Something That Bugs Me: New Generation Not Appreciate....

Well, I honestly don't think that's a fair thing to say at all. I mean just because they're young doesnt mean they can't apprecite his music and performances? I mean I'm not a teen but I'm 20..and I "discovered" Michael when I was like 14..right after Invincible. Before that I didnt know ANYTHING about him..not even thriller or billie jean (which amazes me to this day)..but now..I consider myself an expert on all things And I appreciate his music and work completely. I didnt have to live during the height of Thriller or wait in line to purchase Dangerous in order to appreciate the music, especially with the internet these days which was almost exclusively my source of information, videos, songs, performances, etc. So I think seeing a new younger generation that didnt grow up with MJ give him a shot and explore his creativity is a beautiful thing..They are really the first line or generation that will discover MJ post..well..MJ.
Agree, but its true this generation is weird im about to 22 in december, i discovered MJ in 2001, i was like 14, but as soon as i discover him i started to search for everything Michael and well i knew everything, teens of 14 can do the same as i did when i was a teen... But yeah there is a whole thing with those manufactered stars..the ones with talent will discover him, the others one will see myley cyrus or whatever her name is...
Michael was born way after Charlie Chaplin and Fred Astaire's time.
Yeah totally agree, thats my point talented kids will absolutely absorb Michael Jackson as soon as they hear him, see him as Michael did when he saw Fred Astaire and Chaplin, the other ones, well you know...
AOW! I'm a Dangerous baby - born on August 31st, 1992. One day after The Dangerous Tour: Live In Ludwigshafen, Germany. That's why I treasure the tiny audio snippet from that concert. If only I had been born in 1958, I could really grow up with him, and then I too could die in 2009.
I think this post is crazy, firstly im sure everyone on the planet knows Thriller & Billie Jean, there Michaels most famous songs! Im 18 and have grown up with Michael's music, i liked him since i was little & have grown to love him as i've gotten older because i got to know him more & what he was about. If teenagers like his music alot then they will do the same as what i did & buy his albums, listen to his speeches & watch videos where you see Michael being the kind- hearted, sweet, caring funny human being that we all see & not the false image that the media have created. Thats why i think the TII film will help, because many will see it & will see both sides to Michael.
Also, it doesnt just stop at teenagers, i spoke to my sister yesterday and she works in a primary school. Well they have a breakfast club in the mornings and they play music and they listening to one of Michaels CDs. She said they were all singing along to his songs like Beat It. They must have only been 6 or something! This is where it starts, the youngsters! They will grow up with his music now, which is why Michaels music will live on forever! :) - this makes me soo happy!

Vinniram- i was born exactly a year before you! 31st August 1991!! Im a Dangerous baby to- Dangerous is my fave era. Woohoo!
Dear friends, here in France, my nephew and niece (ten and eleven years old) have discovered Michael Jackson's work since his demise. They are so pure, genuine and smart. I didn't teach them. They fell in love with him without my help and they really understood his greatness. They know a lot of Michael's songs, even old songs. Sometimes, they ask me questions about the bad and wrong things written by the medias about Michael. They understand perfectly the difference between slander and reality. They really love Michael and perceive his authenticity and beauty. Their bedrooms are totally covered by Michael's posters. They are amazing !
I dont think getting children to like Michael will be a problem at all, Lisa Marie Presley was right when she said Michael was like a magnet to children, children just seem to love him, probably because they are similar. Its the older people that are harder to become fans, because people can be ignorant and small minded, thinking there opinions always right (agreeing with the media). Before my dad watched the film, he liked Michaels music but always thought he was '*****' and tended to go along with what the media said. However, he came out the cinema & said how brilliant he was & how normal, humble and gentlemen like Michael was. It made me so happy, so this film can make people see that Michael is just a normal sweet human being.
Not that it matters cos its the young people that need to hear Michaels music etc because that means his music will last forever, with new generations listening to him.
This new generation of kids today, here, don't know what 'Thriller' is if you asked them, what 'Billie Jean' is even what Black or White is ....So what the are you doing here watching this movie tonight??? Go back home & watch Spongebob but don't come to a MJ movie and not know who he was!

That really does bug me. I don't know about anyone else though....
Why should they know? Most young people during any time didn't listen to their parents music or older music. They listened to whatever is on the radio or what was considered "cool or hip" at the time.
Im a Dangerous baby :) Born in 1991 but became captivated when i was about 10 when i heard HIStory part 1, from then i started researching him and falling in love with him as a person as well as an artist. People cant help when they're born so our Birthdays cant dictate how much of a fan we are, just because we werent there from the beginning. We've looked back, seen the footage, listened to/read the interviews etc researched every detail about MJ from the day he was born, to the present and all that's inbetween and i consider myself as much of a fan as anyone older than me.

I have a few people around me, that I used to be good friends with, that have claimed to be die-hard MJ fans since he died. They choose not to include me in their dicussions about MJ and everything seems to be a competition between them and I. However, sometimes they say things about him that are inappropriate, rude and disrespectful. That bugs me so much!!! Wow, turned my response into a personal vent there! Sorry guys haha xoxo
billiejean84 i don't think that's true.Most people from babies to the elderly appreciate Michael as a musician,and they did so before what happened.Just because they make jokes and stuff or because they buzzed about the time he took to make a new record, doesn t mean they don't know how great he is.Michael was questioned by many as a person(unfortunately and by far worse) not as a musician, that is just how media works.Sure people might talked about it but they did't believe it,that was just showbiz news, people don't want to think too hard and that's normal,they just want to laugh and critisize and gossip around.
This new generation of kids today, here, don't know what 'Thriller' is if you asked them, what 'Billie Jean' is even what Black or White is ....So what the are you doing here watching this movie tonight??? Go back home & watch Spongebob but don't come to a MJ movie and not know who he was!

That really does bug me. I don't know about anyone else though....

Well... if they went, then that means they do care or at least that they do want to find out for themselves ;-) And if they don't know MJ... well, I am more than happy and willing to teach them about the man, his legacy, his art.

My little nice love MJ and she is just 8. You should have seen her at TII!!! She clapped her hands as soon as MJ say it, she danced, she sang and she even comfort me when I started to cry.

I do wish many more people will become aware of Michael... I mean... wasn't that what so many MJ fans wished before "that" day? :-( Yes, this is happening too late but I rather the rise of new MJ fans, than the rise of haters :-O

Just give them time and lead the way. YOU can do it!! We all can do it. I know so many fans whose eyes bright when I tell them I went to one of his shows... millions were never given that chance, so we must tell them about Mike... we can't expect the media to honor him, can we? :-(
Why should they know? Most young people during any time didn't listen to their parents music or older music. They listened to whatever is on the radio or what was considered "cool or hip" at the time.

That's true. The young generation doesn't know, him, cause his music is old. the youngsters, prefer what it in right now, and not the old 90's 80's music. when I discovered him in 90's he was the one who was in. there for the youngsters were in to him, as well as into the other great artists of that time.
I dont think getting children to like Michael will be a problem at all, Lisa Marie Presley was right when she said Michael was like a magnet to children, children just seem to love him, probably because they are similar. Its the older people that are harder to become fans, because people can be ignorant and small minded, thinking there opinions always right (agreeing with the media). Before my dad watched the film, he liked Michaels music but always thought he was '*****' and tended to go along with what the media said. However, he came out the cinema & said how brilliant he was & how normal, humble and gentlemen like Michael was. It made me so happy, so this film can make people see that Michael is just a normal sweet human being.
Not that it matters cos its the young people that need to hear Michaels music etc because that means his music will last forever, with new generations listening to him.

Yeah that's so true. Infact where i come from the biggest Michael fans are kids and teens and the biggest MJ haters are adults
I'm not into the hanger ons, no matter their age. It's tacky and creepy.

I have a 7yr old son.
His birthday gift this year: a C.D. player and his own copy of Thriller.
He'll be a fan of Michael and his talent if it kills me :D

What an ignorant statement!

I'm 15...maybe I should just go back home and stop supporting Michael and just forget everything that I've learnt because I've only known him since 2003 and I wasn't there during Thriller!!!!

You want MJ fans to be all old fans from J5? Fine, but if that happens then no one will be a fan in 20-30 years time!!!!!

I am glad you are a fan my kids are too. They love his music and most of all. They loved his kindness. Sometimes we old folks don't want to give you young guys your props keep being a fan and spread the word to your friends.
ok this is the last time I'm going to say this: I wasn't talking about "ALL TEENAGERS IN THE U.S." why not just go back & read and read it very slow -- what I put.

and yeah, that's only because you edited your original post 2 days later to include 'where i live anyway' and 'the kids here'. I remember reading the original post. Infact I can still see it quoted on the first page. It sounded as if you were talking about all young children and teenagers. And as a teenager who's appreciated Michael for as long as I care to remember, and before his death as you can see from my join date (I even put off joining here for a long time because I could tell I'd be here constantly and I didn't want it to interfere with my schoolwork) I can tell you now, you are so wrong. And even if they go to the cinema not knowing Black Or White or this or that or whatever, who cares? They leave knowing it, and they leave having seen a true representation of the kind and decent man he is, not the media crap their parents may have brought them up to see. So either way I see nothing to complain about. It means when an album of unheard music finally gets released (not a greatest hits with a few extra demos tacked on to the end, but some real songs), that there are even more people to buy it and put Michael back at #1 where he belongs.
hey! well age is just a number and it doesn't matter what age you are to appreciate great music and true talent. i'm only 5 years younger than MJ so i grew up with the J5 and the Jacksons and Mike took me through my teens (swoon). My daughter is 10 and only really started to really listen to all my cd,s when we lost him, now she is addicted and always has a dvd or a cd on. i will admit she likes the young MJ, loves the J5 and Jacksons but thats her age and the likes of ABC and Rockin Robin etc are timeless and have great appeal for the very young, i'm sure as she gets older she will love all his music.
I love it that new young people are begining to love what alot of us have known for years, we need them to never let him be forgotten. sadly though there will always be the odd few that can not and will not ever appreciate true genius even when it bites then on the bum. just let these people go on in their sad ignorant ways.
A lot of teens are like this but also, a lot are not.

I'd be glad they are seeing the movie.

Here's a facebook MJ movie event page :

If you look down all the comments on the wall, 99.9% of posts are extremely positive and A LOT/ the majority seem to be from teens.

A lot of teens see MJ as a freak, only see the media representation and don't care about the true Michael, but also a lot do not think like that. Thats the same with every generation though I think.

I love that MJ is reaching a new generation.. and he will continue to do so because of this exact fact.

I'm 21 and the only reason I'd wish to be any older is to have followed MJ from the start, but since I became a fan around 2002 at 13/14 I've caught up a lot, researched a lot... and become a bit of a MJ expert ;D
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Ive been a MJ fan all my life and Im now nearly 15 and I don't think that the younger generation don't appreciate him I think we embrace him. We can't be faulted on our age we can't change it !! If you only meant in your area then say so but I have done my research and I know my MJ facts. Of course not everyone my age appreciates Michael and I'm sure not everyone your age appreciates him.
When I went to see this is it all the people in the theater were teens and kids
I don't want to sound out of order but its just my thoughts !
We must all remember that the younger generation are the ones who will continue Michael's legacy when all the older fans are gone. Therefore, I'm glad more people around my age and even younger are discovering/re-discovering his music.
I went to see TII twice and I have to say that the teens were 10x more respectful and enthusiastic than any other adult in there.

Many teens think of MJ as being cool, even if they don't say it often.
We must all remember that the younger generation are the ones who will continue Michael's legacy when all the older fans are gone. Therefore, I'm glad more people around my age and even younger are discovering/re-discovering his music.

I totally agree with you.
I ever had a big argument with Elvis fans. One of them gave me a survey, which inferred that MJ's main fanbase was teenagers/young men from 18 to 25 before June 25th. Elvis fans thought teenagers are fickle and will soon lose interests in Michael. But I absolutely don't think so. Regardless that survey expire, I AM hilarious that he is also loved by so many teenagers cause it proves that Michael is still IN. Michael's legacy will and only carry on by younger and new generation.
I believe that Michael Jackson is listened to by today's youth more so than any other performer before their time. Really, who do teenagers generally listen to more? The Beatles, Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Madonna, or MICHAEL JACKSON?

But at the same time, the current stars are generally going to be a bigger deal to them simply because that's what's happening right now. You just have to remember that the vast majority of those artists will NOT be listened to and revered the way MJ is once it's no longer their generation.

It's not a slight against his legacy and it doesn't mean that his music isn't connecting with new generations, because it's connecting through the ages WAY more than any past era superstar "should."
I think the youth appreciate him more!! There are more younger MJ fans than old, some have been influenced from their parents, but have become more obsessed themselves lol.
But at the same time, the current stars are generally going to be a bigger deal to them simply because that's what's happening right now. You just have to remember that the vast majority of those artists will NOT be listened to and revered the way MJ is once it's no longer their generation.

It's not a slight against his legacy and it doesn't mean that his music isn't connecting with new generations, because it's connecting through the ages WAY more than any past era superstar "should."

Yes, the current stars are a bigger deal to teenagers. BUT, it's also the fact that lots of them are still obsessed by his singing and dance. When I saw TII, I was around by teenagers lol.
I say Michael is still IN comparing to Elvis. (I know Elvis is bigger than Michael in USA, but no doubt Michael eclipses Elvis worldwide.)
We must all remember that the younger generation are the ones who will continue Michael's legacy when all the older fans are gone. Therefore, I'm glad more people around my age and even younger are discovering/re-discovering his music.

I feel the same..I hope the younger generations will continue to see the true Michael and keep his legacy alive. There will be no artist that can top him!

I also agree that Elvis is overrated. :cheeky: