May 20, 2008 (Big Star to be in tomorrow's American Idol Performing,says Paula Abdul)

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I like GM, but damn! HE IS NOT THE BIGGEST STAR IN THE WORLD!!! Give me a break! :lol:
That's what I'm saying! :lol:
Lawd! What if it's MaDonna tho?!:eek:

Lol@ GMS!:D

There are too many hints that it's going to be George Michael. The E! news thing, Ryan Seacrest's gayness on the screen...
None of which I saw....the hints I mean.
I want to fight that white guy with the Jamaican hair. He grinds my gears.
I can't believe I watched the whole thing.

*packs up care package of razors*

Does anyone have an address?
LMBO! I fell asleep less than 1/2 way thru the show. Haha!
I really hate this show.
Ya, we know! :lol:

What I'm trying ti understand is why they(AI) feel the need to pull such a stunt.
They already have/had a massive audience and high ratings.:scratch:

So big David won. OK.
The thing that get's me is Simon and Randy have talked smack about Michael in the past, but you know they would kill to have Michael on their shi**y show. All they usually ever get is washed up, desperately seeking publicity singers. They rarely get singers to perform on their show who aren't in some way desperate for the attention. Except Celine Dion. And we know for sure Michael doesn't need them in any way, shape or form. He's bigger then AI, X-Factor and every other countires variation of this show combined.
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Actually WBSS, all those singers are fairly current or have new projects, or they are legends, like Donna Summer. In the past they also had Prince, who is hardly washed up.

Michael is bigger than every television show in the world. But it doesn't mean some good television exposure wouldn't do him some good.

LMAO@ Eternity's child. :lmao:
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Re: May 20, 2008: Michael Jackson News and Mentions

Notice how Michael is flying high nowadays and all his haters who were trying to sink him are have either die, gone to jail, lost jobs or lost crediablity, or out of sight in shame.

yep..i have noticed.
The thing that get's me is Simon and Randy have talked smack about Michael in the past, but you know they would kill to have Michael on their shi**y show. All they usually ever get is washed up, desperately seeking publicity singers. They rarely get singers to perform on their show who aren't in some way desperate for the attention. Except Celine Dion. And we know for sure Michael doesn't need them in any way, shape or form. He's bigger then AI, X-Factor and every other countires variation of this show combined.

Okay, we get it.. you dont like American idol or similar styled shows. Right! WE UNDERSTAND!
The singers they have on are not washed up. Thats RIDICULOUS!
As Marni said, they all have something going on at the moment. Most people would call MJ washed up! Im sure u wouldnt like THAT now would you? And im sure you would have a 101 reasons why he isnt. But the fact is, right now, Michael Jackson isnt doing anything, and he COULD have used some good promo from Amerian Idol. Sure MJ is the most FAMOUS singer, and he is more immensley talented in all areas of entertainment than any other, but that doesnt mean he shouldnt look for good publicity. Wouldnt it be nice for the young kids who watch shows like this who have never had an MJ era to know MJ as "the guy who sings and dances really good and went on American Idol" rather than "the guy who went to court for molestation" or "the guy who went shopping with post-its on his face" or "the guy who dangled his baby"... Cummon now WBSS21, get with reality. Im not bagging out Michael, i LOVE Michael to death. But I think what im saying makes sense....
Wouldnt it be nice for the young kids who watch shows like this who have never had an MJ era to know MJ as "the guy who sings and dances really good and went on American Idol" rather than "the guy who went to court for molestation" or "the guy who went shopping with post-its on his face" or "the guy who dangled his baby".

I have to agree with that very much. :D
Hey Bee,
I'm so glad David Cook won too - he really deserved it.
And Simon apologized to him:)

And although it wasn't our Michael on the show, I think George Michael was great! Lovely song and a solid performance.

With MJ...all this waiting he's making us do....i think he'll just be out here when he's good and ready. MJ is going to rock the music industry again, of that I have no doubt. It'll just be in his time.
AI hasnt announced anything. Paula simply said the THINKS its MJ. Not that she knows it is. She didnt confirm anything, just simply added her prediction like we are here. The fans only have themselves to blame if they are disappointed if it turns out to not be MJ, which is the likely result.

Paula saying it is like AI saying it. you know how tmz and others like to connect dots that are tens of thousands of miles apart.
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They use MJ's name to promote their goods and when people tune in and don't see him they lie about it and say he got cold feet or he make unreasonable demand. They do it all the time. It is not fair and fans do have a go at him too. Yes, I think he needs to come out and declare these things false when his name is used to advertise other people's goods. Doesn't mean that he will do it, but he must get very frustrated to see his name used in such a manner.

you know how many times he would have to come out and deny deny deny, if he had to do that? it isn't worth it. fans will just have to go thru the cycle..have it out with each other, and be done with it, cus there's nothing we can do to stop it.
The thing that get's me is Simon and Randy have talked smack about Michael in the past, but you know they would kill to have Michael on their shi**y show. All they usually ever get is washed up, desperately seeking publicity singers. They rarely get singers to perform on their show who aren't in some way desperate for the attention. Except Celine Dion. And we know for sure Michael doesn't need them in any way, shape or form. He's bigger then AI, X-Factor and every other countires variation of this show combined.

completely agree! it seems nowadays everybody uses MJ's name to attract people to watch their crappy show!
OK here's a little story.
Talking with a co-worker today who loves to watch AI.
I say to him, "Did you hear that the biggest star in the world is suppose to be on the show tonight?"
He goes, "Who? Michael Jackson?"
I replied, "I really hope so but they're not saying. If it is Michael, I may just lose my mind! But It may be
George Michael but there's only ONE problem with that, he's not the biggest star in the world" Haha!
He says, "You like Michael Jackson?! I said hellz yeah!
He says, I use to like him back in the 70's and 80's but not anymore."
I said , But even YOU came up with Michael Jackson as the one and you're not even a fan! :lol:

yep..dead giveaway that reveals the truth behind polls that come out negative when asking if they would pay to see MJ in concert.
Okay, we get it.. you dont like American idol or similar styled shows. Right! WE UNDERSTAND!
The singers they have on are not washed up. Thats RIDICULOUS!
As Marni said, they all have something going on at the moment. Most people would call MJ washed up! Im sure u wouldnt like THAT now would you? And im sure you would have a 101 reasons why he isnt. But the fact is, right now, Michael Jackson isnt doing anything, and he COULD have used some good promo from Amerian Idol. Sure MJ is the most FAMOUS singer, and he is more immensley talented in all areas of entertainment than any other, but that doesnt mean he shouldnt look for good publicity. Wouldnt it be nice for the young kids who watch shows like this who have never had an MJ era to know MJ as "the guy who sings and dances really good and went on American Idol" rather than "the guy who went to court for molestation" or "the guy who went shopping with post-its on his face" or "the guy who dangled his baby"... Cummon now WBSS21, get with reality. Im not bagging out Michael, i LOVE Michael to death. But I think what im saying makes sense....

Ooooooooookaaaaaaaay... A little on edge, are we?
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Actually WBSS, all those singers are fairly current or have new projects, or they are legends, like Donna Summer. In the past they also had Prince, who is hardly washed up.

Michael is bigger than every television show in the world. But it doesn't mean some good television exposure wouldn't do him some good.

LMAO@ Eternity's child. :lmao:

I wouldn't call any of the performers on AI commercially still viable save for a few.

My only point was, I don't think they deserve Michael, and I don't think Michael needs them, at all. Some of you act like I just dissed your grandmother the way you react to me saying what I did. I haven't commented on this show the entire season, I talk a little about it in one thread, relating to Michael, and people act like I've been raining on their AI parade since the start.

There are so many venues Michael could use to show his talent. American Idol is on the downside of those venues. I think the problem some here have is wanting badly to see Michael do something career related and their patience is waning heavily. But see, that's not anyone's problem but your own. Michael's work is out there for everyone to see, through things like Youtube. He doesn't need to perform on a show which is starting to spin in to oblivian, with ratings starting to drop. People are getting sick of AI. If and when Micheal comes back out, you'll know about it. I'm tired of hearing about "missed opportunities" and "Big mistakes" on Michael's part? According to who? Fans? What do they know about timing and marketing stratagy that Michael doesn't? I'm just curious. I trust Michael to know what he's doing and forgive me for stating that I don't want to see Michael on a show where two of the main draws, the judges, have insulted him in the past.

And damien, man, last I heard, Michael WAS doing something. Working on an album.
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I wouldn't call any of the performers on AI commercially still viable save for a few.

My only point was, I don't think they deserve Michael, and I don't think Michael needs them, at all. Some of you act like I just dissed your grandmother the way you react to me saying what I did. I haven't commented on this show the entire season, I talk a little about it in one thread, relating to Michael, and people act like I've been raining on their AI parade since the start.

There are so many venues Michael could use to show his talent. American Idol is on the downside of those venues. I think the problem some here have is wanting badly to see Michael do something career related and their patience is waning heavily. But see, that's not anyone's problem but your own. Michael's work is out there for everyone to see, through things like Youtube. He doesn't need to perform on a show which is starting to spin in to oblivian, with ratings starting to drop. People are getting sick of AI. If and when Micheal comes back out, you'll know about it. I'm tired of hearing about "missed opportunities" and "Big mistakes" on Michael's part? According to who? Fans? What do they know about timing and marketing stratagy that Michael doesn't? I'm just curious. I trust Michael to know what he's doing and forgive me for stating that I don't want to see Michael on a show where two of the main draws, the judges, have insulted him in the past.

And damien, man, last I heard, Michael WAS doing something. Working on an album.

All I have said is that a little TV promotion wouldn't hurt. It has nothing to do with AI - it's got to do with TV in general.

It's strictly your opinion that those artists aren't commercially viable. I mean come on. George Michael and Brian Adams are still massive, and I don't even own their CD's! Yet even I know that they are still hugely popular.

It's also your opinion that AI is the downside of the television shows. Prince performed on the show very successfully a couple of years ago, and he is a star I'd consider too big to be on a show like that. However, his performance was amazing and it went down extremely well.

I've been a fan for over 25 years. I know what it's like to wait for Michael and my patience hasn't run out. I am just saying Michael isn't above any popular TV show to showcase his talent. I am just saying a little good promo wouldn't hurt, no matter what popular show it is. :)
George Michael is performing on tonight's "Idol" finale, but he ain't "the biggest star in the world" that Executive Producer Nigel Lythgoe has been touting -- our spies tell us, it's "Iron Man" Robert Downey Jr.

TMZ moles say the finale will include a virtual hologram of Gladys Knight singing "Midnight Train to Georgia" with Ben Stiller, Jack Black and Downey Jr. singing backup as the Pips. Holy Nat King Cole! "Idol" did this last season when Celine Dion sang along side a virtual undead Elvis. For the record, Gladys Knight is still alive.

We're told the Jonas Brothers, ZZ Top, Seal, Bryan Adams, One Republic, Jordin Sparks and Carrie Underwood will also perform before David Archuleta (or possibly maybe, but not likely, Cook) is crowned the winner.

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Why does everyone always have to tell you it's your opinion? No sh*t Sherlock. What's annoying is people coming down on you every time you state it. Nobody comes down on them for praising any particular thing, but say something negative and all hell seems to break loose.

And when you think about commercial success as in right now, being on Billboard or selling large amounts of albums, neither Prince nor George Michael fit the description, and that's what I was talking about.
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All I have said is that a little TV promotion wouldn't hurt. It has nothing to do with AI - it's got to do with TV in general.

It's strictly your opinion that those artists aren't commercially viable. I mean come on. George Michael and Brian Adams are still massive, and I don't even own their CD's! Yet even I know that they are still hugely popular.

It's also your opinion that AI is the downside of the television shows. Prince performed on the show very successfully a couple of years ago, and he is a star I'd consider too big to be on a show like that. However, his performance was amazing and it went down extremely well.

I've been a fan for over 25 years. I know what it's like to wait for Michael and my patience hasn't run out. I am just saying Michael isn't above any popular TV show to showcase his talent. I am just saying a little good promo wouldn't hurt, no matter what popular show it is. :)

Michael Jackson does not want to go on tv. It is obvious. The same tv that tried to help scammers to rail road him into prison for a crime he did not commit. He has been avoiding them like the plaque, and he will not be helping them with their ratings.

When MJ is ready to deliver his albums he will do so. TV exposure be damned.MJ put on his own red carpet do in Japan and got more exposure for it around the world than the grammys did for theirs. They wish they could get the viewership that MJ on his own could get.

Paula abdul calling George Michael the biggest star was a stab at MJ, however slight. She also knew that GM would have been the one appearing yet she led people to believe it was MJ, purely for ratings value. If GM was the biggest star, then why did she need MJ to boost her ratings, why not hint at GM

MJ gets used by these people yet they fail to give him the respect. Let them grovel.
Why does everyone always have to tell you it's your opinion? No sh*t Sherlock. What's annoying is people coming down on you every time you state it. Nobody comes down on them for praising any particular thing, but say something negative and all hell seems to break loose.

And when you think about commercial success as in right now, being on Billboard or selling large amounts of albums, neither Prince nor George Michael fit the description, and that's what I was talking about.

I didn't come down on you at all. I don't see hell breaking loose either. The fact is that those guys are considered "Idols" and that's why they were on the show. Plus, they have new stuff to promote.

Michael Jackson does not want to go on tv. It is obvious. The same tv that tried to help scammers to rail road him into prison for a crime he did not commit. He has been avoiding them like the plaque, and he will not be helping them with their ratings.

When MJ is ready to deliver his albums he will do so. TV exposure be damned.MJ put on his own red carpet do in Japan and got more exposure for it around the world than the grammys did for theirs. They wish they could get the viewership that MJ on his own could get.

Paula abdul calling George Michael the biggest star was a stab at MJ, however slight. She also knew that GM would have been the one appearing yet she led people to believe it was MJ, purely for ratings value. If GM was the biggest star, then why did she need MJ to boost her ratings, why not hint at GM

MJ gets used by these people yet they fail to give him the respect. Let them grovel.

That's fair enough- he doesn't have to go on TV, I know he hates TV, and I know he doesn't have to help them with his ratings. My point was that any TV appearance on a popular show would be a good thing for him. That's my whole point. Nothing else. :D

And Paul Abdul didn't say "the biggest star in the world", Nigel Lithgow did, and Paula added that she thought it was MJ. There was no stab. She was asked again if she thinks it's "Michael Jackson" and she said she had a sneaking suspicion that it was. It barely hit the media except for that idol blog and one other article, so I doubt the MJ mention helped ratings. lol.

BTW, I don't want to argue. Just stating my opinion like everyone else.
Okay, we get it.. you dont like American idol or similar styled shows. Right! WE UNDERSTAND!
The singers they have on are not washed up. Thats RIDICULOUS!
As Marni said, they all have something going on at the moment. Most people would call MJ washed up! Im sure u wouldnt like THAT now would you? And im sure you would have a 101 reasons why he isnt. But the fact is, right now, Michael Jackson isnt doing anything, and he COULD have used some good promo from Amerian Idol. Sure MJ is the most FAMOUS singer, and he is more immensley talented in all areas of entertainment than any other, but that doesnt mean he shouldnt look for good publicity. Wouldnt it be nice for the young kids who watch shows like this who have never had an MJ era to know MJ as "the guy who sings and dances really good and went on American Idol" rather than "the guy who went to court for molestation" or "the guy who went shopping with post-its on his face" or "the guy who dangled his baby"... Cummon now WBSS21, get with reality. Im not bagging out Michael, i LOVE Michael to death. But I think what im saying makes sense....

Well said...I totally agree with you
I didn't come down on you at all. I don't see hell breaking loose either. The fact is that those guys are considered "Idols" and that's why they were on the show. Plus, they have new stuff to promote.

That's fair enough- he doesn't have to go on TV, I know he hates TV, and I know he doesn't have to help them with his ratings. My point was that any TV appearance on a popular show would be a good thing for him. That's my whole point. Nothing else. :D

And Paul Abdul didn't say "the biggest star in the world", Nigel Lithgow did, and Paula added that she thought it was MJ. There was no stab. She was asked again if she thinks it's "Michael Jackson" and she said she had a sneaking suspicion that it was. It barely hit the media except for that idol blog and one other article, so I doubt the MJ mention helped ratings. lol.

BTW, I don't want to argue. Just stating my opinion like everyone else.
MJ doesn't need tv. His work is spreading on utube like wild fire. If he doesn't want to use that medium we should respect his decision. I hate tv. I have turned it off. MJ doesn't allow his children to watch it either, he has always hated the medium. He may not wish to use it to promote his stuff, but they will always be whereever he is anyway, more so that the other 'idols' who turn up on tv to promote their work. They have to go on tv. The tv comes to MJ. It is as simple as that.

What Paula did is what all the other events do when they are doing their programmes. The throw in things that the world associate with MJ to make people think that MJ will be on the show so they will tune in. It never fails.
I don't think he needs it either. Again, my point is that it wouldn't hurt. That's all. :)
MJ doesn't need tv. His work is spreading on utube like wild fire. If he doesn't want to use that medium we should respect his decision. I hate tv. I have turned it off. MJ doesn't allow his children to watch it either, he has always hated the medium. He may not wish to use it to promote his stuff, but they will always be whereever he is anyway, more so that the other 'idols' who turn up on tv to promote their work. They have to go on tv. The tv comes to MJ. It is as simple as that.

Its not like he doesnt use TV. Thats just ridiculous to claim. Sure, he doesnt like the medium, and even was hesitant of Motown 25 because it was for TV. But MJ has been using TV to his advantage for years. He doesnt let his kids watch it, and thats fair enough, but there are billions of people who DO watch TV and if some of those billions are seeing MJ in a positive light then that surely has to help him out. If 35 million people saw MJ perform a song on American Idol how can that be bad in ANY way? You're kidding yourself if you think it. He doesnt NEED to do it, but it sure wouldnt be a BAD decision to do so.
Marnifrances - AWESOME POSTS!! On point. You handled it way better than I would. Iwould have to do something that I would have regretted. LOL.

Damien - On point, as usual. I agree with everything that you stated.

I do believed that MJ is too big for AI but it would not hurt for MJ to be there or not. Just because MJ doesn't do tv means? That doesn't mean he cannot perform on Idol. BTW, Simon and Randy might have "trashed" MJ, but that doesn't mean that they do not respect the man. Randy ALWAYS gave MJ props. ALWAYS. And trashing MJ is different to many people. Like you, me, and everyone on here, they have a right to an opinion. You do not have to agree with it, but to assumed that they "trashed" MJ is far fetched. Not everyone have to like what MJ said. The world does not revolve around MJ. MJ has his own set of beliefs and so do everyone else. Dang, I think some MJ fans protect MJ TOO MUCH and just can't let the dude BE. Trashing other people that CAN sing just because a fan is bitter that she is not doing anything in her life worthwhile. 12 people are following THEIR DREAMS to become a damn star and there is nothing wrong with that. People on here trash them for following a dream stating that they "can't sing". WHAT ARE YOU DOING FOR YOU? WHy care about people that do not even know you exists? Yeah, you do not like the show - SO WHAT? That does not mean you have to trash people that do or trash the show. The show HAS CREDIBILITY. Dang. Some fans HATE IT when MJ is trash for no damn reason, yet they trash others for no damn reason. What a contridiction.

To Riskaa - I saw your posts and I agree with you totally. Simon to apologized was shocking to say the least! LOL.
I don't think he needs it either. Again, my point is that it wouldn't hurt. That's all. :)

It probably would hurt though. Look what the british media tried to do the next day after the WMA. Can you imagine what the American media would do with his appearance. They want him on tv so they can mall him. He doesn't need that., His children are growing up now and they are at the sensitive age where these things matter. He will not allow the media to insult and humilate him in front of his children. I don't blame him for putting his children first.
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out my own fan superiority complex, i'm always relieved not to see him on American Idol/X-Factor/other karaoke reality show every year.

some words from Mr. Jackson

"The industry, it's at a crossroads. There's a transformation going on. People are confused, what's going to happen, how to distribute and sell music. -- Right now, all these Starbucks deals and Wal-Mart deals, direct to artist, I don't know if that's the answer. I think the answer is just phenomenal, great music."

"I don't think people are being experimental and innovative enough. -- I think there's too much cookie-cutter stuff."

AI = mother "cookie-cutter" and the two Simons = anti-music.

wouldn't be surprised if he shows up though, hence my annual relief LOL Mike can be corny sometimes
but damn he needs to release that album then can appear on Hanna Montana for all i care - i wouldn't give a toss.

it's all good - still keeping faith, and it's not blind.
Marnifrances - AWESOME POSTS!! On point. You handled it way better than I would. Iwould have to do something that I would have regretted. LOL.

Damien - On point, as usual. I agree with everything that you stated.

I do believed that MJ is too big for AI but it would not hurt for MJ to be there or not. Just because MJ doesn't do tv means? That doesn't mean he cannot perform on Idol. BTW, Simon and Randy might have "trashed" MJ, but that doesn't mean that they do not respect the man. Randy ALWAYS gave MJ props. ALWAYS. And trashing MJ is different to many people. Like you, me, and everyone on here, they have a right to an opinion. You do not have to agree with it, but to assumed that they "trashed" MJ is far fetched. Not everyone have to like what MJ said. The world does not revolve around MJ. MJ has his own set of beliefs and so do everyone else. Dang, I think some MJ fans protect MJ TOO MUCH and just can't let the dude BE. Trashing other people that CAN sing just because a fan is bitter that she is not doing anything in her life worthwhile. 12 people are following THEIR DREAMS to become a damn star and there is nothing wrong with that. People on here trash them for following a dream stating that they "can't sing". WHAT ARE YOU DOING FOR YOU? WHy care about people that do not even know you exists? Yeah, you do not like the show - SO WHAT? That does not mean you have to trash people that do or trash the show. The show HAS CREDIBILITY. Dang. Some fans HATE IT when MJ is trash for no damn reason, yet they trash others for no damn reason. What a contridiction.

To Riskaa - I saw your posts and I agree with you totally. Simon to apologized was shocking to say the least! LOL.

great post. And thank you very much! :D

It probably would hurt though. Look what the british media tried to do the next day after the WMA. Can you imagine what the American media would do with his appearance. They want him on tv so they can mall him. He doesn't need that., His children are growing up now and they are at the sensitive age where these things matter. He will not allow the media to insult and humilate him in front of his children. I don't blame him for putting his children first.

You have to admit though, it wasn't a performance and wasn't meant to be. However, I do agree with that. If Michael did actually perform, I do believe it would be a lot different to the whole WMA thing.
I am always amused by people who argue about the right to their opnion and then attack other people for theirs.

I really hope that wasn't directed at me, because I haven't attacked a single person or post. I was only trying to state my own opinion, which is that I don't think a proper TV performance on any popular show would hurt him. That's my only point. :yes:
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