dangerous in order to appreciate the music, especially with the internet these days which was almost exclusively my source of information, videos, songs, performances, etc. So I think seeing a new younger generation that didnt grow up with MJ give him a shot and explore his creativity is a beautiful thing..They are really the first line or generation that will discover MJ post..well..MJ.

Wow! That is an awesome post. I am an older fan, nearly 38 years old now and have been a die hard fan since the age eleven when I saw him premeir the moonwalk on Motown 25. I too am noticing a new generation of MJ fans and find it beautiful. I know that 25 years from now there will be new birth and so on. MJ is forever, love never dies.
I wish I could say that I grew up listening to his music, that my mom had all his albums, that I went to his concert when I was 8, etc. However, I had a very atypical upbringing. I was raised by a single hippie mother, I wasn't allowed to watch t.v., and I grew up in the theatre world. I spent my childhood listening to The Beatles, The Sound of Music, My Fair Lady, Evita, and Into the Woods (...and then, of course, the 90s pop explosion of Spice Girls and boybands). I just simply was not exposed to him. I really wish I had that history with him, dating back to when I was a kid, but that doesn't make me any less of a fan, it certainly doesn't mean I love him any less.

So true! I wasnt exposed to him AT ALL I didnt know michael existed until I was 15!!!!@
So true! I wasnt exposed to him AT ALL I didnt know michael existed until I was 15!!!!@

It's crazy, right?! Looking back, you're like "How the heck did I miss all of this?!" "Where was I?" Very, very strange. My mom wanted to keep me from the world of media overload...she did a damn good job - I'm severely 'pop culture' retarded. =P

[Before anyone jumps on me: retarded - slow and limited in development or progress]
Omigosh, how am I just now finding this out?! I'm a "Man in the Mirror" baby - right down to the day!!! =)
i agree with you some what because if your yuong you didnt get to see michael grow up i understand that and alot of people in the forum did say they became fans in the 2000's
but you can grow into a big michael fan even if you just learned about him im 201/2 i dont remeber life with out michael jackson fan i was born the in the bad era came out but at 4 i ssen the jacksons american dream movie and i was hook i got dangerous for my birthday when i turned 5 as i got older i did my reseach i got in to all the older stuff
and now my favorte album is off the wall an album i wasnt even alive when it was released :)
Something that bugs me I guess it shouldn't but it does is: as I was watching the movie tonight where i live anyway, I've seen alot of teenagers there. I can guarentee you that they only know MJ from 2005-now. From the unfortunate happenings to now. I feel like they do not appreciate the whole picture, everything else- starting from his solo record, to 90s stuff to his last record, Invincible. They are just simply too young to appreciate him

I have been a "Fan" of MJ, following him, collecting MJ stuff, basically appreciating MJ since I was in 3rd grade ; I would sing "Leave Me Alone" to the teacher lol. When I was little, I would ask my mother if I could go to MJ's house.

This new generation of kids today, here, don't know what 'Thriller' is if you asked them, what 'Billie Jean' is even what Black or White is ....So what the are you doing here watching this movie tonight??? Go back home & watch Spongebob but don't come to a MJ movie and not know who he was!

That really does bug me. I don't know about anyone else though....

Awww Learn to embrace the younger generation. I went to see This Is It Yesterday at 10:00am with my two daughters who's 4 and 9 and was extremely surprised that on Halloween Day early in the morning to see a FULL packed movie theater with parents along with their children and ALOT of teenagers. I thought it was a wonderful thing that they CHOOSE to see This is it over Paranormal Activity, Saw VI, and Astro Boy for a younger crowd.

I think everybody no matter how old can learn to appreciate somebody for their creativity no matter how old they are.
Michael was born way after Charlie Chaplin and Fred Astaire's time.
Well I guess I should throw in my two cents worth.

Michael Jackson was the first celebrity I ever knew. My mum loved him and my father loved him (my father only speaks Greek, which shows the diversity of Michael Jackson). I was about six and there was this giant framed painting of this giant ranch, it is a lovely piece we still have in our living room today. I remember asking my mum who lives in that house...which was the one I pointed at in the photo. She told me it was Michael Jackson, who was Michael Jackson? That's how I was introduced to him.

At six, I appreciated his name, his place in that portrait. That's because of how my mother introduced things to me and I'm sure that the way those teenages act is due to their parents and is not entirely their fault. Others are different, like me.

I was born in 1990, by 1999 I was into Pokemon, Simpsons, Dragonball Z, just the basics. I didn't really care for music in general, I knew of Michael Jackson but I never listened to a CD or a video casette because I just liked cartoons (abit like the man himself!)

In the year 2000 Michael received the artist of the millenium award at the world music awards. They showed this five minute video of his work. Black Or White, Billie Jean, Thriller...the list goes on and on and at that age I was hooked. That was IT for my sister and myself. We fell in love with the man and the music.

Right now its 2009, from the day I was 10 and I walked around to school with my dads ancient portable cassette player listening to his songs as I was in class. To today where I am thumping his music out loud from my Nissan Integra, I have NEVER stopped loving Michael Jackson.

So through personal experience, I honestly believe children and teenages know how to appreciate, its all about not becoming a fan just when he dies, but being a fan most of your life like me. These kids have now been introduced to the music, they will live with it and learn to appreciate it with time.
If anything, I think the younger fans deserve more respect and props, 'cause to get to him they had to wade through all the bullshit and see the Michael that wasn't being shown to the public. He's been "W**** J****" for their whole entire lives. Everyone loved Michael back in the day. But during a time when there was no new music and the world was being lied to about him, these fans cared enough to give him the benefit of the doubt and do some research on the man they'd heard nothing but horror stories about and then stood up and said "You guys are wack, I'm with you Michael." - it doesn't get more respectable than that.
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I think it's a good thing that Michael Jackson has gotten millions of fans in this generation now, by them becoming fans his legacy lives on, now they can have their kids listen to him and so on.

You are completely right about this. The younger fans deserve the same respect as the troupers. It is not their fault that they were born at a later time. I was surprised to see so many young people at the TII movie, actually. :clapping:
i agree with you some what because if your yuong you didnt get to see michael grow up i understand that and alot of people in the forum did say they became fans in the 2000's
but you can grow into a big michael fan even if you just learned about him im 201/2 i dont remeber life with out michael jackson fan i was born the in the bad era came out but at 4 i ssen the jacksons american dream movie and i was hook i got dangerous for my birthday when i turned 5 as i got older i did my reseach i got in to all the older stuff
and now my favorte album is off the wall an album i wasnt even alive when it was released :)

yeah i think that if u were born in the 80's he was popular u just had to be born a mj fan...he was SOOOOOOOOOO BIG then lol
Bad era babies FTW! so im guessing thats 85-89? lol really and truly im a we are the world baby lol

lol I'm a We Are the World baby too. I was looking at my baby book recently that my parents did, and the popular songs of the day were "We Are the World" and "Thriller."

I'm happy for anyone to discover Michael Jackson, no matter what age they are or when they discovered him.