World Exclusive Photograph: The Sphinx - update: Picture Now posted

Or then it was meant for "Invincible" single (but I don't know if that was planned, Unbreakable was)..? IMO pic has been taken after or kinda during Invincible release so it wouldn't be for the album...

How do yu know when this picture has been taken? And, how you can pick such a specific timing like "during Invincible release" or "AFTER"? Where you ppl get this info from?
How do yu know when this picture has been taken? And, how you can pick such a specific timing like "during Invincible release" or "AFTER"? Where you ppl get this info from?

I didn't say I know when it has been taken but I just based my info on the fact when Michael looked very much like that.. It's more like his hair that makes him look the most different in that pic.. I don't care if he has been "porcelainized" (I don't know how to say that)..

I think Michael looks very much more like himself in that pic than Lady Gaga has ever looked like Stefani Germanotta. :) Michael looked also very much like himself in the cover of "Bad" even thou many people wondered if that's really him because of the overall look.. :)
There is no love or life in this pic_ Where did the rumour come from that MJ approved or even liked this.?

How do we know this is even fact or true that MJ wanted this ???
Becuase the artist trying to sell these pics after Mjs death says so ??

MYself I dont belive MJ even posed for this (Thats how bad and unlike MJ it looks)

I wont belive it till I see an orginal photo
I didn't say I know when it has been taken but I just based my info on the fact when Michael looked very much like that.. It's more like his hair that makes him look the most different in that pic.. I don't care if he has been "porcelainized" (I don't know how to say that)..

Oh, Ok. It means that there are no real facts then.:) For me he would look very similar to an original "Invincible" cover without photoshop.
I don't know if this is MJ or not, but I do know I don't like the picture :no:

This, however, brings another issues to my mind. If MJ ever did these pics, he or Sony decided this was not good enough to be used. Now the pics are out for auction and interesting thing is to see the estate doesn't have a hold on these pics. I remember ever since the first time we knew about these pics (even before blue eyes was out), some fans were angry because the estate was not getting all these pics and using them in the cover of the upcoming album.

Well... I guess if Michael didn't use these back then, then that's a good reason to not using those now. So, the fact of the estate not buying the pics does make a lot of sense.

I just wonder if we can get a lesson out of all this and apply that to the music and songs Michael didn't use in his albums... but I might be taking this idea too far.

ANyway, I am glad they didn't use these pics back in the days and now I understand why the estate is not getting them either now :yes:.

edit: and about that hilton guy... they love making a mess out of nothing. the pics were so "bold" the company didn't want to use them... as if they had any real information at all.... :mello:
Oh, Ok. It means that there are no real facts then.:) For me he would look very similar to an original "Invincible" cover without photoshop.

Well, the real fact is that "Unbreakable" was planned by Michael a lot. And his make up looks exactly the same than in the YRMW short film..
Topflux;3011530 said:
Well, the real fact is that "Unbreakable" was planned by Michael a lot. And his make up looks exactly the same than in the YRMW short film..

This is from Prince forum:

A bunch of never-before-seen photos of Michael Jackson are going up for auction on December 13th via Pierre Bergé & Associés. The photos were taken by Arno Bani back in 1998 while MJ was making Invincible.

Bani photographed Michael over several days in Paris at a private warehouse.

But the results were "so bold that the singer's record company discarded the whole project and buried the pictures", according to the auction.
I don't believe Arno Bani took like 10 sessions at one time... Someone has understood wrong Bani took like thousands of pics at one time in 1998. I think those sessions has taken during years. I heard Michael liked Bani's work. If those were planned for Invincible cover or upcoming singles then they were but some of them has been shot nearer Invincible than 1998...
Who said this pic is from the same session? Have you seen those other pics?

I don't know. All I know Michael didn't look like that in 1998...

I gave a link and they are talking there about the same picture. This is all I know. I just did not copy the "whole thing."
To me it kinda looks like mj in 1988..a lil bit...but not much i suppose
it doesn't even look like Michael. I understand why Michael never made this photo public. I am not even sure this is the original photo. It looks like someone's bad drawing to me.
Lol dont get me wrong but it looks more like a woman than michael.. michaels eyes where more manly then these..
The photo was taken in 1999 not 1998. As for the whole shoot not sure I am really instrested in the rest of the picture's the 2 we have seen have been played with so much they don't look real.
picture is horrible :mello:.... I am convinced that this is not the original version that Michael had chosen for the Invincible very bad processing, look to the nose ...its very ugly finished ...and the eyes... OMG... I am disappointed by how this image is processed .... is an offense against Michael image :(
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Neither one of those are the original.

But I am wondering why there are two different [horrible] photoshop versions circulating around the web. Where's the actual ORIGINAL? As in the PHOTO?
For God's sake. Michael was an artist. The picture is similar to another picture. Michael clearly wanted to look like an Egyptian.

Some fans deserve to work for "the sun".

I too think he is to look like an Egyptian.

Look here


I see differences...

so what's the original?

It's not the same pictures. He looks sad on the left one and happy on the right one. But he looks weird in both of them.

I am SOOO very happy this was NOT used as coverpicture for Invincible.

This looks nothing like MJ to me.
The pictures are real and were taken in 1999. It was reported at the time. They were to be considered for the Invincible album. I am 100% certain of that.

Also you have to remember that the whole concept of the album changed by 2000 and maybe that's the reason why they were not used after all. MJ has been working on Vince since 1998.

The other Sphinx photo posted here is an edit by our forum member, as you can see in the watermark. It looks more like MJ imo, which proves how badly the photo was edited. I believe there'll be unedited pictures in the auction catalogue. There are a couple of "Blue Eye" outtakes that were not edited at all shown in excerpts of the catalogue. It will more than likely be the same for this picture, and for the two other that remain unseen.