OMG I Have to Rant about YOU GUYS

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."
Bill Cosby
Actor and Comedian
Not all of the members but some of the members. The AEG hate is at an all time high and the critical of MJ threads are kind of crazy too. We wanted him back and now we got him back but all I see here are people worrying if Michael can do all the shows, if he's going to lip-sync, if AEG is manipulating him, and suing AEG if Michael mimes!!!! :no: Why?

Why all the anxiety?

Not too long ago we were wondering if Michael was going to be wrongfully convicted of a crime. That was just 4 years ago! Remember this time 4 years ago? Where were you? Probably on a forum crying your eyes out wondering if Michael will see the next day. Remember how frail he was? Remember how you felt leading up to the verdict?

Fast forward to now! Look at where we are now! Michael is about to PERFORM again! Sure there were ticket problems but can't we cut AEG some slack? This is their first time dealing with a MEGASTAR with unprecedented demand from the public and media. Ticketmaster screwed up too, but they haven't had a superstar tour like this since MICHAEL JACKSON did it 12 years ago! Maybe longer! This is uncharted territory for all!

I know many of us are disappointed and you have a right to express that disappointment but not all over the board. I hope the mods create a thread specifically for complaints and negative talk so it won't infest the board with negativity.

I'm not down on free speech so don't accuse me of trying to stop it. I am just glad that Michael is BACK and strong and HAPPY. Michael is about to embark on shows to please his fans. He's READY and we should be too! Let the anger and anxiety go for a bit :cheers: Have fun and lets start planning events surrounding the concerts. Even if you can't go to the concert, then maybe throw a party? Maybe that is something we can all work on together? Our own after party after one of the concerts.

Just want to be positive now because Michael is back after all this time. Just 6 weeks ago we wondered if Michael would ever make music and tour again and now that he is, we're complaining? Be happy! :better:

That's all I have to say. I'm going back on Twitter!


After all we've been through as fans, after all Michael has gone through! Be happy to be a part of this amazing opportunity, and if not then step aside.

Honestly, suing AEG if he lipsynchs?! WTF People? if that's the mindsetting you have then I beg you to please give your ticket to someone who's ready to appreciate what Michael has for us.
Exactly! I don't care if he lip sings something from Cinderella! As long as I get to see him I'm happy!
lol I'm 100% with you! I'm so pissed off at some fans who are ready to sue Michael and AEG if he doesn't sing live? I'm so disgusted. We've got nothing for such a long time. Now we have the entire tour. Some fans are ungrateful, i can't believe they've got tix. They should sell them to fans who really deserve to see Michael.

After all we've been through as fans, after all Michael has gone through! Be happy to be a part of this amazing opportunity, and if not then step aside.

Honestly, suing AEG if he lipsynchs?! WTF People? if that's the mindsetting you have then I beg you to please give your ticket to someone who's ready to appreciate what Michael has for us.
I don't have tickets yet, and even I can't really grasp the negative attitude of some of you. Threatening to sue if there is lipsynching? That's beyond ridiculous. If you are a fan of Michael Jackson, you KNOW that he did this in the past, and will likely do it again. This tells me you have another goal: and that is to create havoc, a negative buzz. Or you have a really an unrealistic view of what you as a person can demand. You are not the King of the castle that everyone should run for doing tasks. IF you are a fan, you KNOW you are not being realistic. So... what's the agenda?
I don't post alot, but this I gotta say...

Regardless of everything, I firmly believe this was the most organized ticket-sales I've seen EVER! Anyone remember the Munich shows, where the pre-sale just sorta happened with no warning? I just stumbled upon it and got my tickets... but no warning, no registration... nothing.

This time, they did a pre-sale, where they announced that it would take place and how to register. Thousands upon thousands of fans got tickets after over 1.5 mill people registered. Heck, they even added another 40 shows!

The fans who registered on the day and on the next - seems like pretty much everyone got codes! The ones who registered days later, didn't. But if everyone got codes - what would the idea behind a presale be if not to take a load off the server?

Come general sale day... Millions of people scrambled for tickets from around the world. 650.000 tickets sold within a few hours...

I realize there were technical errors... Me and a few friends bought tickets for each other, and while for me and one friend it was nerve-wrecking, but painless. For 2 other friends they got kicked off time and time again. Got tickets, but lost them because the server crashed... Lost tickets again because their credit card wasn't accepted the first time around, codes not working... all of that.

But... keep in mind... THOUSANDS of people were going crazy! There is but a TENTH if even that on this site, and Gary is fighting his behind off to keep this site up with the amount of traffic right now...

Time the traffic by 10... maybe 50 times and then think of the strain on the server, on the credit-card terminals etc. How the heck can it NOT cause issues?

Back before the internet, we had to cue up for days, be on the phone for hours in the hopes of getting tickets. This gave equal access for all... For those wanting to cue up. For those wanting to call, and for those sitting behind their screens.

When I bought tickets for the HIStory tour 13 years ago, I stood in 5 inches of snow. My feet frozen, my hands numb from the cold, pressing the metal buttons on a pay phone, praying and hoping because I couldn't go line up in my country capital... This time I bought tickets in another country from my couch!

I understand the disappointment, absolutely. But ticketmaster cannot completely stop scalpers - they can't! They can't stop people trying to make money off of fans, and they cannot stop the hunger for Michael.

So yeah... rant over!
First of al I cant believe some of you 'fans' have even doubted Michael.

Your meant to be supporting him,not lowering yourself to the tabloids level by saying he cant/might not be able to do it.

You should be up there screaming 'THE KING IS BACK' and how he is able to do the shows.

Michael needs our help to go out there and prove too people that he is,and always will be,THE UNDISPUTED KING!!!!
After all we've been through as fans, after all Michael has gone through! Be happy to be a part of this amazing opportunity, and if not then step aside.

Honestly, suing AEG if he lipsynchs?! WTF People? if that's the mindsetting you have then I beg you to please give your ticket to someone who's ready to appreciate what Michael has for us.
Thank you! :doh:

There are plenty of people here who are ready to do just about anything to get their hands on tickets, regardless of what Michael will do during his performance. After all these years he's going to share a gift with us many thought we'd never get to experience (again)! So, if you can't handle a bit of lipsynchs move on and let those who truly want to be a part of what can only be described as a magical and amazing experience take your place instead. :D
I'm simply of the mind that it should be appreciated that Michael is performing 50 shows for a million of his fans. That's huge. He didn't have to do this at all. But he is. And seeing Michael live is more then just about hearing him sing live, it's about being in his his presence while he's on a stage, the energy and charisma he emites, his dancing, how he emotes. It's ALL part of the Michael Jackson experience, it's all part of what makes him the greatest entertainer in history. Not just live vocals. Of course everyone wants him to sing live, but it'll still be the best show you've ever seen even if he doesn't because of all those other factors I talked about. He's more then just a great singer or a great dancer. Michael is a force.

That is one of the best posts I have ever read!!! Well said! Coulndn't have said it better!!! Totally agree with you 1000000000%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A lot of great things have been said here, so I am not going to reapat it all.
Have to say this tho:

Have any of you ever heard anything similar happen to any other artist?
The demand for tickets greatly outnumbered what was available.
As I said somewhere else; be sad, be angry- but don`t get stuck in it. Because this is something unique that is happening before our eyes.
Michael Jackson has not performed in 12 years. Has not released any new music.
He has been dragged through the mud for so many years, been ridiculed, sued, backstabbed, called a freak, a child abuser. The general impression from the media has been that he could never come back, that only crazy fans would be interested in his return to the stage.

I could go on and on.
But the bare facts of the matter is: He only needs to agree to do 10 shows and the world goes crazy.
So lets rejoyce in the fact that he has more fans then anyone could ever imagine.
People who never been a member of any fanclub, who do not raise their voice other in this: They want to see him perform- and they don`t care what the media have said.

Just that fact alone; peoples general ability to see behind all the BS that has been going on for so many years makes me have more hope for the future.
I have to admit that although i would still love the concert even if it would be completly mimed, songs like yana would look pathetic. (Like on HIStory tour).

Just because it's MJJ, it doesn't mean that everything he does is gold.

Some fans don't realise that, so even when he was ripping his fans off in Japan 2 years ago, some said that there is nothing wrong lol:)
Not all of the members but some of the members. The AEG hate is at an all time high and the critical of MJ threads are kind of crazy too. We wanted him back and now we got him back but all I see here are people worrying if Michael can do all the shows, if he's going to lip-sync, if AEG is manipulating him, and suing AEG if Michael mimes!!!! :no: Why?

Why all the anxiety?

Not too long ago we were wondering if Michael was going to be wrongfully convicted of a crime. That was just 4 years ago! Remember this time 4 years ago? Where were you? Probably on a forum crying your eyes out wondering if Michael will see the next day. Remember how frail he was? Remember how you felt leading up to the verdict?

Fast forward to now! Look at where we are now! Michael is about to PERFORM again! Sure there were ticket problems but can't we cut AEG some slack? This is their first time dealing with a MEGASTAR with unprecedented demand from the public and media. Ticketmaster screwed up too, but they haven't had a superstar tour like this since MICHAEL JACKSON did it 12 years ago! Maybe longer! This is uncharted territory for all!

I know many of us are disappointed and you have a right to express that disappointment but not all over the board. I hope the mods create a thread specifically for complaints and negative talk so it won't infest the board with negativity.

I'm not down on free speech so don't accuse me of trying to stop it. I am just glad that Michael is BACK and strong and HAPPY. Michael is about to embark on shows to please his fans. He's READY and we should be too! Let the anger and anxiety go for a bit :cheers: Have fun and lets start planning events surrounding the concerts. Even if you can't go to the concert, then maybe throw a party? Maybe that is something we can all work on together? Our own after party after one of the concerts.

Just want to be positive now because Michael is back after all this time. Just 6 weeks ago we wondered if Michael would ever make music and tour again and now that he is, we're complaining? Be happy! :better:

That's all I have to say. I'm going back on Twitter!

All last one person that has the logic to say the most correct thing I have heard lately!
what's getting my damn goat is that the majority of the complainers already have tickets. honestly, u can'texpect people to feel sory for u b/cu're seats are bad or b/c u spent a long time online. at least u got something for ur efforts. loads of us didn't.
Well said! I am absolutely with u!!! I love this thread!!!

We have so many reasons to behappy and positiv and relaxed.

There are always people who start making a fuss over so many things even at times of joy, luck and enthusiasm.

Be happy. Enjoy MJ's smile and the fact that he is back performing for us, this is GREAT!!!! The is no word existing describing what this means to me, to us. :wild:

Enjoy the time that lies before us!!!!
what's getting my damn goat is that the majority of the complainers already have tickets. honestly, u can'texpect people to feel sory for u b/cu're seats are bad or b/c u spent a long time online. at least u got something for ur efforts. loads of us didn't.
Co-sign! :cheers:
aww hell, im chuffed cuz i didn't care if he did anything ever again. just wanted himi to go home to his kids and be free. so i done got what i wanted a long time ago. anything else is a bonus

and when u look at things from that perspective, everything is rosy

You and I are on the same page soso deaf.
I am so happy that Michael is happy, he is free to be with his kids and family which, four years ago, is all I prayed for. I am so pleased that he is in a good place right now and ready to put himself out there.
I trust Michael %100, whatever he does he knows what he is doing. He has been in this business a long time and therefore I trust his judgement totally.

Whatever happens I shall be there for you Michael
I don't post alot, but this I gotta say...

Regardless of everything, I firmly believe this was the most organized ticket-sales I've seen EVER! Anyone remember the Munich shows, where the pre-sale just sorta happened with no warning? I just stumbled upon it and got my tickets... but no warning, no registration... nothing.

This time, they did a pre-sale, where they announced that it would take place and how to register. Thousands upon thousands of fans got tickets after over 1.5 mill people registered. Heck, they even added another 40 shows!

The fans who registered on the day and on the next - seems like pretty much everyone got codes! The ones who registered days later, didn't. But if everyone got codes - what would the idea behind a presale be if not to take a load off the server?

Come general sale day... Millions of people scrambled for tickets from around the world. 650.000 tickets sold within a few hours...

I realize there were technical errors... Me and a few friends bought tickets for each other, and while for me and one friend it was nerve-wrecking, but painless. For 2 other friends they got kicked off time and time again. Got tickets, but lost them because the server crashed... Lost tickets again because their credit card wasn't accepted the first time around, codes not working... all of that.

But... keep in mind... THOUSANDS of people were going crazy! There is but a TENTH if even that on this site, and Gary is fighting his behind off to keep this site up with the amount of traffic right now...

Time the traffic by 10... maybe 50 times and then think of the strain on the server, on the credit-card terminals etc. How the heck can it NOT cause issues?

Back before the internet, we had to cue up for days, be on the phone for hours in the hopes of getting tickets. This gave equal access for all... For those wanting to cue up. For those wanting to call, and for those sitting behind their screens.

When I bought tickets for the HIStory tour 13 years ago, I stood in 5 inches of snow. My feet frozen, my hands numb from the cold, pressing the metal buttons on a pay phone, praying and hoping because I couldn't go line up in my country capital... This time I bought tickets in another country from my couch!

I understand the disappointment, absolutely. But ticketmaster cannot completely stop scalpers - they can't! They can't stop people trying to make money off of fans, and they cannot stop the hunger for Michael.

So yeah... rant over!

Wow, you're lucky to have been able to see HIStory... I wish I was old enough back then to see it. That's by far my favorite tour.

During the week of waiting since the press conference, I was so sick. My nerves were shot and I hadn't eaten or slept. I just kept worrying that I had never seen Michael before, never been through any of his ticket sales before, but everyone kept saying it'd be impossible, since they would sell out almost immediately. I stayed up so many nights checking my e-mails for presale codes... I even dreamt of being in queue in London for these tickets... I had always promised myself for 13 years that if he performed again, I would be going NO MATTER WHAT...

My husband and I stayed up all night waiting for the presale to begin. It was supposed to begin at 3AM our time, but I got an IM from a friend around 2:35AM screaming that she had gotten 3 tickets to 3 seperate concerts already... I paniced because TicketMaster had a glitch that enabled people to buy tickets early... So everything I was anticipating about the crashing of the site, the high demand was probably coming true... I kept refreshing and refreshing and finally, about 7 minutes before 3AM, I noticed they glitched again and enabled us to buy tickets again!! I was screaming at my husband to hurry...

I bought 3 tickets. One for my husband, best friend and I. I also included after-party tickets for us. My husband was at his computer surprising me with the Thriller Hospitality Package. I'm so blessed because he understood how much it meant to me to be as close as possible and he did that for me... He enabled me to see two Michael Jackson concerts... 2!!! 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've never been even able to see 1!!! Now, I can say I have seen Michael during my first concert and my last concert!!!

After we got everything booked, you know, our tickets, flights and hotel, I tried to load Ticketmaster UK again. Just to see if it was still up because I needed just 1 more ticket for my best friend so she could go the second night, too. The site was down... I knew I had been one of the lucky ones that was able to get tickets... I guess everything I had worried about came true for so many other people...

I was at least able to rest easier after that night, knowing I had secured my tickets, but now, I was worrying about treating my friend to another one... So, I slept better, but not well during the next 2 nights, waiting for the general sale. So, again, I was up at 3AM my time ready to get her last ticket. This time, there was no early glitch. And when it hit 3AM, EVERYONE got on and I experienced the full Michael Jackson effect. As worried as I was about her ticket, it felt good to witness Michael's success. I was so happy for him because he never anticipated this reaction. After about an hour and a half of refreshing, crashing, lagging, queueing, I finally got her a ticket. THANK GOD!!!

But see, I'm not one of those fans who is going to complain. I'm genuinely happy for Michael and with Michael. He didn't have to do this for us... He wanted to. He was only going to do 10 shows, but he wanted to do 50 to give more of us this historical chance to see him... He didn't have to do anything musically anymore, but he wants to for US. So many people are taking his kindness and turning it in to something that isn't good enough for them. Why can't we just be satisfied that we are part of history?? We were one of few (I know there is a lot, but compared to just how many Michael fans there are, we are a drop in the bucket) to actually get tickets to see Michael during his last bit!! Must we have to feel like we have a right to tell MICHAEL JACKSON how to run his show?? NOOOOOOOO! As a fan, you never do that. True fans are happy with whatever they get.

I just wish people would shut up and stop whining that things aren't good enough, that they expect this and that of Michael. Whatever he does, he's doing it how he wants to and we all have to respect that. He's done everything in his career anyway! Why expect anything more than everything he's already done???!

And I also wish people would stop saying suits are VIP and true fans aren't. I am a TRUE MICHAEL FAN and went in to debt getting VIP. I don't care what anyone thinks of that, but don't call the front VIP people suits. I know a lot of fans who couldn't "afford" VIP, but got it.

Let's appreciate Michael... Let's enjoy him... Let's be happy for getting what we've so passionately wished for.

I'm simply of the mind that it should be appreciated that Michael is performing 50 shows for a million of his fans. That's huge. He didn't have to do this at all. But he is. And seeing Michael live is more then just about hearing him sing live, it's about being in his his presence while he's on a stage, the energy and charisma he emites, his dancing, how he emotes. It's ALL part of the Michael Jackson experience, it's all part of what makes him the greatest entertainer in history. Not just live vocals. Of course everyone wants him to sing live, but it'll still be the best show you've ever seen even if he doesn't because of all those other factors I talked about. He's more then just a great singer or a great dancer. Michael is a force.

That's what I keep saying. People need to just be happy with what we get. We're lucky he is even performing at all after what's happened to him. Seems as loving as his fans are, a chunk of them are ungrateful, selfish, disrespectful people. :no:
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I'm simply of the mind that it should be appreciated that Michael is performing 50 shows for a million of his fans. That's huge. He didn't have to do this at all. But he is. And seeing Michael live is more then just about hearing him sing live, it's about being in his his presence while he's on a stage, the energy and charisma he emites, his dancing, how he emotes. It's ALL part of the Michael Jackson experience, it's all part of what makes him the greatest entertainer in history. Not just live vocals. Of course everyone wants him to sing live, but it'll still be the best show you've ever seen even if he doesn't because of all those other factors I talked about. He's more then just a great singer or a great dancer. Michael is a force.

:clapping:Totally loving this post, thank you wannabe, thats exactly how I feel too, %100000 :yes:
Exactly! I don't care if he lip sings something from Cinderella! As long as I get to see him I'm happy!
Lip Syncing would be bad for him. You can not lower the standards for an artist like Michael Jackson just because you want to see him. That would be the controversy of all controversies. If he decides to take the show throught out the rest of the world and it got out that he was lip syncing that will have an impact of his tour and the critics will exploit that to no end.
^^ The point is: why focus on this, when the concerts are months away, we are celebrating the fact that this is happening, and the discussion is about something that propably won\t be an issue because its propably not going to happen. He will of course not lipsync an entire concert. To worry about stuff right now is a waste of energy.

Its an epedemic: people seem to be unable to keep being happy and celebrate good news. Instead it takes two minutes, and someone has to focus on something bad that "might" happen sometime in the future.
I don't even care if he comes up in his PJ's that would actually be rather funny:hysterical: (And that would be headline news right away i'm sure). As long as he's on stage it's fine by me. But i have to admit i really don't like the stress around it. I mean i was so happy i finally got tickets(i only have 2) and now all those things about cancelling tickets and such. I know i shouldn't worry and such but i do, that's my nature. I want to see him so badly after 12 years that i just get stressed about everything that might go wrong. I know this is a big event so it would be a miracle everything will go smoothly without any trouble along the way.

I am really really happy that MJ is coming again, that only is kindda a miracle. I mean we all know what he says about touring/doing concerts and then he does 50 concerts just for us fans!

And i won't sue MJ/AEG for anything coz why would fans sue thier favorite artist anyway. And i'm sure both MJ and AEG are doing thier best. I mean if AEG was really bad MJ would have picked someone else and didn't sign up with them in the first place don't you think?
thinking about Michaels reputation and protection, ^^
we have heard and seen so many people used him,
maybe thats why, still worrying about it, ^^
I dont mind if Michael lip-sync or not
its still him, the most important is to see him live
awwww! ^^