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We all love each other so much here....I am hugging all of you right now...please, don't do something terrible. We all need to survive this, and continue the work that MJ was trying to do...
:no: Was anyone close to her, like to have her phone no? I hope she's Ok and will change her mind...
i am not sure if that's a sick joke or smthg really .. i mean the person had just joined the forum and only posted a few times ... it's not funny if it was

there are really ppl who feel like this .. and please try to talk with someone .. it is not the end of the world .. michael lives all around us .. he has said he binds his soul to the music .. everytime u play a song .. or think of him .. he livesss .. there is more to this universe .. then just living on earth !! michael is laughing whereever he is .. imagine him completely and finally happy and free .. he is always by his children's side ...and with his family. so u don't even have to feel sad abt that ...jus picture him wherever he is .. happy and freee .. and laughing that sweet innocent laugh .. singing dancing .. having a good time ! ..his body is dead .. but his spirit will never die..... it is just free now...
After all my strugglings with myself I had some moments of positivity and I posted some positive things here in the hope that it would have a positive influence on me. But I can't go on anymore. I can't wait untill the funeral. I can't go on.

I wish everyone the very best. I just hope I'll meet Michael and hope that my pain will finally be taken away.

Michael, I have alwasy loved you. I love your music. Your style. Your kindness. I love you with all my heart. And my heart has been ripped out since you died.

I wish you all the very very best. I'll be looking down from heaven.


Don’t do it, I can feel your pain, remember that since you love Michael you must have learned many things from him and this will give you a reason to live to do good in this world, so you should not give up. We need you here with us, this is a great community and together we will be able to survive this tragedy because Michael would want us to do this.
please don't do it ...please, i feel you. i wanted to do it as well. i looked at the pills and i was so tempted more than once.. but then i stopped, you know why? because i can't let others live the same pain i am living now. your mom, the ppl who love can we let them suffer.

i swear to you, i feel what you feel.. i have nightmares when i sleep, i can't go out of my room, i can't eat, i cant even talk to people... but we need to go on somehow.
you don't wana make Michael sad up in heaven...i know you don't. if you want, if you are near the UK, i could come to be with you like my friend did and she really helped... thanks to Sperrdia , she came to me and she helped me a lot ...we were grieving togther... please...
i am not gonna promise you anything for the future, i wont say it will be better tomorrow , coz i feel the same pain you feel... but i will tell you one thing, if we stay alive, we might do things to make Michael happy and smiling above... let's do it for him...
please stay with us... i willl even try to meet you if you are somewhere near...

keep your faith in Michael, he wants you to stay......
I think it's important that EVERYONE understands that Michael didn't choose to take his own life; therefore we as Michael fans should acknowledge this and honour him by let him live on in all of us.

Yes, indeed!

Oh dear @ this thread :( This is awful. This is not funny at all if this is some kind of stunt. I pray that she comes back on soon and that she is okay. Mods, can we tell if she has been on since?
Omg no. Please don't! Michael wouldn't have wanted that. Jeez... I hate this. He would to, believe me.

I really hope she is okay and didn't do anything. Please God, make her change her mind and let her be alright!
After all my strugglings with myself I had some moments of positivity and I posted some positive things here in the hope that it would have a positive influence on me. But I can't go on anymore. I can't wait untill the funeral. I can't go on.

I wish everyone the very best. I just hope I'll meet Michael and hope that my pain will finally be taken away.

Michael, I have alwasy loved you. I love your music. Your style. Your kindness. I love you with all my heart. And my heart has been ripped out since you died.

I wish you all the very very best. I'll be looking down from heaven.


Goodbye!! But may I remind you that you will NEVER MEET Michael if you rob yourself from your own life?? Such people go to another place.. Is that what you want?? Is THIS the only solution??

FOR GOD SAKES PEOPLE! GET A HOLD ON YOURSELVES?? MJ would never encourage something like this! Try to gather all your energy together and invest that in your future!! That is what Michael wanted..

I am soo angry at suicidekillers...
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i am not sure if that's a sick joke or smthg really .. i mean the person had just joined the forum and only posted a few times ... it's not funny if it was

the sick joke is Michael's death! nobody can believe it's real
I believe it when they say they can't handle it I feel despair every day every night I want to wake up so badly from this dream...the only comfort I have is that I'm not alone in this we all go through the same thing we have each other and we need each other more than ever know what Michael said - one in joy one in pain one in love
michael mania.....
Ik lees nu ergens dat je nederlands bent.
komop....laat jezelf hier even zien, we maken ons hartstikke ongerust.
ik ga er alles aan doen om je op te sporen momenteel.
we zijn samen in ons verdriet...
I can't say goodbye.

Every time I think I am ok, I turn around and start crying all over again.

My heart is broken.....can never be fixed
I can't say goodbye.

Every time I think I am ok, I turn around and start crying all over again.

My heart is broken.....can never be fixed

same thing happens to me . :(...this is too heartbreaking....though i know it wouldn't be a nice memory and it would make me cry my eyes out all over again....i swear i still won't accept his death until i see a picture of him in that damn might sound morbid or whatever, but i think that's the only way i'll be fully convinced that he's really gone....:(:(...i've lost like 5-6 kilos this past week....this whole thing has had a huge impact on me...i think i need to at least accept this as a fact...:(:(:(
jenny heb je al iets kunnen achterhalen?
maybe someone from mjjc has more personal details... to contact this person, to talk to?
smelly, nee, helaas....she became member after mike there is no past posts for me that give a clu what,s her real name.....
i know she,s from the hague ( or area) but that,s biggg.

If it,s necesarry i will go to her to talk to her and share our loss.....

I really don,t want her to hurt herself.
But i got that strange feeling it,s too late............
lieverd? waar ben je?
Komop, ik kan je niet vinden, maar we willen je helpen met meer nederlandse fans....we zullen er voor je zijn.
Kom op lieve schat waar je ook bent mijn telefoonnummer staat in je PM

Wij zijn er voor je met hart en ziel ..

Ik woon in Voorburg praat alsjeblieft met mij of met Jenny zij weet ook heeel veel en is heel erg lief, meisje meisje je bent niet alleen ...

Laat wat van je horen alsjeblieft we maken ons zo zorgen om je ...

Samen staan we sterk we hebben nog zoveel te doen en we hebben je heeeeeeeel hard nodig ...

Als je er voor kiest om zelf te gaan dan kom je hem echt niet tegen schat ik weet veel over het hiernamaals en kan je echt helpen ....

alsjeblieft bel me of Jenny we zijn er voor je


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