Nothing but :angry: talk!

a wibble wombat !, i wanna give ya rep miss , but it is being a
cheese crumpet :angry:
I missed you guys :angry:

And I am reaaally missing my bestest friend in the whole wide world too :angry: :angry:
Im Missin the man of my dreams right now, aint spoken to him in 2 weeks, we have fell out! Were good friends but i wanted more and he didnt :mat::angry: he did my head in sometimes! stupid men grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
^I thought you were married for some :angry: Oh.. didn't you have a photo of your wedding? :angry:
i'm getting a cat :angry:
gonna name it Billie Jean or Susie :angry:
any suggestion :angry:
...on which one :angry:

??? :angry:
never trust a friend who sits on msn all night ignores u and when u IM them they make any excuse to get away from u like ur some sort of disease


broken bone in my leg and it kills :angry: so im in a bad mood with anyone who trys that shit on msn with me so please dont try it not a wise move
temp did the hospital give u any medication to take for your pain in your leg?