I got my souvenir tickets today.

Re: TM Tickets Dispatched

So no one has their tickets. Why? The first gig was 13th July, what you mean they didn't have them ready in time for then? Randy Phillips said the tickets for the first few were printed... He lied, look at this article about the company who made the memorial programme and who are printing the tickets... well they only got the contract hours before Michael died for the tour tickets...


This paragraph relates to the tickets:
The recognized leader in specialized printing for the entertainment industry, Morton Grove-based Quantum Group received the original tour contract due to its specialized expertise in UV and Lenticular printing. The prototype for Jackson’s concert tickets utilized Lenticular printing to create an animated effect of Jackson performing his signature moonwalk across the ticket. “That morning we were notified we’d been awarded his world tour – by the afternoon he was gone,” stated White.


An article you could quote to Ticketmaster and AEG when complaining folks. I always thought the ticket option was a con... Conning grieving fans... sick! I'm sorry to those who haven't yet got your tickets that wanted them. Yes they are making interest on the money right now. There are a lot of lies involved in all of this....
Re: TM Tickets Dispatched

So no one has their tickets. Why? The first gig was 13th July, what you mean they didn't have them ready in time for then? Randy Phillips said the tickets for the first few were printed... He lied, look at this article about the company who made the memorial programme and who are printing the tickets... well they only got the contract hours before Michael died for the tour tickets...


This paragraph relates to the tickets:
The recognized leader in specialized printing for the entertainment industry, Morton Grove-based Quantum Group received the original tour contract due to its specialized expertise in UV and Lenticular printing. The prototype for Jackson’s concert tickets utilized Lenticular printing to create an animated effect of Jackson performing his signature moonwalk across the ticket. “That morning we were notified we’d been awarded his world tour – by the afternoon he was gone,” stated White.


An article you could quote to Ticketmaster and AEG when complaining folks. I always thought the ticket option was a con... Conning grieving fans... sick! I'm sorry to those who haven't yet got your tickets that wanted them. Yes they are making interest on the money right now. There are a lot of lies involved in all of this....

If they were just honest about the tickets & give us updates now & again on how things are going with the production of the tickets, there wouldn't be all of this hooha.
Re: TM Tickets Dispatched

Not sure if this has been covered in this thread but to be honest I think it stinks that they are charging us £85 for a piece of card (and yes I have ordered mine too!!) - at the very least could they not throw in a Programme? (They must have them printed) or a t shirt?
Re: TM Tickets Dispatched

Not sure if this has been covered in this thread but to be honest I think it stinks that they are charging us £85 for a piece of card (and yes I have ordered mine too!!) - at the very least could they not throw in a Programme? (They must have them printed) or a t shirt?

There were rumors of a memorial program to be included. If anyone by chance has the e-mail address of Randy i'd like to ask him a few questions...
Re: TM Tickets Dispatched

There were rumors of a memorial program to be included. If anyone by chance has the e-mail address of Randy i'd like to ask him a few questions...

A member here sent him a long email about all this but he never replied surprisingly. I've seen you can change your mind about requesting a ticket, I'm considering doing that now as I learn more about AEG and their lies.
Re: TM Tickets Dispatched

A member here sent him a long email about all this but he never replied surprisingly. I've seen you can change your mind about requesting a ticket, I'm considering doing that now as I learn more about AEG and their lies.

I still want my tickets. Karma has a way of coming back & kicking you in the balls. I'm sure that will happen to Randy Phillips one day.
Re: TM Tickets Dispatched

There were rumors of a memorial program to be included. If anyone by chance has the e-mail address of Randy i'd like to ask him a few questions...

exactly... Someone should tell the papers about this as well(I didn't opt for a ticket so can't) but someone should report this. Maybe AEG would get investigated over here. They should be.

My prediction is you will get them with a copy of the memorial prog and they'll blame the 'delay' on that, that is what I predict. People will be so happy they got the memorial prog they'll forget about the delay and the fact that Randy originally said the tickets for the first few concerts had 'been printed' I don't buy that especially as that article I posted before tells you the company only got that ticket contract 'hours' before Michael died.http://www.graphicartsonline.com/article/CA6673527.html?desc=topstory

What if the reason you haven't got them is because they failed to pay in full still the same company for printing the memorial prog...?? just an idea that I thought of. Seen as they have promised money to others and haven't paid up, don't know if that is true though as its one of the more recent TMZ stories. Although TMZ seem to be telling more of the truth than Randy Phillips right now, that is how bad this all is!
Re: TM Tickets Dispatched

I think we're looking too much into this now. The tickets obviously haven't been sent out because they're sorting through the refunds and who wanted tickets etc. Of course if everyone automatically still got their tickets they would have started to be sent now. I know people are all for doggin AEG and yeah, they deserve it, but it's getting a bit friggin stupid now if you ask me.
Re: TM Tickets Dispatched

I think we're looking too much into this now. The tickets obviously haven't been sent out because they're sorting through the refunds and who wanted tickets etc. Of course if everyone automatically still got their tickets they would have started to be sent now. I know people are all for doggin AEG and yeah, they deserve it, but it's getting a bit friggin stupid now if you ask me.

I understand there is a lot for them to be sorted out, but a little information now & then wouldn't hurt them, plus we were under the impression from Randy's own mouth, that tickets for the first ten shows were printed. It's fair to think they would of started sending them out by now, but as we have learnt a couple of days ago this is utter b.s. & the tickets were not printed. (plus it DOES say tix sent within 30 days! on michaeljacksonlive.com)

I for one am annoyed by how this has been handled by Aeg & ticketmaster (tm telling me twice they were not involved in any way with refunds/souvenir tickets), i have the patience to wait, but give some customer care & tell us what is going on. That is the main bugbear for people i think. Lack of info & respect for the customer.
Re: TM Tickets Dispatched

I think it's simple: right now they keep money, and make it work at the bank...
Re: TM Tickets Dispatched

I understand there is a lot for them to be sorted out, but a little information now & then wouldn't hurt them, plus we were under the impression from Randy's own mouth, that tickets for the first ten shows were printed. It's fair to think they would of started sending them out by now, but as we have learnt a couple of days ago this is utter b.s. & the tickets were not printed. (plus it DOES say tix sent within 30 days! on michaeljacksonlive.com)

I for one am annoyed by how this has been handled by Aeg & ticketmaster (tm telling me twice they were not involved in any way with refunds/souvenir tickets), i have the patience to wait, but give some customer care & tell us what is going on. That is the main bugbear for people i think. Lack of info & respect for the customer.

What do you want them to do? Email you everyday letting you know what is going on? I guess I don't see the same lack of communication you do. I posted an email in this thread covering everything you need to know at this point, and I got it about half an hour after I emailed them. Granted, it wasn't TM or AEG, it was Viagogo but I'm guessing the info is the same for all outlets. Yep, I know it's wrong they told people they had been dispatched, but you have to realise that was one person, who works at the end of the phone for Ticketmaster. It was probably a fob off. Ever heard of the saying 'If you pay peanuts you get monkeys?' Probably applies here.
As far as TM not having anything to do with refunds/tickets I think that's true to an extent. The tickets have to be released from AEG before they can dispatch them, so they don't have control of that either.
I'm not defending AEG or Ticketmaster here, I don't agree with things they have done, but it seems like people posting here are just complaining for the sake of it? To me, it's common sense why they haven't been dispatched yet, I'm at a loss as to why you and others can't see that. If you're so bothered about it, cancel your order for a ticket and get a refund? I don't think there's anything else you really can do, except complain some more of course.
To be honest, people outside of this situation that I've spoken to are surprised we've even been given refunds yet, and I've had mine what, two weeks now? I don't think they've done too bad a job personally.

Re: TM Tickets Dispatched

I reserve my right to disagree. I have requested my tickets to be printed, on the 10JULY. That is almost 3 weeks ago. If a refund can be made within 2 weeks then I dont understand why a ticket can not be printed within the same time?

I would like to think AEG has the resources to deal with this, especially bearing in mind that if the concerts were still to go ahead where would these tickets be by now?

Process wise I find it difficult to accept these excuses as valid roadblocks..

we had to go to a webpage and qoute all details (name, address, order number, select the show date, etc) that is spoonfeeding any database...based on that (I work with payment systems) I assume they are using a database to build "batches" these batches are files containing the information (eg your order number , date of show, nr of tickets) to send to the printing the company.
then the printing company will print off the tickets.
again batched up and an other company will envelope it and post it

wing to wing (from start to end) if all setup has been catered for before (and I am assuming it has been cos they should have been preparing to send tickets for the 1st show beginning of July by end of Jun) processing 1 batch takes 24hrs tops.....add posting etc to it, but still it should be within the same time frame as a refund..

this is an operational issue, but again I would love to think that AEG has the capabilities to manage this...otherwise hire me and I sort it out for us :)
Re: TM Tickets Dispatched

But Michael died. :( That is why you didn't get your ticket before July 10th. It makes sense to me that they're gonna wait until they've got all the requests before printing/dispatching. Looks like I'm the only one that thinks this. If you disagree with all this so much why are you going along with it? Just cancel your request then you won't have to think about it anymore.
Re: TM Tickets Dispatched

But Michael died. :( That is why you didn't get your ticket before July 10th. It makes sense to me that they're gonna wait until they've got all the requests before printing/dispatching. Looks like I'm the only one that thinks this. If you disagree with all this so much why are you going along with it? Just cancel your request then you won't have to think about it anymore.

I'm painfully aware Michael has died thankyou.I understand why we haven't got the tickets before July 10th too. Please don't tell me what I should do about the situation either. I take it you went for a refund & have your money? When I deal with a company that has taken my money, I expect a little consideration.A little customer service if you will.I don't expect to be lied to by Aeg or Ticketmaster.People have a right to be annoyed at them.If we don't get the tickets until next year even, fine. I want honesty & a little communication from those involved.It's actually not a lot to ask.
Re: TM Tickets Dispatched

I understand what you are saying but still AEG has to have the capacity to deal with doing refunds and ticket prints at the same time...this is their business. this is part of their operations...this not something new they have to figure out
right now

I have made a choice not to ask for a cent refund..at least I antcipate an email to come and tell me what is being done when will I get my tickets, this is not happening and this is not right
Re: TM Tickets Dispatched

I understand what you are saying but still AEG has to have the capacity to deal with doing refunds and ticket prints at the same time...this is their business. this is part of their operations...this not something new they have to figure out
right now

I have made a choice not to ask for a cent refund..at least I antcipate an email to come and tell me what is being done when will I get my tickets, this is not happening and this is not right

The company that are printing the tickets, who also printed the memorial program printed what, 17,000 (staples center capacity?) in 36 hrs. It seems that they do have the capacity to at least of started to print the tickets & tm could of started sending out a small number of those who requested them the first day you could fill in the online form.
Re: TM Tickets Dispatched

This just seems a con. I mean Randy said they were printed for the first few dates, you've been told some have been sent out... and by now if the concerts had gone ahead then they would have had to have them ready... I just can't get over the fact that the company only got the contract hours before Michael died... http://www.graphicartsonline.com/article/CA6673527.html?desc=topstory
I'm not judging anyone on here at all for what choice you made(we all deal with things differently I know :) ) I'm judging AEG though for messing around and telling lies to grieving fans!! Its just sick! I do reckon you'll get the memorial prog and then most people will forget about the delay. A lie has definitely been told here though!

Anyone told the press?(not for money obviously) I think AEG should be humiliated, this is the Sun newspaper's email if you have a story,these are contact emails for papers:


Why not tell a paper? AEG need to be told! That story I've put the link to above is a good back up in your story if you do tell them, plus Randy saying some had been printed and the fact that they would have had to get them out a few weeks ago if the concerts had happened! I didn't choose the ticket option but if no one else tells the press then I might just to embarrass AEG into doing something soon and no more lies!!
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Re: TM Tickets Dispatched

I dont understand the rush for tickets? lol

There is NO concert to go to. They may be waiting til 14 August to see how many they have to print or something
Re: TM Tickets Dispatched

If someone took this to the press, I have no doubt they would somehow twist it to make Michael look bad...not AEG.
Re: TM Tickets Dispatched

I dont understand the rush for tickets? lol

There is NO concert to go to. They may be waiting til 14 August to see how many they have to print or something

Then they should say different on michaeljacksonlive.com. Like i said, i don't mind as much waiting, it's the lies & lack of communication that bothers me far more. I'd like to see something for my money, i just would like an honest answer to when, that's all.
Re: TM Tickets Dispatched

I asked for a full refund, just couldn't give them all that money for some designed paper.. However for those of you that asked for the tix instead I fully understand where you are coming from. I would expect a little notification on what's going on with my tix.. Hell they had no problem sending out a confirmation when they took your money, and so I would expect for you all to get a notice about when they will start mailing out the printed tix.
At least send something that says they will be sending them out after Aug. 14th
Re: TM Tickets Dispatched

(plus it DOES say tix sent within 30 days! on michaeljacksonlive.com)

Well you probably didn't read it carefully enough. It probably meant tickets would arrive within 30 days of your request being processed, not 30 days after you ask for the ticket.
Re: TM Tickets Dispatched

Well you probably didn't read it carefully enough. It probably meant tickets would arrive within 30 days of your request being processed, not 30 days after you ask for the ticket.

The question says when can I expect my ticket. Maybe they should be more clear about things? ;)
Re: TM Tickets Dispatched

I guess I just don't understand this confusion then, as I'm in no confusion about when I'm getting my ticket. I've been told I'll have it by the end of August, and it's the 1st today. No problems for me. I guess I'll just stop posting here.
Re: TM Tickets Dispatched

In MichaelJackson.com they refer to check on our ticketmaster account. but mine is blank. no order,no confirmation.no nothing.
I order for the souvenir ticket...i don't understand how it works,we supposed to pay full amount or how?confused.....
and my ticket will be send alllll.....the way to Indonesia >"<
i will try to email them as well...to see what is their answer. Gosh! this is so confusing