TMZ is reporting live outside the Jackson Encino Home

who else feels as if michael is happy now?knowing he will be put in a place filled with his facourite art and it will be peaceful makes me feel better
I am watching CNN right now and nothing is being aired from the funeral live, but CNN is getting info of what is happening at the funeral and that is why we know what is going on.

Thanks so much for keeping us updated.
Those children are the best legacy Michael leaves ♥ ♥ God Bless them
Ok my precious MJ-ers,

I gotta go to bed.

I love you all very much and here is a BIG huge hug from me to all of you.

Full moon, night funeral at a cemetery with the entire world watching - only the THRILLER can do that!

Good night & God bless you always!
Thats because he is still alive in spirit. It is just his body which isn't. He is in his Neverland right now.

I will never ever accept this!!!
I still can feel him alive.. this is can't be true. :cry:
It's can't over like that!!! NO!!!
He's our Peter Pan, he can never die..
This moment this love comes to rest in me
many beings in one being.
In one wheat grain a thousand sheaf stacks.
Inside the needle's eye a turning night of stars.

dance, when you're broken open
dance, if you've torn the bandage off
dance, in the middle of fighting
dance, in your blood.
dance, when you're perfectly free

no live feed..just cnn. they are probably respecting everyone that wants to talk and stuff so they don't want to show it. they might show a live feed at the end when everyone is done talking. They also said the Jackson's are allowing anyone to talk, who wants to
I'll be off too soon. Goodnight. You've been great. HUG! :) xx

Ok my precious MJ-ers,

I gotta go to bed.

I love you all very much and here is a BIG huge hug from me to all of you.

Full moon, night funeral at a cemetery with the entire world watching - only the THRILLER can do that!

Good night & God bless you always!
This is great right now qbee, thanks :)

I gave you my love, and you can only guess
How much you've given me in happiness.
I thank you for the love that you have shown,
But now it is time I traveled on alone.

So grieve for me a while, if grieve you must
Then let your grief be comforted by trust
That it is only for a while that we must part,
So treasure the memories within your heart.

I won't be far away for life goes on.
And if you need me, call and I will come.
Though you can't see or touch me, I will be near
And if you listen with your heart, you'll hear
All my love around you soft and clear

And then, when you come this way alone,
I'll greet you with a smile and a "Welcome Home".
This moment this love comes to rest in me
many beings in one being.
In one wheat grain a thousand sheaf stacks.
Inside the needle's eye a turning night of stars.

dance, when you're broken open
dance, if you've torn the bandage off
dance, in the middle of fighting
dance, in your blood.
dance, when you're perfectly free


This is so beautiful! Thank you.

An ocean of tears, would not be enough.

Goodnight, wonderful people.

aww they said Lisa Marie is extremely emotional, especially when she saw the casket =(
I feel extremely bad and wasnt even married to him, of course she is emotional, she was his wife, God bless Lisa, i prejudged her before, i regret it
Well, IDK. TVGN said that Diana arrived with the family. Maybe CNN just didn't see her.

CNN just said that Lisa Marie is VERY emotional and sitting in the last row. :(
I dont care about Diana, cause Lisa marie was there, Macaulay was there, Elizabeth was there, Chris Tucker was there, and his loving mother was there, Paris, Prince and Blanket were there, i wish it was a concert not a funeral , i feel so bad
I'm off to bed as it's after 5 am here!
Goodnight and be strong! MJ's soul is still out there and truly alive! :D
if you are in the U.S. just turn on to cnn... live edition of LKL .... no feed... they have someone sending text as to what is happening.

:( Hmm...during the service texting the media. *sigh*

To everyone: there is NO more live overhead feed being shown on CNN or BBC. What most people are watching (I assume) is CNN Larry King Live on the TV. Gotham Chopra is talking now...

Diana is second choice for guardian. Mike loved her and I do too. If she isn't there, people deal with grief in different ways...mabye whoever is blabbing to CNN hasn't seen her.

CNN says they are in the mausoleum now..
night everyone, this has been a tough night. Hugs to you all. We need to continue to send out a major love in his memory, the world needs it!

Something happened whilst I was sat in my room watching the tv, I lit 3 candles, soon after 1 blew out and was not burning for about an hour then just as the family left Encino I looked up and that candle on my window sill was burning again... I can't explain how it was... I truly believe he is all around us.

Love to you all

Night Michael xx
I feel extremely bad and wasnt even married to him, of course she is emotional, she was his wife, God bless Lisa, i prejudged her before, i regret it
Yea, she clearly loved him alot. The media has to realize that, and stop saying the marriage was fake.
Yea, she clearly loved him alot. The media has to realize that, and stop saying the marriage was fake.

i agree! and after they realized she was all emotional, that was there bottom headline. Lisa emotional etc i was like -__-