Discussion about Charges against Dr. Murray / all threads merged

Re: Is there a possability Dr. Murray will be convicted to more than four years in jail?

Also, if he has never been charged or convicted of a crime, the judge could put him on probation and make him pay a fine and Murray will not have do any time. Also the judge could sentence him to 4 years and if he is a model prisoner, he could get out in 2 years.

and the pure thought of Murray getting probation makes me sick.....he kills a man and he walks away with probation....lets hope he gets atleast the full 4 years...not nearly enough in my book...he should get locked up forever and throw away the key.
Re: Is there a possability Dr. Murray will be convicted to more than four years in jail?

if they'd throw in additional charges yes, but as of now I don't see it happening. Obviously the DA had difficulties to charge him with any crime. :rolleyes: Seems like Murray is a hero to many. IMO
Re: Is there a possability Dr. Murray will be convicted to more than four years in jail?

And what about the bail? Could he just pay and get free?

yes thats what bail is. u pay it and then stay free until the end of the trial if u cant pay or break the rules (if theres any) of the bail u go to prison until the trial is over
Re: Is there a possability Dr. Murray will be convicted to more than four years in jail?

Also, if he has never been charged or convicted of a crime, the judge could put him on probation and make him pay a fine and Murray will not have do any time. Also the judge could sentence him to 4 years and if he is a model prisoner, he could get out in 2 years.

I really hate the thought of that. The thought of Murray getting put on probation and even getting only 2 years really disgusts me. I truly hope this doesn't happen. If the maximum amount of time he can serve is four years, then goddamnit I want him behind bars for those four full years. Pray that they're long for him.
Re: Is there a possability Dr. Murray will be convicted to more than four years in jail?

Murray getting put on probation really scares me. So its ok to kill a guy due to negligence and recklessness, but you're a doctor so we'll give you probation. Urgh, it makes me sick thinking about it.
Re: Is there a possability Dr. Murray will be convicted to more than four years in jail?

to me, he is a dead man walking.
Re: Is there a possability Dr. Murray will be convicted to more than four years in jail?

four years is really nothing when you cause someone to die out of severe negligence. Lives are sacred and are not to be undervalued. He knew what he was doing is dangerous and risky, but he was careless nonetheless.
Re: Is there a possability Dr. Murray will be convicted to more than four years in jail?

yes thats what bail is. u pay it and then stay free until the end of the trial if u cant pay or break the rules (if theres any) of the bail u go to prison until the trial is over

Alright, thank you!
So, in that case the bail is way too little to me...! He could easily pay that, couldn't he?
Re: If/When Murray is charged, what happens next?

One question..


wasnt he booked and posted a bail?

didnt they take MJs mug-shot during his arraignment in 2003?

so where is this guy´s mug-shot?
Re: If/When Murray is charged, what happens next?

I wouldnt be surprised if the lapd are hiding his mugshot.
Re: Is there a possability Dr. Murray will be convicted to more than four years in jail?

Alright, thank you!
So, in that case the bail is way too little to me...! He could easily pay that, couldn't he?

well, see, that's the thing - he's supposed to be broke. i believe someone paid the bail for him.

it also looks to me like the DA barely scraped enough evidence to charge him with IM, but i hope i'm dead wrong on this.
Re: Is there a possability Dr. Murray will be convicted to more than four years in jail?

Well he can get more then four years let me tell you why. Lets just say Murray gets to convicted but during his trial he refuses to take any blame for what happened he tries to blame Michael he tries to blame nurse Lee he tries to blame the doctor who put Michael under for dental surgery he blames everyone because he feels he did nothing wrong even though it is clear that he did he just refuses to take any responsibility. The DA can ask the judge at sentencing this guy is arrogant he just refuses to admit his actions caused Michael Jackson his life and he still has not said sorry to the family for there lost. The judge could say I am given you more then four years because you just refuse to own up for what you have done. Not saying it is going to happen but it could
Re: Is there a possability Dr. Murray will be convicted to more than four years in jail?

Well he can get more then four years let me tell you why. Lets just say Murray gets to convicted but during his trial he refuses to take any blame for what happened he tries to blame Michael he tries to blame nurse Lee he tries to blame the doctor who put Michael under for dental surgery he blames everyone because he feels he did nothing wrong even though it is clear that he did he just refuses to take any responsibility. The DA can ask the judge at sentencing this guy is arrogant he just refuses to admit his actions caused Michael Jackson his life and he still has not said sorry to the family for there lost. The judge could say I am given you more then four years because you just refuse to own up for what you have done. Not saying it is going to happen but it could

no, i think the max penalty for IM is 4 years, so there would have to be additional charges brought for any chance of more years added.

i see the logic in your post, though - no remorse. that could prompt the judge to impose the highest sentence, but that's still only 4 years without additional charges.
Re: Is there a possability Dr. Murray will be convicted to more than four years in jail?

No I disagree I know of a few cases where people were given more then the max
Re: Brian Oxman is asking for fans help and support to get charges against Murray changed.

Thanks for the info.

The charge should be more severe. But then I keep thinking about what Tmez said. If the DA doesn't have enough evidence to convict a 2nd degree murder charge, then Murray might be acquitted and not serve any time at all. They went with IM because they supposedly have the evidence to convict.

Anyways, I do still think it should be 2nd degree murder w/o a doubt.
Re: Brian Oxman is asking for fans help and support to get charges against Murray changed.

Between Oxman's words and T-Mez's words I choose T-Mez.

I agree in general that it was much more than involuntary manslaughter, but what if DA can't prove it? I don't want Murray to walk.
Re: Is there a possability Dr. Murray will be convicted to more than four years in jail?

No I disagree I know of a few cases where people were given more then the max

I think there is something called "SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES" where the prosecutors can ask for a stiffer sentence. But it appears that is not what the prosecutors are asking for. I think all that would have been brought up when Murray made his plee. To be honest, there wasn't anything out of the ordinary with this case.

And remember, having propofol and using it outside of the hospital isn't a crime. Legally it was not a crime. Murray is being charge basically because he should have known better and used common sense.
Re: Brian Oxman is asking for fans help and support to get charges against Murray changed.

This is a political Move by DA Cooley. He has thrown in his hat for California AG..please don't believe the hype people. Murray left Micheal dead for hours before he called 911,he had so much propofol in his system it was in his eye's, he lied to police, EMT's and Doctors at UCLA. He made phone call's while MJ was dead. Please people see it for what it is..this DA cares only about his career and doesn't care if There is Justice for Michael.
Re: Is there a possability Dr. Murray will be convicted to more than four years in jail?

yeha ive heard ppl say that but why are the sentencing guidlines 2-4 years if thats not the case and u can get probation

Because the courts take in consideration a lot of things. There have been people convicted of murder that is far worst than what Murray did and the sentencing was like 50 years and they get out after only serving 25 years.

Also it has a lot to do with the running of a prison by the wardens and other people that run the prison bureaus. If prisons are over crowded and they need more room for worst off offenders, they will release other prisoners that they deemed not to be a threat to society. If it can save money, they will release certain prisoners That's how it is in all 50 states.

I have to tell you, Involuntary Manslaughter is by far the least serious of all the other types of murders. I have feeling that Murray will do little time.
Re: Brian Oxman is asking for fans help and support to get charges against Murray changed.

i would rather go on a certainty than a gamble. But hell if they can get it through that would be AWESOME
Re: Brian Oxman is asking for fans help and support to get charges against Murray changed.

i would rather go on a certainty than a gamble. But hell if they can get it through that would be AWESOME

I'm with you. And most of the experts say that it's really hard to convict a doctor. They would have to find other patients that will say that Murray did not perform his job well as a doctor.

Brain Oxman in my opinion is a media whore just like Gloria Allred. He knows damn well that the procecutors will not change their case because of Michael Jackson fans. If they do, Murray will walk.
Re: Brian Oxman is asking for fans help and support to get charges against Murray changed.

Does everyone here understand that the maximum is 4 years for this charge. Most likely he will get probation. The DA will get a win and become The Next Attorney General of California.

Meanwhile Michael is dead, his children have no parents and the Jackson's are delivered one final slap in the face...

Re: Brian Oxman is asking for fans help and support to get charges against Murray changed.

I dont care whether you like Oxman or not. If you liked Michael Jackson, do what you can to help get higher charges placed on Murray.
Re: Brian Oxman is asking for fans help and support to get charges against Murray changed.

Thank you for that...I don't get why any Michael Jackson fan would be happy with these charges...Makes me want to SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Brian Oxman is asking for fans help and support to get charges against Murray changed.

This is a political Move by DA Cooley. He has thrown in his hat for California AG..please don't believe the hype people. Murray left Micheal dead for hours before he called 911,he had so much propofol in his system it was in his eye's, he lied to police, EMT's and Doctors at UCLA. He made phone call's while MJ was dead. Please people see it for what it is..this DA cares only about his career and doesn't care if There is Justice for Michael.

This I believe is true. I am so afraid of a plea bargain deal, especially with such a low charge already.
Re: Brian Oxman is asking for fans help and support to get charges against Murray changed.

oxman is just afetr the money!
Re: Brian Oxman is asking for fans help and support to get charges against Murray changed.

I dont care whether you like Oxman or not. If you liked Michael Jackson, do what you can to help get higher charges placed on Murray.

As much as I want higher charges here, and I really do, this is far more than IM, we need to be realistic here. I would rather Murray found guilty of IM and serve jail time than on trial for 2nd degree murder then walk. 12 people need to be convinced that it was 2nd degree murder and that is going to be extremely hard. But, there's nothing wrong with putting a bit of pressure on the DA's office in the off chance that it might help.
Re: Is there a possability Dr. Murray will be convicted to more than four years in jail?

No I disagree I know of a few cases where people were given more then the max

could you elaborate about the circumstances in these cases a bit more please? or links, or at least names so i could look them up? that would be great, thanks. :)

(this is not to prove you wrong or anything, i'm just after as much information as i can get)
Re: Brian Oxman is asking for fans help and support to get charges against Murray changed.

Between Oxman's words and T-Mez's words I choose T-Mez.

I agree in general that it was much more than involuntary manslaughter, but what if DA can't prove it? I don't want Murray to walk.

"Brian Oxman has excited audiences for years, on the lecture circuit, television, radio and print, talking about celebrity law and scandal"
Yeah,this self-introduction tells it all.