The verdict thread .. GUILTY.. Murray remanded without bail

  • Thread starter elusive moonwalker
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Chernoff: "...a prison cell in this community. That's what we're focusing on right and we'll deal with an appeal after that." #MurrayTrial
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InSession In Session
@AlanDukeCNN spoke with Ed Chernoff shortly after the verdict: "What matters most right now is trying to keep Dr. Murray from taking up..."
InSession In Session
There will not be a jury press conference. #MurrayTrial

mccartneyAP Anthony McCartney
"I feel better now," Katherine Jackson to @AP after Conrad Murray was convicted:
Tyrese Tyrese Gibson

Such true, true words. It was so good seeing Murray handcuffed. But, now there is still that void knowing that Michael is not here despite this verdict.
Did somebody note how depressed Murray's attorneys seemed to be? They probably realize they'll never get paid for all their (extremely bad) work!
This was the verdict that we all needed. It still doesn't take away the pain of Michael not being here but at least we have some form of justice.
ivy;3531477 said:
johnNBCLA John Cádiz Klemack
by QueenB4Justice
Judge decides #conradmurray WILL go to Twin Towers jail in Los Angeles NOW. @NBCLA #MurrayLA

Just heard this being discussed on the news. Thank you to the judge. The judge and jury all got what this is about.
Perhaps this is time to post this picture again

Thank the powers that be that justice was served. I hope the entire medical profession wakes up and learns from this nightmare. Anyone who abuses a patient's trust should not be practicing any type of medical care to anyone. Michael would be here today if Murray took control of the situation and did what was the right thing to do. Money cannot replace a life. This man acted without responsibility and compassion for his patient. If he had taken the proper steps to get Michael the correct help he needed, Michael would be here today. I'm sure the jury knew the results from the start, much lie we all did. Bless Michael and the entire Jackson family.
Are the defence doing a televised statement anytime today? I've heard from a few sources they are but I wasn't sure if it was true or not.
I'm really pleased that the historical record shows that Michael Jackson was killed by his doctor and did not die of a self-administered drug overdose - i think it was important for his legacy and for his children.

Great to see murray in handcuffs and being led away, after being called a danger to the public by pastor. Congrats to Walgren and brazil, with speicial mention to shaffer and steinberg!

I can't say I feel happy or joyous.

What I feel is more relieve. Relieve that Murray finally pays for what he had done after he did everything to throw Michael under the bus to throw off his own guilt. I also feel relieve that Michael himself has been vindicated, even a little. Now no one can say he did it himself or he had it coming. The facts are out there for anyone to see and in time, like the trial of 2005, these facts will ease themselves into the public and become apart of Michael's history.

I also feel empty because nothing that is done to Murray will ever bring Michael back. But, I look forward to finally putting that man out of my mind.
Did anybody see LaToya saying to Jane Velez Mitchell “Jane, I love you” on her way out of court?

Oh no jury press conference...:( Okay well soon enough I'm sure they will speak?!

This verdict today was somewhat justice for MJ...there is still so much more, like what Sneedon did and those who accused MJ of wrongdoing. SMH
I know this wont bring our sweet MJ back...but I find some kind of solice in the fact that this man was judged and cuffed on national TV and taken down for what he did. I'm grateful because think of the alternative. He could have walked ( lord have mercy) on this I say God heard ALL of our prayers. WE DID IT!. I'm heading to work now only this time I'm heading to work a happy person in knowing what just happened. Michael has to know how much we love him so much.

IVe said it before and I will say it again. I'm honored and grateful for the likes of Thomas Mesereau and David Walgren beyond words. And Iam ultimately thankful to god.

.Justice for you, your children and fam and us.
May the angels keep you Mjj
Coley just made me crazy. He was talking too much while the true winners was staying behind the scene. Walgren and Brazil are soooo cute and shy. I will miss them
I am kind of speechless... very relieved. And sad. And happy... Finally, justice for Michael!
Love you, Michael!

Love you all!
Well said bonnie totally agree

so no jury p.c at all or just not today. i wanna hear their thoughts and what they did in the jury room
MJJ:G.O.A.T;3531504 said:
Did anybody see LaToya saying to Jane Velez Mitchell “Jane, I love you” on her way out of court?

That's such an epic GIF. :D
Coley just made me crazy. He was talking too much while the true winners was staying behind the scene. Walgren and Brazil are soooo cute and shy. I will miss them
I think they said they will talk more after sentencing
Now no one can say he did it himself or he had it coming.
You'd think that would be the case wouldn't you but there are already people posting on other forums saying that Murray wasn't guilty & that it was MJ's fault for paying any price to get the drug he wanted! It's unbelievealbe!
You'd think that would be the case wouldn't you but there are already people posting on other forums saying that Murray wasn't guilty & that it was MJ's fault for paying any price to get the drug he wanted! It's unbelievealbe!

those r stupid irrational haters, and they r mad mj was not blamed for his own death .
WTF SkyNews??? "clearly he was an addict and had the money to fuel his addiction" What trial were they following???
For the historical record that shows Michael Jackson did not cause his own death but was killed I am happy for that.. and for whatever closure it could give his family I find happiness.. Aside from that I find no happiness..

I cannot find it in me to find joy on watching Murray to be in cuffs, but at the same time don't find 4 years enough for what he has done.. It's a very contradicting feeling...

Michael is not coming back.. Nothing can change that now! But I am glad historically its been shown he did not die at his own cause. Thats the remaining feeling I hold on to