Official MTV Video Awards Thread [Janet Jackson, Trailer, Spoliers Here]

Obama Calls Kanye 'Jackass'

ABC's Terry Moran set the Twitter-sphere all aflutter when he wrote:


We've reached out to Moran and will update this post when we learn more.

Now, an ABC spokesperson explains to POLITICO what happened:

"In the process of reporting on remarks by President Obama that were made during a CNBC interview, ABC News employees prematurely tweeted a portion of those remarks that turned out to be from an off-the-record portion of the interview. This was done before our editorial process had been completed. That was wrong. We apologize to the White House and CNBC and are taking steps to ensure that it will not happen again."

The White House had no immediate comment.

—Josh Gerstein contributed to this report.
Obama Calls Kanye 'Jackass'

ABC's Terry Moran set the Twitter-sphere all aflutter when he wrote:


We've reached out to Moran and will update this post when we learn more.

Now, an ABC spokesperson explains to POLITICO what happened:

"In the process of reporting on remarks by President Obama that were made during a CNBC interview, ABC News employees prematurely tweeted a portion of those remarks that turned out to be from an off-the-record portion of the interview. This was done before our editorial process had been completed. That was wrong. We apologize to the White House and CNBC and are taking steps to ensure that it will not happen again."

The White House had no immediate comment.

—Josh Gerstein contributed to this report.
wow how classy:bugeyed
Does anyone else see an eerie underlying similarity between Lady Gagas performance and Michaels life, and ultimately his passing? The song name. Paparrazi her choice of intro words: "Admist all of these flashing lights I pray the fame won't take my life"
And then the performance itself. Am I the only one here?
Cos I definately see a message there. A point made.

omg yes! i thought i was the only one who thought that.
paparazzi killed michael's image, privacy and his life.

she has so much emotion
I really dont know what you all are talking about.... have you ever seen Janet Live? if not maybe thats why you are not used to the way she performs live. She uses a prerecorded backgound track when she does the really big performances where she dances hard so that it desnt sound tooo breathy. The only difference is that these vocals were louder than most times... but not autotoned thats exactly how she sounds on the ORIGINAL song without autotone its just louder. Its not supposed to sound like MJ is singing because he never sang that part... that was Janet singing Janets part the same way she sang it in 95 with just as much intensity.

I've witnessed her perform live, and I understand Michael doesnt sing that part, and thats Janets whole verse and bridge. What I meant by "Like Michael is singing", is the intensity Michael has in his voice in some songs and ad-libs, most commonly "shamone". That effect that he just puts on it, I think, and again, I think, thats what they were trying to achieve in the first half of the performance. And if you watch again, you can hear it in the first part, almost as soon as she breaks the glass and begins the verse. Autotune doesnt have to sound robotic, it has many different effects on voice depending on which one you prefer, and it was a part where her voice sounded slightly robotic, which let me know it was autotuned.

But whether she used it or not is besides the point. She still put on a great performance and tribute to Michael, I'm positive that she made him very proud.

GOOD! Maybe MTV will finally pull their heads out of their asses and start playing VIDEOS again instead of all the other bullcrap they play today. People used to think MTV stood for "Michael TV" because he pretty much sky-rocketed the video/movie/music phenomenon. MTV = Music Television. :smilerolleyes:

I believe the last VMA show I watched was the 2001 VMAs--the one with Britney Spears performing "Slave For You." So it's been 8 whole years since I've even cared to watch one.
I'm sick of people still talking about Kanye, Beyonce and Taylor whatever (never heard of her before). They should be talking about Janet and Michael! But nooooo stupid things are more interesting.
I like Madonna's music, and her as a person, I believed what she said at the VMA's. People like to create drama about everything.

Ditto. Once again, the media/paparazzi is seriously "The Scum of the Earth." We should all already know this, though. The things they say are BEYOND heartless and cynical. I don't even have words to describe how unjust they are. Just... UGH!!!

Just try to pay them no mind. I know it can be very difficult... but sometimes it's best to avoid watching, reading or hearing things that you know will get you upset. Don't let these fucktards have that power over you.
Michael told us a long time ago that people will always judge you no matter what you're doing. Even if you're doing something positive, people will STILL find a way to criticize your every move because they, for some odd reason, feel the need to belittle you instead of feeling happy for you. Too many people are plagued with this type of insecurity
Loved your performance, Janet!

Loved your trailer, Mike-Mike! One day when I see you I'm gonna give you a big hug for the wonderful footage you've created! It's so nice seeing you smiling and you looked like you were really having FUN!! Love you forever more.
It's weird how last night when we were watching no one had anything but really good stuff to say about Madonna and only today, after the media accused her of being self-serving, did anyone on here start saying that she made it all about her. I just find that interesting - how hearing an opinion first can affect our perception. Not that that's the case for everyone, but some.

That's an interesting point. I can't believe there are people in here who are trashing Janet as well! I bet Michael was going crazy over it wherever he is now, he would have been fiercely proud! I can't believe anyone would think otherwise! She did an awesome job.
I can't believe people are trashing Janet and Madonna.

Janet's big brother just died if you hadn't realised. Her BROTHER. Not a singer/entertainer she was a fan of. Her BROTHER. To trash her performance the way I've just seen is SICK. I'm surprised she could get up on that stage [however strong she is], nevermind get up in front of an audience and sing along and dance along to her brother who just died.

Madonna [who I'm not a fan of..and generally I don't like her actions and the scandal she likes to create] did NOT have to do that speech, she did not have to stand up there and support and talk from the heart, about someone that some people still believe is a child molester and a freak [sorry to use harsh words - but this is what I'm faced with about MJ from haters regularly]. It was not 'about her' it was about HIM. She told the room ''I abandoned him, WE abandoned him...whilst he was trying to raise a family and work on his career we passed judgement, we turned our backs on him'' That was quite bold to tell those fellow entertainers - we [you] abandoned him. Things like this help in altering the publics negative perceptions of him. It makes people think.

If she hadn't made a statement you'd have criticised her. She makes a speech like that, paying tribute to him, speaking the truth about him, making people realise what they did to him and you STILL criticise her.. some of you baffle me!!
Obama Calls Kanye 'Jackass'

ABC's Terry Moran set the Twitter-sphere all aflutter when he wrote:


We've reached out to Moran and will update this post when we learn more.

Now, an ABC spokesperson explains to POLITICO what happened:

"In the process of reporting on remarks by President Obama that were made during a CNBC interview, ABC News employees prematurely tweeted a portion of those remarks that turned out to be from an off-the-record portion of the interview. This was done before our editorial process had been completed. That was wrong. We apologize to the White House and CNBC and are taking steps to ensure that it will not happen again."

The White House had no immediate comment.

—Josh Gerstein contributed to this report.
Good for him.. lol, glad to know our prez is up to date on all things even vma'

wow how classy:bugeyed

hell call a spade a spade.. the president is human... we all called him a jackass for doing it, why can't the prez?? :D
that comment wasn't suppose to be printed, but yet someone stepped outside the lines and did it..

like someone said earlier, he was waiting on the trailer and saw what kanye
I'm sorry, but I'm going to say it, you are a HATER. I'm not sure if you didn't get enough hugs as a child or if Madonna ran over your puppy but you take every single chance you get to bring her down. She can't do a single kind act without you or the media questioning her intentions. If it were up to media, the world would believe Madonna adopted her children because it was the "it" thing to do. It's despicable. You are exactly what Michael Jackson despised most about human nature. You want the world to understand MJ, to stop twisting and manipulating his good will, and yet you are doing the very same damn things we loathe as MJ fans to someone who gave her all to honor him. We get it, you don't like Madonna. Who ******* cares? Take your hate elsewhere. There is opinion and then there is nasty and you are the latter.

I'm truly disgusted with the people criticizing Janet and Madonna. Shame on you all!:no:

I really agree with you. People are showing love to MJ and some people still have to criticise...seriously what will make you happy?
I wish if they performed part of ‘Ghosts’ as well, it would’ve been great, I bet most of the audience doesn’t know anything about that movie, they might think it is a new song!
From the moment Janet showed up on stage til she finished performing, all I could do was crying....Tears started pouring down like crazy and I felt choked a few times. When she looked upward at the end, I felt choked and broke down and cried...She looked like she was about to cry:(
There was simply everything in that face, anger, grief,sadnes,dissapointment,etc.
I don't believe for a second this was simply her 'perform' and thus 'angry' face, no way.
Does anyone else see an eerie underlying similarity between Lady Gagas performance and Michaels life, and ultimately his passing? The song name. Paparrazi her choice of intro words: "Admist all of these flashing lights I pray the fame won't take my life"
And then the performance itself. Am I the only one here?
Cos I definately see a message there. A point made.

It's funny how her date for the evening was Perez Hilton... Double standard, much?
Janet sucked big time. Her "thing" was completely disrespectful to Michael. I was excepting something with some emotion… She can barely sing and dance… At least Madonna's speech was touching…

Because she [Madonna] was speaking about herself. No one wanted to hear that.

Uhh, what..?? Ppl gone mad now? :mello: J did a fantastic job, and Madonna's speech made me cry, she really touched my heart.

Those who feel Madonna's speech was "about herself" have missed the point entirely. It reaffirms my belief that we live in an age where people prefer soundbites to listening to and comprehending the whole story. When her speech first started I too wondered why she was comparing her life to that of Michael's. But I also wanted to know where she was going with her words. When she said Michael lost his childhood but she lost her mother, I wondered WHAT? Is this supposed to be a tribute?

But the speech turned when she stated that Michael got the short end of the stick. (I personally lost it then. Finally someone got it.) If people had continued to listen and not gotten hung up on her mentioning the similarities she and Michael shared, they would have realized that the point she was trying to make would not have been as powerful had she not made the comparisions that she did. In my opinion the reason for the comparisons was to show that there are a lot of people in the world who suffer hardships and loss, but there are very few who really and truely lose out on the pure freedom of being a child; of being permitted to make mistakes and learn from them.

Losing a childhood isn't simply about not being able to go to amusement parks or have fun. When one doesn't have a childhood they miss out on the opportunity to learn the basic fundamentals of interacting with the world as "normal" people do....and end up being looked upon as 'weird' and, in Michael's case, crucified for it. When in all reality they are simply different. And how could they not be?

How many times was Michael critized because the world listened to sound bites and ignored the whole story? Let us all try all little harder to understand the whole story when people speak and not only hear their sound bite.

That's what I'm talking about, excellent post! Gave you rept.

No no no, you guys - Obama's comment wasn't about Kanye interrupting Taylor, it was about this event:

:D :p

Everyone can say what they want about Madonna's speech but, she did something very few can do, humanize Michael :yes:

In my opinion, I loved Madonna's speech, Janet's performance, Beyonce's performance, and the trailer. That's what music and entertainment is. That's what we need more of. The rest of the VMA's I could've lived without -_-