He was there....

Re: I NEED TO SHARE SOMETHING it might be comforting for you all to read, something happened last ni

Nothing interesting happening to me...:(
Re: I NEED TO SHARE SOMETHING it might be comforting for you all to read, something happened last ni

Thx for sharing, hang on to this experience it's very special and Michael was very close to you. Don't be scared. Even if it sounds fiction or funny or whatever people would call it, it is something special what has happened to you, cherish it.
Re: I NEED TO SHARE SOMETHING it might be comforting for you all to read, something happened last ni

Wow.. relly it can't be just coincidence that so many fans are having these experiences.
Thanks for sharing yours annabelle.
Re: I NEED TO SHARE SOMETHING it might be comforting for you all to read, something happened last ni

apart from the dream i had the night he passed away and i didnt know it, nothing like that happened to me. but i really believe in things like that. although its maybe just our mind whos playing around ^_^
Re: I NEED TO SHARE SOMETHING it might be comforting for you all to read, something happened last ni

Guys, I have to tell you sg.I think I am through the pain but something strange keeps happening.
I wake up at around 530- 540 am every morning..I wake up fully awake, not sleepy as I normally I am not being a morning person, but fully awake ..I check my emails and then about 30mins I go back to sleep again.hardly being able to cramp out of the bed at 7am...
never had an disturbance in sleep before, but since Friday I wake up every morning 530is am..
I checked my ipod today morning and my world clock (checking it for European time zones) showed LA time: 12:20....
Why the h++! am I waking up full awake at 520-535 am which is around 1220 am in LA???
It's so nice reading these stories.

& yeah on that other day whoever held my hand on those stairs, I'm still wowed by it, but I appreciated the gesture a lot. And everyone saying they feel a presence when we are in our darkest hours, I feel it too, we're not alone guys. :yes:
when I was laying down a few days ago I felt a blast of cold air and it was 80 degrees in my room, no fan or nothing. This was before I fainted I floated off somewhere and had sort of an epiphany. I woke up and thought alot about it. Im not sure what it all meant. I always want to believe that MJ is with us all, but its so strange to think of him this way now. I've never really thought much about death but now its really all I can think about. Im so scared. When I look at the sky, I keep thinking Michael are you there, please come back down we miss you :(
Re: I NEED TO SHARE SOMETHING it might be comforting for you all to read, something happened last ni

Guys, I have to tell you sg.I think I am through the pain but something strange keeps happening.
I wake up at around 530- 540 am every morning..I wake up fully awake, not sleepy as I normally I am not being a morning person, but fully awake ..I check my emails and then about 30mins I go back to sleep again.hardly being able to cramp out of the bed at 7am...
never had an disturbance in sleep before, but since Friday I wake up every morning 530is am..
I checked my ipod today morning and my world clock (checking it for European time zones) showed LA time: 12:20....
Why the h++! am I waking up full awake at 520-535 am which is around 1220 am in LA???
I'd check out that world clock because 5:30am in the UK is 8:30pm in L.A. Or do you mean that it showing the wrong time is like a sign of some sort? Certainly could be. I have a book about experiences of the dying and there's a chapter about clock phenomena. That clocks often stop at the time of death in loved ones houses. Personally never experienced this... or did I? My first boyfriend (so my 2nd love -- MJ is my first), whom I was with from 1989 through like 1993 died in the summer of 2007. But I didn't find out until months later. Thing is... at some point in the summer of 2007 (don't know exactly when) my nice new kitchen clock just quit. I could never get it to work again. Very strange.
I always feel someone behind me....IT's not a spooky feeling but like someones always here. When I'm crying and stuff... I know how yall feel.
He's forever here.
Does it feel more like on your right side, like right shoulder and along your right ear? Just curious, because that's where my mom and I usually feel spirits (and I mean that in the beautiful non-scary way :) ).

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Re: I NEED TO SHARE SOMETHING it might be comforting for you all to read, something happened last ni

My dad died at the exact same time that I was born...in the same month. The time of his death is the same as the time of my birth. Kind of freaky.
Re: I NEED TO SHARE SOMETHING it might be comforting for you all to read, something happened last ni

A few days after my cousin (20 years of age) passed away from her cancer, I had a similar experience like the one you described.. I was laying in bed and I could see a blue lightning infront of me, with eyes open and closed. I was mesmerized by the clear blue lightning.. I still til this day dont know what it was but it was so soothing. I believe its the energy from a spirit.
Re: I NEED TO SHARE SOMETHING it might be comforting for you all to read, something happened last ni

Today I was surprised there's still SO much sudden emotion and tears left after all I've expended the past few days. Strangely feeling quite alone, like all this was settling into the depression stage of grief, and then there was the news of the viewing and funeral and I just felt so uneasy. I prayed and prayed that Michael's wishes will be done, not our personal wishes or those of his father, etc. I wanted them to somehow know what he wanted... Neverland or in L.A. or in Gary, IN (as CNN suggested was a possibility earlier, ugh). I was overall just upset all day.

Then tonight I was sitting on the couch with my husband, feeling a bit emotionally better, watching television (not about MJ) when I suddenly got a huge warm sensation over my right shoulder along my head and ear. Definitely there. Unmistakable. It stayed with me, so warm and nice, for a few minutes. I just wanted to close my eyes and drift away with it. Then my husband went to the other room for a while (so I got to be alone) and I asked the energy, "Michael? Is that you?"

It got warmer and then I had strong impressions, sort of like pictures and thoughts in my mind of him. I could see him (looking mostly like HIStory times, interestingly), he smiled and smiled so much, so sweet and giggly, lol, our cute and shy Michael. He told me with an intensity, "Everything is ok" (which to me I took to mean all my prayers and worries about what will occur with a funeral, etc, all I'd been crying over today, the way the press had treated him, the trial, all that ... "everything is ok"). And he also gave me "thank you". I thanked him and told him that I will always be open for him, anytime he wants or needs, he can come to me. I expressed so much love for him again and it flowed between us, and you know... it's impossible to cry at a moment you'd think tears would fall. Just impossible. Because it was like being held in warmth, he was there, he was smiling, and I felt so calmed and happy. Everything will be ok. At one point he kind of put his finger over his lips, like he has for at least two others who have posted, like when others heard "shhhhh". Is that, "Shhhh, don't cry now"? I hesitated to ask if he could say something to me, but did, lol. I wanted to physically actually hear his voice. I had the impression of giggling a bit, but I never heard again. And then his energy slowly went away from me and then the warmth was simply not there anymore. It was there and then it wasn't, so I can't go with the idea that it's all my imagination. And I am now really eased. I am no longer upset. He's so beautiful and amazing and sweet. He's ok and he loves us. He knows we love him.

Either that or I'm going crazy. After all, it was all technically "in my mind" except for the very real physical sensation of the warmth that was around me and in me. Ah, I love him. Thank you, Michael. Thank you sooooo much.
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Re: I NEED TO SHARE SOMETHING it might be comforting for you all to read, something happened last ni

My dad died at the exact same time that I was born...in the same month. The time of his death is the same as the time of my birth. Kind of freaky.
That IS freaky.
Re: I NEED TO SHARE SOMETHING it might be comforting for you all to read, something happened last ni

Wow - Everyone I understand how fond of Michael Jackson we all are - otherwise we wouldn't be on this site but ... c'mon! A lot of people write about him as if he is Jesus Christ or some God, he was a person who lived and died and made some pretty good music while he was here - that's about it.

Get a grip everyone - you're making yourselves look crazy....
Re: I NEED TO SHARE SOMETHING it might be comforting for you all to read, something happened last ni

While i enjoyed reading these stories i have to tell you that i believe people are hallucinating :yes:

I wonder if Michael's family or close friends have experienced any of these .... i mean, you would think he would try to contact them before anybody else.
Re: I NEED TO SHARE SOMETHING it might be comforting for you all to read, something happened last ni

YOU WERE DREAMING, something similar happened to me as well while I was trying to sleep.

It takes me every night around 3-4 hours before falling asleep.
One night I couldnt fall asleep and I felt like something pass through my whole body, I couldnt open my mouth.

First of all, I must say i miss my MJ, he was my baby, and yall' s too. And i have had the light thing happen, when i close my eyes, for the past 4 days, around about 11:30 pm. i did not know others had this issue. & idk what to say about it
i was siting at my computer crying over the fact i may not be able to say good bye to michael on fri. listening to him and watching his videos is so painful yet i feel i need to see him. while sitting and cryin a small white fly/moth or butterfly landed on my shoulder i stoped as i notice this beutiful creature lay upon my shoulder it looked like a small angel or fairy and the first thing i thought of was michael. he is now siting with me now as i write and wen i started to cry again he came back to my shoulder.
Re: I NEED TO SHARE SOMETHING it might be comforting for you all to read, something happened last ni

Wow - Everyone I understand how fond of Michael Jackson we all are - otherwise we wouldn't be on this site but ... c'mon! A lot of people write about him as if he is Jesus Christ or some God, he was a person who lived and died and made some pretty good music while he was here - that's about it.

Get a grip everyone - you're making yourselves look crazy....

People have had experinces like this and not just with Michael. If you don't believe in it fine. It doesn't mean everyone is crazy.
Re: I NEED TO SHARE SOMETHING it might be comforting for you all to read, something happened last ni

My dad, who is not the least bit religious, had a similar experience when his favourite aunt died. I believe this stuff is possible, and you were among the lucky few to experience it. :)
Re: I NEED TO SHARE SOMETHING it might be comforting for you all to read, something happened last ni

I swear to you on Michael's memory living on forever that I NOT lying or exagerrating any of this. May God please strike me dead if I am, you can say it too and I wouldn't mind. I wish there was somehow a way to make everyone understand completely what happened, i wish you all could have experienced it.
Annabelle, that's how I've felt about my experiences too. If only I could share it with others so they could feel it as well.

I remembered just now a great quote from the movie Contact. She was explaining that she couldn't believe in spiritual things like God because there just isn't any hard data. Just no proof. Only science can she prove, so that's what she can believe in. How do you know you're not deluding yourself?

So Jess replied, "Did you love you father?"


"Prove it."
Michael whispered to me yesterday, I swear! I was making a bologna sandwich and listening to "Rock Your Body" by JT. So anyway I turn the TV to Degrassi. Than all of a sudden Aubrey Graham (the artist "Drake" aka Jimmy Brooks) turned into Michael! I swear!!! It reminded me a bit of Bad-era michael, minus the mean Jheri curl....it was more of a Perm-ish style.

It was probably my imagination but listen to this, when I squinted my eyes a faint voice came from in back of me "I'm gonna eat that hairy leg!" but it was actually Family Guy going on in my room (ironic, I know). Anyway, after being startled by that I walk back into the Kitchen 2 finish preparing my meal. "Success is coming to you....God bless" was whispered in my left ear. I knew it was Michael because I seen his reflection in the Mirror. Even though it looked more like Lou Dobbs than Michael, but I knew what Michael's face looked like so yeah..

Anyway yeah...your not alone nigga.
Re: I NEED TO SHARE SOMETHING it might be comforting for you all to read, something happened last ni

I was starting to relax and I was about to sleep when I suddenly felt something. It made my heart jump a little because I was alone and didn't expect it and couldn't really place the touch at first because, as I said..I was about to fall asleep. I laid completely still in my bed trying to figure out if I had dreamed it or did I really feel something...when I felt it again. It was like someone was holding both of my hands with our fingers interlocked. I didn't dare to move because I was first a bit scared because it took me a while to understand it. Then it felt like they tightened their grip to really hold my hand. And then the thought "Michael?" just came into my mind. So after that I didn't dare to move, because I did not wanna let go. So I just laid like that and I felt comforted so I fell asleep. Who knows what that was, but it really felt like someone was holding my both hands.


And even while I'm telling you about those things...at the same time I have felt kind of sad the whole time that I can't "feel" Michael around. I've been waiting for some kind of sign...something, anything...so that I'd know he's around, that he's okay....and I can't find or feel anything and it is making me so sad. :cry:
Summer, I think the hand-holding experience was a wonderful sign. I would love to have that. I have had a couple of things happen myself, but I usually just feel energy. You were held. That's so sweet.

It's in our cultural make-up to always tend toward disbelief when we experience something like this. We think we must've imagined it or that it would have to be something sooooo strong, sooooo much like our normal experiences in conscious wakefulness to be valid, but psychic/spiritual connections are often so much more subtle than that. :angel:
I knew it was Michael because I seen his reflection in the Mirror. Even though it looked more like Lou Dobbs than Michael
LOL :rofl: I love that sentence. Even though he looked more like Lou Dobbs. Stranger things have happened in the world. Thanks for sharing :)
i was siting at my computer crying over the fact i may not be able to say good bye to michael on fri. listening to him and watching his videos is so painful yet i feel i need to see him. while sitting and cryin a small white fly/moth or butterfly landed on my shoulder i stoped as i notice this beutiful creature lay upon my shoulder it looked like a small angel or fairy and the first thing i thought of was michael. he is now siting with me now as i write and wen i started to cry again he came back to my shoulder.

Aaaaaaaaah ... I saw that exact same moth!:eek: I can't believe this! (I was sitting in front of my computer too, btw.) I don't like bugs and I thought maybe I should try to swat it, but the story about the bug earlier made me think twice. I laughingly thought to myself, what if it's MJ, lol! I can't believe this! This is the exact same moth! I was so intrigued by it. It was so different. I've also experienced the sensation of warmth around me as others have on here too - as a matter of fact, that was my very first experience! I also sometimes think I hear his voice.
i was siting at my computer crying over the fact i may not be able to say good bye to michael on fri. listening to him and watching his videos is so painful yet i feel i need to see him. while sitting and cryin a small white fly/moth or butterfly landed on my shoulder i stoped as i notice this beutiful creature lay upon my shoulder it looked like a small angel or fairy and the first thing i thought of was michael. he is now siting with me now as i write and wen i started to cry again he came back to my shoulder.

Wow... It's beautiful.
I've never seen it before.

I know some of you may think we're trying to get attention, or we were just dreaming.
Once and for all: I was not dreaming.
My eyes were wide open, and I felt more awake than I ever have at that single moment.

This has really never happened to me before, and it terrified me just as well as comforted me.
last night, when i went out, i saw a huge and bright moon hanged in the Sky, no Cloud, it looks soooooo Wonderful so Peaceful, i've never seen such an awesome Scene before, and i reflected instandly that's Michael!!!!!!!!!! he must be sitting on the moon and look down us, i started to pray and i hope the "I Love you" message would be sent to him now....
Aaaaaaaaah ... I saw that exact same moth!:eek: I can't believe this! (I was sitting in front of my computer too, btw.) I don't like bugs and I thought maybe I should try to swat it, but the story about the bug earlier made me think twice. I laughingly thought to myself, what if it's MJ, lol! I can't believe this! This is the exact same moth! I was so intrigued by it. It was so different. I've also experienced the sensation of warmth around me as others have on here too - as a matter of fact, that was my very first experience! I also sometimes think I hear his voice.

it was amazing! wow it really gives me hope words cannot describe how i feel. god bless you all x
wow what is that? A moth? I've never seen something like that before!
I've felt Michaels presence too. I was talking to him last night when I went to sleep, and I swear I could feel him in the room. I couldn't see him, or hear him. But I know he was there. And I suddenly became more calm.
Thanks for sharing your experiences, it has helped me understand something that I would never had shared if others hadn't. It was last night after work I walked to the train station feeling desperately low, seeing the headlines on the papers all over London. I got to London Blackfriars and I walked to the end of the platform I stared out across the open water of the River Thames and wished I could fall into it, honestly couldn't see a future anymore. I know this is mostly coincidental but I felt a breeze swirl around me and lift my hair from the tears on my face and a calm sensation ran through my body. The tears stopped and I got home safely and felt peaceful inside. Later that evening I looked out from my window across the sky at the light shining through the clouds and asked outloud "was that you Michael?" (referring to earlier) and although I couldn't hear anything something inside me said yes with no hesitation. I also heard in my head to look to the future and to feel no more sadness. Perhaps Michael was looking out for me........