The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and Other Theories

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Pearl reckons that Karen Faye and her husband walked around in front of kids nude! lmao

Whose kids?

Here is another excerpt:

This may knock some of Michael's fans in the guts, but Joe told a good friend of mine that Grace use to get in the bed with Michael, especially when he was drinking, and they'd have sex. I was told this directly after the 2005 trial, but that, too, I kept a secret until now.

huh? :busted:..... ummmm............ :shock2: ... lol?

If true good for him but idk why she thinks we need to know this. I think we should keep this on the downlow :secret:.

If she is saying crap about MJs kids how can she be trusted at all?
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories


Calotte12 meant that he wanted to "die" because he faked his death. Remember that here is a thread about the hoax.
Ohhh..ok..thank you for clearing that up....:)...thats why i didnt want to get angry..because I didnt know if I was reading her post wrong.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Here is another excerpt:

she probably did crawl in bed with Michael when he was drinking,,,,,that was the only way she could make him have sex with her,,,he had to be a little tipsy first....poor Michael..

I mean like really now WHY would he even want to have sex with Grace...she looks like a troll.
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Lets stay on point here guys, I dont see why that sex story is even in this thread. DI will you please edit your post about it? We really dont need to talk about it needs to be put in a box and shoved away somewhere. Maybe down Pearl's throat!!
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I don´t believe that sex story.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Ohhh..ok..thank you for clearing that up....:)...thats why i didnt want to get angry..because I didnt know if I was reading her post wrong.

Okay, there is a show called the Carlotta Chatwood show that i'm sure some have heard of?! Carlotta has done a lot of MJ death hoax shows already and I just listen to the latest one # 5! She always interviews you tube believers (especially her two faves and the most famous ones) MJForEverAndADay and TheCodeOfThriller (formally known as PianoGames) and often includes special guess like other believers who make you tube hoax videos as well and takes calls from fans that have questions and comments!

On the latest show her special guess is Pearl JR. The things Pearl says left me & the others that joined her on the show shocked! The show was 90mins long but, was SOOO worth it in my opinion!

Please hear the latest show on the hoax #5 here is the link: and click on the link that says: Who's Watching Who?:The Strawman Connection MJ Death Hoax Series!

I know some things she said in the book like the secrets she reveals are like WTF but, seriously after hearing what she says on this show and even shocking the believers themselves that were on the show with her I have to say I now want this book! I THINK IT'S WORTH IT! She say things on the show that is in the book and STUFF THAT IS NOT IN THE BOOK for what I can tell! Stuff about Joe....Etc. So please hear the show and tell me what y'all think! I prefer that u hear it yourself then for me to write it down it is more powerful I think! ;)

This just made me more of a beLIEver! :0

Thanks! :) I will listen to it calmly when I can.

Apparently the family are aware of the book and Oxman is waiting to read it.

Well, I have not read the book of Pearl Jr., but it seems she been saying certain things doubtful, for example about Grace.... I think she should not say this in the book, what this has to do with the hoax? lol! :doh: :sigh: I saw the video of her talking about the book on your site and what bothered me. :bugeyed She was so smiley talking about it would appear that the hoax is great fun and entertainment. I do not know Pearl, but for me, if Michael really did it, is a very serious matter and I do not see anything funny. :scratch::no: And her book is not having a big impact. I'm not seeing other believers talking about this book. -_- I think she did it for money and to appear (fame). :unsure:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

"MJ was not murderer. Stop living in your world of fantasies. If michael is dead today, its because he wanted to. "
Murderer?lol living in the world of fantasies-about whom and what you talking about?well Elvis died 35 years ago and some his fans are still believe in fake death so...
so not only autopsy reports and God forbid-leaked one day autopsy photos, will proove such fans wrong,but what is more scary for me from moral,ethical point of view-tears of own Michael's kids.What proof needed after seeing them?
I watched Last temptation of Crist movie recently and it made me think about this situation -some Michael's fans are like being tempted now by beauitiful illusion,exiting fairy -tale,that Michael is superman,super-hero,immortal and invinsible,because it too hard to accept the reality,to hard to fight for justice
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I think you're right STATEofSHOCK a stylist doesn't normally turn into a corpse dresser....
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

If true good for him but idk why she thinks we need to know this. I think we should keep this on the downlow :secret:.

If she is saying crap about MJs kids how can she be trusted at all?
I totally agree!! Wow... I mean that is none of her business!! :mello:
And *IF* that is true and MJ did have sex with Grace, what-is-the-problem? And yes, good for him.

Yeap I agree with that too. That's why I find it hard to believe the sex story.

Sh*t!!!!!!! The man could not even f*ck in peace!! :(

"MJ was not murderer. Stop living in your world of fantasies. If michael is dead today, its because he wanted to. "
Murderer?lol living in the world of fantasies-about whom and what you talking about?well Elvis died 35 years ago and some his fans are still believe in fake death so...
so not only autopsy reports and God forbid-leaked one day autopsy photos, will proove such fans wrong,but what is more scary for me from moral,ethical point of view-tears of own Michael's kids.What proof needed after seeing them?
I watched Last temptation of Crist movie recently and it made me think about this situation -some Michael's fans are like being tempted now by beauitiful illusion,exiting fairy -tale,that Michael is superman,super-hero,immortal and invinsible,because it too hard to accept the reality,to hard to fight for justice
I'm sorry you guys, but I think 7angel is completely right!
I know right?!
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Pearl JR said on the Carlotta Chatwood show that Joe publicist (and for what I remember the Jackson family spokesperson at one point at least during the trial) who has known the family for more then 10yrs, sent her an reply e-mail that read "NOPE!" The e-mail was a response to Pearl asking if at anytime the casket was ever open at any time! o_o Now I could have sworn I heard that it was open when the family had a private thing before the memorial, right? Hmmmm! I guess not!

Also Pearl said that at one of Murray court dates the publicists stayed outside with pearl cause she didn't want to go in the court room and pearl told her about the book she was writing about the hoax and the publicist laughed along with pearl about it....just laughed! 0__o

She also said that she talked to Joe on the phone before and ask him how he was doing after MJ passing and Joe said he responded with he's FINE! She said she thought that was odd behavior from Joe if his son really did die! Because she pointed out that after the case went to the jury to deliberate in the MJ case, that one day there was a false alarm that the jury had reached a verdict and Joe arrived at the courthouse pushing the paps out of the way and yelling where is Michael and was causing a scene, scarred and nervous that he wouldn't be there to see MJ! Which is true cause I seen this on TV myself even have it on tape! She said that she cried for Joe during the MJ trial cause he was hurting for MJ!

So she thought that Joe yelling & nerves looking for MJ for the verdicts (While MJ was still alive here) V.S His reaction to MJ's death & talking about a record label days after MJ died was ODD! I agree! She also said that she called forest lawn one day asking about MJ because I think she wanted to send flowers? And they told her that they never had any one by that name there ever! O_O And the two Hoax people on the show with her said they had that same thing happen to them and others I believe!

Those were the thinks that shocked me when I heard the interview among others things!
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Yeah, she actually painted a good picture of Joe, a picture I've never heard before. I defenitly have higher thoughts about him today then yesterday.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Pearl JR said on the Carlotta Chatwood show that Joe publicist (and for what I remember the Jackson family spokesperson at one point at least during the trial) who has known the family for more then 10yrs, sent her an reply e-mail that read "NOPE!" The e-mail was a response to Pearl asking if at anytime the casket was ever open at any time! o_o Now I could have sworn I heard that it was open when the family had a private thing before the memorial, right? Hmmmm! I guess not!

Also Pearl said that at one of Murray court dates the publicists stayed outside with pearl cause she didn't want to go in the court room and pearl told her about the book she was writing about the hoax and the publicist laughed along with pearl about it....just laughed! 0__o

She also said that she talked to Joe on the phone before and ask him how he was doing after MJ passing and Joe said he responded with he's FINE! She said she thought that was odd behavior from Joe if his son really did die! Because she pointed out that after the case went to the jury to deliberate in the MJ case, that one day there was a false alarm that the jury had reached a verdict and Joe arrived at the courthouse pushing the paps out of the way and yelling where is Michael and was causing a scene, scarred and nervous that he wouldn't be there to see MJ! Which is true cause I seen this on TV myself even have it on tape! She said that she cried for Joe during the MJ trial cause he was hurting for MJ!

So she thought that Joe yelling & nerves looking for MJ for the verdicts (While MJ was still alive here) V.S His reaction to MJ's death & talking about a record label days after MJ died was ODD! I agree! She also said that she called forest lawn one day asking about MJ because I think she wanted to send flowers? And they told her that they never had any one by that name there ever! O_O And the two Hoax people on the show with her said they had that same thing happen to them and others I believe!

Those were the thinks that shocked me when I heard the interview among others things!

Thanks! I've got a problem with the sound plaque on my computer and still can not hear this interview. :doh:

And everything is strange and there is a great mystery behind it all. I hope one day the truth will be revealed to us. I pray every day for that. :unsure:

And I read something very true in another forum:

I think we have to be REAL careful in what we THINK we know about Michael Jackson. We really only know what he wants us to see. How much of that is carefully designed and orchestrated? Discover the man you never knew?

This is really something to think about. :thinking:

We really do not know everything about Michael. Fact. -_-
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

You guys help me out,I always have to speed read and spees type. I understand that M. Bush was MJ's wardrobe consultant, tailor, image guru, what-have-you, but now . . . since WHEN did he get into the undertaking business where he not only selected and provided to the funeral home the garments for entombment but also skilled at the physical labor of actually dressing corpses, I mean, did I understand that correctly?

Dressing something that is no longer even a human body and is as heavy as a plank and as stiff in every way as a convoluted tree branch, and more importantly - why, WHY would he, rather than let those who's area of skill, interest and most importantly, who's JOB it is, or maybe I misred that,

because I do not believe it is in any facet of human nature for a celebrity image consultant to want to physically costume a tree log which is what a corpse amounts to, ask any funeral director and even loyalty and dedication would not transform a style guru into a corpse dresser.

I'm sure there probably is a good explanation so I'd love to hear one and please add to that why an elaborate personally applied make up job by K.F. rather than simply supervising and approving authorized staff's work afterall, she hadn't done his make up in years and again, it wasn't HIM if he was dead! A face with no fatty tissue, no blood, just a shell! Old times sake it would seem perhaps but I don't see it.
Pleaese, no disrespect intended, its just more to add to the unbelievable file on my desk until someone helps me out Lol, please. For now I'll assume that when he says its the most difficult thing maybe it was was to select the garment but why in creation wouldn't a close family member make that selection? And besides, all Bush really would have had to do is choose a suit and have it delivered to the funeral home. What am I missing here, I'm sure I'm making too much of this but it really strikes me as cr
- silly.

Does anyone have the name of the funeral home that had the body prior to entombment?

I don't disagree with any of your questions or comments here...just wanted to point out that rigor mortis is not permanent. It goes away after a couple of days.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Didn't Karen say that family asked her to do his make up? Perhaps just simply the family asked Bush to dress him?
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Pearl JR said on the Carlotta Chatwood show that Joe publicist (and for what I remember the Jackson family spokesperson at one point at least during the trial) who has known the family for more then 10yrs, sent her an reply e-mail that read "NOPE!" The e-mail was a response to Pearl asking if at anytime the casket was ever open at any time! o_o Now I could have sworn I heard that it was open when the family had a private thing before the memorial, right? Hmmmm! I guess not!

Also Pearl said that at one of Murray court dates the publicists stayed outside with pearl cause she didn't want to go in the court room and pearl told her about the book she was writing about the hoax and the publicist laughed along with pearl about it....just laughed! 0__o

She also said that she talked to Joe on the phone before and ask him how he was doing after MJ passing and Joe said he responded with he's FINE! She said she thought that was odd behavior from Joe if his son really did die! Because she pointed out that after the case went to the jury to deliberate in the MJ case, that one day there was a false alarm that the jury had reached a verdict and Joe arrived at the courthouse pushing the paps out of the way and yelling where is Michael and was causing a scene, scarred and nervous that he wouldn't be there to see MJ! Which is true cause I seen this on TV myself even have it on tape! She said that she cried for Joe during the MJ trial cause he was hurting for MJ!

So she thought that Joe yelling & nerves looking for MJ for the verdicts (While MJ was still alive here) V.S His reaction to MJ's death & talking about a record label days after MJ died was ODD! I agree! She also said that she called forest lawn one day asking about MJ because I think she wanted to send flowers? And they told her that they never had any one by that name there ever! O_O And the two Hoax people on the show with her said they had that same thing happen to them and others I believe!

Those were the thinks that shocked me when I heard the interview among others things!

I still have my tape of Joe doing that too at the courthouse. He was very upset -

"Now I could have sworn I heard that it was open when the family had a private thing before the memorial, right? Hmmmm! I guess not!"

I thought that was the case - at the family ceremony or before - I thought it was open casket then.

Here is an article about it being open casket the night before:,,20287787_20290557,00.html

The night before the world paid tribute to Michael Jackson, close family members viewed the entertainer's body in an open casket at Forest Lawn in the Hollywood Hills.

"He looked like himself. He looked like he just was laying there sleeping," says David Fossett, 50, a cousin of Jackson's who grew up with him and still lives in Jackson's hometown of Gary, Ind. "He looked peaceful."

During the private service, Jackson's elaborate, gold casket was closed, with a spray of flowers on top, the same ones as seen at the public memorial service at the Staples Center.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

In a interview Joe also said that there was an open casket and he choose not to go.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

WOW! Thanks JrsFan and Ivy for that info about the family saying the casket was open, I knew I had heard that as well and now Pearl Jr says that it wasn't according to the family publicist!! So many contradictions! :O

Also, I wanted to say that decomposition of a body still happens even though you put them in a freezer, it doesn't stop it! But, rather slows it down!
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Didn't Karen say that family asked her to do his make up? Perhaps just simply the family asked Bush to dress him?

MJ didnt wear anything new, so I dont see that point of Michael Bush being there either. Latoya said, very descriptively that MJ wore his 35th Grammy's awards outfit, the one with pearl jacket.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories,,20287787_20290557,00.html

The night before the world paid tribute to Michael Jackson, close family members viewed the entertainer's body in an open casket at Forest Lawn in the Hollywood Hills.

During the private service, Jackson's elaborate, gold casket was closed, with a spray of flowers on top, the same ones as seen at the public memorial service at the Staples Center.

WOW! Thanks JrsFan and Ivy for that info about the family saying the casket was open, I knew I had heard that as well and now Pearl Jr says that it wasn't according to the family publicist!! So many contradictions! :O

The family publicist probably attended the private service, wich was held the same day as the public memorial. So Joe is right, and the publicist is also right. No contradictions.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Joe :)
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Thank you for offerring something to consider. That actually sounds rational on the surface, so let's break this down. Mrs. Jackson's wishes would most likely honored foremost simply because she is the mother of the deceased, even her husband would probably defer to her, considering he had little to no involvement concerning the body, according to him and the likelihood of Mrs. Jackson going so far as to ask his stylist to dress a dead corpse is imho 0% being that she's a devout Jehovah's Witness and they do not condone anyone touching a dead body so I see it as highly unlikely that she would even support such a thing, especially since that is not something in Michael Bush's repertoire of skills, training or expertise as far as we know.

Bush is in the category of, "mourner" as a close collegue of the deceased so not only does it make no sense for him to end up dressing the body (on general principles mentioned above) it could be considered cruel for anyone to ask that of someone in his position.On the other hand, maybe Bush insisted on for tender, sentimental reasons, (eg., it was my job to dress him so let me this one last time) and maybe the funeral home personnel walked him through the process and maybe it gave him closure. I just find it difficult to believe that not one but TWO of of Michael's closest and long time associates, mourning sorrowfully, all these decades accustomed to seeing and touching his beautiful, vibrant, supple face and dressing is limber, lively body, really wanted their final moments and memory of him to be him as a vacant piece of inanimate "wood" they had their hands all over for the last and final time. Sorry, I know its crude but I need unvarnished truth and that doesn't ring true for me whether it is or not. .

although I have to say that I agree with most of your post..:)....your description of what was left of Michael makes me physically sick......thanks for the visions. :(....
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

The family publicist probably attended the private service, wich was held the same day as the public memorial. So Joe is right, and the publicist is also right. No contradictions.

Yes, Contradictions because the publicists told Pearl that there was never an open casket at any moment for the family! She was not talking about the private service only but, was talking about at anytime was it open to anyone and she responded NOPE!

Plus, Why would Pearl have meant the private service only? It would prove nothing and be pointless to even mention and from what I heard that is not what she meant!

But, believe what u will!
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I just offered you a simple and logic explanation to the question, but hey.. you are also free to believe whatever you want.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories


Joe looks very happy there 3 days after the memorial!
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I appreciate your commenting although I apologize that I have missed your point of posting it. Surely you''re not saying that the body resumes anything normal that would make it more conduciveve for a celebrity stylist to want to or be able to work with or WHY . I'm no expert but I do know the dead thing that was once someone's human body becomes even stiffer after embalming fluid is in it and the process for dressing it is specialized and more akin to dressing a paper doll (cut and hang) that even dressing a 3 dimensional doll and it makes no sense to my mind that anyone outside the funeral industry should even TOUCH the corpse, let alone spend gruelling hours dressing it.

What possible rationale could there be for it to be the truth, that Bush would seriously go to the business of getting approval to override funeral home procedure to get himself involved with the cumbersome, physical rigors of manually dressing a dead, empty plank of what was once a human body . . . of all the things I've read in this thread, that alone strikes me as the most preposturous, unless someone offers up some (at least remotely possible) rationale to consider for food for thought. Maybe I need to go read the account again...maybe I read it wrong. :) I really need to probably take the time to do that.

My point is stating it had nothing to do with your questions or opinions on this particular line of thought. As I noted in my post, the reason for posting it was for no other reason than to point out that rigor mortis is not permanent. It goes away after a couple of days. It was a point of information. It was not meant as an argument supporting or opposing your own point of view...which is why I said, "I don't disagree with any of your questions or comments here."

Not everyone knows about rigor mortis. So it was simply a point of information about rigor mortis. Nothing more. Nothing less. Sorry if you got you wound up. That was not my intent, which is why I prefaced my information in the manner that I did. :yes: