World Exclusive Photograph: The Sphinx - update: Picture Now posted



Am I the only one who sees a resemblance between these pictures?
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i'm sure both pictures are fakes ones.
The one published on perez hilton's blog is just so ugly, it can't be possible...
It takes 10 minutes with photoshop to do a picture like this...
If it's an official released of arno bani, he really has no talent at all !!!
I also think Michael is wearing a wig(god forgive me Michael for those edits) You can see where the shine stops and dark short hair continues.

If he was, he did it for fashion. And wigs have been trendy from time to time. Even pet cats in Hollywood have been using wigs so I don't see anything bad about it if you just don't look like a total clown..
as i expected .. a lot of people hated the picture

remember Michael was an artist, you all know how he asks for his pictures to be drawn like the pictures by David Nordahl for example!

MJ saw this on a magazine back in 1999 by Arno Bani



he liked it so much so he asked him to take a pictures for him inspired by this fashion shoot

to me it doesn't look photoshoped .. it's more like a painting, if you looked at Arno Bani's other works (photos or films) you'll notice that it's similar to what he did for MJ .. this is his style and this is what he is famous for

personally i liked it very much .. it's very creative and unusual just like MJ ;)
So basically how do we get the master copies of the photo's and burn them?:smilerolleyes:

Neither one of those pics look like MJ! When I opened the link I was like "Who Dat Be?" as in the intro to "Privacy": That ain't no Michael Jackson! That ain't him!

Yeah..I too agree they photo shopped them! about (10 times):no:

but where did the 'Thriller' Era looking one come from if they were made in 1998? Did MJ actually pose for these or were they digitally altered from another pic?

yes, this photo is airbrushed too, but here you can at least see a real person. and the model's face is not airbrushed to the point when it becomes unrecognizable.

if Michael's photo had been treated the same way, I would have no problem with it. What I dislike the most about Michael's photo is that it doesn't look like Michael at all.
When I opened the link I was like "Who Dat Be?" as in the intro to "Privacy": That ain't no Michael Jackson! That ain't him!

Yeah..I too agree they photo shopped them! about (10 times):no:

My thoughts exactly!
+ it sort of looks like he's giving us the evil eye in one of the pics :horror (which is not like our Mike at all)
I thought also it's not necessarily "photoshopped". Of course it could be and probably is edited, like "bettered" and "cleaned" afterwards. But with kinda polishing make ups, shiny hair, costumes with a lustre and a specific lightning you can really shoot a photo like that I think..

Actually I'd like to see this as a new album cover. At least it's again different like Michael wanted to surprise with those covers in the past, too. Like I said Michael's covers didn't resemble him for a long time (let's say after Thrillers success) but like symbolized something else. Michael also loved animated stuff a lot. I think he wouldn't mind if he i.e. was as an animated character in the many short films to come. If they were just based on his thoughts, for example his lyrics and released/unreleased poems.

For example they could make series of animated short films based on Dancing The Dream poems and fit them with the unreleased music pieces..?

And, what would it matter if his character were like completely animated on the cover of the new album because there's also the computer game coming..?
yes, this photo is airbrushed too, but here you can at least see a real person. and the model's face is not airbrushed to the point when it becomes unrecognizable.

if Michael's photo had been treated the same way, I would have no problem with it. What I dislike the most about Michael's photo is that it doesn't look like Michael at all.

well we don't know yet! cause the quality of the photo on perez hilton really sucks and blurry!! we must see the picture in it's 100% shape and size i bet it will look amazing and more MJ-like
It looks horrible!!!

Congratulations, those who made this pic were crazy, at least.

How the hell this was supposed to be .... as a part of Invincible (as the album cover it would be ridiculous)...????

Totally agree with:
According to reports, the results of the shoot were “so bold that the singer's record company discarded the whole project and buried the pictures.”
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well we don't know yet! cause the quality of the photo on perez hilton really sucks and blurry!! we must see the picture in it's 100% shape and size i bet it will look amazing and more MJ-like

let's hope!
What I also don't like is all the mean spirit comments on Perez website! Sure we don't even like the pics and we love MJ to death but it's not excuse what those people are saying over there!

I wonder about folks! Sorry to post this but when people say bad things like they hope Michael is in Hell(which he ain't). Well just where do they think they are going when they speak like that?

So many entertainers get set up with Jacked up pics! Michael is not the first or the last! I'm sure he also decided not to release them as well! Not his fault nor is he trying to be something else like they claim on there!

If you want to know someone's true heart..just ask them their thoughts on Michael? I know MJ was a gift/test from God to see how humanity would treat someone in today's world. I might sounds crazy but God put people here for multiple reasons. MJ's was to bring music, happiness and help but he was also a test. A test to let people's true nature and judgments against people show.

I so hope MJ is holding the book at the gates of Judgment when it's time to move on from this world! (Also, sorry if I offend anyone with the religious overtone).

*Sorry about the rant*

and why would the photographer even release these? Yeah! for a quick buck and more hatred to be sent to MJ.
I just saw this.

HORRIBLE: Why the hell would they do this? I mean, it seems that they manipulated the picture to look bad. It looks like they made his face longer. I mean, urgh, I DUNNO!

I just hope Perez didn't photoshop this.

:puke: ^Those HATERS are NUTS! Especially the person named "Jazz hand chaz"...on that site! :blink: Laughing at his own jokes? :bugeyed:rofl: People like him got metal issues, perverted bastard! Making fun of MJ and look at his user name, like really?!...:ph34r: :hysterical: I would leave a comment on there to them...but, seriously I wouldn't want that person writing me back eww! He is pretty creepy!:puke::ph34r:

Anyways, The pic is from 99 and there is nothing to get worked over for IMO! We know MJ really didn't look like that and he ain't here to really explain if that pic is even real or what the pics where really for!? Only the photographer is saying what it is for which I'm not buying! Trying to make a quick buck! I'm not impressed!-_- So moving on!
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First of all i love MJ to death Not feeling this at all he looks like prince I really thought this was a picture of Prince the artist any way its to air brush for me the hair is nice
What happened to his mouth? :thinking:

It saw Kirstie Alley eating only carrots and just went like that, of course. Come on, people. If someone takes a pic of Michael and his mouth, what on earth could have happened..? Does your mouth look the same all the time with different expressions?! His mouth is just like it was i.e. in YRMW short film. Or are you saying it wasn't Michael there but his body double.. Please.