Do you celebrate him or mourn him?

I'd like to celebrate him. I was on top of a mountain when I heard the news from my mother on the radio. If i can make it to the top of that mountain tomorrow i'll go (it's still 24th for me). If not, i'd like to be by the ocean. While i am sad and I do miss him, I'm gonna make it a happy day.
I mourn him...I'm not his family, but if he WAS just a musician whose music is all I dig, then I would be able to celebrate him. He was a lot more than a great artist...I miss his presense.

Whenever I hear "celebrate him", it feels weird. It's probably a cultural thing. We don't mention "celebration" regarding a person's death, be it a family member's or a celebrity's.
to be honset i have sat and watched a few music channels today and actually smuiled and sung along to the songs with the volume on full balst. Then on the other hand iv sat and shed a tear, i didnt think i would shed a tear, but it just shows that it stil hurts when i see certian songs being played like dont stop till you get enough or ill be there ect. I havent offically cried yet, but the day isnt out. I am trying to celebrate him in a happiest way that i can but I know that later on tonight when i have the radio on last year will come flooding back and well the tears will star to fall.
I am mourning him right now. I haven't even been able to watch any of the TV specials they are having about MJ. I watched the one on The Animal Planet last night and got very emotional when they showed clips of MJ speaking to Barbra Walters. It's hard for me to look at pictures and video's of him now. I'm listening to MJ's music right now though, but it's still difficult. I miss him and am very sad that he's gone. I can't believe it still and I never will be able to fully accept it.
Both..........but I mourn him more then I celebrate him.....

It'll never be the same without Michael!!!!!!!
Celebrating- I'm doing my own MJ Marathon with movies, short films and documentaries.

Here are my list: (Not in order)

-The One
-HIStory Short Films
-Dangerous Short Films
-Dangerous Tour Bucharest 92'
-Bad Tour Japan (Yokohama) 87'
-Michael Jackson Trial
-Michael Jackson Number Ones
-We Are The World
-The Wiz
-This Is It
Everytime I play a song or watch a video, I celebrate.

Everytime I see my son trying to Moonwalk or dance like him, I celebrate.

Everytime I remember what he gave me, I celebrate.

When I think what could have been, I mourn.

But on the whole, he gave me too much joy not to celebrate his life.

The fact that he was only here for 50 years is immaterial, it's what he did in those 50 years and he changed my life and the world.

Mourn more than celebrate, because it's him the person who means more to me than what he gave us - music, video, performance etc. - I'd trade all that to have him back on the earth with his children.

I can't celebrate him today, for sure. Perhaps on his birthday I will - that day is something to celebrate, not today..that's how I feel anyway.
Mourn... I cant believe its been a year already. I still dont believe it, and Im not talking "the hoax" nonsense, I just dont find a world without MJ believable.

Honestly, in future years I hope there wont be made a lot of "hopla" about this date. We should just celebrate him and his legacy on his birthday.
I mourn, even though, at the same time I celebrate his life and the great human being and artist that he was. I am very grateful I was able to be on this earth at the same time as MJ and was able to see him as many times as I did and see him live and be where he was. The memories will be forever treasured in my heart.

I just can't "celebrate" with cheers and smiles and dancing and all that. I still feel pretty much the same as I did a year ago. Just sad. Incrediably, INCREDIABLY sad. :cry: Hollow. And even though there are days when I can listen to MJ's songs (not all songs though) and can dance to his music and watch TII and all that...I know that I'm only able to do that because I am ignoring the fact that he's gone and pretending he's alive and well. On some days it is so easy to just pretend we're just having an "MJ drought" like before between albums when we didn't see him much and just pretend MJ is somewhere in California doing his thing and just having a good time with his kids. Anyways, I can pretend all that and feel alright, but if I were around other people who would be cheering and partying and playing MJ's music it would make it all too real and I'd just feel so sad that MJ's not around anymore. So I can't celebrate with happy smiles and cheers and with parties and all that. I'm not there yet. :no: Not sure if I ever will be. :cry:
I mourn him, I can't feel any celebration, can't bear listening to his music, or seeing pictures, even on here I don't look for long it is just too painful, and even after a year I still find it hard to get my head round the fact that he has actually gone.
I am celebrating Michael and showing ALL my Love & Support for him! :heart:

But when. That certain Time of the night comes I'll take a few minutes to just think & release my feelings. :teary_eyed:
im not gonna goin to remember mike with love, many smiles, music,videos but most of all his life...! and some MJ fans friends will come to my house... to see Moonwalker..
Celebrating... Ive shedded some tears but for the most part Im jamming to Mike today lol Michaels spirit is very much alive on this day and I can feel it.
I cannot control that, sometimes i feel bad and sometiems i feel happy, but is like a carrousel day, its not like i say, ok im gonna be FINE i just feel fine..., Michael means a lot to me, and situations make me feel different on different occasions
I want to celebrate him, want to celebrate his legacy, his music, his life.
But the agony of losing him, the deep loss, the deep hole in my chest that never closed,
make me mourn. The loss is so great, that I'm overcome with grief.
So I'll mourn him :cry:
Tomorrow, I hope to celebrate him, 'cause he gave us so much joy.
^^^he gave us his LIFE, dedicated his life to make people happy :cry: wish he would have been more selfish...
I mourn him. Even though i try to celebrate him, I just cant. It's too hard and too soon. can't believe it's been a year since I heard his speaking voice, or saw him performe. I've tried so many times to go on YT and watch a interview or something, but I just can't bear hearing his speaking voice...seeing his smile..seeing him dance.
Today is more so a day of mourning for me. I've been celebrating his life every day since his passing, today I guess I'm just taking a step back to reflect on the reality of everything.

Tomorrow will be a day of celebration for me without question. I'm going to see the show "The Ultimate MJ experience" by Joby Rogers. If you don't know who he is, hes an amazing impersonator (the best imo). He basically goes through an entire set list, so I'm really looking forward to that.
I'm listening to his music right now. And sang some of his songs earlier...
And I found it pretty cool that a shopping center in Berlin (Hallen am Borsigturm) played only his music today. :) Yeah. And the beautiful sand sculpture (you might've heard of it) is still there.

I do not really feel like crying today. or somehow I can't... But it definately hurts in my heart.
But I know he'll live on in all of us because we love him and we'll spread his message that was LOVE!

Love u forever, MJ!!!