Paris Jackson on Ellen Show December 15 Thursday

Well that interview shows a few things:

1) What an amazing young girl she is. Very confident, well-spoken, polite, unspoiled etc.

2) How close PPB are. You can see Prince whispering to Blanket, almost as if re-assuring him. Bless Blanket. He's so shy!

3) How much she values her dad. She claims 99% of her brain is MJ music.

4) She wants to babysit and loves children. Not only does that come from Michael, it shows that she is actually very down to earth!

Now for the negatives:

1) She seems to have no real idea about Lundon's bridge and the fact that there is no backing etc. it seems she wants this project cos it relates to pollution and money will be given to schools. Yet none of these things look likely to happen.

2) I can't help thinking she wants attention. I have a theory about this. She was the only girl in that family of Prince. Blanket and Michael. Michael probably unconsciously treated her slightly differently, as is natural. She was probably her Daddy's princess and grew up with that attention, which was probably heightened by the lack of a mother. There is something special about a girl and her father. Girls learn that they are loved by a man, who is really the only man they can depend on. They feel reassured of their place as women to be, by the love and PROTECTION they feel with their fathers that cannot be provided by a mother. Mothers show comfort and warmth. A dad makes you feel protected and special. (I know this from having never known my own father).

Therefore, once MJ died, it all disappeared and maybe she feels that loss of the special attention more than her brothers?

I know this is all speculation, but this is just what I think, based on what I know about parents and children (and that's a lot!)

I can actually add to that second point. Her guardian, Katherine, has a preference for boys. Michael and Janet have both said so. In the Moonwalk tapes Michael said that Katherine wished she had all boys, and would even say so to her daughters.

So it's possible Katherine favors Prince and Blanket over Paris, and this might further add to her need for attention, love and acceptance. Just a thought, since Paris clearly craves attention.
Guys, I spoke to a friend of mine who told me many fans have attacked Paris over the "stupid" comment.

This is really unacceptable. We cannot attack a 13 year old child, and claim to love MJ. UNACCEPTABLE.

The adults are responsible for everything happening.

I hope those who did attack her, apologize ..we have to foster a healthy relationship with the children (later on). We don't want them to be wary of the fanatics ... They are MJ's true legacy and future head of his estate. MJ had such an amazing relationship with his fans, it would be very sad if it didn't continue with his children.

And I think it is time grown ass adults stop tweeting / stalking the girl. It is creepy....

PS. If Taj comes after these idiots...I will wholeheartedly support him. These fools should be ashamed of themselves.
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Agree although it is important paris knows what has happened. rather than having the family telling her it was wonderful and not having a clue about what the press have done. but of course the abuse she is getting from these idiots is inexcusable
I hope those who did attack her, apologize ..we have to foster a healthy relationship with the children (later on). We don't want them to be wary of the fanatics ... They are MJ's true legacy and future head of his estate. MJ had such an amazing relationship with his fans, it would be very sad if it didn't continue with his children.

And I think it is time grown ass adults stop tweeting / stalking the girl. It is creepy....

Anyone blaming a 13 yo teenager for media headlines, and publicly attacking her, is a disgrace to the fan community. And an idiot. Those people make no sense anyway. You cant pretend to be a "true loyal fan" of anyone's and then publically insult their kids.

Thank you for the red part. Couldnt agree more. It's unhealthy, and everything but normal.
This whole mask issue is a walk in the park compared to all the other subjects that the children will be asked about sooner or later in what seems to be a continuous round of media exposure. Personally, i think a solo spot interview on a chatshow is too much for a13 yr old, but i'm not 'hollywood' - i guess it's a completely different culture out there and it's not one i'm keen on or can relate to. I just feel apprehensive.

Interesting that paris never mentioned her grandmother in the interview. she mentioned her siblings, cousins and of course her father, but not her guardian.
Paris made my cold, dreary day Warmand Sunny.

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Stunning young girl!

THIS SMILE can't lie :lol: she really has the Michael's smile, that's cute.

But I don't need interview now or in 10 years to tell me that Mike was a good father and a good person, I already know that since long time. And sorry to say that, but really at 13 there are more important things to do that to do interviews for nothing. Mike's kid or not.

Well that interview shows a few things:

1) What an amazing young girl she is. Very confident, well-spoken, polite, unspoiled etc.

2) How close PPB are. You can see Prince whispering to Blanket, almost as if re-assuring him. Bless Blanket. He's so shy!

3) How much she values her dad. She claims 99% of her brain is MJ music.

4) She wants to babysit and loves children. Not only does that come from Michael, it shows that she is actually very down to earth!

Now for the negatives:

1) She seems to have no real idea about Lundon's bridge and the fact that there is no backing etc. it seems she wants this project cos it relates to pollution and money will be given to schools. Yet none of these things look likely to happen.

2) I can't help thinking she wants attention. I have a theory about this. She was the only girl in that family of Prince. Blanket and Michael. Michael probably unconsciously treated her slightly differently, as is natural. She was probably her Daddy's princess and grew up with that attention, which was probably heightened by the lack of a mother. There is something special about a girl and her father. Girls learn that they are loved by a man, who is really the only man they can depend on. They feel reassured of their place as women to be, by the love and PROTECTION they feel with their fathers that cannot be provided by a mother. Mothers show comfort and warmth. A dad makes you feel protected and special. (I know this from having never known my own father).

Therefore, once MJ died, it all disappeared and maybe she feels that loss of the special attention more than her brothers?

I know this is all speculation, but this is just what I think, based on what I know about parents and children (and that's a lot!)

I think it's not quite fair to make it out to be a 'craving' thing i the sense that makes it sound as if it was somehow heightened and not normal to have that kind of relationship to your father. I am quite certain that Blanket and Prince also have had their own daddy and son rituals- but that they are simply not that vocal about it. I do remember Prince talking about beach walks, candy bars and sodas etc. Trying to establish that from a distance is tricky. They also were children to Michael, his children- from all photographs I have ever seen all his children were clothed as little princes and princesses- just how all children should be treated by their parents. And I do recall hearing from Blanket that in his view it was Prince who 'got away with everything'. I think it incredibly difficult as an outsider to come up with anything, perhaps we shouldn't.

To feel love and protected should be the norm- not something rare, so I have serious issues with stereotyping male and female parents in this way.
I had a very close relationship to my dad similar to the way Paris describes it- and it was not for lack or absence of my mother. The fact that I have had this relationship to my dad in no way means that I view males as the savior and protector only. It is quite alright for both gender to 'depend' on one another- that's not wrong. Don't know why people get so hung up on genders.

It probably helped to feel this way since my father was a very outspoken feminist- so this whole reassuring 'women of their place as women to be" sounds a little funny. And by all accounts it sounds as if Michael didn't just see his little girl as tea party dress up doll- especially after hearing the accounts of Paris that they went to museums, art galleries etc.

For every time that people accused Michael of having 'issues dealing with females' etc etc- Michael's daughter is obviously not the shy and retiring wallflower type and apparently by all accounts Michael didn't seem to raise a daughter to sit quietly in the corner and hope that her time in life will come. She obviously has no qualms about wanting to do things in life. I hated when people came to these strange conclusions about Michael- so I'd rather cut off my hand then turn around and do the same thing to his daughter.

I simply want to be cautious about judging an adolescent on these types of gender roles. People are simply different personalities- and when you spend time with actresses and other artists of both genders- especially actors- it's a personality thing. Any artist that can command an audience has the ability to draw attention in this way- and they do that at an early age. If you spend some time with young actors you'll see that a lot of artist can have that aura about themselves. Heck, her dad was one of the most charismatic artists this planet has ever seen- I am not sure why people are so surprised that one out of his three children might be the opposite of shy and retiring?

Yes, they 'crave attention' because those that have a draw to acting seem to express themselves that way.
I'm just very very cautious and wary when people start stereotyping a young adolescent on the "growing up with MJ". People of both genders have different personalities, different types- and I do find it slightly sad that in the year 2011 a female gets put into the 'craves attention' drawer.

When Prince spoke in Berlin nobody was theorizing about the lack/absence of a mother- everyone was just plain impressed. A female on the other hand gets analyzed as Daddy's girl for just being herself- and that is close to gender stereotyping. I normally wouldn't write this- but since her being herself got labeled in the 'negative' category- and that is neither fair, nor rational. Especially from a distance.
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I think it's not quite fair to make it out to be a 'craving' thing i the sense that makes it sound as if it was somehow heightened and not normal to have that kind of relationship to your father. I am quite certain that Blanket and Prince also have had their own daddy and son rituals- but that they are simply not that vocal about it. I do remember Prince talking about beach walks, candy bars and sodas etc. Trying to establish that from a distance is tricky. They also were children to Michael, his children- from all photographs I have ever seen all his children were clothed as little princes and princesses- just how all children should be treated by their parents. And I do recall hearing from Blanket that in his view it was Prince who 'got away with everything'. I think it incredibly difficult as an outsider to come up with anything, perhaps we shouldn't.

To feel love and protected should be the norm- not something rare, so I have serious issues with stereotyping male and female parents in this way.
I had a very close relationship to my dad similar to the way Paris describes it- and it was not for lack or absence of my mother. The fact that I have had this relationship to my dad in no way means that I view males as the savior and protector only. It is quite alright for both gender to 'depend' on one another- that's not wrong. Don't know why people get so hung up on genders.

It probably helped to feel this way since my father was a very outspoken feminist- so this whole reassuring 'women of their place as women to be" sounds a little funny. And by all accounts it sounds as if Michael didn't just see his little girl as tea party dress up doll- especially after hearing the accounts of Paris that they went to museums, art galleries etc.

For every time that people accused Michael of having 'issues dealing with females' etc etc- Michael's daughter is obviously not the shy and retiring wallflower type and apparently by all accounts Michael didn't seem to raise a daughter to sit quietly in the corner and hope that her time in life will come. She obviously has no qualms about wanting to do things in life. I hated when people came to these strange conclusions about Michael- so I'd rather cut off my hand then turn around and do the same thing to his daughter.

I simply want to be cautious about judging an adolescent on these types of gender roles. People are simply different personalities- and when you spend time with actresses and other artists of both genders- especially actors- it's a personality thing.

Yes, they 'crave attention' because those that have a draw to acting seem to express themselves that way.
I'm just very very cautious and wary when people start stereotyping a young adolescent on the "growing up with MJ". People of both genders have different personalities, different types- and I do find it slightly sad that in the year 2011 a female gets put into the 'craves attention' drawer.

When Prince spoke in Berlin nobody was theorizing about the lack/absence of a mother- everyone was just plain impressed. A female on the other hand gets analyzed as Daddy's girl for just being herself- and that is close to gender stereotyping.
I like your perspective on this.:yes: Very well put into words and different from what's being said by the majority. I feel like were observing these kids like lab rats to the detail (picking apart their strengths and weaknesses) and comparing them to the little Michael Jackson we knew with everything they do, I think that will be the biggest hurdle they'll face for a long time to come.
I think all 3 represent little facets of Michael Jackson in their own way which is why it may be incomplete at times to us the public and fans however when you take the time to slow down and look at them whenever they are together you're reminded that you are being given another chance to look at the whole picture of what is Michael Jackson forever. They will be their own no doubt about that however Michael's influence will forever build them and guide them, just as Paris herself summed it up in words and action. I pray that while they go through this dark world and its phases, successes and failures, trials and tribulations, Michael's essence will never part from them.

At the end of the day they are simply kids. Anyone mature enough would not expect perfection from a 13 year old.
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Memefan;3560373 said:
Guys, I spoke to a friend of mine who told me many fans have attacked Paris over the "stupid" comment.

This is really unacceptable. We cannot attack a 13 year old child, and claim to love MJ. UNACCEPTABLE.

The adults are responsible for everything happening.

I hope those who did attack her, apologize ..we have to foster a healthy relationship with the children (later on). We don't want them to be wary of the fanatics ... They are MJ's true legacy and future head of his estate. MJ had such an amazing relationship with his fans, it would be very sad if it didn't continue with his children.

And I think it is time grown ass adults stop tweeting / stalking the girl. It is creepy....

PS. If Taj comes after these idiots...I will wholeheartedly support him. These fools should be ashamed of themselves.

I wholeheartedly agree with everything in this post! To attack or stalk a 13-year old child is totally unacceptable. And any MJ fan should know that Michael´s children meant the world to him. To disrespect and make rude comments to his children is not only mean and shameful, but a total disgrace to the fan community. And besides that, it is definitely NOT Paris duty to please every MJ fan. It is so low to sit behind a computer screen and judge a 13-year old girl. I think Paris did a wonderful job. She seems like a lovely girl and I hope the media and the general public would realize that this is because Michael did a wonderful job as a father.
... And besides that, it is definitely NOT Paris duty to please every MJ fan. It is so low to sit behind a computer screen and judge a 13-year old girl. I think Paris did a wonderful job. She seems like a lovely girl and I hope the media and the general public would realize that this is because Michael did a wonderful job as a father....

Quoted for truth. Thank you.

As much as parents can influence us- we are all also our own people. Was Michael the result of his dad's parenting- or was he this way despite- not because of?
And besides that, it is definitely NOT Paris duty to please every MJ fan. It is so low to sit behind a computer screen and judge a 13-year old girl. I think Paris did a wonderful job. She seems like a lovely girl and I hope the media and the general public would realize that this is because Michael did a wonderful job as a father.

Besides, they dont owe us anything, the fact that Michael was their dad doesnt mean they must follow some kind of guideline. They are free individuals, and separate from their father. We had some kind of special "relation" with their dad, not with them. The only thing we should care about is their happiness, wherever that may be. Paris is Paris first and foremost, before being Michael's daughter. Being, or trying to be involved in their life is denying them the freedom to be just themselves, and putting them in a little box stamped Michael's kids, forcing them to have connection with us.
Of course it's only natural that we care, worry, or rejoice (one day who knows..), and we can share our opinions and feelings in the relative privacy of that board, but we should watch discretely from afar. They are not substitute to Michael. Michael is gone, and that "special relation" is too.
It's disgusting to see fans attacking a child, Paris with her mere 13 years is a kid, albeit an older one, but still a child, and a very young teen. Wouldn't be surprised to see that the same fans were attacking her who thought she's old enough to make her own decisions.
gerryevans;3559828 said:
It’s not a matter of not wanting her to be herself, but rather not wanting her to have go through the crap her father did, and being unguarded with the press leads to lots of crap. Yeah, teens do learn the hard way. But they shouldn’t have to learn them publicly on the scale Paris is being forced to learn because of who she is. And at only 13 years of age. Her little innocent comments have now gone international, have been taken out of context, distorted, and connoted negatively. And I do believe negatives about her dad do hurt her too. They hurt MJ. As much as he said he had rhinoceros skin, he was devastated by some of the junk spewed about him.

It’s possible the consequences of stuff like this will actually keep Paris from completely being herself and cause her to be more inhibited. Like it inhibited her father. Perhaps that’s why she should have the freedom of not worrying about this kind of stuff now and repercussions of interviews until she is older, where she has greater maturity and understanding of how sensationalistic the media can be, and her skin has a chance to become more rhinoceros.
That's all fair enough, and if Michael had not died the kids probably would never have given any interviews until they were much older... But he did die. And the interviews were gonna happen no matter what. And she was gonna have to deal with media backlash at some point, no mater what... What bothers me about many of the posts in this thread is the intense negativity -- some people make it sound like they are the only ones who know what's right for the kids and everyone else -- EVERYONE ELSE -- is the enemy. "Ellen is just like all the others / she's just in it for the money / she's using Paris"... Seriously? And this was before people had even seen the full interview! I miss MJ every day, but I choose to keep a positive outlook on life and try to approach any news related to him or his kids with a positive attitude, but some people here are just negative about every single thing. Like nothing can be done right now that MJ is no longer here. And to me that completely goes against everything he stands for, and that is a lot of what fueled my post. I wish people could see the positive side of this situation -- like how the average viewer will have no choice but to be amazed at this 13 year old girl's composure and intelligence.
That's all fair enough, and if Michael had not died the kids probably would never have given any interviews until they were much older... But he did die. ...What bothers me about many of the posts in this thread is the intense negativity -- some people make it sound like they are the only ones who know what's right for the kids and everyone else -- EVERYONE ELSE -- is the enemy. "Ellen is just like all the others / she's just in it for the money / she's using Paris"... Seriously? And this was before people had even seen the full interview! I miss MJ every day, but I choose to keep a positive outlook on life and try to approach any news related to him or his kids with a positive attitude, but some people here are just negative about every single thing. Like nothing can be done right now that MJ is no longer here. And to me that completely goes against everything he stands for, and that is a lot of what fueled my post. I wish people could see the positive side of this situation -- like how the average viewer will have no choice but to be amazed at this 13 year old girl's composure and intelligence.

The enemy mentality is mind boggling. I also don't recall Michael pointing to himself and saying, listen I am the only worthy parent on this planet. LOOK AT ME. He simply wanted for all children to be loved, all of them. That's all he said and wanted. I also don't remember anyone ripping the little TII Earth Song girl apart as "how can their parents allow that??? Don't they know that the media rips everything apart when it comes to MJ? How careless of those parents, early exposure is just the most horrific thing. The media hates on MJ, how would anyone put a child in there."

I actually appreciated Ellen for her approach. It's not easy to interview an teenager who gives one sentence answers. (she is a teenager, albeit an incredibly pulled together one). What Ellen asked and said was appropriate for a teenager, she was relating and Paris didn't look half as uncomfortable as with someone else who interviewed her... Big, big difference.
They talked about siblings, school, stuff that's her world.

Ellen also did the right respectful thing by not skirting the issue of Michael's passing and didn't make it sound fake. As in "well, you father passed away"- dead silence type deal. She simply said "we all feel the loss"- and basically expressed her sympathy and condolences once more.

That was frankly one of the more genuine expressions on TV that I have heard over Michael's passing. Simple. The gifts were a sweet gesture in support of a young woman's dream. I'm sure that chair will be a treasured possession, to look back at.
I watched the interview and she is a testament to her father. I still think she should wait until she has finished her education but her father brought up some amazing children.
What a lovely young lady. She is a credit to her father. What confidence and beauty and poise in one so young.
Great interview. Thanks for posting.
A comment from the Daily Mail article:
To be honest, I am not a huge Michael Jackson fan (only liked a handful of songs) but he has obviously done a good job raising his children. Any child that comes across as so 'normal' despite all the media attention has obviously had good parenting. (Cruises take note!) I hope their extended family continues to allow these children to blossom and not take advantage of them as it seems they may have done with their father.
- busy as ever, worcestershire, 16/12/2011 07:21
Is it just me or did Paris remind anyone else of Debbie when she said, "I'm like, this is stupid. Why am I wearing a mask?". Especially the "this is stupid" part. Not just the words but the way in which she spoke them. I know Debbie did not raise her but maybe somehow she inherited something from Debbie. Just a thought, it could all be my imagination.
I cannot believe that heifer is reporting on MJ's daughter. Unreal.

GMA had ANOTHER report this morning on the interview.
Maybe it was my imagination too but some of her mannerisms are like Michael. The way she covered her mouth all shy and some other small things.

The kids know how good of father Michael was. I am hopeful that they will alway let people know that. Hopefully people will see more and more that Michael was a good father to his children. The masks are not important and Michael was not going to have them wear them forever anyways. I think all 3 of them want to be just like their father. He was the world to them and their inspiration.
That's all fair enough, and if Michael had not died the kids probably would never have given any interviews until they were much older... But he did die. And the interviews were gonna happen no matter what. And she was gonna have to deal with media backlash at some point, no mater what... What bothers me about many of the posts in this thread is the intense negativity -- some people make it sound like they are the only ones who know what's right for the kids and everyone else -- EVERYONE ELSE -- is the enemy. "Ellen is just like all the others / she's just in it for the money / she's using Paris"... Seriously? And this was before people had even seen the full interview! I miss MJ every day, but I choose to keep a positive outlook on life and try to approach any news related to him or his kids with a positive attitude, but some people here are just negative about every single thing. Like nothing can be done right now that MJ is no longer here. And to me that completely goes against everything he stands for, and that is a lot of what fueled my post. I wish people could see the positive side of this situation -- like how the average viewer will have no choice but to be amazed at this 13 year old girl's composure and intelligence.

You said what's in my mind. Recently, this board has become very depressing. To me, this Ellen interview is one of the best things that happened in quite a while. I saw GMA this morning while getting ready to work. The tone is positive - how nice to see a fair reporting on Michael on ABC. George Stephanolopolous (sp. I can't spell his last name) ended the segment by saying "What an impressive young girl." Paris is truly impressive.

I really don't know how and why people want to pick this apart and try to fault anyone with the last name "Jackson" except Michael on everything they don't like. Michael is gone. We need to deal with it. Nothing will be the same. I think we need to let go of the bitterness. It really is very depressing to only see the bad's and igore the good's.

The enemy mentality is mind boggling. I also don't recall Michael pointing to himself and saying, listen I am the only worthy parent on this planet. LOOK AT ME. He simply wanted for all children to be loved, all of them. That's all he said and wanted. I also don't remember anyone ripping the little TII Earth Song girl apart as "how can their parents allow that??? Don't they know that the media rips everything apart when it comes to MJ? How careless of those parents, early exposure is just the most horrific thing. The media hates on MJ, how would anyone put a child in there."

I actually appreciated Ellen for her approach. It's not easy to interview an teenager who gives one sentence answers. (she is a teenager, albeit an incredibly pulled together one). What Ellen asked and said was appropriate for a teenager, she was relating and Paris didn't look half as uncomfortable as with someone else who interviewed her... Big, big difference.
They talked about siblings, school, stuff that's her world.

Ellen also did the right respectful thing by not skirting the issue of Michael's passing and didn't make it sound fake. As in "well, you father passed away"- dead silence type deal. She simply said "we all feel the loss"- and basically expressed her sympathy and condolences once more.

That was frankly one of the more genuine expressions on TV that I have heard over Michael's passing. Simple. The gifts were a sweet gesture in support of a young woman's dream. I'm sure that chair will be a treasured possession, to look back at.

Pace, I wanted to say it a long time. Your kid is blessed to have you as a mother. You get what Michael's all about. Your words are always full of wisdom.
Is it just me or did Paris remind anyone else of Debbie when she said, "I'm like, this is stupid. Why am I wearing a mask?". Especially the "this is stupid" part. Not just the words but the way in which she spoke them. I know Debbie did not raise her but maybe somehow she inherited something from Debbie. Just a thought, it could all be my imagination.

suzynyc... Yesterday on MSNBC a reporter who has a close relationsship with Debbie was giving Debbie all the credit. He stated Paris has Debbie's intelligence, beauty and balls. Love Debbie and always defend her. Believe this is coming from someone in Debbie's camp, not Debbie.
Yeah everyone gets the credit but mike. wasnt chuck henry was it?
Recently, this board has become very depressing. To me, this Ellen interview is one of the best things that happened in quite a while. I saw GMA this morning while getting ready to work. The tone is positive - how nice to see a fair reporting on Michael on ABC. George Stephanolopolous (sp. I can't spell his last name) ended the segment by saying "What an impressive young girl." Paris is truly impressive.

I really don't know how and why people want to pick this apart and try to fault anyone with the last name "Jackson" except Michael on everything they don't like. Michael is gone. We need to deal with it. Nothing will be the same. I think we need to let go of the bitterness. It really is very depressing to only see the bad's and igore the good's.

Thank you. Very well said. :)
Unfortunatly nothing seens to be done with a pure motive. just cause mj is gone you shouldnt except exploitation.