Producer for MJ's new album? If you could only select 1 producer who would it be


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
MJ usually has multiple producers on his album. For Invincble he had Rodney Jerkins, Teddy Riley, Andre Harris and the same with other albums. What if you could only pick 1 producer to produce the entire album. Who would you choose?

Id go with Ne-Yo because i like the melodies that he brings to his songs.
Oh, boy. I'm about to committ mjjcommunity suicide here, but I'd go with Timbaland. Of course it would be an album co-produced by MJ an timbaland. I just think those two were made for each other. I think every song Tim has given to Timberlake was made for Michael. That's just me speculating, of course.
Well.. I love his beats and type of unique kinna beats/instruments he uses in the songs he produces.

But, if you are talking about picking one that worked on his other albums.. well then.. Teddy Riley. I love Dangerous lol
Do you think MJ could produce a entire album on his own today and it sound updated. Many older artist. especially who make comebacks in the r&b and pop scene need younger producers with fresh and up to date beats and sounds.
I think Michael could do that, yes. Michael pays attention to everything that's happening in the industry, he is aware of current sound's and always has been. I think even he's been on the cutting edge of where sound's are heading. At the same time too, I don't think, from an artistic perspective, that it's really important that Michael keep with current trends in his sound. He can create a spectacular piece of work with his simple brilliance as a composer and arranger. Obviously from a commercial perspective, he needs to pay attention to the current trends, but I absolutely believe he is able to create a modern feel to his records on his own. I think Michael is able to adapt far better then other artists in his age group. It's partially why he's still so relivent while others from his era have fallen off badly. He paves the path, he doesn't follow it.
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If I had to pick one... besides Mike himself... Rich Harrison, maybe :cheeky:
I don't think he has to copy what's out now days. Just make music thats hot. Thats what it comes down to. When people 1st hear a song on the radio they can tell right away if there really feeling it. I don't think MJ will fair as well if his lead off single has to grow on you. It has to be blockbuster hot.
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Do you think MJ could produce a entire album on his own today and it sound updated. Many older artist. especially who make comebacks in the r&b and pop scene need younger producers with fresh and up to date beats and sounds.

Well I don't know if I want michael to sound updated and modern. I mean look at mariah carey. I had respect for her music in the 90's. Her butterfly and rainbow album was very good. But now. Ah-uh:puke:. I feel like she went backward and has dumb her talent down. I'm not feeling it at all. I don't even like how she is whisper-singing.

Also A LOT of artist are sampling from older times so really it's just a remix of older BETTER works. I think michael should make his own unique sound and make that sound the new modern standard.

As far as producers it's a tug between neyo and That only problem I have with neyo is that his style is a spinoff of michael, so what can he bring new to the table. Yes he makes good song and has good melodies but I'm not sure he can come through for mike. Will on the other hand has a different sound and works with artist to give them their own sound unlike timberland who makes everyone sound the same.

So I would say michael can do it on his own but if I had to pick I'm gonna say
In the roll of producer, Ne-Yo doesn't seem to work for me. He writes pretty good songs, but that's where his strength really is, and Michael is a much, much better song writer who can create his own melodies and rhythms, etc... I can see Ne-Yo as a songwriter for Michael, though I really don't think Michael needs him, but brining good melodies and being a good producer are two different things in a lot of ways.
I have NO doubt...Mr.Jackson..!

Knowledge Is Growth~~~"Education Is The Key"
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Static major would have been perfect (sadly died a couple months ago). Nate "Danja" Hills, Timbaland (only if his voice isnt in the songs) Anthony "Tone Capone" Gilmour, Mike Dean
Michael Jackson - Who better to produce a Michael Jackson album than MJ himself

Quincy Jones - What's cool about Quincy is that when MJ is writting his songs he dosen't jump in and co-write with him (like a few other producers MJ has worked with). Quincy just sits back and let's MJ do his thing and Quincy would encorage Mike to write all the songs himself
Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson isn't just as genius of a songwriter/composer and arranger in the studio. But also a very a genius of a producer. I think he underrates his own talent as a producer, as Michael is a far more cutting edge producer than all the producers he's collaborated with from 1991-2003.

I think the Neptunes/Pharrell Williams are amazing, but have worked with too many high profile artists/acts to sound original on a new Michael Jackson album. And Timberland is in my opinion the most overrated producer around. Like Rodney Jerkins, Timberlands music sounds too over produced plus his ego is out of control.
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